Unit 3. 1 Vectors I

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A-Level Maths Unit 3: Further Vectors winstanley


3. Further Vectors
F0 Introduction to 3D vectors and position vectors. Magnitude. Parallel vectors.
Arithmetic with vectors.

3.1 Vectors and Position Vectors

To move from the point C to the point D, we

need to translate 3 units in the positive x
D direction and 1 unit in the positive y direction.

This translation from C to D is called a

 3
C vector, and we write CD =   .
 
Similarly, OP =   .
 
It can be seen that OP = CD . There are in
fact quite a large number of ways of drawing
 3
the vector   .
Sometimes, vectors are represented by a single letter, which will be shown bold in any
printed material, or which you will underline when written by hand.

⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ is represented by a (written a) then a =   .

So, in the above diagram, if 𝑪𝑫 1
 
 3
𝑶𝑷=   .
In the diagram, the co-ordinates of the point P are (3, 1), and the vector ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
The vector ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑶𝑷 is called the position vector of P.(Denoted also p)

Note that a position vector always "starts" from the origin O, and in general, the point
P (x, y) will have position vector ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑶𝑷= (𝒚)

3.2 Coordinates and vectors in three dimensions

To cope with the third dimension we add a third axis (the z axis) which is at right angles to
the xy plane. Then a point in three dimensions has co-ordinates of the form (x, y, z), and a
 x
 
three dimensional vector has three components, and is of the form  y  .
 

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A-Level Maths Unit 3: Further Vectors winstanley

For example, the diagram shows

z axis P(1, 2, 3) the point P (1, 2, 3), which is 1
unit in the positive x direction, 2 in
the positive y direction and 3 in
the positive z direction.
y axis
The position vector of P is then
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = (𝟐).
O x axis

Note that, in the same way as seen above for two dimensional vectors, a position vector
always "starts" from the origin O, and in general, the point P (x, y, z) will have position
vector 𝑶𝑷= (𝒚)

3.3 Magnitude of a vector

The diagram shows the two dimensional vector

 x
  .
 y

P  x
The length of the vector   is called its
 y
 x
magnitude or modulus, and is denoted by   .
 y

In the diagram, the distance OA = ____, and the

O A distance AP = ______.

Hence, by Pythagoras, (OP ) 2 = x 2 + y 2 so that the modulus of OP is given by

 x
  = x 2 + y 2 .
 y

This extends to three dimensions, and it may be shown that

 x
 
 y = x2 + y2 + z2
 

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A-Level Maths Unit 3: Further Vectors winstanley

3.4 Alternative vector notation

 x
 
Sometimes, the vector  y  is written as xi + yj +zk (or in printed material as xi + yj + zk ).
 
i,j,k are unit vectors (vectors of length 1) in the directions of the x,y,z axes respectively.

 − 2
 3   
Find the modulus of each of these vectors (a)   (b)  4  (c) 2i − 4k
 − 2  −1
 

3.5 Using position vectors to find the distance between two points
The diagram shows the point A (3, 1), which
has position vector denoted by a, and the
point B (2, 5) with position vector b.

b    
So a =   and b =   .
   

Reading from the diagram, we see that the

A  
vector AB has the value   .
 
     
It can be seen that   =   -   , and
     
this leads to the general result that

Given two points A and B with position vectors a and b, then the vector from
A to B is given by AB = b - a

Then to find the distance AB, find the modulus of AB

Example Find the distance between these pairs of points

(a) (2, -5, -1) and (0, -3, 2) (b) (-3, 0, 3) and (-3, 1, 2)

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A-Level Maths Unit 3: Further Vectors winstanley

Parallel vectors

if the vector a is multiplied by m, then the vector ma is parallel to the vector a, and its
magnitude is m times that of a. (If m < 0, the magnitude is actually │m│ times that of a.)

This also enables us to test whether two vectors are parallel, as follows:

if vector a is a multiple of vector b, then a and b are parallel.

3.6 Arithmetic with vectors

Vectors may be added together and subtracted by adding and subtracting the
corresponding components. They may be multiplied by a scalar, in which case each
component is multiplied by this amount.

1  −3   2
     
Example If a =  3  , b =  −4  and c =  1  , find the following;
 2  3  −5 
     

(a) a + 2b (b) c − 3b (c) a (d) a + b

(e) Show that a + b is parallel to c (f) Find the distance between the points whose position
vectors are b and c

Exercise 1

1.If the points A, B and C have position vectors a = 2i + 3 j + 4k , b = 4i − 3 j + 7k and

c = −4i + 5 j − 6k find:

(a) AB (b) the distance BC (c) OA + AB (d) Comment on your answer to (c).

 2  5   3  0
2. The position vectors of four points A, B, C and D are   ,   ,   and  
6  2   −5   −1 
Find the vectors AB and CD . Hence comment on the quadrilateral ABCD.

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F1 Introduction to 3D vectors, understand and use the vector and Cartesian forms
of an equation of a straight line in 3D

3.7 Vector equation of a straight line

The diagram shows a straight line passing

P through a fixed point A (with position vector p).
The vector d is a vector in the direction of the
d r
P is a variable point, which can be anywhere
on the line, and the position vector of P is r.

p Whatever the position of P, ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗

𝑂𝑃=𝑂𝐴 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ + ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
But ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐴𝑃 = a multiple of d, so

𝑂𝑃=𝑂𝐴 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ + ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐴𝑃=𝑂𝐴 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ + a multiple of d

⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = 𝑝, and if the "multiple" is denoted by  , we get

⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = 𝑟 and 𝑂𝐴
Also, 𝑂𝑃

r = p + d

This is the vector equation of a straight line.

p is the position vector of a fixed point on the line.

d is a vector in the direction of the line.

To illustrate how the above works in practice, we will look first at an example of a line in
is a scalar variable.
two dimensional space.

Example r is the variable position vector of any point on the line.

 3 2
A line has vector equation r =   +    .
 3  − 1

(a) Write down a vector in the direction of the line, and the position vector of a fixed point
on the line.
(b) Find the values of r when  = -2, -1, 0, 1. Draw these vectors on a suitable pair of
axes, together with the line.

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Exercise 2
1.Find the position vector of a fixed point on each of these lines, and also find the direction
vector of each line.

 3−t   0 
   
(a) r =  1  (b) r = i + (1 −  )k (c) r =  − t + 1 (d) r = (1 +  )i − 2 j + (1 + 2 )k
 4 + 2t   3 
   

2.(a) Find a vector equation of the line L which passes through A(2, -3, 3) and B(0, -4, 1).

(b) Determine whether either of the points C(4, 11, -3) and D(6, -1, 7) lies on L.

Cartesian form
𝑥 𝑝1 𝑑
If 𝑟= (𝑦), 𝑝= (𝑝 ), 𝑑= ( 1 ),
2 𝑑2

r = p +  d =(𝑝𝑝1 ) + 𝜆 (𝑑1 ),
2 𝑑2
𝑥 𝑝1 𝜆𝑑
Then (𝑦)=(𝑝 ) + ( 1 ) and the parametric equation of a straight line in 2D is
2 𝜆𝑑 2

𝑥 = 𝑝1 + 𝜆𝑑1

𝑦 = 𝑝2 + 𝜆𝑑2

Eliminating 𝜆 from both equations we obtain the Cartesian equation (no parameter) of the
𝑥−𝑝1 𝑦−𝑝2
𝑑1 𝑑2

In 3D, by adding the 3rd coordinate z we will find analogous Parametric and Cartesian
(without parameter) equations of the line:

𝑥 = 𝑝1 + 𝜆𝑑1

𝑦 = 𝑝2 + 𝜆𝑑2

𝑧 = 𝑝3 + 𝜆𝑑3
𝑥 − 𝑝1 𝑦 − 𝑝2 𝑧 − 𝑝3
= =
𝑑1 𝑑2 𝑑3

Exercise 3: Find the Cartesian equations of all the lines in Exercise 2.

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Exercise 4

1.Find the Cartesian equation of the line PQ where P and Q have coordinates (1, 3, 5) and

(–1, 0, 4) respectively.



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