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Name: Tran Ngoc Quynh Giao ID: 1273273

Chapter 3 Shui Fabrics Case Study 1) Differences in Economics, Legal-Politics, and Society would create conflict between the two companies in culture, the way of thinking, controlling, managing, or developing.

The Difference in Perspective between Chinese and American using GLOBE Project dimensions Chinese American - Humane orientation - Performance orientation - Concerned about job - Wants to see better creation economic performance, - 3000 jobs made a real higher profits contribution to the local - Expect more than 20% ROI, economy not content with 5% ROI - Does not want to cut jobs - Thinking of pulling the plug - Relationship orientated on Shui if performance does not improve - Task orientated 2) Both sides should come to a compromise and maybe give Shui more time to take action to produce higher profits. Shui could also increase efficiency and cut costs in order to boost their profits. The American side should not take such a drastic measure and should give Shui reasonable time to become more performance orientated in the future. 3) Licensing could be another viable option. The American could license to the Chinese, so that their cost to enter foreign operations will be reduced. They will still have control, however, they may not have as much control as compared to the joint-venture. Thus, with less intial costs involved, Rocky RIver's expectations of 20% ROI could be achieved.

Name: Tran Ngoc Quynh Giao ID: 1273273

Chapter 4 Empress luxury line case Analysis 1) Antonio Melendez most likely to reach was silent about the matter. This decision will be beneficial to the most number stakeholders. advise Kevin to be if concerned

If Antonio were to decide using the individualism approach, he would not interfere in this case and simply advise Kevin to decide on his own. 2) If I were Antonio, the initial step that I would take, together with Kevin, is to submit a confidential memo addressed to a corporate officer higher than the CFO. Addressing the issue internally first would be better for the Company than going public right away. It is possible that the fraudulent act was not sanctioned by the other officials of the Company and was simply decided upon by a lone corporate official the CFO. By reporting the matter to the other officers first, Antonio will give the Company the chance to correct the fraudulent act. And on the assumption that the higher officials of the Company did not and would not have sanctioned such act (had they known beforehand), then Antonio has spared the Company from all the negative publicity and lawsuits that would possibly result from his act of going public right away. 3) Antonio and Kevin owe their prospective employers honesty in their dealings. Failure to state in their resumes their previous employment at Empress is dishonesty by intentional omission. It is ironic that after losing their jobs for reporting a dishonest and fraudulent act, they themselves would likewise do the same thing. Antonio, who worked for Empress for 2 years, would also find it very hard to explain to a prospective employer why he has no work for 2 years.

Name: Tran Ngoc Quynh Giao ID: 1273273

Chapter 6 PINNACLE MACHINE TOOL COMPANY 1) Steps in decision makings: - Identify and define the problem. - Determine the set of alternative solutions. - Determine the criteria that will be used to evaluate the alternative solutions. - Evaluate the alternative solutions. - Decide the most appropriate solution. However, they didnt determine the set of alternative solutions and steps followed. Don Anglos only focus on the current chance and he would not see the other existing or hidden opportunities for growing. 2) The best decision-making for Dons approach is: - Consider the progress that the company has made in 4 years during the time he was the CEO - Consider potential growth without acquisition - Consider other opinions - Consider his mind and his gut feeling. 3) I dont think Pinnacle should attempt to acquire Hoilman because it doesnt fit with Pinnacles customers. I would suggest the alternative: - Keep the manufacturing division and expand the service division. - Keep business as an manufacturing company and look for ways to trim cost but maintain quality - Explore opportunities for other joint ventures. - Develop better brand awareness and marketing strategies.

Name: Tran Ngoc Quynh Giao ID: 1273273

Chapter 7 FMB&T Critical Analysis 1) Main organizational causes made Ayishia Coles frustrated: - The company follows a traditional vertical organization - Inefficient communication between different word uints - Ambiguity in defining an employees roles and responsibilities - Lack of innovation. 2) If I were Marshall Pinkard, I would reply Ayishias request for her responsibilities and authority based on the Job description. I would write an email asking her clearly about the banks problems, any proof, any suggest her give some solutions. I would not promise or hastily propose minor adjustment before considering all factors, problems, causes, and possible solutions. It would make the banks situation even worse because it might not solve the roots of everything, but like a glass of water put into a big fire. The environmental and technical factors influencing my decisions are: - The up-dated technologies supporting banking operations - The business environment: customer satisfaction, competitors, and the organization structure. 3) I think the best organizational chart for IT at FMB&T would be functional structure.

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