Q1. What Were The Causes That Increased The Tension Between The Makkans and The Madinites and Eventually Led To The Battle of Badr? 4 Marks

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What were the causes that increased the tension between the Makkans and the
Madinites and eventually led to the Battle of Badr? 4 marks

A: The Quraish were very upset that the people of Madinah were giving shelter to the Holy
Prophet and the muslims. The Quraish also asked them to return the Prophet and emigrants to
them but the Madinites refused to do so. So the Quraish talked to the Jews and Hypocrites.
The Quraish slowly became jealous of the growing power of the Holy Prophet. Their cavalry
raided the outskirts of Madinah. Because of this the Holy Prophet sent parties to keep a check
on the outskirts of Madinah. On one occasion, during patrolling, one of the members of the
Quraish was killed even though the Holy Prophet had not allowed it. This incident was then
called the incident of Nakhla. The trade caravans of the Quraish used to pass through Madinah.
The Holy Prophet made the decision to threaten the caravans which would economically
threaten the caravans. He started to send parties to watch the caravans and made an alliance
with some of the Bedouin tribes to deny the Quraish safe route to their caravans.

Q2. Draw your own flow chart on Microsoft word explaining the events of Battle of Badr.
5 points

Abu Sufyan was coming back from Syria with a large trading caravan. The Prophet
Muhammad decided to intercept the caravan to threaten the Quraish economically

After finding out about this, Abu Sufyan got frightened and asked the Quraish for help. The
Quraish prepared an army of one thousand men led by Abu Jahl, and they went to Madinah.
They had seventy horses and a lot of weapons. All of their nobles were willing to take part in
this battle.

The Prophet Muhammad heard of their preperation and he himself was able to gather three
hundred and thirteen people. They had three horses, sixty camels, and sixty suits of armor.

While the Holy Prophet was preparing his army, Abu Sufyan changed his caravan route and
took it to Madinah.

Abu Jahl insisted on attacking.

The Battle of Badr happened on 17th Ramadan, 2nd AH, Allah called it “The Day of

“If you believe in Allah and what we sent down on our servant on the Day of Distinguishing,
the day the two hosts met”

The Quraish camped in a valley near Badr and the Muslims camped on the opposite end. By
taking a companions advice, they moved to a new camping spot where they found a reservoir
filled with water.

The ground where the Muslims camped was sandy, but the night before the battle, it rained
making the ground smooth and the sand firm.
“He sent down water on you from heaven, to purify you thereby and to put away from you the
defilement of Satan, and to strengthen your hearts and confirm your feet.”

The Holy Prophet spent the night before battle, praying while the Quraish spent the night
partying and dancing.

Before the battle began, the Holy Prophet prayed and blew a handful of dust at the enemies,
which went into each and every one of their eyes.

During the battle the solo took place in which all 3 of the Quraish were killed and then the
general combat took place in which the Muslims were victorious.

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