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Dr Stevens

General Practitioner

Mill Street Surgery


GU10 1HA


Dear Dr Stevens,

Re: Mrs Sally Fletcher, D.O.B: 3/10/1993

I am writing in regards to Mrs Fletcher, a 25-year-old accountant, who has been discharged today after
successful recovery following laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis. Your further follow up care would
be highly appreciated.

On 25/03/2018, Mrs Fletcher underwent laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis. Her post operative
recovery was uncomplicated. [Missed admission day patient symptoms and USG finding]

Following the surgery, Mrs Fletcher displaced good progress towards recovery. She could sit
comfortably. On examination, she was afebrile, alert and oriented. A set of investigations was ordered
and all the reports were within normal limits. Please note, she was advised to keep her incisions clean
and dry.

Prior to discharge today, it was ensured that she could eat, ambulate and urinate independently. She
was given a set of (advices 👉 advice) regarding her mobility, which included instructions pertaining to
showering, driving and sexual activity. Additionally, nursing assistance was provided regarding diet and

I would be grateful if you could monitor her condition.

Should there be any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,


1. Grammatical error was noticed.

2. Missed info in admission day patient symptoms and usg finding

Word count 162

1. Purpose- Immediately apparent and sufficiently

Comment 2. Content- Missed info
3. Conciseness and clarity- Minimum Irrelevant
information was written.
4. Genre and Style- letter was clinical, formal, precise
and non-judgmental.
5. Organization and layout- Logical, clear and key word
is highlighted
6. Language- Grammatical error was noticed,
Appropriate use of comma, Spelling, cohesion was
good enough.

Advice 1. Follow the sample letter and explanation part

2. Keep practicing.

Estimated Grade C+ (330)

A Sample letter of this case note

Dr Stevens

Mill Street Surgery




Dear Dr Stevens,

Re: Mrs Sally Fletcher,DOB:3/10/1993

I am writing to update you regarding Mrs Fletcher who is being discharged today after a successful
laparoscopy surgery due to endometriosis. Your further follow-up care would be highly appreciated.

Today, Mrs Fletcher presented with complaints of frequent menstrual pain which was localized on the
left lower side of her abdomen despite taking over the counter naproxen. Therefore, a transvaginal
ultrasound was ordered which showed a 6 cm cyst of possible endometrial origin. Consequently, she
underwent laparoscopy surgery. Please note, she had no post-operative complications.

Mrs Fletcher's condition has greatly progressed. She is afebrile whereas her test results were within
normal range. She is on analgesics and has been prohibited from driving until 48 hours after the last
dose of analgesics. Additionally, her sexual activity can be resumed in two weeks. Her nursing care has
been focused on encouraging oral fluids and restarting her regular diet as well as ambulation. Please
note, Mrs Fletcher will be discharged when she independently resumes her activities of daily living.

I would be grateful if you could monitor her condition accordingly.

Should there be any queries, do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

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