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Future of Human Resources in Health Care

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Future of Human Resources in Health Care

Question #1

As a healthcare manager, some strategies can be used to overcome resource challenges:

keeping and landing talented workers, maintaining staff morale and keeping a favorable

environment for workers, focusing on workers’ requirements and desires, and help workers to

overcome certain challenges to support positive leadership (Rane et al., 2016). Also, other

essential strategies are developing training opportunities for employees and encouraging positive

communication between employees and employers.

Some future human resources issues related to healthcare are safety, digitization and

privacy. This is because privacy is mostly about patients’ information that should be kept secure

and private at all times. However, keeping patients’ data is somehow challenging. Information

may be leaked to others by some healthcare practitioners, such as nurses and physicians. Safety

is a future resource issue because personnel working in healthcare organizations may get infected

by infectious bacteria/viruses or diseases, such as Covid-19 from some patients.

On the other hand, current human resources issues related to health care are development,

training, and recruitment. Development is a current issue because it always takes place, but

unfortunately, very slow, and even it may fail to occur in certain situations. While training is a

current issue because it brings development, and if not well applied, it may result in poor

condition or sluggish growth.

As an effective human resource manager, I will handle these issues by utilizing emotional

intelligence, and, most importantly, I will confront the current uncertainties and prioritize all

planning and decision-making processes for all healthcare professionals in healthcare


Question #2

Ideally, employee turnover mostly happens when workers notice the workplace culture

contradicts their beliefs or ideals. The leading causes for employee turnover include exhaustion,

no sense of direction in the workplace, workers not being ready to be challenged regarding their

work or performance, and an evil boss. Suggestively, these turnovers can be minimized by

knowing and recognizing the problem and how to solve it, strengthen the bond between workers

and employers, and employers being able to listen to their constituents.

Question #3

Opinionatedly, the leadership training skills that I feel should be standardized for human

resource manager is interpersonal skills, decision-making skills, communication skills,

leadership and organization skills. This training can be enforced in an organization by examining

the training needs, setting the training objectives, creating an action plan, implementing training

initiatives, and revising and evaluating training (Car et al, 2018). Yes, my organization has

required leadership training, primarily because it views the executives and HR personnel as a

primary human challenge now and more so in the foreseeable future.



Car, L. T., Kyaw, B. M., & Atun, R. (2018). The role of eLearning in health management and

leadership capacity building in health system: a systematic review. Human resources for

health, 16(1), 1-9.

Rane, A. B., Sunnapwar, V. K., & Rane, S. (2016). Strategies to overcome the HR barriers in

successful lean implementation. International Journal of Procurement

Management, 9(2), 223-247.

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