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Written Case : Ford: No Longer Just An Auto Company?

I. Statement of the Problem

In what manner should the company position in the market with a decreasing
share price and market share, poor management, declining brand image, increasing
competition, and bribery investigation?

II. Strategic Analysis

SWOT Analysis
 The company has a strong brand  The company relies too much of its
portfolio. sales in North America.
 The company emphasize innovation.  The company focused on corporate
acquisition rather than new vehicle
 The company has exceptional leaders.
 The company values the vision, “ONE
 The company has dysfunctional
 The company has large customer

 The company may intensify e-  Increase competition in the industry
commerce. and e-commerce.
 Opportunity to increase presence  Increase technological advancement
online and engage in innovation. in commerce.
 Product development has seen an  There are increasing discounted
opportunity to make a strong brand products by the existing and emerging
image that may increase sales. competitors.

III. Alternative Courses of Action

 Boost and incorporate integrated marketing
The company must go beyond traditional marketing and work hard to
increase awareness and reach the other potential market. The company has
already set a brand image for the market. Thus, it must be vigorous in marketing
the products and offering discounts and sales promotions. By this, the company
can grow its revenues and market share, increase customer loyalty, and provide
a competitive advantage. However, it may require a marketing cost.

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