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Hi everybody

I am Vu Bao Phuc and I'm the head of gathering 1

For the benefit of the entire gathering, I might want to thank everybody for tak
ing as much time as necessary to pay attention to my gathering's show.

Coming up next are the individuals from my gathering:

● Truong Dai Thanh

● Le Thi Thuy Trang
● Ngo Thi Quynh Nhu

I have a little story before I start my show

Steve Jobs, one of the most well-known business visionaries and speakers in th
e innovation business prior to turning into a speaker had the option to remain i
n front of an audience without anyone else to talk before a large number of ind
ividuals sitting underneath watching him talk. At the point when he was youthf
ul, he committed similar tension and anxious errors as us

For instance, in 1984, Steve Jobs once stood confused on the platform with not
es on a piece of paper he conveyed, and after 23 years, the iPhone was authori
tatively sent off in a public mix. Steve Job conveyed his show splendidly with ce
rtainty and a comical inclination that unquestionably took a ton of work to do
What is lecture skill?
Quite simply, a lecture is an organized verbal presentation on a topic often enh
anced by visual aids. According to Bligh in 1972, a lecture is a period of time du
ring which the teacher talks more or without interruption. A more detailed defi
nition is found in Percival and Ellington in 1988, who state that a lecture is 'a di
dactic teaching method, consisting of one-way communication from an active
presenter to a small audience. . passive people'.

Therefore, nowadays, presentation skills are one of many necessary skills tha
t students may have to practice and learn a lot to master and at the same time,
there are many benefits besides presentation skills.

Here are some benefits that will be presented by Quynh Nhu


Here we will talk about the essential factors when presented

Provide basic skills in communication for more confidence

Every time you finish a presentation, you will feel more confident first. And it is
faith that gives you many positive things in life. You will become a person who
knows how to speak first, how to communicate, and how to control emotions.
And all will make you feel happy, have abundant energy to work, and create va
lue for yourself and the relationships around you.

* Convey information quickly and effectively

When you speak, your audience receives information directly from you. And th
at's the direct value you bring. Just keep speaking in a natural, short, complete,
concise manner.

* Convenience at work, gaining trust from friends, teachers, then colleagues,


Credibility, trust can take a very long time through your behavior and work. But
when you give a presentation, it only takes no more than a minute for people t
o believe in you. It is both motivating and stressful so that you can prepare a g
ood and valuable presentation.

To give a good presentation, we need a lot of different skills to be able to give
a presentation. Here are some essential skills.

Show style: Know how to draw in a group of people, further develop your sho
w capacity and certainty while remaining before a group.

Correspondence familiarity: To have the option to talk fluidly, you want to reh
earse at whatever point you have spare energy. If conceivable, stand before th
e mirror and work on talking so you have some control over your activities and
articulations during the show.

Interoperability: is a component that makes your show more clear and alluring,
bringing speakers and audience members closer together and simpler to coop
erate with.

Obviously grasp the reason for the show: before the show happens, you shoul
d plainly comprehend what you need to say, and who will tune in and why they
will pay attention to your show.

Planning and practice: practice standard articulation, voice to hear, keep away
from dithering and absence of certainty while talking. During the show, you si
mply have to dress flawlessly and abstain from limiting the issues while introdu

IV. Trang

we discuss that we additionally need to restrict a few issues later.

Show issues:
Misuse slides excessively: you should not peruse each word the very same on
the slide, you should comprehend that the slide is only a help instrument, whil
e introducing about something, don't compose such a large number of words o
n the slide. The significant thing is the means by which you present, whether th
e substance is appealing and alluring to other people.

Doesn't make fervor: fruitful individuals, they generally know how, when they
stroll in the entryway and begin the show, the crowd generally recollects what
they said. At the point when they see the audience beginning to feel sluggish, t
hey will constantly know how to make the audience less drowsy, for example, t
hey will come down to collaborate with the audience and pose inquiries so the
audience needs to conceptualize to think. out reply.

Stop like a sculpture: individuals who are simply beginning to give a show, fre
quently stop and talk, which will make their show really exhausting. All things b
eing equal, unhesitatingly signal, move around and you might utilize non-verba
l communication to make your show more distinctive.


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