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Name: Nguyễn Ngọc Trường Sơn Score: ____________/30 points

Date of birth: 08/01/2008 Candidate number: G9.044


Write an essay of 250 words on the following topic:
Computers play an important role in our life
Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

During the times when technological advances are made every day, I think the above statement is
largely true. Their impact is so significant that we may not be able to live through a week without
them these days.

Most devices ranging from our personal computers, mobile phones, or even microwaves, are in
some form computers. They all do the same thing, computes. But with just that one job, they help
us doing all sorts of things – checking emails, calling our friends, cooking foods, the list is

We use computers basically everywhere. Computers helps us tackle so many problems in our
lives. Firstly, they help us check our emails so we could notice important things being sent to us.
Secondly, keeping our friends and relatives in contact and communicate with them is painless
with the use of computers without the need to do anything other than pressing some buttons. They
also make it easier for us navigate to our desire destinations without much knowledge of the
streets. Most importantly, they give us the opportunity to use the internet and access so much
useful information easily. Computers for a long time have been essentials to our daily life. It’s
rather hard to get away from it completely.

Without computers, we would have to send letters to each other if we want to communicate with
people from faraway, which is pretty inefficient since it takes a long time for them to arrive, and
they could easily suffer from great damage. Printing out many documents would be a pain in the
neck since there is no computers to put every letter onto the papers automatically for us. We can’t
find and search for thing as easily without computers, since all we could do is just going through
every book in the library to find the stuff we need, the things we look for might not even be there.
Computers simplify these processes significantly and made our life much easier.

To sum up, it might not be apparent how important the role computers play in our life when we
are so used to using them. Our life would have been truly difficult without the presence of
computers and most of the time not fun. Nevertheless, we should not rely too much on computers
and we should spend some more time outside and with our friends and family.

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