We Have An Opinion About Weed

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Weed - Legal or not?

There is one big discussion. Should weed be legal? We have all have different opinions.

In some countries weed is legal, and of cause some countries it isn't. Some countries use it
for medication. In denmark, weed is illegal. But not if it is for medication. In denmark, if you
have a recipe from the doctor, you can get cannabis oil. But it is rare.

What is weed?
Weed has a lot of other names, such as Marijuana, pot, joint, Mary Jane, Grass. Cannabis
(weed) is a drug, or medication, which is made of the hemp-plant. Cannabis is classified as a
cannabinoid drug. The exact number of different cannabinoid in the cannabis sativa plant is
still being researched, but it primarily contains the psychoactive THC (delta9
tetrahydrocannabinol) and the non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD).

There is various of different type of Cannabis

Hashish: Is resin, is pressed together with plant parts and binders like resin. Hashish
is found in chunks and plates and the color is black, brown, red and green. Hashish
have 10-40 % THC.

Marihuana/pot: Is dried leaves and looks like chopped grass and it's a very weak

Weed is form the top of the plant and its contain a higher percent of Thc up to 30 % it
looks like Marihuana.

Cannabis Oil: Is oil from Hashish or marijuana. Its brown and viscous it can have up
to 50% THC

Pros and cons:
Pros: Medication
decrease anxiety
decrease pain

Cons: increased heart rate

lowers the reaction time
increased the risk of stroke
Problems with coordination
Straight up facts about weed
Weed when we speak weed in daily talk, we mostly refer to hashish. This is not what we are
going to talk about tho. We are going to talk about weed, why it's good and why other people
think different.
When you buy the illegal weed from your local drug dealer, the strain is made to have high
THC and low CBD, and the legal weed mostly contains lower THC and higher CBD.
When you smoke weed for the cause of having a good time you smoke it to get high, and
smoke weed with high contain of THC, but this weed is not healthy. The good weed have
high CBD contain and have more benefits as relief of pain, lower anxiety, lower depression,
can alleviate cancer-related symptoms, and lots of other things.

How does weed work?-

You can smoke, eat, and drink, cannabis. If smoked, the effect is immediate. but if you drink
or eat it, about an hour can go by before the effect takes place. The effect lasts 2-4 hours
and more, but it depends on how much you consume.

After you intake weed when you smoke raises the concentration of THC in the blood almost
immediately to a maximum, and then falls the concentration fast. In a few hours are you
down on a very low level, same time spreads weed to the adipose tissue. The “rush” only
takes place in the first 2 - 4 hours after the intake, but after the rush you get tired, and ones
functions can be reduces the next 24 hours, while the brain is recovering.

Side Effects:
● Decline in IQ (up to 8 points if prolonged use started in adolescent age)
● Poor school performance and higher chance of dropping out
● Impaired thinking and ability to learn and perform complex tasks
● Lowered reaction time
● Increased heart rate (risk of heart attack)
● Increased risk of stroke
● Problems with coordination (impairing safe driving or playing sports)


Why some mean it should not be illegal :

Legalization will also create some competition with the criminal environment. If they
now lower prices even more and the hash becomes cheaper, it can also lead to
buying there instead of buying it from the state. If it gets cheaper, there are also
several who can afford it. But it is also not the case that criminal gangs otherwise
drop their runway. If they can no longer make money on this, they have to find
something else to make money, and what do they think?


Why some mean it should be Legal.

Gangs and other criminal groups will cease as they can no longer make money

The lawlessness of Christiania will disappear

Customers are not criminalized

Released police resources

Revenue to the state through taxes

A "clean" product for the customer Information and advice to the customer

Our opinions
Calles opinion(Rasmus)

The number of people who smoke hash has increased dramatically in Denmark in recent
years. It has spawned a huge criminal market that is currently escalating into violent gang
riots to gain control of the hash market. Innocent people are killed over something as modest
as a plant and the police continue to spend enormous resources on catching, judging and
incarcerating hashishers who have in fact done nothing wrong. Yes, you read right! The
hashish smokers causes no harm when they smoke a small joint every now and then, to try
to overcome everyday stress and rush, just like you and me. Instead, we drink a couple of
cold four-evening bakers, take a break at work, or grab a small glass of wine for dinner,
makes no difference. Reliable scientific studies show that hashish effect can be compared to
that of coffee and tea, and it is in any case less dangerous than alcohol.
I don't think it should be legal because there is a reason it is illegal, it have many side effect
there can ruin a life, and when you had smoked weed you have done that, and you will be
interesting in other drugs too. If weed got legalized, so will others also have an drug
legalized. And that will repeat and repeat so its a bad idea to legalize it

Rasmus: I think it should be legal, to use it as medicine, because it has been scientifically
proven to reduce pain, without any significant side effects. I think it should not be legal for
anyone under 25, no matter if it's for for medical, or recreational use. Though i don't think it
should be legal for recreational use.

In some point i think it should be illegal. there is some negative, and some positive things
about it. Weed isn't that big of a deal. I would rather smoke weed, then taking crack. Plus
weed can be used for a good cause. Some medication is made out of the hamb plant. I think
that it should be legal, but only for a specific age limit. Just like cigarettes, so illegal for
children, and legal for adults. Because it slowly destroys the brain. Just like so many things.
of cause i don't encourage people to start smoking weed.

1 slide: Jacob

2 slide: Rasmus

3 slide: Jacob

4 slide: Calle

5 slide: Calle

6 slide: Rasmus

7 slide: Jacob

8-13 slide: Calle

14 slide: All

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