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Joseph’s Convent International School

St. Stanislaus International School

Subject : ICT Date : 2nd Feb 2021
Time : 45 mins
Total : 20 marks
Name : ________________________________ Roll No.______ Marks obtained ______
Supervisors Signature __________________ Examiners Signature ________________

Create a web page called ‘yourname_cce’.htm This web page must work in all browsers and will have
a table structure as shown below. (each cell contains dimensions in px)

• Into each cell, place differently coloured images of the dimensions specified. Your final page will be
a grid of 9 differently coloured images.
• Open this html file in your browser and take a screenshot.
• Place this screenshot in a New Word Doc.
• Copy paste the html code below this image in your Word Doc.
• Name this Doc appropriately and Upload this Word Doc (evidence) only to complete your exam.

End of Paper

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