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Aliza Allana- 1815134

Advertising Research
Final Assignment
Shan vs National

The recall factor of Shan’s television commercial – Oath for her


to evaluate the recall factor of Shan Foods recent campaigns TVC Oath for her in comparison

to National food’s Aaj rung hai


This research paper works around finding out the recall factor of Shan foods’ recent

television commercial from the campaign oth for her and it compares the recall factor of this

advertisement with another advertisement of the same category but different brand and

campaign. The other advertisement that has been used for the contrast is National foods’

advertisement from the campaign aaj rung hai.

Starting off, Shan and National are two of the most known, reliable and most used masala

brands in Pakistan. Both of these brands produce many advertisements in order to gain the

attention of their audiences and almost all of their television commercials are rememberable

by their audiences due to the use to emotional appeal in their ads which grabs the attention

and help to create a recall factor for both of these brands.

Moving on, this article revolves around finding out the recall factor of Shan’s advertisement

from the campaign oath for her in which, the advertisers have portrayed women
empowerment by showing that a woman even after getting married can work. Moreover, they

have also portrayed the relationship of a daughter in law with her mother in law who is

supportive of her daughter in law’s job, she takes care of her and cooks’ food for her by

breaking the stereotypes of the typical Pakistani mother in laws who mistreat their daughter

in laws.

In contrast to this, national’s advertisement from the campaign aaj rung hai shows the

functionality as well as shows how national can be used in different cultures by different

people belonging to all socio-economic classes. The theme song creates a recall factor for the

audience in national’s advertisement while the copy of the Shan’s advertisement is attention

grabbing and touches the hearts of the audience.

Hence this research article finds out that which one of these two advertisements is recalled by

the audience more and what are the factors that the audience remembers about the



The target audience for this research is both males and females belonging to SEC A and B,

people belonging to the age groups of 15-36 have been set as the target audience for this

research. Furthermore, evaluation research has also been done through which we have been

able to find out the effectiveness of the advertisement by providing aided recognition through

showing shots and putting incomplete taglines and copy in the survey for the audience to be

able to remember and recognize the advertisement.

This research uses both qualitative and quantitative methods of research to find out the

number of people who can recall this advertisement and which factors grabbed their attention

and created a recall in their minds.

This research has been taken place by conducting a survey. A survey questionnaire was

designed with mainly close ended questions and few open-ended questions, and it was sent to

the target audience to find out the responses.


1. Name


2. Which age group do you belong to

 15-20

 21-26

 27-35

 36 or above

3. Where do you spend more of your free time?

 Watching Television

 Socializing

 Netflix

 Other:

4. Do you cook?

 Yes

 No

 Maybe
5. If yes, which masala brand do you use for cooking?


6. Can you recall this picture from a Pakistani TV commercial?

 Yes

 No

 Maybe

7. If yes, which brand does this TV commercial belong to?

 Mehran Foods

 Vatani

 Shan Foods

 National Foods

 Cannot recall

8. Can you recall the main idea of this TV commercial?


9. How many times do you think you have seen this ad?

 1-4

 5-7

 more than 7

10. Did you like this ad?

 Yes

 No

 Maybe

11. In your opinion, was this ad in any way relatable to our society?
 Yes

 No

 Maybe

12. If yes, how?


13. On a scale of 1-7, how much believable does this ad seem to you? (from 1 being the

least to 7 being the most)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

14. How likely are you to buy the product after watching this advertisement?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15. Can you recall the mediums that you have watched this advertisement on?

 Television

 Facebook

 YouTube

 Other:

16. If you watched this advertisement on TV, then which channel/channels did you watch

it on?



 ARY Digital

 Ptv home

 Samaa

 Express Entertainment
 Other:

17. Can you complete the sentence 'wese bhi khana banana..


18. Which one of the taglines is of the brand Shan Foods?

 Zindagi k rango ko manayen

 Khushiyan chakh lo

19. This ad was unique and different as compared to other advertisements

Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5


20. This ad was boring

Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5


21. This ad was not relevant at all

Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5


22. Which one of these two pictures, looks more aesthetically pleasing to you?

 Picture 1
 Picture 2

23. Are both of these pictures from the same brand's ad?

 Yes

 No

 Maybe

24. If not, which brand does each one of them belong to?


25. Can you remember this ad?

 Yes

 No

 Maybe

26. Can you recall the mediums that you have watched this advertisement on?

 Television

 Facebook

 YouTube

 Other

27. If yes, which brand does this TV commercial belong to?

 Mehran Foods

 Vatani

 Shan Foods

 National Foods

 Cannot recall

28. Can you tell the tagline of this brand?


29. As compared to the first ad was this more relatable and effective?

 Yes

 No

 Maybe

30. This ad creates an interest for the brand

Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5


31. How likely are you to buy the product after watching this ad?

Most likely

1 2 3 4 5

not likely

32. This ad was boring as compared to the first ad

Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5


33. If you watched this advertisement on TV, then which channel/channels did you watch

it on?


 ARY Digital

 Ptv home

 Samaa

 Express Entertainment

 Other:

Link of survey questionnaire:

Can you recall the main idea of this TV commercial?

1. Helping your doctor daughter in law fulfil her oath and serve

2. It was about communicating our affection or a kind gesture through cooking.

3. Cooking is not a responsibility of only one person

4. It discusses how female medicine graduates are often told to quit their job and become


5. Promotion

6. About women empowerment

7. I think this is the one where the daughter in law is a doctor or something if I am not


8. Khana pakana kisi aik ka kaam nahi

9. Yes, a lot of girls are unable to practice medicine after getting married

10. supportive, helping hand...mother in law caring gesture towards her bahu.

The people who were asked to fill the survey belonged to the age group of 15-36 and out of

them 49.1% of the people cook mostly everyday while 13.2% of the people cook rarely.

Out of 53, 27 people said that they use Shan as the masala for cooking purposes while, 7

respondents said that they use national masala.

Moving further to Shan’s advertisement’s shot. Out of 53, 20 respondents were sure that they

had watched this advertisement while 11 respondents were unsure about having seen this ad.

In contrast to this, only 12 respondents could surely remember national’s advertisement and

32 of them said that they hadn’t seen this advertisement.

Furthermore, 19 out of 53 people who were surveyed could recognize the brand Shan by their

ad’s shot while for National masala only 12 out 53 were able to recognize the brand by the

shots of the advertisement. 13 of the respondents on asking were able to recall the main idea

of the advertisement that was women empowerment and the support of the mother in law for

her daughter in law while she works.

Moving on, most of the respondents had seen this ad for 1- 4 times and 34 of the people said

that they had watched this advertisement on Television while 14 of them have seen this ad on

Facebook and 23 respondents watched this ad on YouTube. 22 people watched this ad on

HUM tv, 30 on ARY Digital and 13 on GEO.

Moving towards the recall of factor of the tagline of Shan masala, only 5 people could

remember the tagline correctly, rest of them could not complete the tagline correctly or did

not remember it at all. Whereas, none of the respondents could remember the tagline for

national masala’s advertisement.

Talking about the aesthetics, 35 respondents found National’s shot more aesthetically

pleasing while 19 of the respondents believed that Shan’s shot was more aesthetically

pleasing without knowing which shot belonged to which brand.

On comparing both the brands, out of 53 people who were surveyed, not most of them could

recall national but many of them were able to remember the tagline and the shots of Shan

masala. The shot that was shown for Shan was of Ushna Shah and people were able to recall

the ad by looking at her which tells that the celebrity endorsement acts as the biggest recall

factor for Shan masala in this advertisement.

Furthermore, about the advertisement being interesting or boring, most of the respondents

disagreed to this statement which tells the since the advertisement was interesting, the

audience could recall it and remember it more.

In contradiction to this, the respondents believed that national’s advertisement was more

boring as compared to Shan’s advertisement which is why it is less likely for them to

remember the advertisement of national in comparison to Shan masala.

Summing up the results of this survey, it has been concluded that Shan masala’s

advertisement has more recall factor as compared to national’s advertisement because this ad

has a narrative that can relate to the people and the use of emotional appeal and celebrity

endorsement have caused the recall factor to be more in comparison to national’s ad where, al

though celebrities were used but since there was no narrative but just a theme song, this is

why less people could remember national’s advertisement.

Hence, it has been proved that Shan’s recall factor and attention-grabbing element id higher

than that of national’s and the audience remembers and related to Shan more than they can to

national cooking masala which has led to more people buying the product Shan after

watching the ad instead of national.

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