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Tool box talk

Week 2 – Health and Safety Committees

Company: SMEI Projects

Safety Meeting No:24/01 Date:24/01/2012

Presented By:______________________ Contract: NGEZI :Portal 3

Number of employees present:________________

Section 19 & 20 deals with the establishment of Health and Safety committee and their function.

 An H&S Committee must be established where more than one health and safety representative are
 The employer must consult with the Health and Safety Committee at its meetings.
 All safety representatives to be included on the Health and Safety Committee.
 The employer may co-opt additional persons to be on the committee but additional person may not
exceed the number of health and safety representatives.
 Health and Safety meetings must be held at least quarterly, in the Construction industry where the
environment changes rapidly at least monthly or an as often as may be necessary.
 A Committee may make recommendations to the employer.
 Must discuss incidents where a person was injured or became ill.
 Record must be kept of all recommendations made by the committee.
 The employer shall ensure that a health and safety committee carries out its duties.
 Records must be kept for at least 3 years.

The procedure at meetings is of a formal nature where an agenda precede the meetings. An acting chairman
(usually the employer or management team member) and an acting secretary will be present to record comments
and discussion points.

Usually the agenda will be focused on Health and Safety matters to ensure compliance with Act. As well as
ensuring the safety of all workers.

A safety committee enables valuable communication between workers and the employer regarding safety

Test – Answer true or false

1. A Health and Safety committee is not a formal meeting.

2. No records have to be kept of the proceedings of the meeting.
3. If there is only one Safety representative appointed a committee is not necessary.


Raised By Safety Officer 24/01/2012
Reviewed By Supervisor 24/01/2012
Approved Site Agent Manager 24/01/2012
Document Reference: 01 Page 2 of 2

Tool box talk


Raised By Safety Officer 24/01/2012
Reviewed By Supervisor 24/01/2012
Approved Site Agent Manager 24/01/2012

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