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sCieNCe oF MediCiNe | Feature series

The Diagnosis of Decompression Sickness

in Sport Divers
by John P. Kirby, MD

Abstract sometimes misleading nugget of

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy information is that a diver ascends
(HBO2) remains the primary having no violation of the safe,
treatment for decompression planned dive sequence and that
sickness (DCS)—which can be other divers with them have no
Treating sport diving obviously serious or infrequently symptoms. It should be noted
patients may be outside more minor and can get missed that DCS, including more minor
of a clinician’s usual outside of centers that routinely variants, can be highly variable
comfort zone, but there handling diving medicine. This based upon the individuals state of
are resources through review will point out the salient
professional societies to health and hydration, as well as how
items for how sport or amateur other dive factors beyond the depth
assist both patients and divers might present for HBO2.
clinicians to seek and and bottom time. Temperature of
receive hyperbaric oxygen the water and any physical exertion
Overview during the dive may also play a
Currently, HBO2 is so commonly role for the individual.4 So the
used for wound healing applications presenting patient doesn’t think
that outside of hyperbaric centers
DCS is really an etiology for their
near water that often treat DCS,
complaints and leads with no
lower grade or sport diving cases of
violation of the dive protocol and
DCS can get missed. Even though
no one else being symptomatic.
treatment with HBO2 for DCS is one
DCS can also occur in relatively
of the most accepted indications and
shallow depths—in fact there have
historically has some of the strongest
been isolated cases in children
data supporting its use.1 Cases of
DCS can be obvious due to their in ver y shallow, 1 meter depths.5
preceding diving history and classic, Usually depths of about 20 feet are
immediate symptoms of joint pain more common for DCS.6 Children
and neurologic deficits, but they can may not intrinsically accommodate
also present with atypical symptoms.2 with exhaling on ascent and may
There are between 2.7 and 3.5 have more asymptomatic cardiac
million scuba divers in the U.S. and defects, such as a persistently
more than 6 million worldwide.3 patent foramen ovale. Anecdotal
Clinicians should appreciate that stories exist of children watching
with the popularity of sport diving a pool cleaner go about cleaning
there is considerable variations in the bottom of a home’s pool using
John P. Kirby Md, FaCs, is the director of training, experience, supervision, some kind of air deliver y circuit
Wound Healing Programs, associate Professor
of Surgery, Section of Acute and Critical Care and equipment being used. Often and joining that worker where they
surgery, at Washington university school of sport dives are organized along also breath air at depth and then
Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, in St. Louis,
several amateur and professional pop to the surface. This is given
Contact: society guidelines, and the first as an example where DCS might

Missouri Medicine | May/June 2019 | 116:3 | 195

sCieNCe oF MediCiNe | Feature series

Figure 1. Flow diagram showing the interrelationships between different classifications of diving-related illness.
Source: MedEdPORTAL

be missed if that same child presents with nonspecific associations. In a typical dive vacation over three to
malaise and joint pain several days later. Figure 1. five days, the vacationers go to their deepest depths
early if not in the first dive. The usual history is that
Atypical Presentations Can Present there were no recognized breaks in the dive plan, no
Lower severity DCS cases often have nonspecific appreciated problems with the bottom time or ascent
symptoms of pain near major joints, musculoskeletal and someone comes up to the surface and begins
aches and malaise, numbness and paresthesia and having vague, but persistent symptoms like joint pain
sometimes skin complaints like itching or rashes. in the shoulder hips or legs. Typically the presentation
is not a classic debilitating one that everyone can
Major or Type II DCS have more severe musculoskeletal
immediately appreciate as DCS, but often is bad
pain or neurological symptoms (including those related
enough that the patient themselves do not go back for
to the inner ear and balance problems, vertigo tinnitus
any subsequent descents and/or the dive master refers
or nausea) or cardiopulmonar y complaints.7 Lower them back to the resort doctor. It is often the case
severity DCS can be missed as so atypical and can that neither the patient (who has shelled out for the
present to a primar y care physician that doesn’t often vacation) nor any of the vacation staff is enthusiastic
care for diving problems. about labelling it as DCS, and to be fair often the
Although Missouri is essentially landlocked, diving symptoms are often mixed. Often there are tips-offs
accidents can and still occur in lakes, rivers, and even in that can assist in the diagnosis.
rarified, complex arrangements, like diving in a body of
water contained at depth inside of a cave. However, a Sport Diving DCS Diagnosis Tip Offs
more common presentation in land locked areas are from The first is sometimes that patient might insist
sport diving vacations. upon going ahead with the next dive, and when they do
Clinicians who themselves are not sport SCUBA they feel better even at a lower depths (recall the first
divers may not be familiar with diving vacations. Typically dive is often the deepest) and then feel worse again
a dive vacation is arranged for sport SCUBA divers to when they come up. They may notice that they kind
fly on a commercial plane to a scenic, warm place to of feel better just at the depth of the resort pool as the
dive as the focus of the vacation package. It is usually bench themselves from further real SCUBA diving.
recommended and most diving vacations or the dive boat During this period they should be concentrating
have some affiliation with one of the recognized diving on hydrating themselves well, controlling pain with

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sCieNCe oF MediCiNe | Feature series

NSAIDs, and avoiding alcohol due to its diuretic HBO2 at depths commonly available in even outpatient
effects—although alcohol is often consumed in self- settings between 2.8 and 3 atmosphere absolute (ATA).
treatment. Even before HBO2 , just 100% oxygen can HBO2 treatment for DCS is one of the shorter
be offered. So the typically low grade DCS sport diver sequences of no more than 10 treatments before
toughs it out for the next several days, feels a little better utilization review. Often sport divers may need only a
each day, and then second red flag is the flight home. few treatments for a full recovery. Officially there is no
Many commercial airline flights may not completely time delay where HBO2 is withheld where it is too late,
pressurize to sea level as just approximating sea level but the longer the symptoms persist without treatment
saves weight and fuel.8 So if a patient, our sport diver, the more likely that any treatment will be as successful.
boards the plan with mild resolving DCS, it gets worse It should also be appreciated that the diagnosis of DCS
at altitude and then when the plan lands it again gets may remain in doubt in a healthy patient without any
better. An all too common sequence of events is that the safety concerns for a trial of HBO2 and it is the patient’s
sport diver leaves the work week early for a long weekend early improvement on the very first hyperbaric treatment
diving vacation. They arrive at the resort at the beginning that is confirmatory for all.
of the weekend and are in the water shortly thereafter.
When they come up from that first, deepest dive, even Conclusions
though nothing went wrong, they have symptoms. They In conclusion, severe cases of DCS, decompression
are reassured that it isn’t likely to be DCS, but to be illness, and arterial gas embolism may be relatively
on the safe side they are recommended not to continue obvious due to their antecedent mechanism of exposure
on with the sequence of dives. They tough it out, and to pressures or gases or instrumentations. Lower grade
just about the time that they fly home at the end of the DCS may present with atypical symptoms in sport divers
weekend, they are getting better. Then they worsen to general clinicians who should include this in their
on the flight home and again improve when they land. differential even if no violations of any diving protocol
However, often they are now calling their primary care occurred. Nearly all of these patients may be able to
physician Monday morning, who then reaches out to a be treated in existing facilities as few require more than
local HBO2 center. Sometimes the call doesn’t come 3 ATA and often they may even qualify for outpatient
until later in the week or even the following week. treatments. Although treating such sport diving patients
Calls like this should prompt an evaluation looking may be outside of a clinician’s usual comfort zone, there
for the DCS exposure mechanism and the symptoms in are many helpful resources through professional societies
the patient. Most of these patients are themselves very to assist both patients and clinicians to seek and receive
active, healthy, and unless they have had some change in hyperbaric oxygen treatments.
their overall health status, like an opening of a shunt or
a popping of a pulmonary bleb have little to no safety References
contraindications to HBO2 treatment. All patients 1. Richard Moon, Chapter 7 Decompression Sickness in UHMS Hyperbaric
Oxygen Therapy Indications 13th Edition Lindell K Weaver Editor 2014 Best
should undergo good safety screening for HBO2. It is Publishing North Palm Beach Fla
recommended that physicians who do not commonly 2.
treat patients with DCS contact one of the national 4. Van Liew HD, Flynn ET. Direct ascent from air and N2)2 saturation dives in
societies like Divers Alert Network (DAN) to improve humans DCS risk and evidence of threshold UHMed 2005; 32: 409-419.
their evaluation exam to minimize omissions (such as 5. Benton PJ, Woodfine JD, Westwook PR Arterial gas embolism following a 1-
meter ascent during helicopter escape training a case report . Aviat Space Environ
more serious complications and not overlook pre-existing Med. 1996; 67: 63-64.
conditions like a patent foramen ovale) as well as to plan 6. Francis TJR, Mitchell SJ Manifestations of decompression disorders. In:
Brubakk AO, Neuman TS editors Bennett & Elliots’s Physiology and Medicine of
for treatment options. DAN maintains a 24-hour call Diving. 5th ed. New Yrk, NY: Elsevier Science; 2003. P. 578-599.
center and potentially available facilities, should such a 7. Vann RD, Butler FK, Mitchell SJ, Moon RE. Decompression Illness. Lancet
2011; 377: 153-164`1
DCS even occur at 1-919-684-9111. Although major 8.
cases of DCS might need increased pressures or longer
treatment times, often sport divers with less severe Disclosure
symptoms might do just as well with a timely offering of None reported. MM

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