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1. Do some research on the province of origin of the story.

○ Does knowing the province help you understand the story better? Why or why not?

Yes, knowing the province made me understand the story better, and it made me realize that knowing
the story's origin or where it came from is important because it helps you thoroughly understand the
events that occurred in the past as well as beliefs and traits that are reflected in the story, allowing you
to appreciate the future and present situation of a particular place and in the story, it is mentioned that
Banog and his daughter are experiencing poverty but still, they are treated well by the people so
perhaps that is why the people, I mean the city of Dumaguete, are renowned as The City of Gentle

○ What aspects of Philippine culture can you find in the story?

Some aspects of Philippine culture that I found in the story are Filipinos' strong and solid family
relationships, as well as their resilience. Filipinos place a strong value on their family and prioritize it
above anything else. They work all day and do everything in their power to feed and provide for their
families, just the same as Banog in the story.

2. What type of literature does the story fall under?

The story belongs to the literature of the Philippines under legends.

○ Knowing its type of literature, what do you think is the intention behind the text?

The intention of the story is to inform readers that status and wealth are unimportant to be treated with
respect by others, to fight for what is rightfully ours as well as to remain resilient, and to educate people
about the history of the area.

3. What is/are the moral(s) of the story?

The moral lessons of the story are, like Catalina, we must be brave in order to build stronger
communities, a happier society for all, and to be helpful in times when people need help, as well as to
fight for what is rightfully ours. We must also be hardworking, like Banog and be considerate, treat
everyone equally, regardless of their status just as those people in the story who treat Banog and his
daughter well.

○ Do/does the moral(s) still apply to today’s world?

Yes, these morals of bravery, willingness to help, and hard work are still alive and strong in today's
society. Being brave and helpful to everyone, especially Covid-19 is still existing, as well as being
hardworking despite the fact that it is still not completely safe outside.

○ List down the morals that apply and explain.

Brave- The people fought bravely against the Moros so that their homeland would not be invaded and
just like them, we, Filipinos, are brave enough to fight in these tough moments, considering Covid-19 is
still active.

Willingness to help- Helping others is still present in today's environment. The coronavirus pandemic is
rising to the extent in which many people are suffering in numerous ways, yet there are still good hearts
that help other people, just like Catalina, who utilizes her own ability to help her countrymen fight
against Moros.

Hardworking- Since the pandemic is still ongoing, many families have experienced poverty and lost their
jobs, yet other people continue to work despite the risks of covid-19 and sacrificing their health in order
to provide food for their families.

4. Based on the story, what traits, values, and beliefs did the person/tribe of origin hold in

high regard?

- In the story, the traits, values, and beliefs that are held in high regard are being courageous, helpful
during troubling times, resilient, and believing that Catalina will help them in bad times and protect their

○ Do you also think these traits/values/beliefs are good to have? Why or why not?
Yes, we cannot deny that these traits and values are beneficial and can prepare you for difficult times.

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