Advanced Reaction Engineering

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Neel Patel


ARE (3723024)
Q. Effect of condensing gas on reactor design:
1 2 4
Reactor Condenser 3


Condensate C
The rection in the reactor is A+B C
In the reaction A&B are equimolar.
Now, at any point in the reactor the mole fraction of the components is,
 FA = (R+1) FA0(1-XA)
 FB= (R+1) FA0(1-XA)…….because A and B are equimolar
 FC= (R+1)FA0 XA
Total mole fraction of flow at any point in the reactor,
 Ft = 2 (R+1) FA0(1-XA) + (R+1)FA0 XA

Component C is the condensable gas. So, at the point when condensation starts, the mole fraction
of C
Moles of C condensed
Total moles of reaction
( R+1 ) F A 0 X s
XC =
2 ( R+1 ) F A 0 ( 1−X s ) + ( R+1 ) F A 0 X s

Where, Xs = point at which conversation starts to take place

2 ( 1−X s )+ X s

Beyond XS all of C is condensed and two conditions can be possible,

i. X < XS
ii. X > XS
Neel Patel

1. For, X < XS
X is less than XS so all of X is condensed so the mole fractions of the components are,
 FA = (R+1) FA0(1-X)
 FB= (R+1) FA0(1-X)
 FC= (R+1)FA0 X …….. because all of X is condensed.
Now, total mole fraction of the reaction is,
 Ft = (R+1) FA0(2-X)

2. For, X > XS
X is greater than XS so beyond that point condensate doesn’t enter gas phase, and the mole
fractions of the components are,
 FA = (R+1) FA0(1-X)
 FB= (R+1) FA0(1-X)
 FC= (R+1)FA0 Xs …….. because XS is the point where condensation starts and beyond
that point condensate does not enter gas phase
And the total mole fraction of the reaction is,
 Ft = (R+1) FA0(2-2X+XS)
Now, by gas law
v F t T P0 τ
v0 = Ft 0 T 0 P τ0

 Ft = (R+1) FA0(2-2X+XS)
 Ft0 = 2FA0 (because A and B are equimolar)

v ( R +1 ) (2−2 X + X S )
now, CA =
2 ( R+ 1 ) F A 0 (1− X )C A 0
( R +1 ) (2−2 X + X S ) F A 0
Neel Patel

2(1−X )C A 0
2−2 X + X S

For residence time,

( R+1) (2−2 X + X S)
τ = kC ∫ 2 dx
A 0 X 1 ( 2 ( 1− X ) )

F t 0 RT
v0 = P

Reactor volume = (v0 τ)

Q. Discuss in brief about multiple reactions and explain the procedure for finding
number of independent reactions and independent set.
There are four basic types of multiple reactions: parallel, series, independent, and complex.
1. Parallel reactions: This are reactions where the reactant is consumed by two different
reaction pathways to form different products:

2. Series reactions: This are reactions where the reactant forms an intermediate product,
which reacts further to form another product:

3. Independent reactions: This are reactions that occur at the same time but neither the
products nor the reactants react with themselves or one another.

4. Complex reactions: This are multiple reactions that involve combinations ofvseries and
independent parallel reactions
Neel Patel

Q. Using velocity profile equation, derive dimensionless form of residence time

distribution equations for laminar flow reactor.
For laminar flow in a tubular (cylindrical) reactor, the velocity profile is parabolic, with the fluid
in the center of the tube spending the shortest time in the reactor.
A schematic diagram of the fluid movement after a time t is shown in figure. The figure at the
left shows how far down the reactor each concentric fluid element has traveled after a time t.

The velocity profile in a pipe of outer radius R is


Where, Umax is the

centerline velocity and Uavg is the average velocity through the tube. Uavg is just the volumetric
flow rate divided by the cross-sectional area.
The time of passage of an element of fluid at a radius r is



The volumetric flow rate of fluid out of the reactor between r and (r + dr), dv, is

The fraction of total fluid passing out between r and (r + dr) is dv/v0, i.e.


The fraction of fluid between r and (r + dr) that has a flow rate between v and (v + dv) and
spends a time between t and (t + dt) in the reactor is


relate the fluid fraction, Equation (6), to the fraction of fluid spending between time t and t+dt in
the reactor. First differentiate Equation (3)
Neel Patel

and then use Equation (3) to substitute t for the term in brackets to yield


Combining Equations (5 and (8), and then using Equation (3) that relates for U(r) and t(r), we
now have the fraction of fluid spending between time t and t + dt in the reactor


The minimum time the fluid may spend in the reactor is

Consequently, the complete RTD function for a laminar-flow reactor is


The cumulative distribution function for t _>τ/2 is

The mean residence time tm is

This result was shown previously to be true for any reactor without dispersion.
The mean residence time is just the space time τ.
The dimensionless form of the RTD function is
Neel Patel


Q. Fluidized Bed Reactor

 It can process large volume of reactants
 Mostly used in catalytic cracking
 Small solid particles are suspended in upward moving flow
 catalyst present in stream are suspended in the flow
 In order for fluidization to occur the fluidization to occur the fluid velocity should be
sufficient to suspend the particles in the fluid stream, but not large to take the particle out
of the reactor
 It provides good mixing
 Fluids used is Gas or Liquid

By controlling the gas velocity, it is possible to set the required fluidization regime. The fixed
bed is characterized by a low gas velocity, keeping the bed static. The minimum fluidization
regime is the starting point of the fluidization regime. The bubbling regime arises when gas
velocity exceeds the minimum fluidization velocity, generating instability in the flow. Pneumatic
transport occurs when gas velocity is greater than terminal velocity, and it is used in circulating
fluidized beds.

Fluidization is largely influenced by the characteristics of the particles.

•Group A: Small particles (30–150 μm), and low density (<1.4 g/cm3). The fluidization is easy,
smooth and homogeneous. It makes possible operating with low gas flows and controlling the
growth and speed of the bubbles.
•Group B: Particles with medium diameter (40–500 μm) and density between 1.4 and 4 g/cm3.
The fluidization is good for high gas flow rates. The bubbles tend to grow a lot and appear at the
beginning of fluidization (umf ≈ umb).
Neel Patel

•Group C: Very small particles (d < 30 μm). Fluidization is difficult.

•Group D: Dense and large particles (d > 500 μm). Fluidization is difficult and non-uniform,
ideal for spouted beds.
In fluidized bed modeling, the minimum fluidization condition is determined by the physical
properties of the particles, where porosity, pressure drop, bed expansion and gas velocity are
defined. These characteristics allow determination of bubble diameter and velocity, which
influence mass and heat transfer between the bubble and emulsion phases.

 Gas flows up as bubble
 Mass transfer in & out of bubble
 Catalytic reaction in solid particles (A  product)
Factor affecting performance of FBR
 Rate of Mass Transfer
 Bubble residence time (for how much time bubble raise in reactor)
 Rate of reaction
now, Mass of solid present in reactor
Ws = c Ac Hs (1 – εmf)
where, c = density of catalyst
Ac = cross section area
Hs = height of the settled catalyst inside the bed
εs = porosity of the bed
Mass of solid when fluidized,
Ws = c Ac H (1 – ε)

Minimum fluidization velocity,

g force = drag force
= g(1 - εmf ) (c - g)…………………..(1)

where, c = density of catalyst

Neel Patel

g = density of gas
by Ergun equation,

= ❑g U
ℜ [
2 150(1−ε ) 7 1−ε
4 dp ε 3
…………..(2) ]
where, = sphericity of the particle
dp = diameter of particle

( d p )2 ε mf 3
Umf = g ( c−g ) (for Re < 10)
150 μ 1−ε mf

( )
6 Vp 3
= π
where, Ap = area of particle

Porosity at minimum fluidization velocity

( ) ( )
0.029 0.02
−0.72 μ
εmf = 0.586❑ ❑c
❑g η dp3

where, η = (c - g)

Maximum Fluidization velocity,

drag force > g force

η dp2
ut = (for Re < 0.4)
18 μ

[ ]
2 1
−2 n 3
ut = 1.78∗10 dp (0.4 < Re < 500)

Neel Patel


Hydrodynamic type flow models can be developed to represent the BFB, based on the above two
seemingly simple findings. Let us consider and develop the simplest of these, the K-L BFB
Pass an excess of gas upward through a bed of fine particles. With a large enough bed diameter
we get a freely bubbling bed of fast bubbles. As simplifications, assume the following: The
bubbles are all spherical, all of the same size d,, and all follow the Davidson model. Thus the bed
contains bubbles surrounded by thin clouds rising through an emulsion. We ignore the upflow of
gas through the cloud because the cloud volume is small compared to that of the bubble. This is
the regime where u, u, (see Fig. 20.8). The emulsion stays at minimum fluidization conditions,
thus the relative G/S velocity stays constant in the emulsion.
Each bubble drags up a wake of solids behind it. This generates a circulation of solids in the bed,
upflow behind the bubbles, and downflow everywhere else in the bed. If this downflow of solids
is rapid enough then gas upflow in the emulsion is impeded, can actually stop, and even reverse
itself. Such downflow of gas has been observed and recorded, and occurs when

u0 > ( 3 to 11 ) umf
We ignore any upflow or downflow of gas in the emulsion. We show this model
in Fig. 20.9.
u, = superficial gas velocity in the bed, m3 gas/m2 bed - s
d = diameter, m
E = fraction of voids in the bed
subscripts b, c, e, w refer to bubble, cloud, emulsion, and wake, respectively.
subscripts m, mf, and f refer to packed bed, minimum fluidization, and bubbling
fluidized bed conditions, respectively.
Neel Patel

Material Balance for Gas and for Solids

From Kunii and Levenspiel (1991) a material balance for the bed material gives

ubr = 0.711 (gdb)1/2

ub =u0−u mf +ubr , m/s rise velocity of bubbles in a bubbling bed

m  bubbles 
δ=¿ bed fraction in bubbles, 3
m  bed 

u0−u mf ubr u0
δ= =1− , and for ub ≫u mf we can use δ ≅
ub ub ub

Useful relationships:

H m ( 1−ϵ m ) =H mf ( 1−ϵ mf )=H f ( 1−ϵ f )


1−ϵ f H mf
1−δ= = ⋯ H = height
1−ϵ mf H f

αδ u s
u z= , m/s … downflow of emulsion solids
ue = −u n , m/ s … rise velocity of emulsion gas (can be +¿ or ¿
ϵ mt

Using Davidson's theoretical expresaion for bubble-cloud circulation and the

Highje theory for cloud-emulsion diffusion the interchange of gas between bubble and cloud is
then found to be

K bc =4.50( ) (
um 1
db 44
g 1/ 2 g14  (interchange volume between 
b  and  c , or  c  and  b ) /s
 volume of bubble , s

and between cloud-wake and emulsion,

K et =6.77 ¿ ¿
Neel Patel

 volume of solids 
f b=0.001−0.01= … rough estimate from experiment
 volume of bed 

f c =δ ( 1−ϵ mf ) ¿

´ i)
 volume of solids in the rest of the emulsion 
f e =( 1−ϵ mp) (1−δ )−f e −f b =
 volume of bed 

fb + fc + fe = ftotal = 1 - ϵf

HBFB = Hf = W/s A (1 - ϵf )

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