Unavngivet Dokument

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The number of people who smoke hash has increased

dramatically in Denmark in recent years. It has spawned a

huge criminal market that is currently escalating into violent
gang riots to gain control of the hash market. Innocent people
are killed over something as modest as a plant and the police
continue to spend enormous resources on catching, judging
and incarcerating hashishers who have in fact done nothing
wrong. Yes, you read right! The hashish smokers do not hurt
when they smoke a small joint every now and then to try to
overcome everyday stress and rush, just like you and me.
Instead, we drink a couple of cold four-evening bakers, take a
break at work, or grab a small glass of wine for dinner, makes
no difference. Reliable scientific studies show that hashish
effect can be compared to that of coffee and tea, and it is in
any case less dangerous than alcohol.

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