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Volumetrics & MBE

Hydrocarbon Reserves and Material Balance


Dr. Lateef Akanji

Jean Piaget University Angola Training

June 5, 2015

Reserves and MBE (

Volumetrics & MBE

Course Outline

Oil reservoir classification
Resevoir drive mechanisms
Drive mechanisms summary

Volumetrics & MBE

Oil and gas reserves
Reservoir volumetrics
MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Reserves and MBE ( 1/47

Volumetrics & MBE


At the end of this course, you will learn how to:

I classify oil reservoirs based on recovery methods
I determine reservoir drive mechanisms for both oil and gas
I estimate hydrocarbons initially in place using several methods

Reserves and MBE ( 2/47

Outline Oil reservoir classification
Introduction Resevoir drive mechanisms
Volumetrics & MBE Drive mechanisms summary

Oil reservoir classification

The recovery from oil reservoirs can occur in the following ways:
I Primary recovery which involves recovery of hydrocarbons from
the reservoir using the natural energy of the system
I Secondary recovery involves the injection of water or gas
I Tertiary recovery
I thermal (steam injection, in situ combustion, hot water injection)
I chemical (increase µw , polymer floods; decrease κrw , polymer floods;
increase κro , micellar and alkaline floods; decrease Sor , micellar and
alkaline floods; decrease σow , micellar and alkaline floods)
I miscible gas (use of gas that is miscible with oil and with zero
interfacial tension with oil eg. CO2 , N2 and hydrocarbon gases)

Reserves and MBE ( 3/47

Outline Oil reservoir classification
Introduction Resevoir drive mechanisms
Volumetrics & MBE Drive mechanisms summary

Reservoir saturation and API Gravity

I An oil reservoir usually exists above or below its bubble-point
I When the pressure is above the bubble-point pressure the reservoir
is said to be undersaturated
I When the pressure is below the bubble-point pressure the reservoir
is said to be saturated
I API gravity is a dimensionless measure of density used in the
petroleum industry
I The API unit is called API degrees o AP I = SG − 131.5
I The scale is very sensitive to specific gravity in the range 0.6 to 1.0
for liquid hydrocarbons
I Heavy oils have API gravities between 10o to 20o AP I
I Light oils span the range 20o to 50o AP I
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Outline Oil reservoir classification
Introduction Resevoir drive mechanisms
Volumetrics & MBE Drive mechanisms summary

Pressure disequilibrium

Figure 1 : Pressure disequilibrium

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Outline Oil reservoir classification
Introduction Resevoir drive mechanisms
Volumetrics & MBE Drive mechanisms summary

Water drive reservoir

Oil reservoirs can be classified on the

basis of boundary type:
I A water drive reservoir is
hydraulically connected to a
porous, water-saturated rock
called an aquifer
I Oil recovery efficiency
I Range 28 − 84%
I Median 51%
I Reservoir management
I Oil production = water influx
I Water injection
I Recompletions Figure 2 : Bottom and edge water
drive reservoirs
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Outline Oil reservoir classification
Introduction Resevoir drive mechanisms
Volumetrics & MBE Drive mechanisms summary

Solution gas drive

I A solution gas drive is based

on production of the gas
liberated from the solution
I Oil recovery efficiency
I Range 12 − 37%
I Median 20%
I Reservoir management
I Maintain reservoir pressure
above that of the critical gas
saturation by injecting less
expensive fluids to replace the
hydrocarbon recovered Figure 3 : Solution gas drive mechanism

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Outline Oil reservoir classification
Introduction Resevoir drive mechanisms
Volumetrics & MBE Drive mechanisms summary

Gas cap drive reservoir

I A gas cap reservoir practically

has a large amount of energy
stored in the form of compressed
I The gas cap expands as fluids
are withdrawn from the reservoir
thereby displacing the oil by
gravity-assisted drainage
I Oil recovery efficiency
I Range 15% − 60%
I Median 33%
I Reservoir management Figure 4 : Gas cap drive reservoir

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Outline Oil reservoir classification
Introduction Resevoir drive mechanisms
Volumetrics & MBE Drive mechanisms summary

Rock and liquid expansion

I In a rock and liquid expansion mechanism, the reservoir rock

and fluids expand due to their individual compressibility so that
the expansion of the fluids and the reduction in the reservoir rock
pore volume forces the oil and water to come out of the pore space
into the wellbore

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Outline Oil reservoir classification
Introduction Resevoir drive mechanisms
Volumetrics & MBE Drive mechanisms summary

Gravity drainage
I In a gravity drainage system, gas bubbles that evolved from
solution as pressure declines will migrate up dip displacing oil
downward toward the well

Figure 5 : Gravity drive system

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Outline Oil reservoir classification
Introduction Resevoir drive mechanisms
Volumetrics & MBE Drive mechanisms summary

Combination drive

I In a combination drive
system, both water and free gas
are available in some degree to
displace the oil toward the
producing wells.
I Two combinations of driving
forces are possible:
I depletion drive and a weak
water drive
I depletion drive with a small
gas cap and a weak water drive
I gravity segregation
Figure 6 : Combination drive system

Reserves and MBE ( 11/47

Outline Oil reservoir classification
Introduction Resevoir drive mechanisms
Volumetrics & MBE Drive mechanisms summary

Drive mechanisms summary

Reservoir drive mechanisms Oil recovery range, %

Rock and liquid expansion 3−7
Solution gas 5 − 30
Gas cap 20 − 40
Water drive 35 − 75
Gravity drainage < 80
Combination drive 30 − 60

Reserves and MBE ( 12/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Oil and gas reserves

I Reserves are those quantities of petroleum which are anticipated

to be commercially recovered from known accumulations from a
given date forward (SPE/WPC)
I Proved reserves
I Developed proved reserves (Producing and Non-producing)
I Undeveloped proved reserves
I Unproved reserves - probable and possible reserves

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Review of the major deterministic techniques

I Volumetric and Analogous Methods

1. Exploration
I Pre-discovery Stage
I Post-Discovery Stage
2. Appraisal (or Delineation) Stage
3. Initial Development (or Exploitation) Stage
4. Geocellular modelling (in estimating Petroleum In-Place Volumes)

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Volumetric assessment
The generalised classic volumetric equation for the Petroleum
Initially In Place (PIIP) is given by

CAhφ(1 − Swi )
P IIP = (ST B or Scf ). (1)
I oil initially in place (OIIP ), N or
I gas initially in place (GIIP ), G

I average variables of area (A), f t2 ; net pay (h), f t ; porosity, (φ) ;

initial water saturation (Swi )
I C is a conversion factor
1. 7758 for OIIP
2. 43560 for GIIP
3. hydrocarbon formation volume factor, FVF (Bhi ) ; (Rb/Stb for oil ;
Rcf /Scf for gas )
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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Volumetric assessment

Estimated U ltimate Recovery (EU R) =

P IIP × RE (f raction of P IIP )( ST B or Scf )
I The Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR), cannot be derived
directly from this technique
I It requires
1. independent estimates of reservoir-specific P IIP volume
2. appropriate recovery efficiency (RE)

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Volumetric method
Bulk volume is calculated from one of the following methods:
I trapezoidal method (used when n+1 ≥ 0.5):
Vb =[Ao + An + 2 × (A1 + A2 + A3 + ... + An−1 )] (2)
I pyramid method (used when trapezoidal fails!):
h p p
Vb = [A0 + A1 + A0 · A1 + A1 + A2 + A1 · A2 + ...+
3 p
An+1 + An + An+1 · An ] (3)
I Simpson method (used with an odd number of areas):
Vb = [Ao + 4 × (A1 + A3 + ... + An+1 + 2
× (A2 + A4 + ... + An )] (4)

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE for gas reservoirs

Assume that we have a dry gas; no oil produced, and no aquifer

I Production = gas originally in place - unproduced gas
I Moles of gas produced = moles initially - moles remaining

n= (5)

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE for gas reservoirs

|produced = |initially − |now (6)

number of moles produced

RF = (7)
moles initially
= (8)
P Zi
=1− , (9)
Pi Z
assuming that T = Ti

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE for gas reservoirs

We want to know how much gas is initially in place (G) and how much
gas will be produced (Gp ) at a certain pressure P
I Plot (Gp ) vs. P/Z
I Slope is GZi /Pi and
I and intercept at P = 0 is G

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs


I Find G, and Gp at the abandonment pressure of 50 atm when

Z = 0.95

Table 1 : Gas reservoir data

Gp P Z P/Z
108 scf (atm) (atm)
0 200 0.80 250
1.53 180 0.85 212
2.56 160 0.86 186
3.78 140 0.90 156

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Connate water and pore volume compressibility

Pore volume of gas

Vg = φV (1 − Swc ) (10)
Taking the differentials

dVg = V (1 − Swc )dφ − φV dSwc (11)

I Change in pore volume of gas is equal to change in porosity minus

change in water volume
I Porosity decreases as we decrease pressure (rock expands into the
pore space)
I Water saturation increases (water expands)

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Connate water and pore volume compressibility

Define rock and water compressibilities:
1 ∂φ
I cφ = φ ∂P ≈ 10−9 P a−1

cw = − S1wc ∂S −9 −1
∂P ≈ 0.5 × 10 P a
I wc

Hence, we can write

Connate water and PV compressibility

1 ∂Vg Swc
= cφ + cw (12)
Vg ∂P 1 − Swc
Consider ∆P = 100 atm and Swc = 0.2
∆Vg 0.2
Vg ≈ 0.01 + 0.8 × 0.005 ≈ 1.1%
Usually a small effect, since gas is much more compressible than
water or rock.

Reserves and MBE ( 23/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Simple aquifer model

Enclosed region that responds instantly to the reservoir pressure. Only

true for small aquifers.

We = (cφ + cw )W ∆P (13)
W is the total aquifer volume, ∆P is the pressure drop.
P Pi 1 − Gp /G
= (14)
Z Zi 1 − (cφ + cw )W (Pi − P )/GBgi

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Aquifer fitting

With sufficient pressure production history you can determine the gas
initially in place if you have an aquifer model.

Ga = (15)
1 − Bgi /Bg
We /Bg
=G+ (16)
1 − Bgi /Bg

We /Bg
I Plot Ga versus 1−Bgi /Bg

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE for oil reservoirs, Schilthuis, 1941

Production = expansion of reservoir fluids

I Volume of fluid withdrawn in the reservoir
= expansion of oil and solution gas
+ expansion of gas cap gas
+ reduction in HCPV due to connate water expansion
and decrease in porosity
+ water influx.

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE for oil reservoirs, Schilthuis, 1941

Define the initial volume of oil in place at standard conditions,

φV (1 − Swc )
N= (17)
I Initially: Gas cap volume = mN Boi
I Oil + solution gas = N Boi
I m is the initial hydrocarbon volume in the gas cap / initial
hydrocarbon volume of oil (measured in the reservoir).
I Np is the cumulative oil production at standard conditions.
I Rp is the cumulative GOR
I It is the cumulative gas production / cumulative oil production
(measured in the reservoir).

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE for oil reservoirs, Schilthuis, 1941

As the pressure drops, the fluids expand. The amount by which the
fluids expand is the amount produced
I Expansion of oil is:

N Bo − N Boi = N (Bo − Boi ) (18)

I Expansion of solution gas, liberated as free gas in the reservoir

below the bubble point is:

N Bg (Rsi − Rs ) (19)

Reserves and MBE ( 28/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE for oil reservoirs, Schilthuis, 1941

Gas cap expansion, with no production of the gas cap. At pressure P,

the gas cap occupies a volume
I Gi Bg /Bgi
where Gi is the initial volume of the gas cap
I Thus the gas cap expansion
Eg = mN Boi −1 (20)

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE for oil reservoirs, Schilthuis, 1941

We have considered connate water expansion and rock compressibility

earlier in the context of gas reservoirs
I Vt is the total hydrocarbon pore volume, including oil and the gas

Vt = (1 − Swc )φV (21)

Taking the differentials

dVt = V (1 − Swc )dφ − φV dSwc (22)

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE for oil reservoirs, Schilthuis, 1941

cf = (1−S
wc ) ∂φ
cw = − S1wc ∂S∂P

Thus, for a slightly compressible system (constant c):

cw Swc + cf
∆Vt = Vt ∆P (23)
1 − Swc
cw Swc + cf
= (1 + m)N Boi ∆P (24)
1 − Swc

We have produced Np oil, Rp Np gas and Wp water.

The volume that this would occupy underground is

Np (Bt + (Rp − Rsi )Bg ) + Wp Bw (25)

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Generalised material balance equation

Generalised MBE
Underground withdrawal = expansion of fluids + reduction in

Np (Bt + (Rp − Rsi )Bg ) + Wp Bw =

N (Bt − Bti ) + mN Bti −1
cf + cw Swi
+ N Bti (1 + m) ∆P
1 − Swi
+ We + Win Bwin + Gin Bgin (26)

Bt = Bo + (Rp − Rs )Bg (27)

Reserves and MBE ( 32/47
Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Applications of MBE

We will now apply the material balance equation in studying recovery

for different reservoir production mechanisms
I Solution gas drive
I Gas cap drive
I Natural water drive
I Compaction drive

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Solution gas drive

This is due to the expansion of oil and free gas. Assume m = 0 and
We = 0
Above the bubble point pressure, PB :
I there is no free gas
I production occurs solely from the expansion of oil i.e.
Rs = Rsi = Rp

MBE above BP
(Bo − Boi ) cw Swc + cf
Np Bo = N Boi + ∆P (28)
Boi 1 − Swc

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Solution gas drive

(Bo − Boi )
co = (29)
Boi ∆P
cw Swc + cf
Np Bo = N Boi co + ∆P (30)
1 − Swc
So = 1 − Swc
c S +c S +c
ce = o o Swo w f

Np Bo = N Boi ce ∆P (31)

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Recovery at the bubble point

Np Boi
RF = |PB = ce ∆P (32)
N Bo
e.g. ∆P = 107 P a at most, then RF ≈ 3%

Only a few percent at most

Reserves and MBE ( 36/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE below the bubble point

Production is dominated by the expansion of free gas typical of

solution gas drive.
Again, assume m = 0 and We = 0. The gas compressibility:

1 1 ∂Z 1
cg = − ≈ (33)
P Z ∂P P
I If PB = 2 × 107 P a, then cg ≈ 5 × 10−8 P a−1
I In contrast ce is usually around 10 times smaller

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

MBE below the bubble point

MBE below BP

Np (Bo + (Rp − Rs )Bg ) = N [(Bo − Boi ) + (Rsi − Rs )Bg ] (34)

Which can be written in the form:

MBE in linear form

F = N Eo (35)
F = Np (Bo + (Rp − Rs )Bg ) (36)
Eo = (Bo − Boi ) + (Rsi − Rs )Bg (37)

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Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Recovery below the bubble point

RF below BP
Ignoring ce , we have:

Np (Bo − Boi ) + (Rsi − Rs )Bg

RF = = (38)
N Bo + (Rp − Rs )Bg

Reserves and MBE ( 39/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Gas cap drive

Expansion of the gas cap. Assume We = 0.

Initially P = PB (or else gas and oil would not be in equilibrium).
MBE for gas cap drive

Np (Bo + (Rp − Rs )Bg ) =

(Bo − Boi ) + (Rsi − Rs )Bg Bg
N Boi +m −1 (39)
Boi Bgi

Reserves and MBE ( 40/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Gas cap drive

Linear form of MBE for gas cap drive

Which is of the form

F = N (Eo + mEg ) (40)

In linear form

F = Np (Bo + (Rp − Rs )Bg ) (41)

Eo = (Bo − Boi ) + (Rsi − Rs )Bg (42)
Eg = Boi −1 (43)

Reserves and MBE ( 41/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Gas cap drive

If N is known,
I plot F vs. Eo + mEg for different m.
I A straight line with slope N indicates a correct guess of m

If N or m is not known,
I plot F/Eo vs. Eg /Eo

F Eg
= N + mN (44)
Eo Eo
Generally better oil recoveries, (≈ 25 − 35%), compared to solution gas
drive alone.
Unrecovered oil:
Np Sor Boi
1− = (45)
N 1 − Swc Bo
Reserves and MBE ( 42/47
Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Natural water drive

Aquifer model

We = cW |∆P | (46)

In the absence of a gas cap, i.e. if m=0:

Aquifer model in linear form

F = N Eo + We (47)

I Several analytic aquifer models exist to compute W e accurately

I The simplest model of which is to assume linear compressibility
and instant pressure response

Reserves and MBE ( 43/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Compaction drive

I Compaction drive can be significant in a few cases, usually in

unconsolidated or poorly consolidated sand
I A typical example is the Bachaquero field in Venezuela where
cf = 15 × 10−9 P a−1 and compaction accounts for 50% of oil
Applications of MBE include:
I determination of the initial hydrocarbon (oil and/or gas) in place
I calculation of water influx (We)
I reservoir future performance prediction

Reserves and MBE ( 44/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs

Pros and cons of the MBE

I Simple,
I Quick application to real reservoirs
I Knowing only pressure phase behavior and
I Production history
I No time dependence
I Properties are reservoir averaged
I Simulation on large fields often does a much better job
I Makes poor predictions in that there is not much history

Reserves and MBE ( 45/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs


I J. Bear. Dynamics of fluids in porous media. Dover INC, New

York, 1988.
I D. Bourdet, A. Alagoa, J. A. Ayoub, and Y. M. Pirard. A new set
of type curves simplifies well test analysis. World Oil, -:95-106,
I H. S. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger. Conduction of Heat in Solids.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1947.
I P. Chaumet. Cours de production Thome III Econlement
monophasique de Fluides dans les millieux poreux. I.F.P.
Publications, Editions Technip, Paris, 1964.

Reserves and MBE ( 46/47

Outline Oil and gas reserves
Introduction Reservoir volumetrics
Volumetrics & MBE MBE for gas and oil reservoirs


I A. C. Gringarten, Jr. H. Ramey, and R. Raghavan. Applied

pressure analysis for fractured wells. Journal of Petroleum
Technology, 259:887-892, 1975.
I Jr. H. Ramey. Non darcy flow and wellbore storage effects in
pressure build-up and drawdown of gas wells. Journal of
Petroleum Technology, 234:223-233, 1965.
I Z. E. Heinemann. Well Testing. Montanuniversitt Leoben, 2003.
I Roland N. Horne. ModernWell Test Analysis: A Computer-Aided
Approach. Petro Way, 1995.
I D. R. Horner. Pressure build-up in wells. Third World Petroleum
Congress, The Hague, 2:503-523, 1951.

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