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Calculation of Final Grade

Lab Performance 40% *
Tests 10%
Projects 30%
Safety 20%
(*If no tests are given, Lab Performance will count for 50% of the student’s grade)

Lab Performance

Everything you do will have an effect on your grade.  Students will be graded each week on their total
performance.  Students will earn 2 points per day for satisfactory performance.  Points will be deducted for
unexcused lateness, failing to work, and failure to participate in lab cleanup. One point will be deducted from
the total Lab Performance grade for each unexcused absence. Lab Performance will count for 40% of the
student’s quarterly grade.  The categories to be evaluated each day are lab cleanup, behavior, lab work,
punctuality, and cooperation.


All students will be required to conduct themselves in a safe and professional manner while working in the
lab.  Students will be given 2 points per day for following all lab safety rules.  Points will be deducted for
safety violations such as not wearing safety glasses, talking to someone who is using a machine or having
exposed wires dangling from their body, i.e. headphones. Safety will count as 20% of the student’s quarterly


Each student will be constructing various projects during the year.  These projects represent skills and
information learned and will make up 30% of the student's quarterly grade.  Projects will be graded using a
rubric. Projects not completed by the end of the quarter will be graded accordingly.


All students will be required to keep track of all materials given to them over the course of the semester.
 Periodic folder checks will be given.  Students will need a folder with pockets for this requirement.


Homework will be given periodically.  The assignment is usually due the next school day at the beginning of
class.  If the homework is not completed on the due date the student’s lab performance grade will be lowered.


Quizzes will cover the information gathered since the last quiz.  The quiz may cover material taken from the
instruction given during class lessons, reading and writing assignments, demonstrations, and experiences you
have during lab work periods.  You will usually know in advance when a quiz will be given and what topics it
will cover so you may have the opportunity to prepare.  Quizzes missed because of absences will be given the
next school day. Quizzes missed due to unexcused absences will receive a zero.


Tests will cover all the information gathered since the last test.  It may be a writing test or a performance
exam.  Writing tests usually cover information gathered from notes and lectures, while performance exams
will require the student to use his/her skills learned in this class. All machine safety tests will require a retake
until a score of 100% is achieved in order to be cleared to use the machine. Tests will count as 10% of the
student’s quarterly grade. (*If no tests are given, Lab Performance will count for 50% of the student’s

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