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1. Which is the world’s largest museum? (American Museum of National
2. Which is the tallest tower in the World? (Tokyo Sky tree, Japan)
3. Which is the World’s largest Bay? (Bay of Bengal)
4. Which is the world’s largest Gulf? (Gulf of Mexico)
5. Which Mountain is known as killer mountain? (Nanga par bat)
6. Which is the coldest planet of solar system? (Pluto)
7. Who was the First President of USA? (George Washington)
8. On which date Pakistan conducted her five nuclear tests? (28 May 1998)
9. The largest city of African Continent is? (Cairo)
10. Which Continent has the most number of Countries? (Africa)
11. The Kalahari Desert is located in? (Africa)
12. Which Country is Pakistan’s largest export partner?( USA)
13. Which Country is the largest Producer of Automobiles?(China)
14. Which Pakistani President died in an air crash? (Zia-ul-haq)
15. The coldest place of the Earth is? (Vostok, Antarctica)
16. Who is the largest procedure of rubber in the world? (Thailand)
17. Which city was once called the “Forbidden City”? (Beijing)
18. Which Ocean Separates Europe from America? (Atlantic Ocean)
19. Which city of the world lies in both Asia & Europe? (Istanbul)
20. Which country is called as the land of Rising Sun? (Japan)
21. Which is the smallest Ocean of the world? (Arctic)
22. Which country is known as the land of white Elephants? (Thailand)
23. Which continent is the called white Continent? (Antarctica)
24. Which country is the end of the world? (Norway)
25. Labour Party is a political party in? (UK)
26. The first Prime Minister of Bangladesh was? (Mujib-ul-rehman)
27. How many Pakistanis have so far received the Nobel prize? (Two)
28. Which Constitution of Pakistan is bicameral? (1973)
29. Which Continent has no Desert/no countries? (Antarctica)
30. Which Country of the world is shaped like a boot? (Italy)
31. Which city is called as is the city of mosques? (Dhaka)
32. Which city is called as city of skyscrapers? (New York)
33. Among the following which is not a metal? (Diamond)
34. Which Country was the first one to use paper money? (China)
35. Astronomy is a science of? (Stars & Galaxies)
36. Congo is located in which Continent? (Africa)
37. In which country, first industrial Revolution took place? (England)
38. On which day world environment is observed? (25 Dec)
39. what is the length of world longest highway? (48000km)
40. which is the biggest island of the world? (Greenland)
41. which country is known as the sugar bowl of the world? (Cuba)
42. which country is known as the land of the midnight of the sun? (Norway)
43. sultan Ahmed Mosque of Istanbul is popular known as? (Blue mosque)
44. In cricket the highest test run score batsman of Pakistan is? (Yonas Khan)
45. In Feb 2008 elections who was elected as Pakistani prime minister?
(Yousef Raza Gillani)
46. who was the youngest president of USA? (Theodore Roosevelt)
47. which country is called as the land of thousands of lakes? (Finland)
48. the Sinai Peninsula is located. (Egypt)
49. in world population ranking Pakistan is in number. (6th)
50. Biggest neighboring country of Pakistan is? (China)
51. World 2nd largest coal mine is located in. (Pakistan)
52. the first British university to admit women for degree courses was.
(London university)
53. in which city masjid e Aqsa is located? (Jerusalem)
54. which acid is produced due to be sting? (Formic acid)
55. who was the first woman to go in space? (Valentina Tereshkova) :Who
was the first governor general of India after independence?(Nehro)
56. Urdu is the word of Turkish language which means?(Army)
57. PIA was founded in?(1967)
58. Who is the first elected women prime minister of Muslim world?(Benazir
59. Who was the founder of muslim rule in India?(Tippu Sultan)
60. Colour of the blood is red due to ?(Haemoglobin)
61. Where the headquarters of red cross is located?(London)
62. Which scientist presented the theory of relativity?(Einstein)
63. How much time the sun light takes to reach to earth?(8.5 minutes)
64. Which planet is nearest to the earth?(Venus )
65. Which blood group is call universal donor?(O group)
66. To an astronaut the sky will be visible in which colour?(Black)
67. Who was the first man to set foot on the Moon?(Neil Armstrong)
68. In which country the status of liberty was actually made ?(USA)
69. In chess,which is the only piece able to jump over other pieces ?(Knight)
70. Currently,How many planets are there in the solar system?(eight )
71. The normal length of football ground is ------ metres?(100-110)
72. The highest literate country of the world is ?(Norway)
73. Which country from the following is not the member of UNO? (Vatican
74. what is the name of world's longest highway? (Pan American highway).
75. Which is the largest coffee growing country in the world? (Brazil)
76. When SAARC was established? (Dec 1999).
77. The D-8 is an organization of eight...... countries? (Developing)
78. Land area wise, which country ranks 2nd in the world? (Canada).
79. Which is the world's oldest known city? (Damascus)
80. Which city is also known as the city of canals? (Venice)
81. Earthquake waves travel fastest in. (Water).
82. The European Union’s working capital is in.......? (Brussels)
83. Which river carries maximum quantity of water into sea? (Amazon).
84. What is length of Suez Canal? (162.5km)
85. Which is the World's largest diamond producing country? (South Africa)
86. Who discovered Australia? (James’s cook)
87. What is the national flower of Britain? (Rose).
88. Where is the Niagara fall located? (Canada)
89. When is the World literacy day celebrated? (8september)
90. Bismarck is the founder of modern? (Germany)
91. Margaret Thatcher was the 1st woman prime minister of: (England)
92. Which is the darkest continent of the world?(Africa)
93. World war I started in___&ended in__? (1914-1918)
94. Which power got defeated at the end of WWI?(Axis power)
95. World war II started in __ &ended in __?(1939_1945)
96. Which power became winner at the end of WWI?(allied powers)
97. Mr sadqain is famous for?(calligraphy)
98. Who introduced zero in mathematics?(indian)
99. Who was the 1st chief of army staff of Pakistan army?(general frank
100. Which is the darkest continent of the world?(Africa)
World war I started in___&ended in__? (1914-1918)
Which power got defeated at the end of WWI?(Axis power)
World war II started in __ &ended in __?(1939_1945)
Which power became winner at the end of WWI?(allied powers)
Mr sadqain is famous for?(calligraphy)
Who introduced zero in mathematics?(indian)
Who was the 1st chief of army staff of Pakistan army?(general frank
Who was the first cheif of naval staff of Pakistan navy?( Rear admiral
Who was the first cheif of air staff of paf?(AVM Allah perry)
Who was the us president during world war_1?(Woodrow Wilson)
Who was the us president during world war _11?( Franklin D Roosevelt)
Who presented the idea of creating SAARC?(president Zia ur Rehman)
Who was the last prophet of bani lsrael?(hazart Isa)
What is the 2nd name of bait ul maqdas?(masjid Aqsa)
How many idols were placed in Kaba before islam?(360)
In which city tribes attacked the Quaid's residency?(ziarat)

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