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7698 • The Journal of Neuroscience, September 15, 2021 • 41(37):7698–7711


The Glymphatic System: A Novel Component of

Fundamental Neurobiology
Lauren M. Hablitz1 and Maiken Nedergaard1,2
Center for Translational Neuromedicine, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York 14642, and 2Center for Basic and
Translational Neuroscience, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 2200 Copenhagen, Denmark

Throughout the body, lymphatic fluid movement supports critical functions including clearance of excess fluid and metabolic
waste. The glymphatic system is the analog of the lymphatic system in the CNS. As such, the glymphatic system plays a key
role in regulating directional interstitial fluid movement, waste clearance, and, potentially, brain immunity. The glymphatic
system enables bulk movement of CSF from the subarachnoid space along periarterial spaces, where it mixes with interstitial
fluid within the parenchyma before ultimately exiting from the parenchyma via perivenous spaces. This review focuses on im-
portant questions about the structure of this system, why the brain needs a fluid transport system, and unexplored aspects of
brain fluid transport. We provide evidence that astrocytes and blood vessels determine the shape of the perivascular space,
ultimately controlling the movement of perivascular fluid. Glymphatic fluid movement has the potential to alter local as well
as global transport of signaling molecules and metabolites. We also highlight the evidence for cross talk among the glym-
phatic system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and lymphatic system. Much remains to be studied, but we pro-
pose that the glymphatic/lymphatic system acts as a cornerstone in signaling between the brain and body.
Key words: astrocyte; cerebrospinal fluid; choroid plexus; glymphatic; peptides; perivascular space

Introduction establish this directionality (Rennels et al., 1985; Iliff et al., 2013b;
The awake, active brain builds up metabolic waste such as amy- Kiviniemi et al., 2016; Mestre et al., 2018a; Fultz et al., 2019; van
loid- b , which negatively affects neural functions if not removed. Veluw et al., 2020).
The glymphatic hypothesis postulates that the restorative func- Evidence of CSF entering the periarterial space is not novel
tion of sleep is a consequence of basic housekeeping whereby the (Brierley, 1950; Rennels et al., 1985; Hadaczek et al., 2006); nor is
glymphatic system “sweeps” the brain clear of waste by providing the concept that CSF mixes with interstitial fluid (Levin et al.,
a continuous flow of fluid across the brain and out to the periph- 1970; Kimelberg et al., 1978; Vladic et al., 2009) or even the hy-
ery, thereby counteracting protein accumulation and the devel- pothesis that this pathway may be a waste removal system
opment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s (Lewis, 1877; Obersteiner, 1890), although the concept was insuf-
disease (Nedergaard and Goldman, 2020). ficiently tested and thus prematurely discounted (Woollam and
The glymphatic system enables bulk movement of CSF from Millen, 1954). The features unique to discovery of the glymphatic
system were as follows: (1) the direction of fluid transport, start-
the subarachnoid space along periarterial spaces, where it mixes
ing with entry of CSF at the periarterial space followed by exit of
with interstitial fluid (ISF) within the parenchyma before ulti-
“dirty” interstitial fluid along the perivenous spaces; (2) a meta-
mately exiting from the parenchyma via perivenous spaces (Fig.
bolic waste product, amyloid- b , was shown to be exported via
1) and drains into the peripheral lymphatic system (Iliff et al.,
the glymphatic system; (3) the fluid transport depends on polar-
2012). This fluid movement occurs through a mixture of ad-
ized expression of the water channel aquaporin 4 (AQP4) in the
vection and diffusion, and enables rapid exchange of fluid
vascular end feet of astrocytes; and (4) fluid transport and CSF
between the tissue and the perivascular space with a net direc-
entry into the neuropil exhibit a striking upregulation during
tionality toward the venous system (Thomas, 2019). Physiologic sleep, paralleled by an increase in the clearance of metabolic
drivers such as arterial pulsatility, vasomotion, and respiration waste (Iliff et al., 2012; Xie et al., 2013; Kress et al., 2014;
Lundgaard et al., 2017, 2018; Mestre et al., 2018b).
Since its elucidation in 2012, the glymphatic system has pro-
Received Mar. 23, 2021; revised June 29, 2021; accepted July 30, 2021.
This research was supported by Department of Health and Human Services/National Institutes of Health/
voked controversy, primarily because of a lack of data and
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Grants R01-NS-100366 (to M.N.) and RF1-AG-057575 adequate tools to characterize noninvasively a low-pressure fluid
(to M.N.); US Department of Defense, US Army, US Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, transport system residing in an electrically active organ encased
Army Research Office Grant MURI W911NF1910280 (to M.N.); Fondation Leducq Transatlantic Networks of within the rigid walls of the skull (Mestre et al., 2020a).
Excellence Program; Novo Nordisk Foundation; Lundbeck Foundation; and the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Procedures associated with acute injection of tracers, such as
Innovation Program Grant 666881 (to M.N.). We thank Dan Xue for graphic illustrations.
opening the skull and insertion of a cannula, will effectively inac-
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Correspondence should be addressed to Lauren Hablitz at tivate the glymphatic system (Mestre et al., 2018b; Plog et al., 2019). An equally troublesome issue is presented by the postmor-
Copyright © 2021 the authors tem disappearance of fluid-filled CSF perivascular spaces and the
Hablitz and Nedergaard · The Neurobiology of the Glymphatic System J. Neurosci., September 15, 2021 • 41(37):7698–7711 • 7699

Middle circulatory system, gastrointestinal (GI) track, and immune sys-

cerebral artery Smooth Endothelial
muscle cell wall
tem, and how the glymphatic system may be a cornerstone in the
cell communication between the brain and the body.
cerebral artery
Comparison of glymphatic and lymphatic
cerebral artery Throughout the body, lymphatic fluid movement supports
critical functions including clearance of excess fluid and meta-
Figure 1. The vascular network is a scaffold for glymphatic fluid transport along the peri-
vascular spaces. Glymphatic fluid (light blue) enters the brain via the perivascular space of
bolic waste and regulating tissue immunity (Miteva et al., 2010;
the major arteries (red; left). Arteries and veins are lined by perivascular spaces, where astro- Petrova and Koh, 2020). Tissues lacking traditional lymphatic
cyte end feet (green) cover smooth muscle cells (gray) and the endothelial wall of the vascu- capillaries develop alternative means of waste clearance and
lature (pink; right). This perivascular unit is a critical component of the glymphatic system, immune surveillance. In the eye, for example, Schlemm’s canal,
and its geometry is biologically optimized to promote fluid movement (blue arrows). an endothelial-lined compartment that exhibits lymphatic
markers (Grüntzig and Hollmann, 2019), drains fluid from the
reallocation of CSF tracers to other compartments, which inva- cornea (Petrova and Koh, 2018). Additionally, there is a glym-
lidates the use of histology for characterization of brain phatic clearance system that exports intraocular fluid along the
fluid transport (Mestre et al., 2018a; Ma et al., 2019). Similar optic nerve (Wang et al., 2020). Both pathways ultimately convey
phenomena are quite commonly reported in the broader litera- fluid to the traditional lymphatic system. Based on the physiolog-
ture pertaining to interstitial fluid movement. For example, lym- ical requirements for local distribution of blood-derived
phatic capillaries were thought to be absent from skeletal muscle nutrients and removal of metabolic waste, it is not surprising
be cause the capillaries fully collapse in tissue preparations that the brain has compensated for its lack of lymphatic capilla-
(Schmid-Schönbein, 1990). The more recent discovery of pre- ries by developing an analogous perivascular perfusion system to
lymphatic chambers in peripheral human interstitium demon- maintain tissue homeostasis.
strates that large interstitial fluid compartments exist in all In peripheral tissue, blood capillaries provide a constant
organs, but disappear during histologic procedures, highlighting influx of an ultrafiltrate of plasma. The inflowing fluid percolates
the necessity of microscopy in vivo for the study of basic fluid
around the cells, dispersing glucose and other nutrients, while
transport (Benias et al., 2018). Finally, the new knowledge that
removing waste products via drainage to lymphatic vessels,
bulk fluid movement through the brain is actively regulated by
sleep (Xie et al., 2013; Lundgaard et al., 2017), anesthesia which ultimately return the fluid to the venous circulation
(Benveniste et al., 2017; Gakuba et al., 2018; Hablitz et al., 2019; (Scallan et al., 2016; Breslin et al., 2018). In the brain, the blood–
Lilius et al., 2019), and time of day (Taoka et al., 2018; Cai et al., brain barrier (BBB) restricts ultrafiltration of plasma in most
2020; Hablitz et al., 2020) makes it inappropriate to compare pre- regions. Likely as a compensation, the CNS produces its own
vious studies in anesthetized animals with current work that fluid, CSF, in the choroid plexus (Redzic et al., 2005). However, a
includes the state of brain activity and time of day as important portion of CSF production may still occur via the influx of
variables. plasma across the vast surface area of the microvasculature
Caveats and controversies of the glymphatic hypothesis, along (Rasmussen et al., 2021). After production, CSF is, in part, circu-
with their implications for neuropathology, have been reviewed lated into the brain parenchyma along the periarterial spaces
at length in the recent literature (Kent and Mistlberger, 2017; (Fig. 1; Mestre, 2018a). Thus, both in peripheral tissues and
Abbott et al., 2018; Rasmussen et al., 2018; Sun et al., 2018; CNS, fluid entry occurs at the arterial segment of the microvas-
Thomas, 2019; Nedergaard and Goldman, 2020; Troili et al., cular bed, likely driven by arterial pulsatility that propels fluid
2020; Wardlaw et al., 2020; Mestre et al., 2020a). For this reason, influx into the tissue. However, the efflux routes of interstitial
we place more focus in this review on important questions that fluid differ. While lymphatic capillaries are the primary drainage
remain to be addressed, fundamental questions about why the path in peripheral tissues, interstitial fluid exits the CNS along
brain needs a fluid transport system, and the most exciting unex- the perivenous spaces and cranial/spinal nerves (Iliff et al., 2012,
plored aspects of brain fluid transport. 2013b; Rangroo Thrane et al., 2013). CSF and interstitial fluid
In this review, we first compare and contrast the glymphatic eventually drain from the CNS via a traditional lymphatic net-
system in the brain with the more traditional lymphatic system work located in the meninges (Aspelund et al., 2015; Louveau et
of the periphery, as both systems are essential for tissue homeo- al., 2015, 2018; Da Mesquita et al., 2018a; Ahn et al., 2019), as
stasis, interstitial fluid movement, immune function, and waste well as along nerve sheaths in the cribriform plate, which lead to
clearance. From there, we focus our efforts onto the perivascular cervical lymphatic vessels (Kida et al., 1993), with both pathways
space: what is known and unknown about the anatomy, and how leading to the superficial and deep cervical lymphatic nodes
differential regulation of the astrocytes and vasculature might al- (Raper et al., 2016; Cao et al., 2018; Zou et al., 2019). Ultimately,
ter global and local waste clearance. Then, we expand our ques- all CSF drains into the venous circulatory system, either indi-
tions beyond the perivascular space to how neuronal activity, rectly through the lymphatic system or directly via the arachnoid
intrinsically unique to the CNS, may alter interstitial fluid flow. villi. Thus, interstitial fluid transport is directional, with distinct
In the final sections of this review, we ask the following question: influx and efflux routes both in peripheral tissues and the CNS.
does the glymphatic system have a role beyond simply “cleaning Lymphatic vessels are endowed with valves to prevent fluid back-
the brain”? We provide potential mechanisms of glymphatic flow (Breslin, 2014). Whether the glymphatic system exhibits
bulk fluid signaling, whereby CSF may carry neuromodulators analogous one-way gating mechanisms within the neuropil to
and/or vasoactive compounds to the perivascular space, chang- support directional fluid movement remains to be explored.
ing interstitial fluid dynamics and brain activity. Finally, it has The glymphatic system can clear potassium, waste metabo-
become increasingly clear that the brain does not work in isola- lites such as lactate, and peptides/proteins including amyloid- b
tion. We discuss known models of cross talk among the CNS, and tau, along with a variety of contrast agents and tracers (Iliff et
7700 • J. Neurosci., September 15, 2021 • 41(37):7698–7711 Hablitz and Nedergaard · The Neurobiology of the Glymphatic System

Normal perivascular unit Acute

Vasoconstriction Vasodilation End feet swelling

square array

Increased tortuosity Reactive gliosis Vascular amyloidosis Small vessel disease

Figure 2. The perivascular space (PVS) can be modulated by changes to both astrocytes and the vasculature. The normal perivascular unit is composed of astrocyte end feet (green) covering
smooth muscle cells (tan) and endothelial cell walls (pink) of the vascular network, promoting CSF (blue) movement along these channels. AQP4 (purple) is located in square arrays on the vas-
cular-adjacent end feet of astrocytes. Acute changes to either the vasculature or astrocyte end feet can alter glymphatic fluid movement. Vasoconstriction increases the PVS, increasing flow
(indicated by blue arrows; Mestre et al., 2020b). This is in contrast to vasodilation that is expected to decrease flow. Swelling of astrocytic end feet can alter the size of the PVS space in the set-
ting of pathology (e.g., spreading depression; Schain et al., 2017), but it is possible that changes in the vascular end feet of astrocytes are a physiological mechanism by which glymphatic func-
tion is controlled. Chronic pathologic changes may also impair CSF influx (bottom). We hypothesize that vasculature changes such as increased tortuosity with aging alter fluid flow. Reactive
gliosis (shown as a dark green color and mislocalized AQP4), is a common hallmark of neuropathology (Ikeshima-Kataoka, 2016; Verkhratsky et al., 2016; Wang and Parpura, 2016; Kovacs et
al., 2018), which will, most likely decrease flow. Vascular amyloidosis, characterized by amyloid-b plaques (brown) accumulating between the smooth muscle cells and the endothelial cell
wall, and small-vessel disease, characterized by altered vascular shape and enlarged perivascular spaces, both decrease glymphatic flow.

al., 2012, 2013a; Xie et al., 2013; Kress et al., 2014; Lundgaard et al., the cerebral vasculature and is lined by astrocyte end-feet plas-
2017; Eide and Ringstad, 2019; Monai et al., 2019). Clearance tered alongside the pericytes and endothelial cells that form the
kinetics of tracer injected into the neuropil depends on the injection BBB (Figs. 1, 2; Simard et al., 2003; Troili et al., 2020). Estimates
site (Cserr et al., 1981; Szentistványi et al., 1984), suggesting the exis- of the extent of astrocytic coverage around capillaries range from
tence of regional differences in waste clearance. Also, in support of 64% to 100% (Sasaki and Mannen, 1981; Bertossi et al., 1993;
regional differences in glymphatic function, Alzheimer’s disease Simard et al., 2003; Oberheim et al., 2009; Korogod et al., 2015;
model mice exhibited lower CSF/ISF exchange in the rostral cortex Munk et al., 2019), likely because of the variable effects of post-
compared with caudal cortex, which favored tau protein deposition mortem histologic analysis and low-resolution microscopy. For
in posterior regions (Harrison et al., 2020). These findings in brain example, three-dimensional electron microscopy reconstruction
parallel results in the gastrointestinal tract, where lymph composi- of a single hippocampal capillary showed tiled and interlocking
tion and immune function differ between anatomic regions of the end feet covering blood vessels and pericytes (Mathiisen et al.,
organ (Esterházy et al., 2019). Glymphatic clearance kinetics also 2010), whereas another study based on cryofixation reported a
vary across sleep state (Xie et al., 2013) as well as time of day coverage of only 64% in transversely sectioned capillaries
(Hablitz et al., 2020), with increased clearance during both sleep (Korogod et al., 2015). Recent work has demonstrated a better
and the inactive phase, demonstrating that the mechanism and correlation between astrocyte end foot size and vessel diameter
routes of fluid efflux from brain are more complex than a simple in arteries than for veins, though these correlations were eval-
plumbing system. uated only in penetrating and ascending vessels (Wang et al.,
We still do not know precisely where in the brain interstitial 2021). However, the thickness of the astrocyte ensheathment of
fluid moves, and whether there are areas of pooling or slow flow the vasculature is relatively consistent in arteries, capillaries, and
within the brain. Additionally, details of where and how the glym- veins (McCaslin et al., 2011). Beyond these few studies limited to
phatic system connects to the lymphatic system remain unknown. cerebral cortex, there is very little detailed information on end
Indeed, our current knowledge of the anatomic pathways of intersti- foot coverage of the arterial or venous walls, or how this may
tial fluid clearance within the brain is rudimentary, relying on ex- relate to the perivascular space. This lack of quantitative infor-
perimental procedures with invasive intracranial injections, mation about the PVS directly limits the applicability of models
sampling at discrete time points, and bulk transfer of tracers. of glymphatic fluid flow, in which the geometry of the perivascu-
lar space dictates the calculated rate of CSF influx into the neuro-
pil (Schain et al., 2017; Mestre et al., 2018a; Tithof et al., 2019).
Open questions about the perivascular space, Acute changes in the geometry of the PVS on vasoconstric-
astrocytes, and flow tion, vasodilation, or astrocyte swelling have the potential to
The perivascular space (PVS) is distinct from the highly complex affect the movement of glymphatic fluid (Fig. 2). Evidence for
and convoluted interstitial space of the brain parenchyma, and is this hypothesis comes from mouse disease models. For example,
a critical feature of the glymphatic system. The PVS surrounds in a model of acute stroke, ischemic spreading depolarization
Hablitz and Nedergaard · The Neurobiology of the Glymphatic System J. Neurosci., September 15, 2021 • 41(37):7698–7711 • 7701

triggers the constriction of blood vessels, thus widening the PVS morphology, although this conjecture has not been tested.
(Fig. 2) and enabling a rapid influx of CSF to the parenchyma Additionally, the tortuosity of the brain vasculature increases
(Mestre et al., 2020b). In cortical spreading depression, a rapid with aging (Fig. 2; Thore et al., 2007), which likely presents an
neuronal depolarization event that is frequently associated with impediment to fluid flow.
migraine aura, the PVS closes, resulting in reduced interstitial The functionality and shape of the cerebrovasculature also
clearance of tracer (Schain et al., 2017). Spreading depression changes in disease. In cerebral amyloid angiopathy, A b 1-40 accu-
causes rapid vasodilation followed by vasoconstriction. It has mulates in vessel walls, causing vessel weakening and collapse of
been proposed that the vasoconstriction phase correlates with the perivascular space (Smith, 2018; Gatti et al., 2020). In small-
astrocytic end foot swelling, and underlies a reduction of flow in vessel disease, which is a frequent complication of hypertension
the PVS (Rosic et al., 2019). However, the magnitude of vaso- and diabetes, arterial stiffening and remodeling of the cerebral
reactivity or end foot swelling necessary to perturb glymphatic arteries cause enlargement of the PVS (Fig. 2; Mestre et al., 2017;
flow is unknown. Lerman et al., 2019). The functional importance of this chronic
The PVS and vascular compartments are dynamic volume PVS remodeling has yet to be established, leading to several
spaces that provide the brain with a mechanism to couple hyper- unresolved questions, including the following. If the curvature
emia and waste clearance. In humans, neuronal slow waves and surface area of the vasculature increases, can the astrocytic
occurring during sleep are coupled to hemodynamic oscillations, end feet compensate? Would changes in astrocyte volume or
which in turn are coupled to CSF flow. Specifically, a nocturnal morphology, such as occurring during reactive gliosis, directly
peak in 0.2–4 Hz neuronal activity triggers increased cerebral impact local glymphatic flow? And, finally, do the borders of the
blood flow, which reduces the amount of CSF movement in the PVS ever break down, and how would this effect polarized fluid
ventricle and the brain parenchyma, directly supporting the con- flow?
cept of blood/CSF volume switching (Fultz et al., 2019). Acute Astrocytes are morphologically complex cells. In addition to
hypertension increases the stiffness of the arterial wall, resulting the vascular end feet, astrocytes extend innumerable fine, irregu-
in decreased pulsatility and PVS fluid flow by as much as 50% lar processes that exhibit local Ca21 signaling independent of the
(Mestre et al., 2018a), highlighting the interplay between the vas- soma and other processes (Tong et al., 2013; Shigetomi et al.,
culature and the PVS in glymphatic function. There is also evi- 2016; Verkhratsky and Nedergaard, 2018). The astrocyte and its
dence that posture can effect glymphatic flow (Lee et al., processes can change rapidly in volume, within a matter of sec-
2015), but whether this is related to known changes in cere- onds (Takano et al., 2005; Risher et al., 2009; Sherpa et al., 2016).
bral blood flow (Foley et al., 2005; Kose and Hatipoglu, This process appears to be independent of AQP4 and occurs
2012), changes in intracranial pressure (Andresen et al., under conditions of high K1 such as during increased neuronal
2015), and/or changes in sympathetic noradrenergic tone activity (Walch et al., 2020). This is consistent with reduced in-
(Stewart, 2012) remain unknown. Given that astrocytes are a terstitial space measurements during wakefulness (Xie et al.,
critical component of the neurovascular unit and participate 2013), and most likely is a prime mechanism for rapid alterations
directly in the regulation of cerebral blood flow (Iadecola in glymphatic flow. More chronic changes to astrocyte morphol-
and Nedergaard, 2007), it seems likely that astrocytes regu- ogy have been found in the hypothalamus. Astrocytes can extend
late volume dynamics between the vasculature and perivas- and retract fine processes across sleep states (Bellesi et al., 2015),
cular spaces. hydration state (Hawrylak et al., 1998), during pregnancy and
The primary evidence for astrocytic regulation of glymphatic lactation (Theodosis, 2002; Theodosis et al., 2008), and in
fluid movement, beyond the spatial organization of the PVS, is response to the light/dark cycle (Lavialle and Servière, 1993;
that AQP4 facilitates glymphatic fluid transport (Iliff et al., 2012; Lavialle et al., 2001, 2011). Such morphologic changes can last
Mestre et al., 2018b). The expression of AQP4 is normally highly from several hours to days and are generally reversible. In the
polarized toward the plasma membrane of the astrocytic end
case of lactation, glial processes retract from the supraoptic nu-
feet facing the PVS (Fig. 2) and is anchored by the dystrophin-
cleus (SON) of the hypothalamus (Fig. 3) and remain retracted
associated complex (Waite et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2014).
until pup weaning, when the glial processes extend back into the
Mislocalization of AQP4 from astrocytic end feet has been linked
region (Hatton, 1997). It is unknown whether astrocytic mor-
to glymphatic malfunction in multiple lines of work (Kress et al.,
phologic changes alter glymphatic function.
2014; Ren et al., 2017; Lundgaard et al., 2018; Mestre et al.,
2018b; Ohene et al., 2019; Wei et al., 2019; Harrison et al., 2020;
Xue et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2020b). Though AQP4 polarization to-
ward the vascular end feet constitutes a key regulatory mecha- Glymphatic–neuronal interactions
nism, it is likely that astrocytes can alter glymphatic function by The brain is a unique organ because of the complexity of its neu-
additional mechanisms. ronal networks, which signal to execute complex behaviors,
It is clear that glymphatic function is highly dependent on tasks, and thought. Neural signaling (i.e., synaptic transmission
optimized perivascular spaces with low resistance to fluid flow, and propagation of action potentials) requires tight regulation
yet very few studies have tested whether long-term remodeling over interstitial ion concentrations (Rasmussen et al., 2020). For
of the shape, permeability, and patency of the PVS is linked to example, simply changing the interstitial ion concentration can
glymphatic dysfunction. With increased age, glymphatic flow induce arousal state changes, with lower interstitial Ca21, Mg21,
decreases, alongside increased reactive gliosis and a reduction in and H1, and higher K1 inducing awake brain activity (Ding et
the polarized expression of AQP4 toward the vascular end feet of al., 2016). Astrocytes are highly dynamic regulators of interstitial
astrocytes (Fig. 2; Kress et al., 2014). Reactive gliosis, particularly K1 concentrations and pH, and likely influence the concentra-
manifested by increased GFAP and mislocalized AQP4, is a hall- tions of several other ions, as well as the interstitial space volume
mark of neuropathology (Ikeshima-Kataoka, 2016; Verkhratsky (Verkhratsky and Nedergaard, 2018). It is presently unknown
et al., 2016; Wang and Parpura, 2016; Kovacs et al., 2018) and whether the glymphatic system independently contributes to
could potentially indicate alterations to astrocytic end foot state-dependent changes in interstitial ion concentrations, but
7702 • J. Neurosci., September 15, 2021 • 41(37):7698–7711 Hablitz and Nedergaard · The Neurobiology of the Glymphatic System

Dorsal raphe nucleus Glymphatic bulk fluid signaling

Locus coeruleus
To this point, we have focused on CSF/ISF exchange and waste
clearance, which is likely the primary function of the glymphatic
system. Albeit less studied, glymphatic transport may fulfill addi-
ventricle tional roles, including the widespread distribution of signaling
molecules within brain. CSF may also play a largely unacknowl-
Third edged role in transporting CNS signaling molecules to peripheral
ventricle tissues, which we shall discuss here.
Ventromedial hypothalamus CSF is primarily produced by the choroid plexus located in
Nucleus basalis of Meynert
Paraventricular nucleus
Supraoptic nucleus the ventricles and then undergoes directional transport from the
Arcuate nucleus
Suprachiasmatic nucleus lateral ventricle to the third ventricle, through the aqueduct of
Sylvius, and finally to the fourth ventricle, where it exits the brain
Figure 3. Anatomical localization of key brain regions is strategically placed around CSF via the foramina of Magendie and Luschka. From the foramina,
reservoirs. The hypothalamus is located along the third ventricle and base of the brain above
CSF enters the cisterna magna and is either shunted out of CNS
the basal cisterns, a prime position for CSF signaling. It contains the suprachiasmatic nucleus
(red), arcuate nucleus (orange), paraventricular nucleus (yellow), ventromedial hypothalamus via the meningeal lymphatic system or redirected back into the
(green), and the supraoptic nucleus (navy), which is a hub of peptidergic signaling that con- brain by the glymphatic system. The entry path for the glym-
trols basic biological functions such as circadian timing, reproduction, feeding, hydration, and phatic system is via the pontine cistern, where CSF moves along
more. The nucleus basalis of Meynert (blue), dorsal raphe nucleus (purple), and locus coeru- the perivascular space surrounding the basilar artery to the circle
leus (gray) are also primed for brain-wide CSF-mediated cholinergic, serotonergic, and nor- of Willis. CSF then ascends along the perivascular spaces of the
adrenaline signaling. anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries. Rodent studies
have demonstrated that during sleep, CSF transport along the
there are grounds to speculate that fluid transport and the ion glymphatic system is fast (minutes to hours; Xie et al., 2013)
composition of the interstitial fluid are intimately linked. compared with during the active phase, where CSF redistributes
The strongest evidence linking brain-wide neuronal activity to the mandibular lymph nodes in an equally fast manner
and glymphatic activity is derived from sleep studies. Non-rapid (Hablitz et al., 2020).
eye movement (NREM) sleep consists of four stages with differ- The choroid plexus secretes or transfers from blood a host of
ent patterns of brain electrical activity including the phase domi- solutes, metabolites, vitamins, and carrier proteins to CSF (please
nated by large amplitude, synchronous, slow oscillations of 1– see next section for details). Remarkably, most of the brain
4 Hz. There is strong evidence that glymphatic flow increases to regions that produce signaling molecules with the potential for
promote the delivery of larger CSF volumes to the brain during long-range volume transmission are located along the ventricular
NREM sleep (Xie et al., 2013), and under anesthetic regimens path of CSF transport (Fig. 3). The classical neuromodulators
characterized by a high prevalence of 1–4 Hz activity (Hablitz et such as acetylcholine, noradrenaline, and serotonin, which are
al., 2019). In humans, the volume of CSF movement within the thought to participate in volume transmission, are produced by
fourth ventricle is also increased during NREM sleep (Fultz et al., cell groups generally lying just below the ependymal lining of the
2019), and AQP4 haplotype is associated with changes in NREM ventricles or the pial lining of the ventral brain surface. The nu-
sleep architecture (Ulv Larsen et al., 2020), suggesting a link cleus basalis of Meynert, which contains most of the cholinergic
between fluid movement within the brain and neuronal activity. neurons in the CNS, is located in the basal forebrain region just
During REM sleep, the cortex exhibits low-voltage, rapid on top of the pial membrane facing the optic nerve, while its
desynchronized neuronal activity that superficially resembles the medial boundary meets the wall of the lateral ventricle (Liu et al.,
pattern during wakefulness. It remains to be established whether 2015). The locus coeruleus, which is the main source of norepi-
glymphatic flow declines during REM sleep, as during waking. nephrine in the CNS, is located along the lateral wall of the
Mechanisms mediating the functional relationship between neu- fourth ventricle. The serotonergic dorsal raphé nucleus is posi-
ronal activity and bulk fluid movement have not been tested; nor tioned centrally in the midline of the brainstem, but sends exten-
have the above observations been applied to investigations of sive ascending projections to the wall of the lateral, third, and
sleep deprivation or insomnia. fourth ventricles (Simpson et al., 1998). Although it remains to
Synchronizing distinct populations of neurons may influence be demonstrated, the spatial distribution of acetylcholine-, nor-
local hemodynamics and fluid flow to ultimately change local epinephrine-, and serotonin-secreting neurons or their projec-
solute transport. This phenomenon has been shown for CSF dy- tions suggests that these neuromodulators may be distributed by
namics across the brain as a whole (Fultz et al., 2019), but has yet CSF transport following their release from the axonal terminals
to be demonstrated for regional brain or perivascular-localized (Agnati et al., 1986; Vizi et al., 2010; Taber and Hurley, 2014;
waste clearance. Sensory manipulations targeted to network ac- Veening and Barendregt, 2015). In contrast, the dopamine neu-
tivity that were reduced in different pathologic states including rons of the substantia nigra are located in the ventral midbrain
aging and neurodegeneration, such as gamma oscillations posterior to the cerebral peduncle and are thus not in direct con-
(;40 Hz) seen during response to external stimuli (Jafari et al., tact with the brain surfaces. Neither do projections from these
2020), may improve glymphatic clearance. Support for this hy- dopaminergic neurons terminate at the ventricular surface. This
pothesis is found in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease, where may reflect a necessity for local, tightly regulated dopaminergic
the stimulation of sensory systems can alter local waste buildup. signaling and/or a mechanism to protect the rest of the brain
Inducing synchronous gamma oscillations via 40 Hz light flickers from CSF-driven global dopaminergic neuromodulation.
is reported to decrease amyloid burden in the visual cortex Perhaps the most important example of brain–CSF commu-
(Iaccarino et al., 2016). Entraining the auditory system via 40 Hz nication is presented by the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus
tone evokes decreased amyloid protein buildup across the entire controls fundamental physiological and behavioral functions
cortex via a glia- and vascular-dependent mechanism (Martorell such as eating, drinking, regulating body temperature, neuroen-
et al., 2019). docrine release, and internal circadian timing. Anatomically, the
Hablitz and Nedergaard · The Neurobiology of the Glymphatic System J. Neurosci., September 15, 2021 • 41(37):7698–7711 • 7703

hypothalamus is in prime position to access the CSF, as it sur- regulation of glymphatic flow is in its infancy. Activation of
rounds the third ventricle, is ventrally in contact with the CSF the adrenal gland is a classic example of a hypothalamic–pituitary
pool of the basal cisterns (Fig. 3), and has specialized cells, tany- cascade, which initiates a concerted, body-wide stress response.
cytes, that can directly interact with the CSF pool in the ven- Chronic stress can cause glymphatic malfunction (Wei et al., 2019;
tricles (Rodríguez et al., 2010). The hypothalamus is a hub of Liu et al., 2020b), but it remains unknown how acute stress changes
peptidergic signaling, including neuropeptide Y and pro-opio- brain fluid movement.
melanocortin in the arcuate nucleus, arginine vasopressin (AVP)
and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the suprachiasmatic Text box 1: Bringing it all together with the circadian
nucleus, and oxytocin and AVP in the supraoptic and paraven- system
tricular nuclei. Biomarkers of the melanocortin system are impli- Sleep and circadian rhythmicity are evolutionarily con-
cated in appetite suppression, and melanin-concentrating served behavioral and physiological states, serving to
hormone, which is important for initiation of feeding, is present
restore bodily functions and, in the case of circadian
in the CSF, enabling brain- and body-wide signaling (Kim et al.,
rhythms, predicting changes in food availability, tempera-
2014; Page-Wilson et al., 2017; Noble et al., 2018). Hypothalamic
ture, predation, and other factors essential to ensure sur-
peptides such as VIP and AVP are present in CSF (Burbach,
vival. Sleep and circadian timing both regulate glymphatic
1982) and can directly alter vascular tone (Henning and
Sawmiller, 2001; Pelletier et al., 2014), thus potentially regulating function. In this section, we summarize the relevant litera-
glymphatic flow through the neuropil. The plethora of peptider- ture and generate new hypotheses about the mechanisms
gic neuromodulators that participate in CSF/ISF-mediated vol- and function of circadian rhythms and sleep in glym-
ume transmission, and the vasoreactive action of many of these phatic function.
peptides, support a model of hypothalamic bulk fluid signaling. In humans, most brain regions exhibit endogenous
Nuclei of hypothalamus densely innervate the pituitary gland, rhythms in neuronal excitability, with peaks in excitability
an endocrine organ at the base of the brain (Spencer and Deak, occurring within a 4 h window across the brain (Muto et
2017; Qin et al., 2018). A distinct feature of the pituitary is its al., 2016). This synchronized daily activity enables com-
localization outside the CNS barriers of the brain, spinal cord, plex behaviors to have phase-appropriate performance
and CSF. The pituitary gland is positioned in an indentation of peaks, such that learning and memory capacities peak
the skull known as the sella turcica and is separated from the during the active phase (Iyer et al., 2014; Smarr et al.,
subarachnoid space by the diaphragma sellae, a dural membrane 2014). Recent work has shown that, in addition to
that prevents CSF from accessing the gland (Fig. 4). As a conse- synchronized neuronal excitability, the distribution of
quence of this arrangement, pituitary hormones are secreted CSF in the brain and lymph nodes is under circadian con-
directly into the blood, avoiding CSF transport within CNS trol, with increased glymphatic influx and clearance from
(Patel et al., 2021; Rawindraraj et al., 2021). the brain during the rest phase, and increased lymphatic
The pituitary is divided into two lobes that are functionally drainage during the active phase (Hablitz et al., 2020). If
and developmentally distinct (Kiecker, 2018). The posterior pitu- we consider rhythmic, synchronized neuronal activity, the
itary gland contains axonal projections from magnocellular neu- circadian cycle of glymphatic flow, and the earlier hypoth-
rosecretory neurons located in the SON and paraventricular esis that synchronized neuronal activity can drive fluid
nucleus (PVN) of hypothalamus. These neurons secrete oxytocin flow, one might suppose that fluid flow in the brain may
and AVP, which are stored in the posterior pituitary and then act as a circadian entrainment mediator, whereby individ-
are released into the blood. In addition, the magnocellular neuro- ual brain oscillators drive rhythmic fluid flow to the next
secretory cells can release oxytocin and AVP from their dendrites oscillator in line, thus synchronizing brain activity across
within the parenchyma of the hypothalamus. Dendrites from the the 24 h cycle.
SON form a plexus lying just below the pial surface of the SON,
We have already introduced the hypothesis that the hypo-
whereas the dendrites from PVN form a bundle at the subepen-
thalamus is a key signaling area for bulk flow, based on its
dymal region of the third ventricle, suggesting that oxytocin and
vasopressin are distributed via CSF transport within the CNS anatomic location and highly enriched concentrations of
(Heimer-McGinn et al., 2013), in addition to their peripheral neuropeptides. The mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus
actions. Cortical signaling by oxytocin and AVP alter social and (SCN) of the hypothalamus is considered the circadian
cognitive function without having direct synaptic pathways pacemaker; synchronizing and driving daily rhythms in
(Ludwig and Leng, 2006; Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2011; gene expression, metabolism, physiology, and behavior
Abramova et al., 2020). The organization of the hypothalamus (Mohawk and Takahashi, 2011). Classic work demonstrated
and posterior pituitary suggests that oxytocin and AVP could that grafting SCNs of rhythmic animals into the third
exert their effects on social and cognitive function through a ventricle of SCN-lesioned animals restores behavioral
combination of central and peripheral regulation of glymphatic rhythmicity (Silver and LeSauter, 1993) and showed
function, where blood-borne peptides change vascular tone and that this effect was dependent on a diffusible factor
interstitial fluid-mediated peptidergic signaling changes synaptic (Silver et al., 1996), suggesting that the SCN may
tone. directly communicate with the CSF pool to synchron-
Parvocellular hypothalamic neurons secrete neurohormones ize circadian rhythms. The SCN has a very distinct
that are exported to the anterior pituitary via hypophyseal portal localization of neuropeptides (Morin et al., 2006).
blood vessels, thus avoiding CSF transport and distribution VIP neurons, which are responsible for maintaining
within CNS. These neurohormones control the release of intrinsic rhythmicity (Aton et al., 2005; Todd et al.,
growth hormone, prolactin, adrenocorticotropin, luteinizing 2020), are located in the ventral portion above the
hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and thyroid-stimulat- optic chiasm. AVP neurons, which regulate plasticity
ing hormone, ultimately inducing body-wide stress, sex, and of rhythms (Mieda, 2019; Rohr et al., 2020), are found
metabolic responses. Exploration of neuroendocrine in the dorsal portion of the SCN along the third
7704 • J. Neurosci., September 15, 2021 • 41(37):7698–7711 Hablitz and Nedergaard · The Neurobiology of the Glymphatic System

multisynaptic pathway that activates sympa-

CNS Pituitary Gland thetic preganglionic neurons in the spinal
cord to release norepinephrine from terminals
innervating the pineal gland, thus inducing
via blood nighttime melatonin production on demand
for immediate release (Ganguly et al., 2002;
via nerves
Saper et al., 2005). The primary function of
melatonin is to entrain circadian rhythms
Anterior: activate the
and improve sleep timing, along with a host
adrenal, thyroid, of other beneficial pleiotropic effects
or gonadal axis (Aulinas, 2000; Pandi-Perumal et al., 2006).
Posterior: AVP and
oxytocin release Nightly melatonin secretion is the primary
biomarker for the circadian phase in
humans and declines with aging, leading to
Hypothalamic peptides: Peripheral antigen presentation alterations in sleep timing (Pace-Schott and
Vasoregulators (VIP, AVP) (via meningeal lymphatics)
Hunger/satiety cues (melanocortin system) Lymphatic drainage Spencer, 2011). Though it is widely accepted
that melatonin is secreted directly to the
blood, this is primarily because of early lit-
erature reports correlating melatonin pro-
duction in the pineal gland to blood plasma
Circulatory Digestive Lymphatic levels (Hedlund et al., 1977; Illnerova et al.,
1978). Anatomical studies of the pineal
gland give conflicting results, suggesting an
intact BBB in fetal tissue (Moller, 1974) and,
perhaps, subregion differences in pineal
BBB permeability in adults (Duvernoy and
Risold, 2007). Although melatonin is found
in the CSF (Bruce et al., 1991; Skinner and
Malpaux, 1999), it is unclear whether this
Leptin/glucagon signaling
melatonin pool derives from rapid diffusion
CP immune surveillance
FGF21 signaling Perivascular macro
from blood across lipid membranes, or
Nutrient and ion delivery
Delivery of immune cells With Feeding: phages whether the pineal gland directly secretes
↑ CCK, GLP-1 (via blood) Meningeal immune this powerful chronobiotic molecule directly
↑ vagus nerve activity surveillance
to the CSF to entrain the brain.
Figure 4. The glymphatic system as an interface between the brain and body. The brain can communicate The circadian system is just one example of
to the circulatory, digestive, and lymphatic systems by secreting signaling molecules to CSF, driving fluid to several concerted biological responses that
the meningeal lymphatics for antigen presentation, and ultimately draining to the lymph nodes of the lym- might be controlled by glymphatic—and CSF
phatic system. A unique feature of the brain is the hypothalamic signaling to the pituitary gland, where neu- —movement. We highlight the circadian sys-
rons can either induce neuroendocrine signaling in the anterior pituitary, or directly release peptides such as tem as an example of how neuronal activity,
AVP and oxytocin into the blood vessels of the posterior pituitary. Feedback between these systems is poten- CSF movement, and bulk fluid signaling might
tially bidirectional when considering blood composition, feeding and fasting metabolites, and immune surveil- interact to impact neuronal function, physiol-
lance. The pituitary gland is uniquely shielded from direct interaction with the CSF pool and direct CNS
ogy, and, ultimately, behavior.
signaling by its location in an indentation of the skull covered by the diaphragma sellae, a dural membrane.

ventricle. Although both VIP and AVP are present

within CSF (Burbach, 1982), how these enter the CSF CSF goes to glymphatics and beyond
pool remains unknown. Based on the localization of Above, we discussed how the glymphatic system can be regulated
these vasoactive peptides (Henning and Sawmiller, by the cardiovascular system, neuronal function, and, perhaps,
2001; Pelletier et al., 2014), it is tempting to hypothe- by CSF/ISF bulk flow of neurotransmitters and peptides. We
size that the mechanism of action whereby VIP have discussed the pathway of fluid movement from the ven-
released near the basal cisterns impacts vascular tone of tricles to the glymphatic and lymphatic systems of the body.
the glymphatic system, whereas AVP release into the ven- Finally, we hypothesized that the while the glymphatic system
tricles—upstream in the CSF pathway—is able to tune clears waste, it is also a mechanism of brain-wide signaling that
fluid flow in “downstream” areas. Whether AVP is could dramatically impact the survival of an organism adapting
released by the SCN into the ventricles, perhaps via direct to a new environment. Here, we expand on known CSF-localized
innervation (Taub et al., 2021), a small portion of tany- signaling cues originating from the blood, gut, or immune sys-
cytes within the SCN (Wen et al., 2020), or a separate tem. We discuss how they impact glymphatic function and high-
transependymal method, remains unknown. light new questions in brain–body interactions.
One such downstream area may be the pineal gland,
which sits near the center of the parenchyma, is highly Cross talk between the blood and the brain
vascularized, and is bathed in CSF. CSF tracers accumu- The vascular system carries oxygen and glucose along with other
late in the pineal gland of mice and rats (Iliff et al., 2013a; nutrients and immune cells throughout the body and is critical
Benveniste et al., 2017). In rodents, the SCN triggers a to maintain tissue homeostasis. As discussed above, the BBB
Hablitz and Nedergaard · The Neurobiology of the Glymphatic System J. Neurosci., September 15, 2021 • 41(37):7698–7711 • 7705

limits the transfer of solutes between blood and brain. The brain appetitive behavior. These pathways support the hypothesis that
obtains an ultrafiltrate of blood via the choroid plexus, a highly after absorption in the GI tract and passage through the liver,
vascularized ependymal cell layer lining the ventricles, which is food-derived lipids and other hydrophobic molecules can enter
responsible for the bulk of CSF production (Redzic et al., 2005). the CSF from the blood via the choroid plexus and across the
As such, the choroid plexus may be considered the “starting BBB. In the brain, the major carrier of cholesterol is apolipopro-
point” of the glymphatic system. In addition to transferring sig- tein E (APOE), which is abundantly produced by astrocytes as
naling molecules like growth factors from the blood into the well as by the choroid plexus (Xu et al., 2006), suggesting that
brain, the choroid plexus can also contribute to brain homeosta- APOE might be distributed in brain by fluid movement in the
sis by producing and secreting into the CSF a host of enzymes perivascular space. APOE isoforms, when delivered by the CSF,
and growth factors such as transthyretin, insulin-like growth fac- enter periarterial spaces with different efficacy (Achariyar et al.,
tor II, and interleukin-1b (Benarroch, 2016). Interestingly, the 2016). Interestingly, APOE genotype is the strongest genetic risk
choroid plexus also expresses receptors for norepinephrine, mel- factor known for late-onset sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (Belloy
atonin, and AVP, among other hypothalamic-derived neuropep- et al., 2019), and glymphatic function is reduced in mouse mod-
tides, which, on activation, can modulate the rate of CSF els of AD (Peng et al., 2016; Da Mesquita et al., 2018b; Harrison
production (Nilsson et al., 1992). How CSF production rates et al., 2020). Thus, it is possible that differential distribution of
impact glymphatic flow in rodent brain remains unexplored lipids derived from the gut along the perivascular spaces directly
because of a lack of proper techniques (Oreškovic et al., 2003; contributes to brain pathology.
Oreškovic and Klarica, 2014). Recent work has shown that physi- The vagus nerve provides a direct neural connection from the
ological processes that reduce glymphatic function like age and gut to the brain. Upon feeding, the visceral branches of the vagus
wakefulness also suppress CSF production, yet other manipula- nerve are activated by a variety of neuroendocrine cues, includ-
tions showed that there is no correlation between CSF produc- ing cholecystokinin (CCK) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1),
tion and glymphatic fluid transport (Liu et al., 2020a). It thus that are produced by enteroendocrine cells of the gut (Dockray,
remains unknown whether CSF production and glymphatic 2009; Krieger et al., 2015). Upon food deprivation, grehlin,
function are interdependent, but it is clear that the choroid orexin-a, and reduced CCK levels can reduce firing and retro-
plexus is a key player in the feedback loop among the brain, grade signaling by the vagus nerve (Dockray, 2009). Vagus nerve
glymphatic system, and CSF production from the blood (Fig. 4). stimulation leads to increased glymphatic influx (Cheng et al.,
It is important to note that BBB restriction to influx of an 2020). Feeding may inherently increase glymphatic function to
ultrafiltrate of plasma is not consistent across brain regions, spe- promote the intracerebral circulation of hypothalamic satiety cues.
cifically in the circumventricular organs in the hypothalamus The gut peptide GLP-1 has also gained significant attention in
where the interstitial fluid of these regions are barricaded by neurodegeneration research (Grieco et al., 2019), and it is a matter
defined glial borders from the rest of the brain (Rodríguez et al., of interest that treatment with a GLP-1 receptor agonist reduced
2010). Also, the BBB does not necessarily preclude the regulation CSF production (Botfield et al., 2017). Similarly, fibroblast growth
of transport between the blood and parenchyma of ions, oxygen, factor 21 (FGF21) is produced by the liver (von Holstein-Rathlou
molecules, and even cells under pathologic conditions (Daneman and Gillum, 2019) and, when injected into the CSF, can inhibit
and Prat, 2015). Although the BBB is clearly necessary for brain sugar and alcohol appetite (von Holstein-Rathlou et al., 2016) via
health, how the BBB alters or interacts with glymphatic fluid flow is activation of the paraventricular nucleus and regulation of the
at this point completely unknown. hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis (Yilmaz et al., 2018).
There is bidirectional signaling between the vascular com- Vagal nerve stimulation, GLP-1 signaling, and CSF-derived
partment and the brain. As discussed above, the vascular com- FGF21 regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid access
partment uses the choroid plexus as a gateway to provide access provide additional putative links among gut, brain, and glym-
for signaling molecules to the CNS. The brain communicates phatic function extending beyond traditional cues such as insu-
directly with the vascular compartment via the posterior pituitary lin, leptin, and glucagon signaling.
gland (Fig. 4). Peptidergic neuronal projections in the posterior pi- When discussing the gut–brain axis, it would be impossible
tuitary from oxytocin and AVPergic neurons arising from the para- not to mention the microbiome, which is the host of bacteria pres-
ventricular nucleus (Fig. 3) release neuropeptides directly into the ent within the digestive tract that is essential not only for digestion,
vascular system, with downstream effects on cardiovascular tone, but can also impact neuroendocrine and inflammatory responses
kidney function, and other functions (Palkovits, 1984). Feedback in the gut. The microbiome has been implicated in almost every
from this peripheral pathway can alter cerebral blood flow at a disease of the nervous system, although the mechanisms of action
more global level compared with local/bulk hypothalamic signaling, are relatively unclear (Martin et al., 2018). There is some evidence
perhaps altering PVS volume to increase or decrease glymphatic that APOE isoform influences microbiota composition (Parikh et
flow depending on brain state. al., 2020). The microbiota can regulate factors such as GLP-1, thus
ultimately changing vagus nerve activity (Everard and Cani, 2014;
The gut–brain axis Martin et al., 2018). Finally, microbiota composition can somehow
Above, we have discussed how the glymphatic system clears met- alter tight junctions at the BBB (Braniste et al., 2014), potentially
abolic waste from the brain. One might anticipate that this fluid dysregulating the composition of CSF/ISF that the choroid plexus
pathway would be receptive to satiety and hunger cues. We now normally maintains. Presently available evidence makes it tempt-
discuss modes of cross talk between the gastrointestinal tract ing to suggest a link between the microbiome and glymphatic
itself and the brain (Fig. 4). Intravenous administration of tri- function, though we cannot yet propose a pathway other than via
glycerides alters the composition of CSF lipids (Hanson et al., vagal retrograde signaling or BBB–glymphatic interactions.
2019), and glymphatic transport can distribute lipids across the
brain (Rangroo Thrane et al., 2013). Alterations in the blood/ Immune surveillance between the brain and the CNS
brain/CSF distribution of triglycerides also cause a dysregulation A primary feature of the traditional lymphatic system is to moni-
of central leptin signaling (Banks et al., 2018), which controls tor the state of tissue inflammation. It is thus no surprise that
7706 • J. Neurosci., September 15, 2021 • 41(37):7698–7711 Hablitz and Nedergaard · The Neurobiology of the Glymphatic System

immune surveillance is at play at every point of the pathway for biological functions of CSF flow. Specifically, future work should
CSF production and movement (Fig. 4). The choroid plexus is focus on how to manipulate the availability of CSF to supply the
host to numerous leukocyte immune cells residing in the space glymphatic system, and to elucidate the underlying physiological
between the leaky vessels and the ependymal cells, which provide mechanisms that redistribute CSF between the brain and body.
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