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Candaba, Pampanga

One of the greatest presents somebody can hand to another person is to teach him in a
way that he will remember and apply. Teaching opens up a student's mind to new perspectives
and thousands of opportunities. While acquiring hard skills essential to succeed in a particular
career are given more emphasis these days, much of the "life-changing stuff" originates in the
early years as children amass information under the guidance of a competent teacher; however,
teaching does not end when students have everything they need to know. The impact goes with
them as they go through with life. Henry Adams is absolutely right when he said, “A teacher
affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops."

On this note, we would like to ask your takes on the following because there is no better
way to learn the joys and intricacies of the teaching profession than to ask the masters behind the

1. Why teach?
Teaching is one of the noblest profession. As a teacher, I can teach my students not only
theories but only life lessons and skills that they will used in their everyday life.

2. What motivates you to teach? What do you like most about teaching?

My motivation to teach are the following:

1. My students who are willing to learn inspite or despite of their personal challenges

2. My mother who became my mentor at a very young age.

3. Additional knowledge and lessons I gained with my students

What do you like most about teaching?

Being an inspiration for my students is the reason why I like teaching. Through my journey as
a teacher, I am glad that most of my previous students dream to a teacher like me.

3. What is your teaching philosophy/motto?

My philosphy / motto in teaching goes like this.

" Every student is unique and special'

4. What are your most trusted teaching practices/strategies?

a. What strategies do you use on students who have reading, writing, speaking and
attention difficulties?

I personally used a song in teaching students who have difficulties in such areas. Now a days,
students are much attached to music and through this strategies, I observed that my learners
are much engaged and excited to learn.

b. How do you handle misbehaved pupils?

In handling misbehaved pupils, I explained to my students that his/her action is not good.

c. If majority of the class failed an exam, what would you do?

If majority of the class failed, I will assess my approach in discussing the lesson and try to have
a new strategy where my learners can understand the lesson well.

d. How do you motivate your students to become active learners in your classroom?

In motivating my students, I usually used the extrinsic motivation. A reward is given to my

students who actively participate in my discussion

e. How do you incorporate parents/guardians into students’ education?

I incorporate Parent/guardian involvement in learner's progress. My best strategy is involving them in
such activity together with their children.

5. How do you manage your teaching duties?

I always manage my time in my teaching duties. I prioritized my task ahead of time in order to
accomplished each task assigned to me.

What role does time and discipline play in teaching and what is your approach?

Time and discipline plays a vital role in teaching. It serves as a guide to perform well with the
given responsibility.

6. Relate some of your best experiences in the practice of the profession. What is the greatest
or most rewarding accomplishment you've had with teaching?

The greatest and most rewarding accomplishment I've had in teaching is helping /assisting my
two special students to read and write well. It was my first year of teaching, and it is a challenge
that was assigned to me as an English teacher.

7. What are some of the challenges you encountered in your years of teaching? Describe
your worst teaching day. What did you learn from the experience?

My most teaching day happened when I was in public school. I was late due to a construction
of Candaba- Baliwag Road and our school head instructed our Security guard to close the gate
of our school. I am embrassed with my students that time but I explained my reasons with my
school head and she understood my situation.
From that experienced, I try to adjust my time schedule in terms of travelling going to our
school since I have spent almost 30 minutes travelling.


Candaba, Pampanga

8. Was there ever a time that your lesson plan was affected by Common Core standards or
standards at the local and state levels?

Yes. Every lessons must be integrated locally .

9. Describe your professional development experience.

In terms of professional development, I was grateful with Deped for the continous
workshop/seminars they had offered. I also plan to continue my masteral.

10. How would your past students, peers or administrators describe you?

They described me as a strict yet very hardworking teacher.

11. What is the role of technology in our education today?

It is a tool to improve the education system . With the advancement of technology nowadays,
students can he globally competitive learners.

12. What do you think is the greatest challenge facing students today?

The greatest challenge of our students today will be their addiction to Mobile games.
Instead of studying,they used their time to gain rank on such game like Mobile
13. What is your advice to aspiring teachers? What qualities make a great teacher?

My advices to anspiring teachers are ,First ,you need to be true to yourself , have the burning
passion in teaching, Be growth oriented and be flexible anytime

For me a great teacher must be well mannered, Disciplined ,Honest, and most specially teach
students about life skills that will be needed to survival.
14. How would you like people to remember you?
I want people to remember me as one of their English Teacher who always inspire them to be
the best version of theirselves.

Personal Background

Full Name: Jenolan Rose Capulong- Bengala

Nickname: Jen
Date of Birth:1/4/1994
Place of Birth:Candaba
Civil Status (optional): Married
Years of Teaching: 8
Subject(s) You Teach: Oral Communication, Creative Writing, Personality Development,
Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik, Philippine Politics and Governance
Grade Levels You Teach: Grade 11 and 12
Other Information You’d Like to Share (optional):

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