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KD 4.3 Class :

I. Activity 1
Listen to the audio carefully, then complete the following story.

Timun Mas
Once upon a time in Java, in a humble house on the edge of the jungle, lived a poor (1) ______
named Mbok Srini. She felt so lonely and prayed to be blessed with a child. Then, a green-skinned (2)
_______ named Butho Ijo who passed by, heard the prayer and approached her. The giant gave her
cucumber seeds and told her to plant the cucumber seed and she will have a child. She must nurture
the child, however when the child had grown up, Mbok Srini must give the child back to Butho Ijo.
The giant wished to eat the child. Eager to have a child, Mbok Srini agreed with Butho Ijo's deal.
Mbok Srini then (3) ________ the cucumber seed behind her house.
Later, a magical golden cucumber grew from its seed. Mbok Srini took the cucumber and opened it
carefully. Then, a beautiful baby girl (4) _________ inside it. Thus, she named the baby girl Timun
Mas which means "golden cucumber". Year after year, Timun Mas grew to become a beautiful girl.
She became a loving, kind and (5) __________ girl. She was always willing to help and take care of
the aging Mbok Srini. But then, just a week before Timun Mas' 17th birthday, Butho Ijo appeared in
front of Mbok Srini's house and reminded her about her promise, and announced that within one
week he will (6) ________ to collect Timun Mas. Mbok Srini was fearful of the horrible fate that
awaits her beloved child. Then, she hastily went to the mountain to seek help from the wise powerful
old hermit that lived on the mountain near by. After hearing her story, the old hermit gave her four
small bags of cloth with something inside it. The four objects inside the bags are cucumber seeds, (7)
________, salts, and shrimp paste. Mbok Srini then returned home and told Timun Mas what the
hermit told her to do about the objects. Timun Mas must throw them when she’s chased by the giant.
Finally on Timun Mas' 17th birthday, Butho Ijo appeared at Mbok Srini's house to take Timun Mas
as promised. Mbok Srini ordered Timun Mas to run from the back door. Timun Mas was really
terrified and she ran as fast as she can to (8) ________ the giant. The giant was furious and chased
Timun Mas. Timun Mas then opened one of her four cloth bags and threw cucumber seeds at the
giant. Suddenly, a large cucumber vine appeared and strangled the giant's body, trapping him so that
he can’t (9) _______. This gave Timun Mas time to escape further. However, the powerful giant
finally managed to break free and continued his chase. Timun Mas opened her second bag and threw
needles at the giant. Suddenly, the needles grew into bamboos with sharp tips that wounded the giant
badly. The giant was badly wounded, however he managed to get through the sharp bamboos and
again, continued his chase. Timun saw the giant approaching so she opened her third bag and spread
(10) _______. Suddenly, an ocean appeared, drowning the evil giant. However, the giant managed to
swim through the sea and continued to chase her. The giant, once again, caught up with Timun Mas
who ran into a dead end. Timun mas then opened her last bag and threw the shrimp paste. Suddenly,
the shrimp paste transformed into sea of boiling volcanic (11) ______. Butho Ijo was stuck inside the
boiling hot mud, drowned and died. Timun Mas finally survived and return to her mother, Mbok Srini,
and they lived (12) _________ ever after.
II. Activity 2
Answer the questions correctly based on the text above!

1. Why did Mbok Srini wish to have a child?

2. How did Mbok Srini get the child?

3. What were the things brought by Timun Mas when she escaped?

4. How did the giant die?

5. What is the moral value you can get from the story?

III. Activity 3
If you were a storyteller, how would you design the place where Timun Mas escaping from the
Giant? Please draw it!

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