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Food for Thought
Taste before You Waste

Challenge 「嚐」而不「廢(費)」

How do you choose which fruit or vegetables to buy? Is it based on appearance,
smell, or something else?

Every single year, at least 1.3 billion tons of food goes to waste around

the world. That's one-third, more or less, of all the food produced on our

planet. Meanwhile, roughly 800 million people worldwide suffer daily due to

inadequate1 food supplies and malnutrition. With so much waste and so

5 much hunger, there should be a better way to manage our food.

When it comes to food waste, producers and consumers are equally to

blame. For a start, many of the crops we grow should not be left to rot2 in

fields just because they are the wrong size, shape, or color. In addition, crops

which are actually harvested3 often spoil4 in transit5 due to bad timing or

10 poor temperature control. Last but not least, consumers are responsible for

around one-third of all food waste. All too often, we buy or cook more food

than we can eat, thus wasting food that could have been used more wisely.

Reducing food waste has many advantages6. First, we could easily

prevent millions of people from going hungry by distributing7 food more

15 efficiently8. Second, since food waste nowadays accounts for seven

1. inadequate adj. 不足的 6. advantage n. [C] 優點 11. handy adj. 便利的

2. rot vi. 腐爛 7. distribute vt. 分發 12. excess adj. 額外的
3. harvest vt. 收割 8. efficiently adv. 有效率地 13. issue n. [C] 問題
4. spoil vi. 腐壞 9. emission n. [C] 排放物 1. more or less 大約
5. transit n. [U] 運輸 10. worthwhile adj. 值得的


percent of all greenhouse gas emissions9, the planet itself would benefit.

Third, hundreds of billions of dollars could be saved every year just by

managing our food better and reducing waste. Imagine all the worthwhile10

things we could do with this money instead!

Fortunately, many creative people have already begun the battle against 20

food waste. In Berlin, for instance, locals have set up several handy11 "free

food fridges" around the city. No matter what kind of excess12 food people

have, they are free to put it in the fridges. Then people who need it can help

themselves to the food before it spoils. Instock, a "leftover food restaurant"

2. prevent... from...  malnutrition [͵mælnjuˋtrɪʃən]

 Berlin [bɝˋlɪn] n. 柏林

防止……去做…… n. [U] 營養不良  Instock [ˋɪnstɑk] n. 印史塔克

3. account for  greenhouse gas

(數量或比例上)占 [ˋgrinhaʊs ͵gæs] 溫室氣體

25 in Amsterdam, is also trying to do something about the issue13. Whenever

they can, the diner's staff14 members collect unwanted but perfectly good

food from supermarkets and convert it into tasty meals. Two thousand

kilograms of food are rescued in this way every week! Finally, the French chain

Intermarché has been similarly resourceful. These fresh food shops

30 purchase15 non-standard, or "ugly," but great-tasting produce straight from

farms. By selling it at highly discounted prices, they do their part to reduce the

amount of edible16 food that ends up in the trash.

Though creative efforts like these do help, it's up to everyone to save

food, money, the planet, and lives. Let's only buy and prepare as much food as

35 we need. Let's eat up, eat "ugly," and put an end to food waste!

14. staff n. [U, C] 全體職員 4. eat up (sth.) 吃光  Intermarché [͵ɪntəmɑˋʃe]

15. purchase vt. 購買  Amsterdam [ˋæmstɚ͵dæm]
n. 印特瑪爾雪
16. edible adj. 可食用的 n. 阿姆斯特丹

Read and Check 選出最適當的答案。

1. What is the main idea of "Food for Thought"?

(A) The ways that people waste food.
(B) What people can do to reduce food waste.
(C) How many tons of food are wasted each year.
(D) Which types of food people usually don't waste.

2. When it comes to food waste, which is NOT true?

(A) Not only producers but also consumers are responsible for food waste.
(B) About a third of all the food the planet produces goes to waste.
(C) Ten percent of all greenhouse gas emissions result from food waste.
(D) Millions of people go hungry because food isn't distributed efficiently.

3. Which of the following statements is true?

(A) Sharing food resources better could prevent a lot of hunger.
(B) Food waste is the main cause of all greenhouse gas emissions.
(C) Intermarché is a European restaurant devoted to reducing food waste.
(D) Instock, a chain store in Amsterdam, sells "ugly" but tasty produce.

4. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?

(A) Selling "ugly" foods in supermarkets.
(B) Sharing unwanted leftovers with neighbors.
(C) Giving excess food away before it spoils or rots.
(D) Not preparing more food than will be eaten.

Go Get Tip 看完下列閱讀策略後,依指示作答。

Scanning for Specific Information 掃讀特定訊息


Scan the passage and complete the sentences using the following numbers.

2,000    7    1.3 billion    800 million

1. At least        tons of food is wasted every year.

2. Staff members at Instock reduce food waste by        kilograms a week.
3. Roughly        people suffer daily from hunger.
4. Food waste accounts for        percent of all
greenhouse gas emissions.

Think and Talk 看完Reading影片後,回答下列問題。

What actions can you take to reduce

food waste?

Vocabulary 3

1. inadequate adj. 不足的 not enough

[ɪnˋædəkwɪt] SYN insufficient ANT adequate, enough, sufficient
● Inadequate food supplies can lead to higher prices.

adequate adj. 充足的

[ˋædəkwɪt] ● Without an adequate amount of sleep, people's health suffers.

2. rot vi. 腐爛 to decay (rot‒rotted‒rotted)

[rɑt] ● Plenty of vegetables are left to rot in fields when the supply is far
greater than the demand.

rotten adj. 腐爛的

[ˋrɑtṇ] ● This rotten fruit is making the kitchen smell awful. Please throw
it out.

3. harvest vt. 收割 to collect crops from the fields

[ˋhɑrvɪst] ● In Taiwan, farmers harvesting rice is a common sight in the

harvest n. [C] 收穫
[ˋhɑrvɪst] ● Too little rain this year resulted in a poor harvest.

4. spoil vi. 腐壞;vt. 溺愛 to become not suitable for eating over time; to
[spɔɪl] ruin a child's personality by giving the child too many things or letting
the child do whatever he/she wants SYN rot
● Food tends to spoil quickly in summer because of the high
temperatures and humidity.
● Some parents spoil their children by giving them everything
they ask for.

spoiled adj. 被寵壞的

[spɔɪld] ● Henry is such a spoiled child! His parents give him whatever
he wants.

5. transit n. [U] 運輸 the process of transporting or moving something or

[ˋtrænzɪt] someone from one location to another
● Even though the delivery truck was involved in an accident,
none of the goods were damaged in transit.

transition n. [C, U] 轉變
[trænˋzɪʃən] ● The frequent transitions from cold to warm weather this winter
have caused many people to get sick.
● At first, it was hard for Sally to make the transition from student
to worker.

6. advantage n. [C] 優點 a good point of someone or something

[ədˋvæntɪdʒ] SYN benefit ANT disadvantage
● Convenient public transportation is one of the advantages of
living in a big city.

disadvantage n. [C] 缺點
[͵dɪsədˋvæntɪdʒ] ● There are many disadvantages to owning a car, such as the
cost of parking and maintaining it.

7. distribute
vt. 分發 to deliver or hand things out to different people
SYN give out 3
● The students are excited because their teacher is distributing
Christmas gifts to them.

distribution n. [U] 分發
[͵dɪstrəˋbjuʃən] ● The distribution of relief supplies to earthquake victims is being
handled by the Red Cross.

8. efficiently adv. 有效率地 in a way that doesn't waste any time, energy, or resources
[ɪˋfɪʃəntlɪ] ANT inefficiently
● This new machine works very efficiently and doesn't waste any

efficient adj. 有效率的 ANT inefficient

[ɪˋfɪʃənt] ● Social networking is an efficient way to keep in touch with a
large number of people.

efficiency n. [U] 效率 ANT inefficiency

[ɪˋfɪʃənsɪ] ● Greater efficiency can help businesses cut costs and earn bigger

9. emission n. [C] 排放物 a gas released into the air, usually as a waste product
[ɪˋmɪʃən] ● To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Tom takes the bus to work
every day instead of driving.

emit vt. 排放 (emit‒emitted‒emitted)

[ɪˋmɪt] ● Unlike gas-fueled cars, electric cars emit very few harmful gases.

10. worthwhile adj. 值得的 worthy of any time, money, or effort that is spent
[͵wɝθˋwaɪl] ● It is worthwhile downloading the library app because it makes
borrowing books much easier.

 relief supplies 災難救濟物品

11. handy adj. 便利的 convenient
[ˋhændɪ] ● Don't throw those plastic bags away. They will come in handy later
when we go shopping.

12. excess adj. (only before noun) 額外的 extra SYN additional
[ˋɛksɛs] ● Excess water due to the typhoon caused the dam to overflow and
flood the area.

excess n. [U] 過度
[ɪkˋsɛs] ● The driver got a ticket for traveling at speeds in excess of 120

excessive adj. 過度的

[ɪkˋsɛsɪv] ● Drinking excessive amounts of coffee can make it hard for a person
to sleep at night.

13. issue n. [C] 問題;議題 a subject or problem

[ˋɪʃu] ● Environmental issues such as pollution and global warming affect
all living things on Earth.

issue vt. 發布
[ˋɪʃu] ● A warning about the powerful storm was issued to give people
time to prepare.

14. staff n. [U, C] 全體職員 a group of all the people working for an organization
[stæf] ● We have a big company meeting every three months, and the
whole staff is expected to attend.
● The company has a staff of over one thousand people in France
and Japan.

66  overflow [͵ovɚˋflo] vi. 氾濫

15. purchase
vt. 購買 to buy something

SYN buy

You can purchase a swimsuit in the hotel's gift shop, but it will likely 3
be cheaper if you buy one somewhere else.

purchase n. [U] 購買;n. [C] 購買的東西

[ˋpɝtʃəs] ● It is advised that the product be consumed within three days of
● Today only, customers will receive a fifteen percent discount on all
purchases over NT$500.

16. edible adj. 可食用的 suitable for eating SYN eatable ANT inedible
[ˋɛdəbḷ] ● The candles on the cake aren't edible, so don't let the children eat

1. more or less 大約 SYN about, around, approximately 計畫

● A hundred people, more or less, have program

signed up for the weight-loss program. programme

2. prevent… from… 防止……去做…… SYN stop/keep… from…

● Kevin is a determined person. Nothing can prevent him
from reaching his goals.

3. account for (數量或比例上)占

● Christmas sales account for more than half of the
company's yearly profits.

4. eat up (sth.) 吃光
● Grace felt so hungry after swimming that she ate up all
the food on the table.

Focal Point 1

Dad, I don't know

what to choose as
my major in college.
Any suggestions?

Choose something you are

interested in. Whatever you
choose, you have my full

在對話中,父親為強調「任何」感興趣的科系都可以,因此使用「whatever + S
+ V」的句型來表達對女兒的支持。

(I) No matter 疑問詞 (+ S) + V..., S + V.
(II) 疑問詞-ever (+ S) + V..., S + V.

「no matter + 疑問詞」為從屬連接詞,連接兩個子句,表示「無論……」,可代

● No matter what you choose, you have my full support.
→ Whatever you choose, you have my full support.

No matter who shows up, I won't be surprised.

→ Whoever shows up, I won't be surprised.

Examples Examples from the Text

● No matter what kind of excess food people have, they are free to put it in the
● Whenever they can, the diner's staff members collect unwanted but perfectly
good food from supermarkets and convert it into tasty meals.

Practice A 參照範例,以上述句型改寫下列句子。

e.g. No matter what happens, I'll always love you.

f Whatever happens, I'll always love you.
1. No matter which card the man chooses, the magician can always guess what it is.
2. No matter when you visit the island, you're sure to enjoy nice weather.
3. No matter who you are, you can't treat other people that way!
4. No matter how tired Jack is, he will always finish the race.
5. No matter when you come, you are always welcome.

Practice B Chloe和Rita在西門町逛街,收到知名百貨公司盛大開幕的宣傳單。

● No matter who you are

● No matter when you want to shop
● No matter what you are looking for
● No matter where you go in the store
● No matter which payment option you use

The New LT Department Store!

  We are excited to announce a new LT Department Store opening downtown!
Everyone is welcome—parents, students, office workers, and others. 1      
             , our mall is sure to have something to interest
you! We have over a dozen departments filled with all kinds of goods. 2    
               , you are sure to find it.
  LT is all about great service. Each department has highly trained staff members
to assist you. 3                   , you are sure to receive
quick and professional help with your purchases. When it's time to pay, we accept
all major credit cards and mobile payment methods. 4            
      , returns are free and easy. Best of all, our store is open twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week. 5                   , we
will be ready for you.
  Come to the grand opening this Saturday afternoon. We can't wait to serve

70  payment option 付款選項

Focal Point 2 3
Oliver's condition has
worsened. He should
have listened to his

「should have + P.P.」來表達對過去事實相反的假設。

should/could (not) have + P.P.


● Oliver's condition has worsened. He should have
should have + P.P. listened to his doctor.

● I shouldn't have eaten so much. Now I feel sick.
shouldn't have + P.P.

● Mark could have won the game, but he didn't.
could have + P.P.

● I couldn't have solved the problem if my mom hadn't
couldn't have + P.P. helped.

Example Example from the Text

● All too often, we buy or cook more food than we can eat, thus wasting food
that could have been used more wisely.

Practice A 參照範例,圈選正確的字詞以完成下列句子。

e.g. Chloe ( should have played / shouldn't have played ) tennis without warming up

first. Her ankle is sprained now.

1. Maggie felt so hungry after hiking all day. She felt she ( could have eaten / couldn't
have eaten ) three full meals.
2. I ( should have renewed / shouldn't have renewed ) my passport. Now I can't go
3. The girl ( could have avoided / couldn't have avoided ) the accident if she had not
been looking at her phone while crossing the street.
4. You ( should have put / shouldn't have put ) the milk back in the fridge. Now it's gone
5. Thanks so much for your help, guys! I ( could have done / couldn't have done ) it
without you.

72  sprain [spren] vt. 扭傷

Practice B Emily與Frank昨晚在餐廳用餐,竟發現湯裡有蟑螂,餐廳經理隔天打



Hi! This is Joe Smith, I'm the manager of ABC Restaurant. May I speak
to Ms. Emily Yang, please?



Ms. Yang, I'm calling to say how sorry I was to hear about the bad
experience you had at our restaurant last night. e.g. I only wish that I
could have had the chance to apologize in person yesterday (in person Manager

yesterday / that I could have / to apologize / I only wish / had the chance).

Thank you. But, quite honestly, that cockroach in my soup really spoiled
my appetite. 1

Emily (shouldn't / like that / My dinner / ruined / have been).

I totally understand, and I'm deeply sorry.


You know what? Yesterday was actually our wedding anniversary. 2  

Emily (an enjoyable, / It / have been / should / romantic evening).

Oh, dear! That's very unfortunate. Again, I sincerely apologize. 3   

(in our
restaurant / shouldn't / cockroach / have been / That) because
cleanliness is always our top priority. There is no excuse for this.

(the restaurant / free of bugs / We could have / to keep / done more).

Indeed, there is no excuse for what happened!


I agree. 5
(shouldn't have / yesterday / We / down / let you), and I hope that you
will accept my sincerest apology. To make it up to you and your
husband, I would like to offer you a free dinner at our restaurant.

I guess that sounds fair enough. Thank you....


Listening 3

1. (A)         (B)         (C)        

2. (A)         (B)         (C)        

3. (A)         (B)         (C)        

4. (A)         (B)         (C)        

Recycling for the Future
Doris catches her classmate Eric doing something wrong.

Wait a minute.
What are you doing?

Um... Just throwing

out some trash. What are those
bottles made of?

Don't you know

those are recyclable?

Well... uh... this one is

glass, and that one is


Oh! I didn't Seriously?

notice that.

Fine. You caught me. But they are just

I was just too lazy to right over there.
walk to the recycling

I know, I know.

Little things can

make a big

You're right. It
won't happen
again. I swear!

Useful Expressions
If someone does something they shouldn't, you can say:

● What are you doing?

● Why on Earth would you do that?
● What were you thinking?

To admit you did or said something wrong, you can say:

● You caught me.

● OK, I confess.
● Guilty as charged.

Pop Quiz
1. Liza: That big project is finally finished. Thank goodness! I worked on it all
Orlando: Are you sure it took "all weekend"? Didn't I see you at the
movies yesterday?
Liza: OK.      But I really did spend quite a few hours on it.
(A) That's a good one. (B) Guilty as charged.
(C) It was really hard. (D) Cheer up.

2. Katie: Jared!      Get down from there!

Jared: Okay, okay. I just felt like climbing a tree. Don't worry. I won't fall.
Katie: You had better not!
(A) Have you got the time? (B) What's for dinner?
(C) What were you thinking? (D) What's the big deal?

I. Vocabulary 填入最符合句意的單字。

1. Though the cream flowers on the cake are e    e, they're almost
too pretty to eat!
2. We should order more pizza; otherwise, the amount of food for the
party will be i    e.
3. When you p    e something, you should ask for a receipt.
4. Customers are not allowed to enter this room; it is s    f only.
5. The store sells all their e    s goods at a discount at the end of
the year.
6. You will find this guidebook h    y when you visit New York.
7. The relief supplies will be di    ed to the flood victims as soon
as possible.
8. One of the a    es of getting enough sleep is that you will have
more energy.
9. In the video conference, world leaders discussed various global
i    es.
10. Amber considers it w    e to teach disadvantaged children in
remote areas, even though it does not pay well.

II. Grammar 選出最符合語法的答案。

1. Bill failed the math test. He     harder for it.

(A) will study (B) should study
(C) will have studied (D) should have studied
2. No matter     decisions Mike makes, his parents always support him.
(A) how (B) when (C) what (D) where
3. Cathy set her alarm clock     she could get up on time to catch the
school bus.
(A) so that (B) even if (C) now that (D) in order to
4. The star runner's right leg was injured a few days ago. Otherwise, he    
the race.
(A) can win (B) could win
(C) can have won (D) could have won
5. Remember to try to stay calm     scary the situation might be.
(A) whoever (B) however (C) whatever (D) wherever

III. Guided
Translation 根據中文句意填入最適當的字。

1. Daisy做的巧克力蛋糕真好吃,一下子就被她的家人吃光了。
The chocolate cake Daisy made was so tasty that her family        it all
       in no time.
2. 任何事都阻止不了Brenda追求成為專業音樂家的夢想。
Nothing can (p)       Brenda        pursuing her dream of becoming
a professional musician.
3. 去年,從亞洲來的遊客幾乎占了這個城市的七成遊客人數。
Last year, visitors from Asia (a)              nearly seventy percent of
the city's tourists.

IV. Cloze 選出最適當的答案。
  When it comes to food waste, producers and consumers are equally to blame. For a
start, plenty of the crops farmers produce are simply left to  1  in the field because
their size, shape, or color is "wrong."  2 , harvested crops often spoil on the way to
supermarkets and restaurants due to bad timing and poor temperature regulation. Finally,
roughly  3  of all food waste is caused by consumers who buy, cook, or prepare more
food than they can finish. However, there are some ways to avoid food waste. First, using
resources more  4  could save millions of people from going hungry. Second, avoiding
food waste helps reduce greenhouse gas  5 . Third, a large amount of money could
be saved every year by managing our food better and reducing waste. Clearly, it's about
time that we took action to stop food waste.
1. (A) issue (B) rot (C) purchase (D) wander
2. (A) To be brief (B) For instance (C) All at once (D) In addition
3. (A) first-third (B) first-three (C) one-third (D) one-three
4. (A) efficiently (B) traditionally (C) perfectly (D) permanently

5. (A) admissions (B) permissions (C) emissions (D) connections

V. Sentences 依提示完成句子。

1. have / Frank couldn't / without your assistance / finished / his project(重組)

2. No matter where Nancy goes, she carries an umbrella with her.
3. 沒有Chandler的幫助,我們就無法處理那場危機。(We couldn't...)


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