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\•1 �Mr
,, Soecifications of Double Beam UV-Visible Soectronhotome_...
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. ,. Microprocessor based UV-Vis

pectrophotometer with the following specifications: irt,lendors
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1 Photometric System
Double beam optics
2 Photometric range
Absorbance: -4 to +4.0 Abs, Transmittance:0.0 to 400%

3 Photometric Accuracy
+/· 0.0015 Abs. at 0.5 Abs or better
4 Wavelength Range
190 to 1100 nm or better
5 Wavelength Display & Setting
0.1 nm increment

6 Wavelength Accuracy
+/· 0.05 nm at D2 peak 656.1 nm

± 0.03 nm or less in entire range

7 Wavelength Repeatability
+/- 0.025 nm or better

8 Photometric Repeatability
< +/- 0.0001 Abs at 0.5 Abs

< +/- 0.0001 Abs at 1 Abs

< +/- 0.0005 Abs at 2 Abs

9 Scanning speed
Up to 5,000 nm/min or better
10 Spectral Bandwidth
1 nm or better

11 Stray light
< 0.02 % at 220 nm(Nal)

< 0.01 % at 340 nm(NanN02)

< 0.5% at 198 nm(KCI)

12 Baseline Stability
less than 0.0002 Abs/H

13 Baseline Flatness
less than 0.0003 Abs/H

14 Noise Level
Less than 0.00001 Abs

15 Monochromator
Czerny Turner blazed holographic grating

16 Detector Silicone photodiode

17 USB Port connectivity 2·3 USB ports for data Transfer, PC, Printer

18 Light source Tungsten and Deuterium lamp.

19 Long path cell Holder For 10, 20, 30, 50, 70 and 100 mm Cuvettes for and

sample reference

20 Quartz Cuvette Path length of 10 mm and 50 mm (01 Pair each!

21 10 mm path length glass cell 06 no's

22 50 mm path length glass cell 06 no's

23 Spectrophotometer should have built in hardware validation for Wavelength accuracy, wavelength

repeatability, resolution, stray light, photometric accuracy, photometric repeatability, baseline flatness,

- baseline stability, noise level.

24 Windows based Operating software should have built in features like real time concentration display,

Photometric mode Single / multi-wavelength, Enzyme Kinetics calculation, event recording such as

Addition of reagents during measurement, DNA/protein quantification etc. Spectrophotometer should

have built-in color touch screen display so that it can be used without PC/Laptop also.

25 No te: Catalogue copy having Model No. Make of the offered model & technical specifications should be
provided with the quotation.

Minimum two year warranty required from date of successful installation at NFL, Nangal, of instruments

i.e. all electrical & electronic components etc. Warranty card to be supplied with instrument. Operation

and service manual to be supplied with instrument. Installation and demonstration free of cost at NFL

Nangal. Instrument is supplied with all standard accessories and spares for ready to use.

Technical Specifications are provided as per Performa given in Annexure. Comments should be provided

as comply or deviation as shown in annexure under vendor's comment column

S c a n n e d wiith C a m S c a n n e r

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