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Good afternoon everyone, welcome to my english test topic presentation my name is mob

and today I am going to talk about types of punishments.

today i am here especially to talk to you about punishments that can help to rehabilitate

the purpose of this presentation is to give my personal opinion and expose my points of views
on this subject.

my presentation is divided into four parts

I will beggin with the parole

then I will look at the treatment

then on prison reintegration programmes

finally, the incapacity for certain jobs or impediments to approach a place or a person.

I would like to give you some background on punishment.

A punishment is a particular way of punishing someone who commits a crime, but there are
many forms of punishment, more or less severe, depending on the crime committed, the
punishment for a robbery is not the same as for a murder, but everyone has the right to be
rehabilitated and to have a second chance.

Now, I would like to move on to the idea of parole. During parole, the offender is released
from prison, but has to meet requirements such as getting a job, not using drugs and alcohol
and not contacting parole victims.

When a person goes to prison it affects his or her mental health a lot, so I think that parole is a
good intermediate step.

On the other hand, we have treatment, especially for drug and alcohol related offences,
where experts advised that prison was not effective because it did not address the problem of

And now, I would like to expand this topic to the last type of rehabilitation: prison
rehabilitation programmes, a good example of which would be the road safety education
course for traffic offences.

Finally, the impossibility to work with minors if you have committed sexual offences or the
impossibility to be a civil servant, prohibition to go to certain places or to talk again with some
people you have harmed.
In short, I believe that the aim of all justice systems should be rehabilitation and not

Rehabilitation is more effective than punishment because it directly addresses the root cause
of criminality, which are often symptoms of social problems.

Please stop me if you have any questions.

That brings me to the end of my presentation. Thank you for listening

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