Comparative Study of Electricity Production Cost of Renewable Energy Power Plants Case of Photovoltaic Plant and Biogas Generators Power Plant in Sahel Area

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 2, January-February

ruary 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Comparative Study of Electricity Production Cost of Renewable

Energy Power Plants: Case of Photovoltaic Plant and
Biogas Generators Power Plant in Sahel Area
Seydou Ouedraogo1, Moussa Tissologo2, Arnaud R. A. A. Valea3,
Adekunlé A. Salami4, Ayité. S. A. Ajavon4
Master-Assistant, 2,3Assistant, 4Professor,
Electrical Engineering Department, University Institute of Technology, Nazi Boni University, Burkina Faso
Electrical Engineering Department, University Institute of Technology, Norbert Zongo University, Burkina Faso
Electrical Engineering Department, Burkina Institute of Technology (BIT), Koudougou, Burkina Faso
Electrical Engineering Department, National School of Engineers, University of Lomé, Togo

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Seydou

The massive use of renewable energies for electricity production Ouedraogo | Moussa Tissologo | Arnaud
still comes up against a very high production cost per kilowatt- R. A. A. Valea | Adekunlé A. Salami
Sa |
hour. Although renewable energies are free and inexhaustible at Ayité. S. A. Ajavon "Comparative Study
human scale, most of time the high cost value of producing of Electricity Production Cost of
Renewable Energy Power Plants: Case of
electricity from these renewable energies is related to the
Photovoltaic Plant and Biogas
conversion equipments cost. For this reason, the purpose of this Generators Power Plant in Sahel Area"
research is to choose the most suitable conversion system for a Published in
given site, taking into account the system implementing costs International Journal
and the cost of electricity produced per kilowatt-hour. For a of Trend in Scientific
given electrical load, the project carrying out costs and the Research an
electricity cost per kilowatt-hour are calculated for Photovoltaic- Development (ijtsrd),
lithium battery storage, Photovoltaic-AGM
Photovoltaic battery storage, ISSN: 2456
Volume-66 | Issue-2,
Issue IJTSRD49434
Photovoltaic-Gel battery storage, Photovoltaic-lead battery
storage and plant consisting of generators running on biogas. February 2022,
The different costs comparison made it possible to designate PV- pp.1346-1355,
1355, URL:
Gel battery storage power plant as the best suited model for the
studied site. The Photovoltaic-Gel battery power plant gave the Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
lowest project costs, bearable by users in Sahelian zone in which International Journal of Trend in
the electrification project is planned. Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an Open Access article
KEYWORDS: Photovoltaic, battery storage, biogas, electricity, distributed under the
kilowatt-hour cost terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)

Access to modern sources of energies is one of solar photovoltaic or biogas is an appropriate
necessary conditions for development of South solution in some contexts to satisfy electrical
countries, in particular rural area, which is energy needs of populations at bearable cost for
generally isolated and not connected to traditional user, especially in rural areas [3].
electricity networks [1]. Sectors listed in poverty Photovoltaic systems must be connected with other
reduction strategy: agriculture, education, health,
energy source, so that load can be satisfied at night
industry, water, etc., cannot develop sustainably or in cloudy weather. Storage is sometimes ideal,
without adequate supply of appropriate energy battery bank, electrolyzer with hydrogen tank or a
service. For sustainable development, recourse to combination of two different storage devices such
energy systems with renewable energy sources has as electrolyzer and battery or electrolyzer and super
therefore become essential for electrical energy capacitor [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]. Photovoltaic systems
production [2]. The use of renewable energies, like are currently economical for low power

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IJTSRD | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb
Feb 2022 Page 1346
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
installations. For off-line power systems, storage  TL 
cost represents the greatest constraint on system S DR = 1370exp -  sin (h ) (1)
overall cost for large power installations.  0.9 + 9.4sin (h ) 

As for biogas, it can be converted into electricity SDR being solar direct radiation, TL is Link disorder
through generators, where it is used as gaseous fuel. factor, h is sun height, 1370 is conversion factor.
Part of research work is directed towards design of The solar diffuse radiation is calculated by equation
new systems for converting biogas into electricity below:
[9]. In this structure, there is no storage of electrical
energy. Biogas generators production ensures (
S DifR = 54.8 sin (h ) TL − 0.5 − sin (h ) ) (2)
continuity of electricity supply. In France, at Borde-
SDifR is solar diffuse radiation, TL is Link disorder
Matin power station, biogas is converted into factor, h is sun height in sky.
electricity by seven (7) generators, which produce a
total nominal electrical power of 6.2 MW at 20 kV 2.2. Biogas production modeling
[10], [11]. Biogas from Barycz storage facility in Biogas production makes it possible to recover
Poland, is converted into electrical and thermal organic waste by producing renewable energy [16],
energy in three energy blocks in containers, with [17]. Five (05) types of animal droppings are
total nominal electrical output of 873 kW. The considered in this study [18]. This is waste from
output electricity is delivered to the company of pigs, cattle, goats, sheep and poultry. The digester
energy network distribution [12], [13]. sizing is done basis on livestock numbers present at
the site. Depending on animal species, animal’s
However, electricity production from renewable number required to produce organic material
energies still faces relatively high cost per kilowatt- quantity to produce one (1) m3 of biogas per day is
hour. A serious problem with increasing installed known [19].
capacity of renewable energy power systems is high
initial investment required due to materials used Table 1 Animals number for one m3 of biogas
high cost. For off-line electrical systems, storage production per day
cost represents the greatest constraint on overall Specie Cattle Pig Sheep Goat Poultry
cost of electrical system for large and medium- Number 1 3 11 11 93
power installations [14]. To minimize producing With livestock number at site, slurry quantity per
electricity cost, renewable energy choice for day is calculated with relationship below [20]:
conversion at a given site is important [15]. This is
why this study concerns cost of producing  1 1 1 1 
Qslur = 30 nca + n pi + nsh + nga + n po  (3)
electricity from photovoltaic power plant with  3 11 11 93 
battery storage and power plant made up of biogas
generators. Qslur is slurry available per day quantity, nCa cattle
number, npi pig number, nsh sheep number, ngo goat
This study objective is to find, between number, npo poultry number.
photovoltaic plant with battery storage and power
plant composed of biogas generators, the best If the livestock numbers at a given site are known,
power plant for a given site with regard to low cost the biogas volume produced per day is evaluated
of investment, operation, maintenance, as well as according to the following relationship [21]:
the cheapest cost of electricity kilowatt-hour. VBiogas = nca + 3n pi + 11nsh + 11n go + 93n po (4)
VBiogas is biogas available volume per day, nCa is
It is about here, to find and compare optimal
cattle number, npi is pig number, nsh is sheep
production cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of
number, ngo is goat number, npo is poultry number.
electricity from photovoltaic power plant composed
of photovoltaic field, battery storage, inverter and 2.3. Photovoltaic module modeling
the optimal production cost per kilowatt-hour of A photovoltaic system directly converts sunlight
power plant composed of biogas generators. into electricity. The main device of a photovoltaic
system is a solar cell. Cells may be grouped to form
2.1. Solar energy modeling
panels or arrays. In order to maximize the extracted
The global solar radiation is sum of direct radiation
output power from a photovoltaic power plant, the
and diffuse radiation. The solar direct radiation on a
understanding and modeling of photovoltaic cell is
horizontal plane is given:

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49434 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 1347
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The single-diode equivalent circuit model is The output power is given by:
arguably the most popular used photovoltaic cell P = I pvV pv (6)
model thanks to its relatively appropriate trade-off
between accuracy and simplicity [22]. This model Photovoltaic generator performance depends on
has been confirmed to be more accurate than other illumination, temperature and on the load to be
model [23]. supplied.
Although single-diode equivalent circuit model 2.4. Inverter modeling
imitates the behavior of physical photovoltaic cells An inverter input power is power produced by
better than ideal photovoltaic cell model, it can also photovoltaic field. Output power can be expressed
lack accuracy, especially in the situations where the from input power and efficiency [28].
photovoltaic cell presents many defects and/or Pout = η inv Pin (7)
important temperature variation [24]. The
configuration of the simulated ideal solar cell with
is inverter output power, is inverter input
single-diode, shunt resistance and series resistance
is shown in Figure 1. power, is inverter efficiency.
η inv = (8)
p + p0 + kp 2
p= (9)
Figure 1 Single Diode Equivalent Circuit Model
ηinv is inverter efficiency, p0 and k are coefficients
of photovoltaic cell.
In Figure 1, Iph is the photo generated current, Id is calculated from data provided by manufacturer, p is
the diode current, Ish is the shunt resistance current, reduced power, Pn is inverter peak power.
Ipv is the output current, and Vpv is the terminal 2.5. Digester modeling
voltage. The digester power is calculated based on methane
According to the existing literature, the presence of content in biogas and calorific value of this biogas
this shunt resistance represents the construction [29]. 100% methane content in biogas has 12.67
defects that cause leakage currents within the PV kWh/m3calorific value. The digester electrical
cell, i.e., any parallel high-conductivity
conductivity paths power is given by following relationship [30].
(shunts) free carriers produced by the solar tPCI 100VBiogas
irradiation across the photovoltaic cell P-N junction PDig = (10)
or on the photovoltaic cell edges [25], [26].
PDig is digester power, t is methane content in
A high shunt resistance means that the clear biogas, PCI100 is 100% methane content calorific
majority of these carriers generate power, whereas a value in biogas, VBiogas is biogas volume per day, 24
low resistance indicates large losses [27]. The is one day hour number.
magnitude of the shunt resistance varies with
different fabrication methods since it is intimately 2.6. Storage battery modeling
related to the construction defects. The I-V Batteries or accumulators are electrochemical
characteristics of the solar cell with single-diode, systems, which store energy in chemical form and
shunt resistance and series resistance are given by: release it in electrical form. Modeling batteries is a
very important task both in their development and
  q (V pv + Rs I pv )   V pv + Rs I pv in certain applications requiring battery state
I pv = I ph − I s exp  − 1 −
  akT   Rsh modeling in real time [31]. There are several
(5) methods for modeling batteries behavior. The
equivalent electric circuit model, known under
IS represents the saturation current, a is the ideality Thevenin model name is the most used model for
factor of the diode. Constant k is the Boltzmann’s different types of batteries in various applications
constant (1.380653*10-23 J/°K), q is the absolute [32], [33]. Figure 2 gives this type of model
value of electron’s charge (1.60217646*10-19 C), T diagram.
is the temperature of the junction (°K).

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Feb 2022 Page 1348
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
generator are considered to calculate cost per
kilowatt-hour electricity produced by each electric
system [37]. We propose here minimization of cost
equation expressed as optimal size function of each
generator, while respecting load energy constraints
The "objective function" takes into account costs of
Figure 2 Thevenin model of battery acquisition, operation, maintenance and renewal of
In figure 2, R0 is the ohmic resistance, VOC is the photovoltaic generator.
no-load voltage, CP the double layer capacitance,
RP is the charge transfer resistance at electrode- OFPV = C I − PV + C I − Inv + C I − Bat

electrolyte interface and IBat is the battery current + CM − PV + C M − Inv + C M − Bat
intensity 
+ COp − PV + COp − Inv + COp − Bat (14)
The Thevenin's electric model equation takes 
following equation form [33]. + C R − PV + C R − Inv + C R − Bat
+ VR − PV + VR − Inv + VR − Bat
 
VBat (s ) = Voc (s ) − I Bat (s )
 (11)
 1 + RP CP (s )  OFPV is objective function of photovoltaic
generator, CI-PV is photovoltaic field investment
VOC is open circuit voltage, R0 is battery resistance, cost, CI-Inv is inverter investment cost, CI-Bat is
VBat(S) is battery voltage corresponds to battery battery investment cost, CM-PV is photovoltaic field
charge state S, IBat is battery current intensity, Cp is maintenance cost, CM-Inv Inv is inverter maintenance
polarization capacitance, Rp is polarization cost, CM-Bat is battery maintenance cost, COp-PV is
resistance. photovoltaic field operation cost, COp-Inv is inverter
2.7. Biogas generator modeling operation cost, COp-Bat is battery operation cost, CR-
Biogas can be valorized in electricity by generators, PV is photovoltaic field renewal cost, CR-Inv is
where it is used as gaseous fuel [34]. Several inverter renewal cost, CR--Bat is battery renewal cost,
parameters allow describing the performance of VR-PV is photovoltaic field residual value, VR -Inv is
biogas engines, among which are specific inverter residual value, VR –Bat is battery renewable
consumption and efficiency. The specific cost.
consumption (CS) is equal to gas consumed Thus, for photovoltaic generator, following relation
quantity during one hour to produce 1 kW of is used.
electrical power [35]. For biogas generators, it is   1−bPV
FPV ( x ) = a PV 1 + mPV ED (i, a, d )A(a, nPV ) − S (a, d ) PV
expressed in g/kWh or Nm3/kWh [36]. nPV
 xPV
 
CS = aP 2 (t ) + bP(t ) + c (12)  nr 
+ a Inv 1 + ED(i, a , d ) − S (a, d ) Inv  xPV xInv
− bInv

 n Inv 
CS is generator specific consumption, a, b and c are
generator constants characteristic, P(t) is generated (15)
power by generator at time t. xpv is photovoltaic field power, xInv is inverter
Biogas generator overall efficiency is biogas power, aPV is photovoltaic field acquisition
chemical energy conversion efficiency into coefficient 1, bPV is photovoltaic field acquisition
electrical energy. It is directly related to specific coefficient 2, aInv is inverter acquisition coefficient
consumption [36]. 1, bInv is inverter acquisition coefficient 2, mPV is
photovoltaic field percentage corresponding to
3600 maintenance cost, A(a,nPV) is annualization factor
ηGBio = (13)
PCI ⋅ CS of photovoltaic field investment cost, ED(i,a,d) is
ηGBio is biogas generator overall efficiency, CS is current expenditure discount factor, ED(i, ,d) non-
current expenditure discount factor, S(a,d) discount
generator specific consumption, PCI is biogas
factor, nrPV is photovoltaic field remaining lifetime,
lower calorific value.
nPV is photovoltaic field lifetime, nrInv is inverter
2.8. Technical and economic analysis remaining lifetime, nInv is inverter lifetime.
In technical-economic analysis, investment,
The photovoltaic generator must be able to satisfy
maintenance, operating and renewal costs as well as
the load power at all times. This constitutes
residual value of biogas generators and photovoltaic
constraint, which results in following equation.

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Feb 2022 Page 1349
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
η Inv FPV aDig is digester acquisition coefficient 1, bDig is
G (t )xPV + η Inv x Inv = D (t ) (16) digester acquisition coefficient 2, aGBio is generator
acquisition coefficient 1, bGBio is generator
G(t) is solar radiation, ηInv is inverter efficiency, xInv acquisition coefficient 2, C0 is1 Nm3 biogas cost, b0
is inverter power, FPV is various losses factor is biogas generators maintenance coefficient 2, a1
recorded on photovoltaic field, D(t) is load power at and b1 are consumption parameters of each biogas
every hour, xPV is photovoltaic field power. generator, A(a,nDig) is digester factor of investment
Formulation of optimization problem of cost annualization, Dmax is maximum load value, β
photovoltaic generator sizing therefore boils down is load rate, mDig is digester unit percentage
to constrained optimization problem. corresponding to maintenance cost, nrDig is biogas
plant remaining lifetime, nDigis biogas plant total
Min[FPV ( x )] lifetime, nrGBio is biogas generators lifetime, nGBio is

η Inv FPV (17) biogas generators total lifetime, Xt+2 is biogas
 1000 G (t )xPV + η Inv xInv = D (t ) generator number in operation at each hour of day,
n is biogas generators number, ED(i,a,d) is current
Min[Fpv (x)] is minimum value of function Fpv(x),
expenditure discount factor, ED(i, ,d) non-current
xpv is nominal photovoltaic field power, G(t) is solar
expenditure discount factor, S(a,d) discount factor.
radiation, ηInv is inverter efficiency, xInv is an
inverter power, D(t) is load power at each hour t. Biogas power plant must be able to satisfy load
power at all times. This constitutes constraint which
In case of biogas generators, the "objective
results in following equation.
function" takes into account costs of acquisition,
operation, maintenance and renewal of each biogas xGBio X t + 2 = D(t ) (20)
xGBio is biogas generator power, Xt+2 is biogas
OFBio = C I − Dig + C I −GBio generator number in operation at each hour of day,
 D(t) is load power at each hour t.
+ CM − Dig + C M −GBio
 The problem formulation therefore boils down to
+ COp − Dig + COp −GBio (18)
 constrained optimization problem.
+ C R − Dig + C R −GBio
+ VR − Dig + VR −GBio Min[FBio (x )]
  (21)
 xGBio X t + 2 = D(t )
OFBio is objective function of biogas generator, CI-
Min[FBio(x)] is minimum value of FBio(x) function,
Dig is digester investment cost, CI--GBio is biogas
generator investment cost, CM-Dig xGBio is biogas generator nominal power, Xt+2 is
Dig is digester
maintenance cost, CM-GBio is biogas generator biogas generator number in operation at each hour
maintenance cost, COp-Dig is digester operation cost, of day, D(t) is load power at each hour t.
COp-GBio is biogas generator operation cost, CR-Dig is III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
digester renewal cost, CR-GBio is biogas generator This study is carried out for 20 years project
renewal cost, VR-Dig is digester residual value, VR- duration. It is question of finding optimal
GBio is biogas generator residual value. production costs per kilowatt-hour
kilowatt of electricity of
The objective function of our problem is deduced each power plant at a given site and then compares
from the preceding developments. Thus, for biogas electricity production costs per kilowatt-hour to
generators: determine the most suitable plant for the site. The
 nrDig  1− bDig
technical-economic optimization is carried out by
FBio (x ) = aDig 1 + 2mDig ED(i, a, d )A(a, nDig ) − S (a, d )  xDig
 nDig  Homer software. The Homer software will be
 nr  − bGBio configured with the simulation parameters for each
+ a2 β Dmax 1 + ED(i, a , d ) − S (a, d ) GBio  xGBio electric system element.
 nGBio 
24 24
+ nED(i, a, d )[C0 (a1β + b1 ) + b0 ]xGBio ∑ X t + 2 + nED(i, a, d )a0 ∑ X t + 2
3.1. Demand profile
t =1 t =1 The electrical load profile to be satisfied at the site
(19) by each power plant is given in figure 3.

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Feb 2022 Page 1350
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Load profile
reaches 312365 m3 per day. Generators operate
with biogas at 48% methane content. With biogas
volume from Table 2, digester electrical power is
determined. The electricity generated with
generators from this biogas quantity is 80000 kW.
Load [kW]


3.4. Optimal sizes of power plants elements
The study is carried out for 20 years project
duration and 9800 kW of load peak. Table 3 shows
different biogas power plant elements lifetime and
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 121314 151617 181920 2122 23 Table 3 Optimal size of biogas generators power
Figure 3 Electrical load profile. Element Size (kW) Life time (Year)
3.2. Solar radiation assessment Digester 25128 25
Due to site geographic location, there is a huge Biogas generator 12250 10
solar deposit. The best curve radiation at studied
Load satisfaction at all times including the load
site is on March. This curve is used in this study to
peak, which is 9800 kW by the power plant
understand better photovoltaic power plant
composed of generator sets running on biogas,
dynamics. The solar radiation profile at the site is
requires a digester power of 25128 kW, which will
determined for this month.
produce the biogas necessary to operate biogas
Site solar radiation profile
generators with total power of 12250 KW. The
digester lifetime of 25 years, which is higher than
700 the project lifetime (20 years), is an advantage in
600 the digester residual value calculation. However,
Solat radiation (W/m 2)

biogas generators lifetime (10 years) is half of the

project lifetime. This means that the generators will
400 be renewed once before the project end. This will
increase the cost of renewing the generators.

Table 4 shows different photovoltaic power plant
elements lifetime and size.
Table 4 Optimal size of photovoltaic power plant
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 1516171819 20212223 24 PV power plant Size Life time
Hour elements (kW) (Year)
Figure 4 Solar radiation profile at the site PV field 65333 25
Inverter 66000 20
The site daily solar radiation average is 5.5
Lithium battery 235200 10
kWh/m2/d. The isolation time is 3000 to 3500 hours
per year, with average producible estimated at 1620 AGM battery 235200 3
kWh. The chosen site has very high potential for Gel batteries 235200 7
sunshine. Lead acidbattery 235200 4

3.3. Site's biogas production estimation The satisfaction of the load at any time including
Biogas production potential at study site is given in the peak of the load that is 9800 kW by
Table 2. photovoltaic plant with electrochemical storage
requires photovoltaic power plant composed of
Table 2 Biogas energy available at the site photovoltaic field with 65333 kW, an inverter with
Production Quantity power of 66000 kW and an electrochemical storage
Slurry quantity (tons/day) 9370.98 of 235200 kWh. The photovoltaic field and the
Biogas volume (m /day) 312365 inverter lifetimes respectively 25 and 20 years,
Biogas weight (tons/day) 224.90 compared to project lifetime are advantageous for
Daily electrical energy (kWh) 1920000 the calculation of renewal costs and residual value
Electric power (kW) 80000 of these elements. With regard to the storage life,
The studied site has very high potential for biogas excluding lithium batteries lifetime (10 years)
production. The biogas production at this site which are renewed only once during the project

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49434 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 1351
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
life, the other batteries are renewed twice for Gel 3.5. Power plants economic analysis
batteries, six times for AGM batteries and four The sizing optimization with Homer software of
times for lead acid batteries. This will lead to very power plant composed of generators running on
high storage renewal costs and low residual values. biogas gave results recorded in Table 5.
Table 5 Optimal costs of biogas generators plant
Initial Operation Maintenance Renewal Residual kWh
capital ($) cost ($) cost($) cost ($) value ($) cost ($)
432530000 135930000 136340000 648900000 26241000 0.7731
Sizing optimization with Homer software of photovoltaic power plants with different storage battery
technologies gave results recorded in Table 6 to 10.
Table 6 Optimal costs of photovoltaic power plant with lithium battery storage
Initial Operation Maintenance Renewal Residual kWh
capital ($) cost ($) cost ($) cost ($) value ($) cost ($)
362040000 514689 4393300 1122400000 4924700 0.7513
Table 7 Optimal costs of photovoltaic power plant with AGM battery storage
Initial Operation Maintenance Renewal Residual kWh
capital ($) cost ($) cost ($) cost ($) value ($) cost ($)
181400000 514689 4393300 827380000 19883000 0.4655
Table 8 Optimal costs of photovoltaic power plant with gel battery storage
Initial Operation Maintenance Renewal Residual kWh cost
capital ($) cost ($) cost ($) cost ($) value ($) ($)
189550000 514689 4393300 597190000 8502100 0.3276
Table 9 Optimal costs of photovoltaic power plant with lead acid battery storage
Initial Operation Maintenance Renewal Residual kWh cost
capital ($) cost ($) cost ($) cost ($) value ($) ($)
173870000 13134000 13134000 689360000 4924700 0.5152
3.6. Each power plant optimal costs comparison
Table 10 summarizes discounted costs of investment, operation, maintenance, renewal, as well as residual
value of each power plant.
Table 10 Photovoltaic power plants and biogas power plant optimal costs
Photovoltaic power plant
Biogas generators
PV-Lithium PV-AGM PV-Gel PV-Lead
Costs power plant
battery battery battery acid battery
Initial capital ($) 362040000 181400000 189550000 173870000 432530000
Operation cost ($) 514689 514689 514689 13134000 135930000
Maintenance cost ($) 4393300 4393300 4393300 13134000 136340000
Renewal cost ($) 1122400000 827380000 597190000 689360000 648900000
Residual value ($) 4924700 19883000 8502100 4924700 26241000
The photovoltaic-lithium battery power plant initial capital ($362040000) is practically the double of initial
investments of photovoltaic power plants using other battery technologies (around $180000000 each). This
is due to lithium batteries acquisition cost, which is very high, compared to purchase cost of other types of
batteries. However, biogas generators plant investment cost ($432530000) is higher than photovoltaic power
plants investment cost, regardless of storage battery technology used. This is explained by the fact that
biogas must first be produced and biogas production cost is added to generators acquisition cost. The biogas
power plant operation costs ($135930000) and maintenance costs ($136340000) are also significant
compared to photovoltaic plants operating and maintenance costs. These massive operation and maintenance
costs of biogas power plant will contribute to increasing electricity kWh cost of this power plant and create
financial difficulties for financing biogas power plant project.
Taking into account only investment, operation and maintenance costs, the most appropriate power plant for
this site is photovoltaic power plant with Gel battery storage.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49434 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 1352
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
3.7. Electricty kilowatt-hour cost comparison
Optimal costs of electricity kilowatt-hour of photovoltaic power plants and biogas generators power plant
are shown on Table 11.
Table 11 Electricity kilowatt-hour optimal costs
Photovoltaic power plant
Biogas generators
PV-Lithium PV-AGM PV-Gel PV-Lead
Costs power plant
battery battery battery acid battery
kWh cost ($) 0.7513 0.4655 0.3276 0.5152 0.7731
The cost of electricity kilowatt-hour produced by photovoltaic-lithium battery plant ($0.7513) is practically
the same as kilowatt-hour cost of biogas generator plant ($0.7731). Apart from photovoltaic-lithium battery
plant, electricity kilowatt-hour cost of other plants is lower than cost of electricity produced by biogas
generators power plant. The cost of kilowatt-hour of electricity produced by photovoltaic-Gel battery power
plant ($0.3276) is the lowest compared to kilowatt-hour cost of photovoltaic plants and biogas generators
power plant. Taking into account only electricity kilowatt-hour cost, photovoltaic-Gel battery power plant is
the best choice for this site.
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