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Line and Surface Integrals

4. 1 Line Integral
• Let C be a smooth space curve with initial C
point A and terminal point B, parameterized by A
its arc length s:
r (s) = x(s)i + y(s) j + z(s) k, asb
(so that r(a)=A and r(b)=B )
• And let f( x, y, z) is a scalar field defined at each point on C.
• The line (curve) integral of f along C from A to B, w.r.t. arc length s,
is defined by b

 C
f ( x, y, z )ds =  f ( x( s ), y ( s ), z ( s))ds
• If C is closed, the line integral is denoted by 
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• Example 1: Integrate f(x,y)=xy2 over a circular
arc given by
r (s) = cos(s) i + sin(s) j , 0 s  /2 C
• Solution: On C, x =cos(s) ; y= sin(s)
 f(x,y)=xy2 =cos(s). sin2(s) , on C.
Therefore,  /2
 xy ds = 0 cos( s)sin ( s)ds =
2 2
C 3
• Remark: If a curve C is parameterized by any parameter, say, t :
r (t) = x(t)i + y(t) j + z(t) k, a  t  b,
then, making change of variable: ds = dt = r '(t ) dt
we get, b

 C
f ( x, y, z )ds =  f (r (t )) r '(t ) dt

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• Example 2: Evaluate
 C
( xy + 4 z )ds
when C is a straight line segment from point A(0,0, 1) to B = (2, 1,3).

• Solution: C is given by
r (t) = A + t (B−A) , 0t1
= 2t i + t j + (3+2t) k, 0  t  1.
So, on C, xy +4z = (2t)t + 4(3+2t) = 2t2 + 8t + 12

and, ds = |r(t) | dt . But |r(t) |= | 2i + j + 2 k | = 3

 ds = 3dt

 C
( xy + 4 z )ds =  (2t 2 + 8t + 12)3dt = 50

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Usually, line integrals that involves a vector field F( x, y, z) that defined
on C has the following form:

( line integral of tangential
F.dr component of F )
where, F( x, y, z) = f1(x,y,z)i + f2 (x,y,z)j + f3 (x,y,z) k,
and, dr = dx i + dy j + dz k
That is,

 C
F.dr =  f1 ( x, y, z )dx + f 2 ( x, y, z )dy + f 3 ( x, y , z )dz
• Or, representing C by
r (t) = x(t)i + y(t) j + z(t) k, a  t  b,
dr = dt = r '(t )dt Moreover, on C, F( x, y, z ) = F(r(t ))
We get,
 C
F.dr =  F(r (t )). r '(t )dt
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• Example 3: Let F(x,y) = (x + y) i + (x−y) j . Evaluate

when C is: (a) the parabola y=x2 from (1,1) to (4,2)
(b) the circle x2+y2 = 1

• Solution: (a) F.dr = (x+y)dx + (x−y)dy. But on C, y=x2 , dy=2xdx

= (x+x2) dx + (x−x2)2x dx
= (x + 3x2 −2x3) dx, 1  x  4.
 C
F.dr =  ( x + y )dx + ( x − y )dy
4 34
=  ( x + 3 x − 2 x )dx =2 3
1 3
(b) C, parametrically, r (t) = cost i + sint j , 0  t  2
r (t) = cost i + sint j ,  r (t) = −sint i + cost j ,
and, F(r(t) ) = (cost + sint) i + (cost−sint) j .
2 2
 F.dr = 
F(r (t )). r '(t )dt =  (cos(2t ) − sin(2t )) dt = 0
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• Exercise: (1,0)
1) Let F(x,y) = x i + x2 j . Evaluate ( −1,0)
along curve C , from (−1,0) to (1,0) in the xy-plane, given by
(a) the semi-circle of radius 1
(b) the polygonal path (line segments) shown in the figure below.

(0,1) (1,1)

Ans. (a) 0; (b) ½

(−1,0) (1,0)

2) Evaluate C
ydx + xydy
where C is the circle x2+y2=4, oriented counterclockwise.
Ans. − 4
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Remark : Line integrals arise in many context. For example, consider
a force F causing a particle to move from point A to point B in space
along a smooth curve C whose vector equation r(t) is representing the
position of the particle at time t, such that atb,
At each instant of time t, the particle may r(t)
be thought as moving in the direction of the B
tangent to its trajectory, r(t). C
A r (t)
Hence, F(r(t)).r(t) is the product of force
with a direction, and so has the dimension
of work. Therefore, the line integral

F.dr =  F(r (t )). r '(t )dt
is the work done by the force F in moving the particle from A to B
over the path C.

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4. 2 Line Integral Independent of Path
• Suppose C1 and C2 are different curves from point A to B, and
let F(x,y,z) be a vector space defined on both curves,
• In a general case, B
A C2
 C1
F.dr and  C2
F.dr may not equal. (See, the above
exercise. )
• That means, the value of a line integral from point A to B may
depend on the curve (path) along which we integrate. (see, the
above exercise)

• However, for a particular F, if  C1

F.dr = 
for every curve C1 and C2 that join any point A to B , we say the
line integral of F is path independent.
• We will show that line integral of a conservative vector filed F is
path independent. Recall: F is conservative if F=f, for some
scalar field f (called potential of F)
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Theorem: (Fundamental Theorem of Line Integral)
Suppose C is a smooth curve from point A(x0,y0,z0) to B(x1,y1,z1) .
Let f (x,y,z) be a scalar field, continuously differentiable, on C.

f .dr = f ( B ) − f ( A)

Proof: Let r(t), for atb, represents C so that r(a)=A and r(b)=B.

f .dr = 
f (r (t ).r '(t )dt
=  d b
f (r (t ) = f (r (t ) a
a dt

= f (r (b) − f (r ( a) = f ( B) − f ( A)
• Consequently, the line integral of f is path independent. Hence,
the line integral of f along every curve C from point A to B are
equal and can be written as B
 A
f .dr = f ( B ) − f ( A)

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Theorem: (Line Integral of Conservative Vector Fields)
The line integral of a conservative vector field is independent of path.
In particular, if F is a conservative vector field and C is a curve from
point A to B, then

 C
F.dr =  ( B ) −  ( A)
where  is a potential of F; i.e., F= 
Further, if C is a closed curve, then  C
F.dr = 0
• The proof follows directly from the previous Theorem since,

 F.dr =   .dr =  ( B ) −  ( A)

Thus, the line integral of a conservative F over a curve C is the

difference of the values of its potential function at the end points of C.

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Example. Evaluate
(1, / 8)
(0,0) 2 x cos(2 y )dx − 2 x sin(2 y )dy

Solution: This is line integral of F(x,y) = 2xcos(2y) i – 2x2sin(2y) j

along certain curve from (0,0) to (1, /8). You can check that F is
conservative and its potential function is (x,y) = x2cos(2y). Hence,
along any curve in the xy-plane from (0,0) to (1, /8), we get
(1, / 8)
(0,0) 2 x cos(2 y )dx − 2 x 2 sin(2 y )dy =  (1, 8 ) −  (0,0)


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1. Show that each of the following line integrals are independent
of path and evaluate the integrals.
(a) (0,1) (2 xy + 1)dx + ( x 2 + 1)dy

where F(x,y,z) = 3i + zj + (y+2z)k

(b) ,

2. For the following integrals, C is the ellipse x2 + 4y2 = 16

(i)  F.dr ,
F(x,y,z) = (2xy+z2)i + x2j + (2xz+  cos(z) )k

 +
2 3
(ii) 3x ydx x dy
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4. 3 Green’s Theorem
• Green’s Theorem relates certain line integrals over a closed curve
with double integrals over plane region enclosed by the curve.

• Recall the following definition of double integrals:

If R ={ (x,y) | a  x b, g1(x) y g2(x) }, y=g2(x)

R f ( x, y)dxdy = (  )
g2 ( x ) R
f ( x, y )dy dx y=g1(x)
g1 ( x )
a a b

• OR, if R ={ (x,y) | h1(y) x h2(y) ,c y d },


( )
h2 ( y )
R f ( x, y )dxdy =  f ( x, y )dx dy R
h1 ( y ) c

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Theorem: ( Green’s Theorem)
Suppose C is a closed piecewise smooth curve in xy-plane oriented
counter clockwise, R is the region enclosed by C; and
F(x,y)= f1(x,y) i + f2(x,y) j . Then,
 F.dr =    F.k dxdy

That is,

 f 2 f1 
 C
f1 ( x, y )dx + f 2 ( x, y )dy =  
R  x
− 
y 

1. Observe the analogy between Fundamental theorem of Calculus,
Fundamental Theorem of line integrals, and Green’s Theorem.
2. Green’s Theorem can be used to evaluate line integrals over a
closed piecewise smooth curve in plane.

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Example: Use Green’s Theorem to evaluate
 − + + 1)dy
( x xy ) dx ( y
where C is the boundary of a square with vertices at the points
(1, 0), (2,0), (2, 1) and (1, 1), as shown in the figure below.
(1,1) (2,1)


Solution: f1= x – xy and f2 = y3 +1 (1,0) (2,0)

 f 2 f1 
C ( x − xy)dx + ( y + 1)dy =R  x − y  dxdy

2  
1 2
 1
3 3
=    xdx dy =    xdx dy =  dy =
01  0 1  0
2 2
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Exercise: Use Green’s Theorem to evaluate

 F.dr
where F(x,y)= y i + 5x j and C is the closed curve formed by the
three sides of the triangle whose vertices is at (0,0), (2,0) and (0,3),
shown in the figure below.

0 2
Ans. 12
( 
F.dr will become 4  area of the triangle )

Reading Assignment: Use of Green’s Theorem to find area

of a plane region

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4. 4 Integrals over Surfaces
• Aim: To evaluate integrals of quantities defined on a surface S.

4. 4.1 Surfaces and Normal Vectors

• Recall: If a surface S is given by
where c is a constant and f is a differentiable scalar field, then
f(x,y,z) is a normal vector to S, at each point (x,y,z) on S;
• Like tangent for a curve, normal vector to a surface plays
important role to describe the surface (or for various discussion
related to the surface).
• Also, parametric representation of surfaces is very useful
(Since a surface is 2 dimensional, two parameters are required for
its parametric representation).

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• In particular, if every point (x,y,z) on a surface S can be written in
terms of two parameters u and v; i.e., if
x=x(u,v), y=y(u,v) and z=z(u,v), where a  u b, and c  v d,
then S is said to be parametrically represented by
r(u,v) = x(u,v) i + y(u,v) j + z(u,v) k, for a  u b & c  v d .

• Examples:
1. A sphere of radius  centered at 0, can be parameterized using:
x= cos(u) sin(v) , 0  u 2, and 0  v ,
y= sin(u) sin(v) , (x,y,z)
z= cos(v) . 

r(u,v) =cos(u)sin(v)i +sin(u)sin(v)j + cos(v) k,
when 0  u 2, and 0  v .
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2. The lateral surface of a vertical circular cylinder of radius  and
height h can be parameterized using:
x=cos(u), 0  u 2,
y=sin(u), (x,y,z)
z=v, 0  v h. z=v

Thus, u
r(u,v) =cos(u)i +sin(u)j + v k,
when 0  u 2, and 0  vh.

3. If S is given by x+y+z=1 over x,y[0,1] , then S can be

parameterized using
x=u, y=v, z=1−u−v, where 0  u 1, and 0  v 1.
Thus, r(u,v) =ui + v j + (1−u−v) k, when 0  u, v  1.

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• In general, if S is given by z=f(x,y), for x[a,b] and y[c,d] , then
putting x=u and y=v, we can represent S by
• r(u,v) = u i + v j + f(u,v) k, where a  u b & c  v d

• Normal vector: If a surface S is given by a differentiable

r(u,v) = x(u,v) i + y(u,v) j + z(u,v) k, for a  u b & c  v d ,
the, a normal vector N to S , called outward normal, is given by
N = ru  rv u -const
N ru
where ru & rv are partial derivatives of v -constant
r(u,v) w.r.t u & v, respectively

In this case, the unit outward normal of S is given by

ru  rv
|| ru  rv ||
when N = ru  rv  0.
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• Definition: A surface S is said to be smooth if it has
continuously differentiable parametric representation r(u,v)
such that N = ru  rv  0 at every point on S.

( If this definition fails at only some finite points, then S is called

piecewise smooth)
Surface area: Let S be a smooth surface given parametrically by
r(u,v) over a region R = { (u,v) | a u b ,  v d }

To find the area element A at r(u,v) :

h A
Let b = r(u+u,v) − R(u,v) = ruu r(u,v) b
h = r (u,v+u) − R(u,v) = rvv
 A  || b  h || = || ruu  rvv || = || ru rv|| u v

So, taking u, v →0, we get dS = || ru rv|| du dv.

Hence, the total surface area of S is given by

 =  || ru  rv || dudv Some times, dA is

used instead of dS
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Exercise: Show that the surface area of a sphere of radius  is
42 .

To show this:
recall that the parametric representation of sphere is
r(u,v) =cos(u)sin(v)i +sin(u)sin(v)j + cos(v) k

over the region R = { (u,v) | 0  u 2, 0  v  } ;

and surface area is given by

 =  || ru  rv || dudv

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4. 4.2 Surface Integral
• Let S be a surface of finite area and f(x,y,z) is a function (scalar
quantity) defined on S. The total quantity of f on S is given by the
following integral, called surface integral of f over S:

 f ( x, y, z )dS
Some times, dS is
used instead of dA
• To evaluate surface integral, we reduce it to double integral using
parametric representation of S. In particular, if S is given by
r(u,v) =x(u,v)i + y(u,v)j + z(u,v)k, for a  u b & c  v d,

then, f(x,y,z) = f(r(u,v)) over R = {(u,v) | a  u b , c  v d }

and dS = || ru rv|| du dv.

 f ( x, y, z )dS = R f (r(u, v)) || ru  rv ||dudv


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Example: Evaluate  f ( x, y, z )dS
where f(x,y,z) = x+z and S is given by x2+y2=4, 0 z 3 .

Solution: Parametric representation of S ( which is cylinder) is:

r(u,v) = 2cos(u) i + 2sin(u) j + v k , over R= {(u,v) | 0  u 2, 0 v 3}
f(r(u,v)) = cos(u) +v; and
ru = −2sin(u) i + 2cos(u) j + o k , rv = 0i + 0 j + 1 k .
 ru rv = 2cos(u) i + 2sin(u) j
 ||ru rv || =2

 f ( x, y, z )dS = R f (r(u, v)) || ru  rv ||dudv


( )
3 3
= (cos u + v)du dv =  2 v dv = 9
0 0
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• Flux integral through a surface S is a surface integral over S in
which the integrand is given by F.n :

 F.ndS
where F is a vector field defined on S and n is the unit outward
normal vector to S.
ru  rv
Recall: n= and dS = || ru rv|| du dv.
|| ru  rv ||
Hence, if a vector field
F(x,y) =f1(x,y,z)i + f2(x,y,z)j + f3(x,y,z)k,
is defined on a surface S whose parametric representation is
r(u,v) =x(u,v)i+y(u,v)j+z(u,v)k over R={(u,v) | a  u b , c  v d },
then, the flux integral through S is given by

 F.ndS =  F(r (u, v)). ru  rv

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• Example: Compute the flux integral of F(x,y) = i +xyj through
triangular surface S given by x+y+z=1, where 0x, y 1.

• Solution: Setting x=u, y=v, z=1−u−v, S is given by

r(u,v) =ui+vj+(1−u−v)k over R={(u,v) | 0  u, v 1 }, N

 F(r(u,v)) = i +uvj = (1, uv, 0) S

ru  rv= i + j + k = (1, 1, 1)
F(r(u,v)) • ru  rv = 1+ uv

 F.ndS =  F(r (u, v)). ru  rv


( )
1 5
= 0 (1 + uv) du dv = 4
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• Exercise: Compute the flux integral  F.ndS ,

F(x,y,z) = ½ x2 i +yz j +x3yk through the surface (six sides) of the

unit cube whose vertices are at (0,0,0), (1, 0, 0), (0,1, 0) and (0, 0,1),
as shown in the figure below.
Ans: idea (0,0,1)

• S is composed of six piecewise smooth

(1,0,0) (0,1,0)
surfaces S1, S2, …, S6. Hence, represent
each by parametric vector function and
 F.ndS =  F.ndS +  F.ndS +
S S1 S2
+  F.ndS =
( The next theorem, Divergence Theorem, provides you with
another way of com putting such flux integral)

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4. 5 Divergence and Stokes’ Theorems
• Divergence Theorem, also called Gauss Theorem, relates
surface(flux) integral across a closed surface S with volume integral
over V , where V is the volume (interior space) enclosed by S.
• It is 3D analogue of FTC, FTLI and Green’s Theorem)

Theorem (Divergence Theorem):

• Let F(x, y, z) be a vector field, S be a piecewise smooth closed
surface enclosing a bounded 3D space (volume) V. Then,

 . FdV =  F.ndS (Here, dV = dx dy dz )

Or V S

 F.ndS =  (div F)dV

In other words, the flux integral of F through a closed surface S is
identical to the volume integral of div F taken throughout V.

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• Example: Using divergence Theorem, compute the flux integral
 F.ndS
of F(x,y,z) = ½ x2 i +yz j +x3yk across the closed surface of the
unit cube whose vertices are at (0,0,0), (1, 0, 0), (0,1, 0) and (0, 0,1),
as shown in the figure below.
Solution: div F = .F = x + z

V = { (x,y,z) | 0  x, y, z 1 }
(1,0,0) (0,1,0)

 F.ndS = 
div F dV

( ( ) )
1 1 1
= 0 ( x + z )dx dy dz = 4

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• The next theorem, called Stokes’ Theorem, is a generalization of
Green’s Theorem in 3D. It relates the line integral of vector field F
around a closed curve C to the surface integral of curl F. n over
surface S whose perimeter (boundary) is C, and n is the unit
normal to S.

Theorem (Stokes’ Theorem):
Suppose S is a surface whose boundary is a piecewise smooth
closed curve C, with positive orientation, and
F(x, y, z) is a vector field defined on S. Then,

 F.dr =    F.n dS

 F.dr =  curl F.n dS


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Example: Compute
 F.dr
where F(x,y) = −yz i + ½ x2 j + xy2z k and C is the sides of a
rectangle on z=3 plane whose vertices are points A(1, 0,3),
B(1, 2, 3), C(0, 2, 3) and D(0,0,3), oriented positively.
• Solution: To use the Stokes’ Theorem, take D C
the rectangular region whose boundary is the
given closed curve C to be the surface S : A B

 F.dr =  curl F.n dS

Here, the unit normal to this S is n = k = (0, 0, 1), and
curl F = ( . . ) i + ( . . ) j + ( x+z ) k
 curl F. n = x+z = x+3, since z=3 on S, and 0x1, 0y2,

 ( )
2 2
  F.dr =
C y =0
x =0
( x + 3) dx dy = 
y =0
2 dy =7

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Exercise: Using Stokes’ Theorem, evaluate  F.dr
where the vector field F and positively oriented curve C are
as given below.

(a) F(x,y) = 2y i + xz3j − zy3 k and C is the circle x2+y2=4 on z=−3

plane . (ans. −284 )

(b) F(x,y) = y i + zj + 3y k and C is the intersection of x2+y2+z2=6z

and z=x+3 . (ans. −18 2 )
(c) F(x,y) = y2 i + x2 j − (x+z) k and C is the boundary of the
triangle with vertices at (0, 0,0), (1, 0, 0) and (1,1,0).
(ans. 1/3 )

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