Yashica M 11

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Description of Yashica 35 M-II I



A precision instrument copoble

of bringing you some of the
finest photogrophs you hove
e v e r t o k e n . P l e os e r e o d t h e
f ollowing poges c o r e fu l l y .
Follow the eos/r step-by-step
r e c o m m e n d o il o n s .

O Strop Holder
@ F ilm Exposure Counter
@ F ilm Advonce Lever
@ Shutter Releose Button
@ Light Gothering Window
@ Exposure Volue Scole
@ Rongefinder
@ Accessory Shoe
@ View{:inder
@ Film Rewinding Knob
wlFolding Cronk
@ Nome Plote

@ Synchro Terminot @ Tripod Socket
@ Toking Lens (f l2.B 45mml @ Self-timer Lever
@ Cossette Srpoorring Shoft @ F i l m R e w i n d R e l e o s eB u t t o n
@ Finder Ey.-piece @ LvS Rins
€D Film Gore @ ShutterSpeed Control Ring
@ F i l m S p e e d A d i u s t i n gK n o b @ Cross Coupling Ring
@ Sprocket @ Lens Op"ning Scole
@ Toke-up Spool @ Depth-of-Field Scole
@ F i l m P r e s s u r eP l o t e @ Distonce Scote
@ Slide Lock ReleoseButton @ MX Synchro-selector
@ FocusingLever @ Film Position Mork
( | I To unlock the bock cover, slide the Releose Button in the
direction of orrow (to the morking pressing it, ond the

hinged bock coyer will swing open.

35 mm roll film
(21 Pull out the Film Rewinding Knob, ond insert o new roll of
20 or 36 exposures per roll
24x 36 mm size negotive 35 mm film in the film chomber.
Block ond White or Color
(3 I Gently drow oul the film leoder f rom the cosette. Threod

the film leoder into the slot of the Toke-up Spool.

| 4 | Advonce the film with one stroke of the Advonce Lever, ond

moke sure the perforotions in the film ore threoded to the

(t\ $

s P r o c k e st .

(5 ) Close the bock cover by pressing it with your fingers

until it locks into position. Press the Shutter Releose


(6 ) A d v o n c e f i l m o n d p r e s s t h e S h u t t e rR e l e o s e B u t t o n , t w i c e .
17 | Adonvce the film ogoin ond set the figure on the

Exposure Counter Diol opposite the red triongle, turning

the diol counter-clockwise.


LVS-Light Volue Scole or EVS-Exposure Volue Scole os it is
sometimes termed is o system of exposure setting incorporoted in
the shutter. When the LVS or EVS reoding from on exposure meter
(with LVS scole) is tronsferred to the LVS shutter, the operture
ond shutter speed will be set corresponding to the meter reoding
to give the correct exposure. The Aperture ond Shutter ore linked
together, therefore, the operotion is simplified in obtoining the
correct exposure for ony combinotion of operture opening ond
shutter speed ot smoll opertures for depth-of-field or higher shutter
speeds for oction without refiguring exPosure.

R P E E D: B , l ,
S H U T T ES | 2, | 4, 1,8,
tlts, 1 , 3 0 , 1t 6 O ,
1l t 2 s , 1 , 2 5 O ,1 , 5 0 0 ,
LENS OPENING z f 12.8, 4 , 5 . 6 , 8 , l l ,

Assuming the LVS reoding from the exposure
meter is 9, turn the LVS ring on the shutter ond
set the figure 9 opposite the red triongle the
operture will be f : 5.6 ond the shutter speed
I /15 second. This is the bosic exposure which is
the some os indicotde on the exposure meter. lf
smoller opertures or higher shutter speeds ore
desired, turn the Cross Coupling Ring ond set the
required operture opening or shutter Speed to
the triongulor mork ond the correct exposure
setting will be mode in relotion to the bosic

tvs RING

S H U T T ESRP E E DSCALE 500250123

506 01 5 8 4 2 | B
SECALE 2.84 5.68 il t6
The new Yoshico 35 M-ll, with built-in light meter, meosures

the intensity of fhe ovoiloble light ond helps you determine

the proper exposure, eosily ond occurotely. The built'in

exposure meter ond exposure setting system of your

Yoshico 35 M-ll consists of the following elements.

ol Photo Cell, locoted directly

beh nd the Light Gothering


bl Exposure Volue Window.

c) Exposure Volue Scole.

dl Film Speed Adiustment Knob.

el Indicotion Needfe.


Set the proper film speed (aSl or DlNl in the smoll

window, iust in front of the Film Speed Adiustment
Knob. Aim the comero (Photo Cell| ot the subiect, the
red Indicotion Needle will then show the proper Light
Volue system number. The shown by the needle is then
set on the LVS ring of the shutter (the most outer ring)
oposite the red triongle, by turning the LVS ring. The
correct lens operture ond shutter speed hove now been
outomoticollyond occurotely odiusted, simultoneously.
NOTE ' In those coses you find the Indicotion needle
in o position holf woy between o red zone
ond o white zone, f or instonce,between 8 ond
9, odiust the LVS ring so the red triongle of
the shutter is holf woy between 8 ond 9 on
the LVS ring.
NOTE : lf y o u d e si r e to increose or decreose the
depth-of-field for o porticulor exposure, it
will be necessory for you to turn the inner
ring (Coupling Ringl of the shutter to odiust
the lens operture to the desired opening.
t. Turn the LVS Ring ond set the desired
operture (f . stopl number opposite to the
bose of the red triongle on the depth-of-
field scole.
2. Hold the Coupling Ring between your
fingers ond stop it from rotoing when the
LVS Ring is turned.
Exposure reodings from exposure meter cqn olso 3. Agoin, turn the LVS Ring ond set the
desired shutter speed opposite to the
be set in the conventionol monner with the LVS operture (t. stop! number. Remove the
fingers from the Coupling.
shutter on the YASHICA M-ll to the desired shutter
4. Cock the shutter ond odvonce the film
with one stroke of the Film Advonce
speed ond operture (t. stop) which corresponds
Lever, ond you ore reody to toke the
to the meter reoding. picture.

LVS Rins
Ring J
Diomond l:A strl

The single windorv co rbines the vlewfinder-rongefinder,
which enobles you to quickly sight, focus ond frome
ihe picture you wish to toke. The extro lorge
viewing window feotures o bright line f rome indicoting
cleorly the field of the 45 mm lens. When you
compose your picture within this f rome you ore
ossured of getting the some picture you ore seeing
through the viewfinder. When looking through the
viewfinder, the smoll circle oppeoring in the middle
is the ronge-finder of the superimposed imoge type
of focusing. To focus, sight the smoll circle to the
subiect ond move the Focusing Lever until the two
imoges overlop ond f orm one cleor imoge. The
comero is now in focus. Porollox or discreponcy between whot the
lens ond viewfinder see is corrected
outomoticolly in the Yoshico M-ll. The
Yoshico M-ll, with o tilting prism, f ully
coupled to the ronge-finder positively
corrects for porollox ond insures thot the
imoge on the film is identicol to whot seen
through the porollox corrected viewfinder.
Your Yoshico 35 M-ll offers M-X sync oni otion


Bulb Used Medium Peok Short Peok Medium Peok

1 , 1 2 5o r S l o w e r
I /50 or
Shutter Speed Any speeds (When using
I s e l ft i m e r )

Do not use Short Peok bulb with "M" Synchronizotion. Move

the selector to X position when using Electronic Flosh. your
comero deoler will be glod f o supply the proper flosh
ottochment for your comero.
As you become more proficient qt toking picture, you will
wont to ocquire occessories thot increose the versotility of
your comero. One of the first occessories you wont will be
o flosh unit.
Synchronizqtion for flosh rs built-in. A stondord FC connector
plugs into the flosh terminol. The bottery cose slips into the
occessory shoe or ottoches to the comero with on orm thot
screws into the tripod socket.

The single stroke film odvonce lever A\ s t o ln d o r d c o b l e r e l e o s e c o n
hos the odvontoges of tronsporting br€
e fitted
fit' to your Yoshico.
the exposed film, cocking the Sc r e w t h e Coble Releose into
shutter for th e n e xl e xp o su r e, ond t hr e socket provided on the
olso preventing double exposure. shutter
hutter Releose Button. Your
Ropid sequence pictures ore possible c o m e rroo d e o l e r w i l l supply the
by quick operotion of the Film prrloOPO
per r coble releose for your
Advonce Lever. The Self-timer, f or toking co m e r o .
The Yoshico 35 M-ll Film Advonce self-portroits or group pictures,
gives you obout 8 seconds to
Lever employs o fine, precision
get yourself into picture.
mechonism constructed to provide
(Al Coution ! Be sure to move
yeors of trouble-free performonce.
the synchronizotion selector
Like ony i n stru me n t it sh ould be to the X position when
treoled w ith co re o n d re sp ect. lt using self-timer.
is importont thot one complete (Bl Then set the speed, ond
smooth stroke be given until it move the Self-timer in the
direction shown by the
After toking o full roll of film, it is necessory to rewind the film
into the cosette or cortridge before removing the exposed film from NOTE :
the comero. Toword the end of the
l. Press the film releose button which locoted on the underside of film you will f eel o
the comero. lt need not be held in position. slight resistonce. But
2. Flip up the film rewind cronk hondle to the horizontol position ond continue turning the re-
wind in the direction of the orrow. wind cronk until the
3. When the film is completely rewound into the cosette, open the film pulls owoy from
bock cover by pressing the Slide Lock Releose Button in the the slot on the Toke-up
direction of the orrow. Pull up the rewind cronk shoft ond remove spool.

The Lens Aperture controls lhe omounl The shutter speed controls the durotion of the exposure.
Shutter speeds on your Yoshico 35 M-ll with its fine Copol
of light thot will poss through the
Shutterore l, 112, 114, 1/8, 1115, 113O, 1160, 1 1125,
lens onlo light-sensitive film. Yoshico l/25O, 1/5OOof o second ond'B'. The'B'setting is for
toking pictures with on exposure
longer thon I second.
35 M-ll with its Yoshinon lens, offers 'B'.
Use o lripod or broce when using When you press
openings ot f ; 2.8, 4, 5,6, 8, I l, the Shutter Releose Button on ihe seiling, the shulter
stoys open unlil you releose pressure on lhe builon.
It is odvisoble to set the shutler speed before you cock
Notice thot the lower the number, lhe the shutter ol oll limes.

forger the opening. t12.8 is ihe

Comero moy be hond-held
fo r g e s t o p e n i n g , o n d t / l ( lhe smollest. aleroge P i c t u r e Aciion Picture

To set the lens opening, move the l / 3 0 t o l l2sO t/5oo

Use o Tripodor Broce
Cross Coupling Ring lo sel lhe desired
Time Exposure slo* a;;-
number oppssite the red lriongle. i ,i /i , t 1t, 1l B ,l l r s

Exposure meons finding fhe right combinotion of lens-opening (operturel ond shuiler speed in relotion to
the sensitivity (ASA) of your film. (ASA indicores Americon Stondord Associotion). For exomple if you ore l

using o film of ASA 100 sensitivily, your correct exposure will be occording to the following toble :

Y o u r s h u t l e r s p e e d w i l l b e l / l O 0 w i t h o p e r t u r e n u m b e r ss h o w n b e l o w .

Hozy Sun Cloudy-Bright
Open Shode
Light Subiects (l) f 111

Averoge Subiects

Dork Subiects
-i tllr

f ls.6
( I I Light Subiects : Dislont londscopes, neor-by people with seo, beoch ond snow scenes in the LJ

bockground. I
(21 Averoge Subiects: Neor-by people, houses, gordens, buildings ond ploces not in the shode. tI
Advisoble to use ihis closs when light ond dork obiects ore in obout equol proportions. I

( 3 ) Dork Subiects : People in dork clothing ; lrees, flowers, onimols ond lorge buildings.
l4l Open Shode: Subiects shode from the sun but lighted by o wide oreo of open sky. The less
lhe open sky the lorger the opening.

lf you ore using on ASA 50 film, you will moke o lorger lens-opening or lower your shulter speed (l/50).
, ,i
When in doubl, follow the film monufocturer's recommendofions, qnd you will be ossured of good pictures. t'
When you focus the comero on o subiect there is o
certoin distonce in f ront ond bock of the subiect within
which other obiects will olso oppeor shorp. This is
known os the "Depth-of-field", ond it vories with the
lens operture, the smoller the opeture the greoter the
Depth-of-field, it is much lorger ot tll6 thon f 12.8.
T h e D e p t h - o f- f i e l d scole will be f ound on the lens
mount in the front port of the comero. You will notice
thot on either side of the f2.8 figure is o similor set
of numbers which represent the lens opertures.
When the comerq is focused on your subiect, look for
the operture you ore using on either side of the scole
to determine the Depth-of-field. Thus, if the comero is
focusing qt 7 feet ond the lens operture is f /8, the
Depth-of-field (oreo in which oll obiects ore shorp) is
f rom obout 4II. to 20 tt.
You con olso use the Depth-of-field to use your Yoshico
35 M-ll os o fixed-focus comero. In this cose set the
distonce scole to 20 tt. ond the lens operture to f lg.
You will notice on the Depth-of-field thot onything
f rom obout I I f eet to infinity will be in focus.
Initiolly, you will find o yellow filter ideol for bringing out clouds in londscope pictures ond

for generol uses. An UV filter is suitoble for color photogrophy ond olso protect the lens.

As you become more odvonced, you moy wont to use vorious filters, such os oronge, green,

eic., for different effects. Your comero deoler will give you complete informotion.


Be sure to reploce the Lens Cop when your comero is not in use.

Keep your comero owoy f rom dust ond moisture For cleoning the

lens surfoce to remove dust or dirt, olwoys wipe very lightly by

using cleon gouze or lens cleoning cloth Do not wipe lens with o

dirry hondkerchief When you ore not using your comero for o

long period do not leove ihe shutter set In such coses ploce ihe

lens Cop over the lens to ovoid exposure, ond releose the shuiter.

As soon os possible ofter you purchose your Yoshico 35 M-ll
REVIEW: fill in the informotion required below. Keep this booklet in

q o sofe ploce. In cose of loss or iheft this informotion moy

Set the film emulsion speed
prove voluoble in recovering ihe comero.
in the window.
Reod the light volue on the
exposure meter. 35M-ll Serialllumber

Turn the LVS Ring ond set

the LVS number opposite
YAsllll{Ollt12.8 45 mm Lens}lumbor
the red triongle.
d Cock the shutter.
e Compose your picture PURCHASED
througilr the viewfinder. (Nome of Firm)

f Toke the picture.

g Advonce the film f or the
n.ext exposure.


6205-5000- s (Ky)

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