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(A Govt. Aided UGC Autonomous & NAAC Accredited Institute Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)

Project Report

Emoji Cast
A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of


Submitted by:
Shivam Yadav (0901IT191056)

Faculty Mentor:
Prof. Vikas Sejwar
Prof. Abhilash Sonkar

Minor Project-2 – 160603

Submitted to:


GWALIOR - 474005
(A Govt. Aided UGC Autonomous & NAAC Accredited Institute Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)


This is certified that Shivam Yadav (0901IT191056) has submitted the project report titled “EMOJI
CAST “under the mentorship of Prof. Vikas Sejwar and Prof. Abhilash Sonkar in partial fulfilment
of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology
from Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior.

Vikas Sejwar Dr. Akhilesh Tiwari

Assistant Professor Professor and Head
Department of IT Department of IT

Abhilash Sonkar
Assistant. Professor
Department of IT
(A Govt. Aided UGC Autonomous & NAAC Accredited Institute Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)


I hereby declare that the work being presented in this project report, for the partial fulfilment of
requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology at
Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior is an authenticated and original record of my
work under the mentorship of Prof. Vikas Sejwar and Prof. Abhilash Sonkar, Information
Technology Branch.

I declare that I have not submitted the matter embodied in this report for the award of any degree or
diploma anywhere else.

Date: 05/05/2022 Shivam Yadav

Place: Gwalior (0901IT191056)
III Year,
Information Technology
(A Govt. Aided UGC Autonomous & NAAC Accredited Institute Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)


The full semester project has proved to be pivotal to my career. I am thankful to my institute, Madhav
Institute of Technology and Science to allow me to continue my disciplinary/interdisciplinary
project as a curriculum requirement, under the provisions of the Flexible Curriculum Scheme (based
on the AICTE Model Curriculum 2018), approved by the Academic Council of the institute. I extend
my gratitude to the Director of the institute, Dr. R. K. Pandit and Dean Academics, Dr. Manjaree
Pandit for this.

I would sincerely like to thank my department, Department of Information Technology, for allowing
me to explore this project. I humbly thank Dr. Akhilesh Tiwari, Professor and Head, Department of
Information Technology, for his continued support during the course of this engagement, which eased
the process and formalities involved.

I am sincerely thankful to my faculty mentors. I am grateful to the guidance of Prof. Vikas Sejwar
and Prof. Abhilash Sonkar, Information Technology Branch for his continued support and guidance
throughout the project. I am also very thankful to the faculty and staff of the department.

Shivam Yadav
III Year,
Information Technology
1. Abstract…………………………………………………… 1
2. List of figures……………………. ………………………. 2
3. Chapter 1: Project Overview …………………………….. 3
i. Introduction, Objectives and Scope…………. 3
ii. Project Features……………………………... 3
iii. System Requirement………………………… 4
iv. Applicability………………………………… 5

4. Chapter 2: Preliminary design……………………………... 6

i. Tools and technology used….……………….. 7

5. Chapter 3: Final Analysis and Design …………………….. 8

i. Results, Result Analysis……….…………….. 9
ii. Application and Limitations………………… 10
iii. Conclusion and Future Work……………….. 11

6. References …………………………………………..…… 12

Emojis are small images that are commonly included in social media text messages. the mixture of
visual and textual content within the same message builds up a contemporary way of communication.
Despite being widely employed in social media, emojis’ underlying semantics have received little
attention from a language Processing standpoint.

In this project, we investigate the relation between words and emojis, studying the novel task of
predicting which emojis come to mind by text-based tweet messages. We experimented variant of
word embedding techniques, and train several models. Our experimental results show that our model
can predict reasonable emoji from tweets, text.

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Figure Number Figure caption Page No.

1- Fig 1-RNN working 6

2- Fig 2- Library & Classification 7
3- Fig 3- Result Analysis 8
4- Fig 4- Testing & Output 9

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Chapter 1: Project Overview

I. Introduction, Objectives and Scope

Emojis are the incredible way of expressing yourself. Therefore, our machines should even be tuned
in to the acceptable emoji to be used at the correct time. Thus, this project does the identical.

Emoji prediction may be a fun variant of sentiment analysis. When texting your friends, emoji can
make your text messages more expressive. it might be nice if the keyboard can predict emojis
supported the emotion and meaning of the entire sentence you typed out.

The interplay between text-based messages and and emojis remains virtually unexplored. during this
application project, we aim to fill this gap by investigating the relation between words and emojis,
studying the matter of predicting which emojis spring to mind by text-based tweet message. We build
classifiers that learns to associate emojis with sentences.

II. Project Features

In this project, the model is predicting emoji's per a given sentence using Deep Learning Models.
Emojis became a brand new language which will more effectively express a plan or emotion. This
visual language is now a customary for online communication, available not only in Twitter, but also
in another large online platform like Facebook and Instagram.

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III. System Requirement

Hardware Specification
Since the hardware's are the important part while developing an online project, its necessary to seek
out hardware requirements.

The minimum level of required processor for this platform is Pentium IV with 800 MHz processing
speed. Since the time taken for processing the instruction depends on the processor power, so it's
important to decide on the desired processor.

For higher speed of the processing, it also depends on the memory.
Therefore, for better performance minimum RAM should be 256 MB.

In modern days, there's an unlimited amount of information is generated daily from the net platforms.
So, an honest size of fixed disk is required for the storage of the processed data.

Cache Memory–
Access time of the operation tasks mainly depends on the cache memory. Therefore, the minimum
recommended cache memory is 2 MB.

Software Specification

Our system should meet following minimum specifications

OS — Windows 7 or later versions

We will be using Python technologies.

It is necessary to possess python installed on the system and its modules such as: NumPy, Pandas
TensorFlow, Emoji.
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IV. Applicability

Sentiment analysis in linguistics could be a general term for techniques that quantify sentiment or
mood in an exceedingly text. Robust tools for sentiment analysis are often very desirable for
Of course, to be really accurate at analysing sentiment you almost need to have somebody's within
the loop. There are many subtleties in texts that computer algorithms still have a tough time with -
detecting sarcasm, as an example. But, for several practical purposes you do not need to be 100%
accurate in your analysis for it to be useful. A sentiment analyser that gets it right 80% of the time
can still be very valuable.

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Chapter 3: Preliminary design

Our project relies on RNN (Recurrent Neural Network). RNN could be a sort of artificial neural
networks where connections between nodes form a directed or undirected graph along a temporal
sequence. this enables it to exhibit temporal dynamic behaviour. Derived from feedforward neural
networks, RNNs can use their internal state (memory) to process variable length sequences of inputs.

This makes them applicable to tasks like unsegmented, connected handwriting recognition or speech
recognition. Recurrent neural networks are theoretically Turing complete and may run arbitrary
programs to process arbitrary sequences of inputs.

Fig 1-RNN working

We have used RNN model in which our next predicative output is input from previous output to
check the statement letter and then word and then statement wise.

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I. Tools and Technology used

This project was created on ATOM IDE and coded in python Languag

Tools Used – ATOM IDE

OS version -Windows 11

Tools and Libraries used-

Python – 3.x
NumPy – 1.19.2
Pandas – 1.2.4
TensorFlow – 2.4.x
Emoji – 1.2.

Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are the state of the art algorithm for sequential data and are
used by Apple's Siri and and Google's voice search. It is the first algorithm that remembers its
input, due to an internal memory, which makes it perfectly suited for machine learning problems
that involve sequential data.

Fig 2- Imported Library & Classification

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Chapter 4: Final Analysis and Design

I. Results, Result Analysis

We have given 132 statement to train our model with 10 emojis’ classified and tested with 32
statement test statement with an accuracy of 74 %. Accuracy is increased after each iteration of new

Fig 3- Result Analysis

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Emoji Output with input statements:

Fig 4- Testing & Output

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Error Analysis
We analyse the classification results from the most effective performing model, employing a
confusion matrix. A confusion matrix could be a table which summarizes the performance of a
classification algorithm and divulges the kind of misclassifications that occur. In other words, it
shows the classifier's confusion between classes. The rows within the matrix represent verity labels
and also the columns are predicted labels. an ideal classifier would have big numbers on the most
diagonal and zeroes everywhere else

II. Application and Limitations


With the increase of mobile devices and chat apps, emojis became an increasingly important a part
of communication. to stay up with the evolution of language, we should always be able to model
emoji usage supported trends seen on Twitter, Reddit, and other online Social Networks.

additionally, the standardization of emojis within the Unicode Standard has ushered in additional
standardized usage patterns within the different social networks, which makes modelling usage
patterns a significantly more tractable problem.

This visual language is now a typical for online communication, available not only in Twitter, but
also in another large online platform like Facebook and Instagram.

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III. Conclusion and Recommendations

Although our initial work is promising, the models investigated still have significant room to enhance.
One major a part of the issue during this task was working with a loud dataset. Statements will be
quite unstructured, especially with emojis being employed far more loosely than real words. People
have different interpretations of emojis, and infrequently combine multiple emojis without much

Cleaning up the dataset to get rid of nonsensical tweets may help improve the classification
performance. Secondly, since people can use emojis for various purposes apart from summarization
of a press release (for example, to get rid of key verbs such as” heart” for” love”), there are some
inherent limitations to the setup of using whole tweets to predicts emojis.

Training a language-model like model which does word-by-word prediction would overcome a
number of these limitations. Lastly, it's worth considering different selection heuristics for
determining verity label from multiple emojis in a very tweet, like selecting the primary emoji or the
foremost frequent emoji within a press release.

To improve on this results, we probably, first and foremost, need access to more data for training. At
the identical time, adding more specific features to extract from the text may help. for instance,
listening to usage of all caps, punctuation patterns, and similar things would probably improve the

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