Glosaro Periodo de Entreguerras

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Benefits a payment made to help someone, given by an insurance

company or public agency:

Keynes economist known for his economic theories (Keynesian
economics) on the causes of prolonged unemployment. His
most important work, The General Theory of Employment,
Interest and Money (1935–36), advocated a remedy for
economic recession based on a government-sponsored
policy of full employment.
Loan something lent or furnished on condition of being returned,
especially a sum of money lent at interest:
Overproduction In economics, overproduction, oversupply, excess of
supply or glut refers to excess of supply over demand of
products being offered to the market. This leads to lower
prices and/or unsold goods along with the possibility
of unemployment.
Roaring making or causing a roar, as an animal or thunder.
Speculation engagement in business transactions involving
considerable risk but offering the chance of large gains,
especially trading in stocks, in the hope of profit from
changes in the market price.
Unemployment The number of persons who do not have a job

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