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BAI2 overview for SAP:


Table Label Field Component Type Length Type SAP description David’s comment
number type
File header
FLB01 HR001 1 RTYPE_FLB N 1 NUM01 Record Type for Lockbox Should always be 1
FLB01 HR002 2 PCODE_FLB N 2 NUM02 Priority Code Lockbox
FLB01 HR003 3 DESTI_FLB C 10 CHAR10 Immediate Destination for Lockbox (Recipient Bank
FLB01 HR004 4 ORIGN_FLB C 10 CHAR10 Origin of Transmission - Transit Routing Number Lockbox
FLB01 HR005 5 FCRDT_FLB C 6 DATE6 File Creation Date Lockbox
FLB01 HR006 6 FCRTM_FLB C 4 TIME4 File Creation Time Lockbox Creation time
FLB01 HR007 7 FIL01_FLB C 47 CHAR47 Filler Length 47 for Lockbox Header Record
Account header
FLB02 SR001 1 RTYPE_FLB N 1 NUM01 Record Type for Lockbox Should always be 2
FLB02 SR002 2 DESOR_FLB C 2 CHAR2 Destination/Origin for Lockbox
FLB02 SR003 3 REFER_FLB C 10 CHAR10 Reference Code for Lockbox - Not Used This isn’t validated
FLB02 SR004 4 SERCD_FLB N 3 NUM3 Service Code Denotes Transfer as Lockbox Transfer This isn’t validated
FLB02 SR005 5 RECLG_FLB N 3 NUM3 Record Length for Lockbox Transfer This isn’t validated
FLB02 SR006 6 BLKSZ_FLB N 3 NUM3 Blocksize for Lockbox This isn’t validated
FLB02 SR007 7 FRMCD_FLB N 1 NUM1 Format Code for Lockbox ‘2’ = Partial Compression This isn’t validated
FLB02 SR008 8 FIL02_FLB C 40 CHAR40 Filler Length 40 for Lockbox Service Record This isn’t validated

Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2013 by David Schenz. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at 1
BAI2 overview for SAP:

Table Label Field Component Type Length Type SAP description David’s comment
number type
Overflow record for BAI
FLB04 OR001 1 RTYPE_FLB N 1 NUM01 Record Type for Lockbox Should always be 4
FLB04 OR002 2 BATNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Number for Lockbox (Bundle Number)
FLB04 OR003 3 ITMNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Item Number for Lockbox
FLB04 OR004 4 OVTYP_FLB N 1 NUM1 Type of Overflow(Recd Type 4 Still Belongs to a Recd What type of overflow record
Type 6)
FLB04 OR005 5 SEQNR_FLB N 2 NUM2 Sequence Number - Serial Number of Record Type 4
FLB04 OR006 6 ENDID_FLB N 1 NUM1 End Indicator (‘9’ the Last Record of a Type 4 Series)
FLB04 OR007 7 IVCNR_FLB N 10 NUM10 Invoice Number (Document Numbers) List of invoice numbers or other document
numbers to match
FLB04 OR008 8 IVCNR_FLB N 10 NUM10 Invoice Number (Document Numbers) List of invoice numbers or other document
numbers to match
FLB04 OR009 9 IVCNR_FLB N 10 NUM10 Invoice Number (Document Numbers) List of invoice numbers or other document
numbers to match
FLB04 OR010 10 IVCNR_FLB N 10 NUM10 Invoice Number (Document Numbers) List of invoice numbers or other document
numbers to match
FLB04 OR011 11 IVCNR_FLB N 10 NUM10 Invoice Number (Document Numbers) List of invoice numbers or other document
numbers to match
FLB04 OR012 12 IVCNR_FLB N 10 NUM10 Invoice Number (Document Numbers) List of invoice numbers or other document
numbers to match
FLB04 OR013 13 FIL04_FLB C 9 CHAR9 Filler Length 9 for Lockbox

Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2013 by David Schenz. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at 2
BAI2 overview for SAP:

Table Label Field Component Type Length Type SAP description David’s comment
number type
Lockbox header
FLB05 DH001 1 RTYPE_FLB N 1 NUM01 Record Type for Lockbox Should always be 5
FLB05 DH002 2 BATNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Number for Lockbox (Bundle Number) Should ideally match batch number in
record 6
FLB05 DH003 3 ITMNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Item Number for Lockbox
FLB05 DH004 4 LBNUM_FLB C 7 CHAR7 Lockbox Number Lockbox Number
FLB05 DH005 5 DPDAT_FLB C 6 DATE6 Deposit Date for Lockbox YYMMDD YYMMDD date format
FLB05 DH006 6 DESTI_FLB C 10 CHAR10 Immediate Destination for Lockbox Needs to match destination of lockbox
(Recipient Bank Number) in T049a
FLB05 DH007 7 ORIGN_FLB C 10 CHAR10 Origin of Transmission - Transit Routing Number Lockbox Need to match origin of lockbox in T049a
FLB05 DH008 8 FIL05_FLB C 40 CHAR40 Filler Length 40 for Lockbox
Check and invoice info for BAI
FLB06 DR001 1 RTYPE_FLB N 1 NUM01 Record Type for Lockbox
FLB06 DR002 2 BATNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Number for Lockbox (Bundle Number) Batch number should be unique
FLB06 DR003 3 ITMNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Item Number for Lockbox Item number shouldn’t be duplicated in a batch
FLB06 DR004 4 REAMT_FLB N 10 NUM10 Remittance Amount (Payment Amount) for Lockbox Payment amount for complete check, no
commas or decimal points. SAP converts #####
to ###.## internally
FLB06 DR005 5 REID1_FLB C 9 CHAR9 Remitter Identifier 1: Transit Routing Number for Lockbox US Routing Number – used to identify customer
FLB06 DR006 6 REID2_FLB C 10 CHAR10 Remitter Identifier 2: Account Number for Lockbox US Bank Account number – used to identify
FLB06 DR007 7 CHQNR_FLB N 9 NUM9 Check Number Check number
FLB06 DR008 8 IVCNR_FLB N 10 NUM10 Invoice Number (Document Numbers) List of invoice numbers or other document
numbers to match
FLB06 DR009 9 IVCNR_FLB N 10 NUM10 Invoice Number (Document Numbers) List of invoice numbers or other document
numbers to match
FLB06 DR010 10 IVCNR_FLB N 10 NUM10 Invoice Number (Document Numbers) List of invoice numbers or other document
numbers to match
FLB06 DR011 11 FIL06_FLB C 5 CHAR5 Filler Length 5 for Lockbox

Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2013 by David Schenz. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at 3
BAI2 overview for SAP:

Table Label Field Component Type Length Type SAP description David’s comment
number type
Lockbox footer
FLB07 DH001 1 RTYPE_FLB N 1 NUM01 Record Type for Lockbox Should always be 7
FLB07 DH002 2 BATNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Number for Lockbox (Bundle Number) This isn’t validated
FLB07 DH003 3 ITMNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Item Number for Lockbox This isn’t validated
FLB07 DH004 4 LBNUM_FLB C 7 CHAR7 Lockbox Number This isn’t validated
FLB07 DH005 5 DPDAT_FLB C 6 DATE6 Deposit Date for Lockbox YYMMDD
FLB07 DH006 6 NOREC_FLB N 3 NUM3 Number of Remittances (Checks in this Bundle) The control totals are not verified
FLB07 DH007 7 BDTOT_FLB N 10 NUM10 Batch Dollar Total for Lockbox (Tot.Amount per Batch) The control totals are not verified
in US$
FLB07 DH008 8 FIL07_FLB C 47 CHAR47 Filler Length 47 for Lockbox
Account footer
FLB08 ST001 1 RTYPE_FLB N 1 NUM01 Record Type for Lockbox Should always be 8
FLB08 ST002 2 BATNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Number for Lockbox (Bundle Number) This isn’t validated
FLB08 ST003 3 ITMNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Item Number for Lockbox This isn’t validated
FLB08 ST004 4 LBNUM_FLB C 7 CHAR7 Lockbox Number This isn’t validated
FLB08 ST005 5 DPDAT_FLB C 6 DATE6 Deposit Date for Lockbox YYMMDD This isn’t validated
FLB08 ST006 6 REMIT_FLB N 4 NUM4 Number of Remittances (Checks) per Lockbox The control totals are not verified
FLB08 ST007 7 RMDOT_FLB N 10 NUM10 Remittance Dollar Total for This Lockbox The control totals are not verified
FLB08 ST008 8 LRIND_FLB N 1 NUM1 Last Record Indicator The control totals are not verified
FLB08 ST009 9 TMAMT_FLB N 11 NUM11 TM Amount The control totals are not verified
FLB08 ST010 10 MTDAT_FLB N 11 NUM11 MDT Amount The control totals are not verified
FLB08 ST011 11 FIL08_FLB C 22 CHAR22 Filler Length 22 for Lockbox
File footer
FLB09 TR001 1 RTYPE_FLB N 1 NUM01 Record Type for Lockbox Should always be 9
FLB09 TR002 2 RECNR_FLB N 6 NUM6 Number of Records The control totals are not verified
FLB09 TR003 3 FIL09_FLB C 73 CHAR73 Filler Length 73 for Lockbox

Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2013 by David Schenz. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at 4
BAI2 overview for SAP:

Table Label Field Component Type Length Type SAP description David’s comment
number type
Overflow record for BAI2
FLB24 OR001 1 RTYPE_FLB N 1 NUM01 Record Type for Lockbox Should always be 4
FLB24 OR002 2 BATNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Number for Lockbox (Bundle Number)
FLB24 OR003 3 ITMNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Item Number for Lockbox
FLB24 OR004 4 OVTYP_FLB N 1 NUM1 Type of Overflow (Recd Type 4 Still Belongs to a Recd Needs to match record type of overflow
Type 6)
FLB24 OR005 5 SEQNR_FLB N 2 NUM2 Sequence Number - Serial Number of Record Type 4
FLB24 OR006 6 ENDID_FLB N 1 NUM1 End Indicator (‘9’ the Last Record of a Type 4 Series)
FLB24 IVCNR 7 IVCNR_FLB2 C 16 CHAR16 Invoice number Invoice number from customer
FLB24 PYAMT 8 PYAMT_FLB2 N 10 NUM10 Payment Amount Payment amount for single invoice
FLB24 DDAMT 9 DDAMT_FLB2 N 10 NUM10 Deduction amount Deduction amount. Should be in format #####
as SAP will add in decimal.
Can be integrated w/ dispute management
using exits
FLB24 RESTG 10 RSTGR_EXT C 3 CHAR3 External Reason Code for Payment Differences Reason code for deduction or difference.
Integrated in payment advice and dispute
FLB24 OR011 11 CHAR30 C 30 CHAR30 30 Characters
Check and invoice info for BAI2
FLB26 DR001 1 RTYPE_FLB N 1 NUM01 Record Type for Lockbox
FLB26 DR002 2 BATNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Number for Lockbox (Bundle Number) Batch number should be unique
FLB26 DR003 3 ITMNR_FLB N 3 NUM3 Batch Item Number for Lockbox Item number shouldn’t be duplicated
in a batch
FLB26 DR004 4 REAMT_FLB N 10 NUM10 Remittance Amount (Payment Amount) for Lockbox Payment amount for complete check, no
commas or decimal points. SAP converts #####
to ###.## internally
FLB26 DR005 5 REID1_FLB C 9 CHAR9 Remitter Identifier 1: Transit Routing Number for Lockbox US Routing Number – used to identify customer
FLB26 DR006 6 REID2_FLB C 10 CHAR10 Remitter Identifier 2: Account Number for Lockbox US Bank Account number – used to identify
FLB26 DR007 7 CHQNR_FLB N 9 NUM9 Check Number Check number
FLB26 DR008 8 CHAR35 C 35 CHAR35 Data Element Type CHAR Length 35

Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2013 by David Schenz. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at 5
BAI2 overview for SAP:

Field Description Source David’s comment

Table AVIK
MANDT Client SY-MANDT Client
BUKRS CoCd FEBKO-BUKRS Derived from HBA in T012/T012K based on origin and destination lookup against T049a
KOART Account Type 'D' Customer
WAERS Currency FEBEP-WAERS Derived from HBA in T012/T012K based on origin and destination lookup against T049a
AVTXT Text Char50
AVSRT Payment advice type AVSRT Payment amount for single invoice
Table AVIR
AVSID Payment Advice # AVIP-AVSID
RESTB Deduction Amount LAVIR-RESTB

Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2013 by David Schenz. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at 6
BAI2 overview for SAP:

Field Description Source David’s comment

Table AVIP
BUKRS Company Code AVIK-BUKRS Derived from HBA in T012/T012K based on origin and destination lookup against T049a
AVSID Payment Advice # AVIK-AVSID
SFELD Selection Field LAVIP-SFELD Based on search rule and hit on search rule, this will be populated with the field that was used to determine the
document to match against the payment
SWERT Selection Value LAVIP-SWERT Based on search rule and hit on search rule, this will be populated with the document number for the field that matches
the payment
NEBTR Net Payment Amount NEBTR Derived from FLB*4-PYAMT
ABBTR Deduction Amount ABBTR Derived from FLB*4-DDAMT
WRBTR Gross Amount WRBTR Internally derived
GSBER Business Area GSBER
XPPMT Partial Payments Ind PPYMT
BUZEI Line number BUZEI

Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2013 by David Schenz. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at 7

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