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First Printing

Publication date: March 1997

ISSN 0896-968X
ISBN 1-884590-80-2
COPYRIGHT  1994, 1995, 1996, 1997


International Conference of Building Officials

(800) 284-4406 S (562) 699-0541


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at 303-397-2295.
The Uniform Building Security CodeTM establishes minimum standards to make dwelling units resistant to unlawful entry and is published in a
format that will allow jurisdictions to enact the code as Appendix Chapter 10 of the Uniform Building CodeTM.


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at 303-397-2295.
The International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) publishes a family of codes, each correlated with the Uniform Building
Codet to provide jurisdictions with a complete set of building-related regulations for adoption. Some of these codes are published in
affiliation with other organizations such as the International Fire Code Institute (IFCI) and the International Code Council (ICC). Refer-
ence materials and related codes also are available to improve knowledge of code enforcement and administration of building inspec-
tion programs. Publications and products are continually being added, so inquiries should be directed to Conference headquarters for a

listing of available products. Many codes and references are also available on CD-ROM or floppy disk. These are denoted by (*). The
following publications and products are available from ICBO:

CODES Uniform Mechanical Code and related codes. It contains provisions

*Uniform Building Code, Volumes 1, 2 and 3. The most widely which relate to site preparation, construction, alteration, moving, repair
adopted model building code in the United States, the performance- and use and occupancies of buildings or structures and building service
based Uniform Building Code is a proven document, meeting the needs equipment, including plumbing, electrical and mechanical regulations.
of government units charged with the enforcement of building regula- The code is compatible with the administrative provisions of all codes
tions. Volume 1 contains administrative, fire- and life-safety and field published by the Conference.
inspection provisions; Volume 2 contains structural engineering design Uniform Building Security Codet. This code establishes mini-
provisions; and Volume 3 contains material, testing and installation mum standards to make dwelling units resistant to unlawful entry. It
standards. regulates swinging doors, sliding doors, windows and hardware in con-
*Uniform Mechanical Codet. Provides a complete set of require- nection with dwelling units of apartment houses or one- and two-family
ments for the design, construction, installation and maintenance of dwellings. The code gives consideration to the concerns of police, fire
heating, ventilating, cooling and refrigeration systems; incinerators and and building officials in establishing requirements for resistance to bur-
other heat-producing appliances. glary which are compatible with fire and life safety.
International Plumbing Codet. Provides consistent and techni- Uniform Code for Building Conservationt. A building conserva-
cally advanced requirements that can be used across the country to pro- tion guideline presented in code format which will provide a communi-
vide comprehensive regulations of modern plumbing systems. Setting ty with the means to preserve its existing buildings while achieving
minimum regulations for plumbing facilities in terms of performance appropriate levels of safety. It is formatted in the same manner as the
objectives, the IPC provides for the acceptance of new and innovative Uniform Building Code, is compatible with other Uniform Codes, and
products, materials and systems. may be adopted as a code or used as a guideline.
International Private Sewage Disposal Codet. Provides flexibil- Dwelling Construction under the Uniform Building Codet.
ity in the development of safety and sanitary individual sewage disposal Designed primarily for use in home building and apprentice training,
systems and includes detailed provisions for all aspects of design, this book contains requirements applicable to the construction of one-
installation and inspection of private sewage disposal systems. and two-story dwellings based on the requirements of the Uniform
International Mechanical Codet. Establishes minimum regula- Building Code. Available in English or Spanish.
tions for mechanical systems using prescriptive and performance- Dwelling Construction under the Uniform Mechanical Codet.
related provisions. It is founded on broad-based principles that make This publication is for the convenience of the homeowner or contractor
possible the use of new materials and new mechanical designs. interested in installing mechanical equipment in a one- or two-family
Uniform Zoning Codet. This code is dedicated to intelligent com- dwelling in conformance with the Uniform Mechanical Code.
munity development and to the benefit of the public welfare by provid- Supplements to UBC and related codes. Published in the years be-
ing a means of promoting uniformity in zoning laws and enforcement. tween editions, the Supplements contain all approved changes, plus an
*Uniform Fire Codet, Volumes 1 and 2. The premier model fire analysis of those changes.
code in the United States, the Uniform Fire Code sets forth provisions Uniform Building Code—1927 Edition. A special 60th anniversa-
necessary for fire prevention and fire protection. Published by the ry printing of the first published Uniform Building Code.
International Fire Code Institute, the Uniform Fire Code is endorsed by One and Two Family Dwelling Code. Promulgated by ICC, this
the Western Fire Chiefs Association, the International Association of code eliminates conflicts and duplications among the model codes to
Fire Chiefs and ICBO. Volume 1 contains code provisions compatible achieve national uniformity. Covers mechanical and plumbing require-
with the Uniform Building Code, and Volume 2 contains standards ref- ments as well as construction and occupancy.
erenced from the code provisions.
Application and Commentary on the One and Two Family
*Urban-Wildland Interface Codet. Promulgated by IFCI, this Dwelling Code. An interpretative commentary on the One and Two
code regulates both land use and the built environment in designated ur- Family Dwelling Code intended to enhance uniformity of interpretation
ban-wildland interface areas. This newly developed code is the only and application of the code nationwide. Developed by the three model
model code that bases construction requirements on the fire-hazard code organizations, this document includes numerous illustrations of
severity exposed to the structure. Developed under a grant from the code requirements and the rationale for individual provisions.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, this code is the direct result
of hazard mitigation meetings held after devastating wildfires. Model Energy Code. This code includes minimum requirements for
effective use of energy in the design of new buildings and structures and
Uniform Housing Codet. Provides complete requirements affect- additions to existing buildings. It is based on American Society of Heat-
ing conservation and rehabilitation of housing. Its regulations are com- ing, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers Standard 90A-1980
patible with the Uniform Building Code. and was originally developed jointly by ICBO, BOCA, SBCCI and the
Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildingst. A National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards under a
code compatible with the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform contract funded by the United States Department of Energy. The code is
Housing Code which provides equitable remedies consistent with other now maintained by ICC and is adopted by reference in the Uniform
laws for the repair, vacation or demolition of dangerous buildings. Building Code.
Uniform Sign Codet. Dedicated to the development of better sign National Electrical CodeR. The electrical code used throughout the
regulation, its requirements pertain to all signs and sign construction United States. Published by the National Fire Protection Association, it
attached to buildings. is an indispensable aid to every electrician, contractor, architect, build-
Uniform Administrative Codet. This code covers administrative er, inspector and anyone who must specify or certify electrical installa-
areas in connection with adoption of the Uniform Building Code, tions.
Copyright International Conference of Building Officials Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:56:29 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
TECHNICAL REFERENCES AND EDUCATIONAL and financial aspects of a building department. It is also an ideal
MATERIALS resource for those preparing for the management module of the CABO
Analysis of Revisions to the Uniform Codest. An analysis of Building Official Certification Examination.
changes between the previous and new editions of the Uniform Codes is Legal Aspects of Code Administration. A manual developed by the
provided. Changes between code editions are noted either at the begin- three model code organizations to inform the building official on the le-
ning of chapters or in the margins of the code text. gal aspects of the profession. The text is written in a logical sequence
*Handbook to the Uniform Building Code. The handbook is a with explanation of legal terminology. It is designed to serve as a
completely detailed and illustrated commentary on the Uniform Build- refresher for those preparing to take the legal module of the CABO
ing Code, tracing historical background and rationale of the codes Building Official Certification Examination.
through the current edition. Also included are numerous drawings and Illustrated Guide to Conventional Construction Provisions of
figures clarifying the application and intent of the code provisions. Also the UBC. This comprehensive guide and commentary provides
available in electronic format. detailed explanations of the conventional construction provisions in the
*Handbook to the Uniform Mechanical Code. An indispensable UBC, including descriptive discussions and illustrated drawings to
tool for understanding the provisions of the current UMC, the handbook convey the prescriptive provisions related to wood-frame construction.
traces the historical background and rationale behind the UMC provi- Introduction to the Uniform Building Code. A workbook that pro-
sions, includes 160 figures which clarify the intent and application of vides an overview of the basics of the UBC.
the code, and provides a chapter-by-chapter analysis of the UMC.
Uniform Building Code Update Workbook. This manual address-
*Uniform Building Code Application Manual. This manual es many of the changes to the administrative, fire- and life-safety, and
discusses sections of the Uniform Building Code with a question-and- inspection provisions appearing in the UBC.
answer format, providing a comprehensive analysis of the intent of
the code sections. Most sections include illustrative examples. The UMC Workbook. Designed for independent study or use with
manual is in loose-leaf format so that code applications published instructor-led programs based on the Uniform Mechanical Code, this
in Building Standards magazine may be inserted. Also available in comprehensive study guide consists of 16 learning sessions, with the
electronic format. first two sessions reviewing the purpose, scope, definitions and admin-
istrative provisions and the remaining 14 sessions progressively explor-
*Uniform Mechanical Code Application Manual. As a compan- ing the requirements for installing, inspecting and maintaining heating,
ion document to the Uniform Mechanical Code, this manual provides ventilating, cooling and refrigeration systems.
a comprehensive analysis of the intent of a number of code sections in
an easy-to-use question-and-answer format. The manual is available in UBC Field Inspection Workbook. A comprehensive workbook for
a loose-leaf format and includes illustrative examples for many code studying the provisions of the UBC. Divided into 12 sessions, this
sections. workbook focuses on the UBC combustible construction requirements
for the inspection of wood-framed construction.
*Uniform Fire Code Applications Manual. This newly developed
manual provides questions and answers regarding UFC provisions. Concrete Manual. A publication for individuals seeking an under-
A comprehensive analysis of the intent of numerous code sections, the standing of the fundamentals of concrete field technology and inspec-
manual is in a loose-leaf format for easy insertion of code applications tion practices. Of particular interest to concrete construction inspectors,
published in IFCI’s Fire Code Journal. it will also benefit employees of concrete producers, contractors, test-
Quick-Reference Guide to the Occupancy Requirements of the ing and inspection laboratories and material suppliers.
1997 UBC. Code requirements are compiled in this publication by Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction Inspector’s Hand-
occupancy groups for quick access. These tabulations assemble book. A comprehensive information source written especially for ma-
requirements for each occupancy classification in the code. Provisions, sonry inspection covering terminology, technology, materials, quality
such as fire-resistive ratings for occupancy separations in Table 3-B, control, inspection and standards. Published jointly by ICBO and the
exterior wall and opening protection requirements in Table 5-A-1, and Masonry Institute of America.
fire-resistive ratings for types of construction in Table 6-A, are tabu- You Can Build It! Sponsored by ICBO in cooperation with CABO,
lated for quick reference and comparison. this booklet contains information and advice to aid “do-it-yourselfers”
Plan Review Manual. A practical text that will assist and guide both with building projects. Provides guidance in necessary procedures such
the field inspector and plan reviewer in applying the code requirements. as permit requirements, codes, plans, cost estimation, etc.
This manual covers the nonstructural and basic structural aspects of Guidelines for Manufactured Housing Installations. A guideline
plan review. in code form implementing the Uniform Building Code and its compan-
Field Inspection Manual. An important fundamental text for ion code documents to regulate the permanent installation of a man-
courses of study at the community college and trade or technical school ufactured home on a privately owned, nonrental site. A commentary is
level. It is an effective text for those studying building construction or included to explain specific provisions, and codes applying to each
architecture and includes sample forms and checklists for use in the component part are defined.
field. Accessibility Reference Guide. This guide is a valuable resource for
Building Department Administration. An excellent guide for im- architects, interior designers, plan reviewers and others who design and
provement of skills in departmental management and in the enforce- enforce accessibility provisions. Features include accessibility require-
ment and application of the Building Code and other regulations ments, along with detailed commentary and graphics to clarify the pro-
administered by a building inspection department. This textbook will visions; cross-references to other applicable sections of the UBC and
also be a valuable aid to instructors, students and those in related profes- the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines; a check-
sional fields.

list of UBC provisions on access and usability requirements; and many

Building Department Guide to Disaster Mitigation. This new, other useful references.
expanded guide is designed to assist building departments in develop- Educational and Technical Reference Materials. The Conference
ing or updating disaster mitigation plans. Subjects covered include has been a leader in the development of texts and course material to
guidelines for damage mitigation, disaster-response management, assist in the educational process. These materials include vital informa-
immediate response, mutual aid and inspections, working with the tion necessary for the building official and subordinates in carrying out
media, repair and recovery policies, and public information bulletins. their responsibilities and have proven to be excellent references in con-
This publication is a must for those involved in preparing for and nection with community college curricula and higher-level courses in
responding to disaster. the field of building construction technology and inspection and in the
Building Official Management Manual. This manual addresses administration of building departments. Included are plan review
the unique nature of code administration and the managerial duties of checklists for structural, nonstructural, mechanical and fire-safety pro-
the building official. A supplementary insert addresses the budgetary visions and a full line of videotapes and automated products.
Copyright International Conference of Building Officials Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:56:29 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.

Appendix Chapter 10 Security Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 10.508 Conduct of Door and Bolt Impact Test 4
Section 1011 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 10.509 Acceptance Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Section 1012 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Part II — Horizontal Sliding Door Assemblies . . . . . . . . 5
Section 1013 Obstructing Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 10.510 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Section 1014 Tests and Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 10.511 Test Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Section 1015 Entry Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 10.512 Test Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Section 1016 Swinging Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 10.513 Test Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Section 1017 Sliding Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 10.514 Test Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Section 1018 Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 10.515 Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Section 1019 Alternate Materials or Methods . . . . . . . 1 Section 10.516 Acceptance Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
UBC Standard 10-5 Tests for Doors and Locking Hardware UBC Standard 10-6 Tests for Window Assemblies . . . . . 11
Used for Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 10.601 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Part I Swinging Doors and Locking Hardware Section 10.602 Classification of Assemblies . . . . . . . . 11
on Swinging Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 10.603 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Section 10.501 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 10.604 Test Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Section 10.502 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 10.605 Test Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Section 10.503 Samples for Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 10.606 Test Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Section 10.504 Test Equipment Performance . . . . . . . 3 Section 10.607 Test Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Section 10.505 Door Support Test Fixtures . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 10.608 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Section 10.506 Mounting for Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Section 10.609 Acceptance Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Section 10.507 Conduct of Deadbolt Lock Test . . . . . 4 Section 10.610 Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


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Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.

Appendix Chapter 10

SECTION 1011 — PURPOSE door without opening the door. Except as provided in Section
1004.3.4 of the Building Code, such view may be provided by a
The purpose of this code is to establish minimum standards to door viewer having a field of view of not less than 180 degrees
make dwelling units resistant to unlawful entry. through windows or through view ports.


The provisions of this chapter shall apply to openings into dwell- 1016.1 General. Swinging doors regulated by this chapter re-
ing units within apartment houses of Group R, Division 1 Occu- quired for security shall comply with UBC Standard 10-5, Part I.
pancies and Group R, Division 3 Occupancies and to openings Doors in pairs shall be tested in pairs.
between attached garages and dwelling units. Except for vehicular
access, door openings in enclosed attached garages shall be in ac- 1016.2 Strike Plate Installation. In wood-frame construction,
cordance with the provisions of this chapter. an open space between trimmers and wood doorjambs shall be sol-
EXCEPTIONS: 1. An opening in an exterior wall when all portions id shimmed by a single piece extending not less than 12 inches
of such openings are more than 12 feet (3658 mm) vertically or 6 feet (305 mm) above and below the strike plate.
(1829 mm) horizontally from an accessible surface of any adjoining Strike plates shall be attached to wood with not less than four
yard, court, passageway, public way, walk, breezeway, patio, planter,
porch or similar area.
No. 8 by 3-inch (76 mm) screws, which shall have a minimum of
3/ -inch (19 mm) penetration into the nearest stud. Strike plates
2. An opening in an exterior wall when all portions of such openings 4
are more than 12 feet (3658 mm) vertically or 6 feet (1829 mm) hori-
when attached to metal shall be attached with not less than four
zontally from the surface of any adjoining roof, balcony, landing, stair No. 8 machine screws.
tread, platform or similar structure or when any portion of such surface All strike plates of doors in pairs shall be installed as tested.
is itself more than 12 feet (3658 mm) above an accessible surface.
3. Any opening in a roof when all portions of such roof are more than 1016.3 Hinges. When hinges are exposed to the exterior, at least
12 feet (3658 mm) above an accessible surface. one of the three required hinges shall be equipped with nonremov-
4. Openings when the smaller dimension is 6 inches (152 mm) or able hinge pins or a mechanical interlock to preclude removal of
less, provided that the closest edge of the opening is at least 36 inches the door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. Not less
(914 mm) from the locking device of the door or window assembly. than three 41/2-inch (114 mm) steel butt hinges shall be symmetri-
5. Openings protected by required fire door assemblies having a cally fastened to both the door and frame with not less than four
fire-endurance rating of not less than 45 minutes. No. 9 by 3/4-inch (19 mm) wood screws or to metal with not less
than four No. 8 machine screws.
SECTION 1013 — OBSTRUCTING EXITS In wood construction, an open space between trimmers and
1013.1 General. Security methods shall not create a hazard to wood doorjambs shall be solid shimmed extending not less than
life by obstructing any means of egress or any opening which is 6 inches (152 mm) above and below the plate.
classified as an emergency exiting facility. Security provisions 1016.4 Locking Hardware. Single-swinging doors and the ac-
shall not supersede the safety requirements relative to latching or tive leaf of doors in pairs shall be equipped with an approved exte-
locking devices on exit doors which would be contrary to the pro- rior key-operating deadbolt, which has been tested in accordance
visions of Chapter 10 of the Building Code nor shall the provisions with UBC Standard 10-5, Part I. See Chapter 10 of the Building
of this chapter be construed to waive any other provisions of this Code for requirements on door operation for exiting.
1013.2 Emergency Escape or Rescue Windows. Bars, grilles, SECTION 1017 — SLIDING DOORS
grates or similar devices may be installed in an emergency escape
or rescue windows or doors required by Section 310.4 of the Sliding door assemblies regulated by this chapter shall comply
Building Code, provided: with UBC Standard 10-5, Part II.
1. The devices are equipped with approved release mecha-
nisms which are openable from the inside without the use of a key SECTION 1018 — WINDOWS
or special knowledge or effort; and
Window assemblies which are designed to be openable and which
2. The building is equipped with smoke detectors installed in are regulated by this chapter shall comply with UBC Standard
accordance with Section 310.9 of the Building Code. 10-6, unless such windows are protected by approved metal bars,
screens or grilles. Louvered windows regulated by this chapter
SECTION 1014 — TESTS AND IDENTIFICATION shall be protected by approved metal bars, screens or grilles. See
also Building Code Section 310.4.
Tests required by this chapter shall be performed by an approved
agency and the product shall bear an identification indicating that
it conforms to the standards prescribed in this chapter. SECTION 1019 — ALTERNATE MATERIALS OR

SECTION 1015 — ENTRY VISION The provisions of this chapter are not intended to prevent the use
of any material, device, hardware or method not specifically pre-
All main or front entry doors to dwelling units shall be arranged so scribed in this chapter when such alternate provides equivalent se-
that the occupant has a view of the area immediately outside the curity and is approved by the building official.

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Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.


Standard of the International Conference of Building Officials
See Sections 1015 and 1016

Part I—Swinging Doors and Locking Hardware on SECTION 10.504 — TEST EQUIPMENT
Swinging Doors PERFORMANCE
10.504.1 Door Ram. The door ram shall be a pendulum system
SECTION 10.501 — SCOPE with a steel weight capable of delivering horizontal impacts of up
Part I of this standard covers test methods for swinging doors and to 148 foot-pounds (201 N·m). The striking end of the weight shall
locking hardware on swinging doors which are required by Sec- be hemispherical and have a diameter of approximately 6 inches
tions 1016 and 1017 of this code. (152 mm).
The wall assembly described in Section 10.505 is considered 10.504.2 Vertical Impactor. The vertical pendulum system
suitable for the scope of these methods of tests. See Figure 10-5-1. shall employ a steel weight and be capable of delivering vertical
(downward) impacts of up to 74 foot-pounds (100 N·m). See Fig-
ure 10-5-2.
10.504.3 Impact Buffer. The impact buffer shall be a rigid poly-
For the purpose of this standard, certain terms are defined as fol- styrene foam having a diameter of 6 inches (152 mm), a thickness
lows: of 2 inches (51 mm) and shall have a cut cell surface. It shall have a
density of 1.8 to 2 pounds per cubic foot (28.8 to 32.0 kg/m3) and a
BOLT is a metal bar which, when actuated, is projected (or compressive strength of 40 psi (276 kPa) as determined by nation-
“thrown”) either horizontally or vertically into a retaining mem- ally recognized standards.
ber, such as a strike plate, to prevent a door from moving or open-
ing. 10.504.4 Torque Applicator. The portable torque applicator
shall be capable of delivering and measuring up to 118
foot-pounds (160 N·m) of torque to lock cylinders. The
from the lock front surface to the farthest projected point on the
torque-loading adapters shall be designed to grip the cylinders.
bolt or latch at the center line when subjected to end pressure.
COMPONENT, as distinguished from a part, is a subassembly 10.504.5 Compression-loading Device. The compression-
which combines with other components to make up a total door loading device shall be capable of delivering and measuring com-
assembly. The prime components of a door assembly include pressive forces of up to 200 pounds (890 N).
door, lock, hinges, jamb/wall, jamb/strike and wall. 10.504.6 Instrument Accuracy. All test-monitoring equipment
CYLINDER is the cylindrical subassembly of a lock contain- shall be calibrated to an accuracy of ± 2 percent of full scale. The
ing the cylinder core, tumbler mechanism and the keyway. A dou- impact energy of each pendulum system shall be controlled to
ble-cylinder lock is one which has a key-actuated cylinder on both within ± 1 percent.
the exterior and interior of the door.
of a cylinder containing the keyway, which is rotated by the key to 10.505.1 Full-sized Door Fixture. The door support test fixture
operate the lock mechanism. shall simulate the rigidity normally provided to a door in a build-
CYLINDER GUARD is a tapered or flush metal ring or plate ing by the ceiling, floor and walls. See Figure 10-5-1.
surrounding the otherwise exposed portion of a cylinder lock. The door support test fixture shall consist of a vertical wall sec-
DEADBOLT is a lock bolt which does not have a spring action. tion constructed from 2-inch-by-4-inch (51 mm by 102 mm) wood
This bolt must be actuated by a key from the exterior and a knob or studs, 16 inches (406 mm) on center, with a rough entry door open-
thumb turn from the interior and when projected becomes locked ing, and shall be covered with 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) gypsum board
against return by end pressure. on the interior and 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) Structural I plywood on the
exterior. The wall shall extend 36 inches (914 mm) from each out-
STRIKE is a metal plate designed to receive and hold a pro- side edge of the jamb and 16 inches (406 mm) above the top edge
jected bolt. of the head. It shall be secured to the wall support fixture (at the
SWINGING DOOR is a stile (side) hinged door. sides and top) and to the laboratory floor. A description of the nail-
ing or method of attachment shall be reported when the test results
may be affected by such nailing or attachment.
10.505.2 Small Door Fixture for Hardware. Except for the
Specimens shall be representative and the construction shall be bolt impact test described in Section 10.508.5, the test fixture for
verified. The test specimen shall be the maximum dimensions for lockset components consisting of a small door assembly may be
which approval is sought. Each door design for which recognition used. The frame shall be fabricated from steel angle and plate at
is sought must be tested; that is, panel size, panel thickness, core least 3/16-inch (4.8 mm) thick. The test panel shall be 24 inches
material, glazing size, etc. Complete manufacturer or fabricator (610 mm) square and 13/4 inches (44 mm) thick, made by bonding
installation instructions and full-size templates for hardware shall three pieces of plywood together. A 2-inch-by-2-inch-by-1/8-inch
be included. (51 mm by 51 by 3.2 mm) steel angle shall be bolted to the hinge

Copyright International Conference of Building Officials Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:56:29 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.

edge of the door panel, and a removable steel strike plate shall be of the cylinder guard, and its center of gravity is in the vertical cen-
bolted to the frame at the lock position of the door panel. See Fig- ter line through the cylinder. Raise the weight to the height neces-
ure 10-5-3. sary to deliver a 74-foot-pound (100 N·m) impact and release it.
Deliver one impact to the lock.
SECTION 10.506 — MOUNTING FOR TEST 10.507.4 Cylinder Core Tension Test. Prepare the test speci-
men in accordance with Section 10.506.2 and lock the door or test
10.506.1 Doors. Swinging doors of flush and panel types shall panel in the closed position. Using a No. 21 drill, drill a hole in the
be mounted so as to open away from the working area except when cylinder core adjacent to the keyway to a minimum depth of
testing an outswinging assembly. 1/ inch (12.7 mm). Tap this hole with a 10-32 thread. Attach the
Prepare doors for the installation of locksets and hinges in con- tensile-loading device to a rigid load-bearing support in front of
formance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Follow Section the cylinder and align the pulling axis with that of the hole in the
1016 of this code and the manufacturer’s installation instructions cylinder. Attach the pulling adapter to the cylinder with a 10-32
for fastening the jamb to the support fixture described in Section hardened cap screw fully threaded into the tapped hole. Connect
10.505 and in Figure 10-5-1. the cylinder tensile-loading device to the adapter and apply a
290-pound (1290 N) tensile force to the cylinder for a period of not
To test doors, install them in the door support test fixture de- less than one minute.
scribed in Section 10.505. Hinge the door with three 41/2-inch
(114 mm) steel butt hinges and fix it in the closed-locked position 10.507.5 Cylinder Torque Test. Prepare the specimen test in
with a real or with a simulated hinge or deadbolt lock having suffi- accordance with Section 10.506.2 and lock the door or test panel
cient strength and stiffness to prevent it from failing during test. In in the closed position. Attach the torque-loading adapter to the test
the absence of other construction specifications, make the clear- specimen and connect the torque applicator to it. Alternately, sub-
ances on the lock side, hinge side and top of the door 1/8 inch ± ject the test specimen to a torque of 18.5 foot-pounds (25.1 N·m) in
1/ inch (3.2 mm ± 1.6 mm). Clearance at the threshold is not con- both the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions, applying the
sidered critical in these tests. torque in each direction not less than five times. Inspect the lock to
determine whether the bolt is retracted from the strike when the
Remove from the exterior side of the door or hardware all
torque is applied.
screws or bolts or other mechanical fasteners which can be re-

moved by hand or with the aid of the tools described in Section 10.507.6 Bolt Impact Test. See Section 10.508.5.
10.506.2 Locksets. To test deadbolt locksets as components, in- SECTION 10.508 — CONDUCT OF DOOR AND BOLT
stall them in the alternate test fixture described in Section 10.505 IMPACT TEST
as in a swinging door assembly described in Section 10.506. Fix
the test panel in the closed-locked position at the normal locking 10.508.1 General. Prepare the test specimen in accordance with
point. When using the small door fixture, hinge the test panel with Section 10.506.1 using the full-size test fixture, and lock the door
two 41/2-inch (114 mm) steel butt hinges. For the bolt impact test, in the closed position.
a full-size swinging door shall be used. 10.508.2 Flush-faced Door. For a flush-faced door, set up the
10.506.3 Disassembly. With the following tools: (1) a knife, door ram pendulum weight so that its axis is horizontal and per-
spatula or similar tool with a thin blade [0.031 inch ± 0.005 inch pendicular to the face of the door at a point defined by the intersec-
(0.79 mm ± 0.13 mm) thick], not more than 1 inch (25.4 mm) wide, tion of the vertical center line of the door and a line from the center
and no longer than 6 inches (152 mm); (2) a straight and/or Phillips of the bolt to the center of the midheight hinge.
screwdriver with a maximum 6-inch (152 mm) shaft, remove from 10.508.3 Panel Doors. For doors having one or more unglazed
the exterior side of the door or hardware all screws, bolts or other panels, set up the door ram pendulum so that its axis is horizontal
mechanical fasteners which can be removed readily within a time and perpendicular to the face of the door at the point at the geomet-
limit of five minutes. ric center of the panel closest to the lock. Where the unglazed pan-
el strength varies, the one judged to be the weakest panel shall also
be tested.
TEST 10.508.4 Impacts to Panels and Flush-faced Doors. Attach an
impact buffer described in Section 10.504.3 with adhesive tape to
10.507.1 Test Sequence. Perform test in the sequence as pre- the doors, centered on the impact point.
sented in this section and Section 10.508.
Position the door ram so that its striking nose just touches the
10.507.2 Static Deadbolt Load Test. To test deadbolt locks, surface of the buffer when at rest. Pull back the pendulum weight
mount the lock in the test fixture described in Section 10.506.2. to the height necessary to produce the 59-foot-pound (80 N·m) im-
Lock the deadbolt in the fully projected position. pact and release it. Subject the door to two impacts, attaching a
Place the lock in the test fixture, in a compression-testing ma- new buffer for each impact.
chine, or mount it on a firm, level surface with the compression- Following the door impact test, inspect the door to determine
loading device directly above it, the loading face parallel to the whether there is enough damage to invalidate the subsequent tests;
lock front, and the axis of the hydraulic ram perpendicular to the if there is, replace it.
lock front. Apply an increasing compressive load to the end of the
deadbolt until a load of 150 pounds (667 N) is reached. The dead- 10.508.5 Bolt and Rail or Stile Impact Test. Prepare the test
bolt shall not retract more than 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) when under load. specimen in accordance with Section 10.506 and lock the door in
the closed position with the required hardware. Set up the door
10.507.3 Lock Impact Test. Prepare the test specimen in ram pendulum weight so that its axis is horizontal, and perpendic-
accordance with Section 10.506 and lock the door or test panel in ular to the face of the door at a point defined by the intersection of a
the closed position. Position the vertical impactor so that the pen- vertical line not more than 8 inches (203 mm) from the lock front,
dulum arm is horizontal when the striking weight contacts the top and a line from the center of the bolt to the center of the midheight
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at 303-397-2295.

hinge or at a point within 8 inches (203 mm) of the lock front on a measured performance levels are within an accuracy of ± 5 per-
stile or rail. cent.
Attach the impact buffer as described in Section 10.508.4 to the 10.512.4 Load Attachments. Brackets, fasteners or other de-
face of the door, centered on the impact point, and position the vices used in performing these tests shall be designed and attached
pendulum so that it just touches the surface of the buffer when at so as to minimize their influence on the test results.
rest. Pull back the pendulum weight to the height necessary to pro-
duce a 59-foot-pound (80 N·m) impact and release it. Subject the
door to two impacts, attaching a new buffer for each impact. SECTION 10.513 — TEST PREPARATION
Attach the door test assembly fixture to the wall support fixture
SECTION 10.509 — ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA and ensure that the door assembly is installed in accordance with
the manufacturer’s written instructions.
An item shall fail a test if an individual can gain entry from the out-
side by pushing or pulling, by manipulating an exposed lock All tests shall be performed with the door assembly closed and
mechanism (see note), by reaching through damaged portions of locked. This is to be considered the door assembly test position.
the door and unlocking it from the inside, or can enter through All panels shall have glazing material installed. (Precaution
damaged portions of the door even though it might not be possible shall be taken to provide protection from injury.)
to open the door.
NOTE: Exposed lock mechanism shall be manipulated with the aid
of a slotted screwdriver not to exceed 10 inches (254 mm) for a period
of five minutes. 10.514.1 General. The tests for each door assembly shall be in
sequence as outlined in this section.
Part II—Horizontal Sliding Door Assemblies
10.514.2 Hand Manipulation Test. Lift, push, pull or other-
wise manipulate by hand from the outside the movable panel rela-
SECTION 10.510 — SCOPE tive to the clearances within the frame while attempting to open
the panel. This test shall be conducted continuously for a time
Part II of this standard covers test methods for sliding door assem- limit of five minutes.
blies that are regulated by this code.
10.514.3 Tool Manipulation Test. Examine the door assembly
and determine a method of inserting a tool from the outside so as to
SECTION 10.511 — TEST CRITERIA contact the locking device. Two different tools shall be used:
10.511.1 Samples for Testing. The same door assembly speci- 1. A knife or spatula with a thin blade, approximately 0.031
men shall be used for all testing. Each test specimen shall contain inch ± 0.005 inch thick (0.79 mm ± 0.13 mm), not more than 1 inch
the largest panel sizes for which approval is sought. All mating (25.4 mm) wide and no longer than 6 inches (152 mm).
conditions shall be tested. 2. A piece of stiff steel wire having a diameter of approximately
10.511.2 Loading. Test load forces shall be applied at a rate not 0.062 inch ± 0.010 inch (1.57 mm ± 0.25 mm) at least long enough
to exceed 10 pounds per second (44.5 N/s). Measured perform- to reach from the point of insertion to the locking device.
ance loads shall be maintained for a period of two minutes. Attempt by manipulation with these tools to gain entry. This test
shall be conducted continuously for a time limit of five minutes.
10.511.3 Load Removal. At the conclusion of each test, all
loads shall be removed before starting the next test. 10.514.4 Static Load on Panels and Locking Device. Sliding
door assemblies shall be tested in accordance with the following:
SECTION 10.512 — TEST EQUIPMENT 1. Sliding panels.
1.1 Test A. With the panels in the test position, apply a concen-
10.512.1 Sliding Door Test Assembly. The sliding door test as- trated load of 300 pounds (1334 N) separately to the stile or rail
sembly shall include the sliding door assembly, the anchorage be- incorporating a locking device, at a point on the stile within 6 in-
tween the door frame and the door support test fixture, the sill, and ches (152 mm) of the locking device, in the direction parallel to the
the door support test fixture. plane of the glass that would tend to open the door. With the load
10.512.2 Door Support Test Fixture. The door support test fix- removed, apply the tool and hand manipulation tests described in
ture shall consist of a vertical wall section constructed from Sections 10.514.2 and 10.514.3.
2-inch-by-4-inch (51 mm by 102 mm) wood studs, 16 inches (406 1.2 Test B1. With panels in the test position, apply a concen-
mm) on center, 2-inch-by-8-inch (51 mm by 203 mm) header, with trated load of 50 pounds (222 N) to the vertical pull stile incorpo-
a rough entry door opening, and shall be covered with 1/2-inch rating a locking device, at a point on the stile within 6 inches (152
(12.7 mm) gypsum wallboard on the interior and 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) of the locking device, in the direction parallel to the plane of
mm) Structural I plywood on the exterior. The wall shall extend at the glass that would tend to open the door, while simultaneously
least 36 inches (914 mm) from each outside edge of the jamb and applying an additional concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) to
16 inches (406 mm) above the top edge of the head. The sides and the same area of the same stile in a direction perpendicular to the
top of the wall support fixture shall be braced and secured to the plane of glass toward the interior side of the building. With the
laboratory floor as indicated in Figure 10-5-3. The door support load removed, apply the tool and hand manipulation tests de-
test fixture shall simulate the rigidity normally provided to a door scribed in Sections 10.514.2 and 10.514.3.
in a building by the ceiling, floor and walls.
1.3 Test B2. Apply Test B1 substituting a concentrated load of
10.512.3 Instrumentation. Load- and time-measuring devices 300 pounds (1334 N) in place of the 50 pounds (222 N). With the
with an accuracy of ± 2 percent of the full scale shall be incorpo- load removed, apply the tool and hand manipulation tests de-
rated in the test setups. The scale ranges used must ensure that the scribed in Sections 10.514.2 and 10.514.3.
--`,````,```,``,,`,,,,````,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 5
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1.4 Test C1. With the panels in the test position, apply a concen- an additional concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) to the area
trated load of 50 pounds (222 N) to the vertical pull stile incorpo- of the same stile in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the
rating a locking device, at a point on the stile within 6 inches (152 glass toward the exterior side of the door. With the load removed,
mm) of the locking device, in the direction parallel to the plane of apply the tool and hand manipulation tests described in Sections
the glass that would tend to open the door, while simultaneously 10.514.2 and 10.514.3.
applying an additional concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) to 1.9 Test G. For inside sliding doors, repeat Test E while simulta-
the same area of the same stile in the direction perpendicular to the neously applying a concentrated load of 50 pounds (222 N) at the
plane of the glass toward the exterior side of the door. With the end of the movable bottom rail near the meeting stiles and pressing
load removed, apply the tool and hand manipulation tests de- inward. For outside sliding doors, repeat Test F while simulta-
scribed in Sections 10.514.2 and 10.514.3. neously applying a concentrated load of 50 pounds (222 N) at the
1.5 Test C2. Apply Test C1 substituting a concentrated load of end of the movable bottom rail near the interlock stiles and press-
300 pounds (1334 N) in place of the 50 pounds (222 N). With the ing outward.
load removed, apply the manipulation tests described in Sections 2. Fixed panels.
10.514.2 and 10.514.3.
2.1 Test A. With the panels in the test position, a concentrated
1.6 Test D. With the movable panel lifted upward to its full limit load of 300 pounds (1334 N) shall be applied at midspan of the
within the confines of the door frame, apply a concentrated load of fixed jamb stile in the direction parallel to the plane of the glass
300 pounds (1334 N) to the pull stile incorporating the locking de- that would tend to remove the fixed panel from the frame jamb
vice, at a point on the stile within 6 inches (152 mm) of the locking pocket. With the load removed, apply the tool and hand manipula-
device, in the direction parallel to the plane of the glass that would tion tests described in Sections 10.514.2 and 10.514.3.
tend to open the door. With the load removed, apply the tool and
hand manipulation tests described in Sections 10.514.2 and 2.2 Test B. Repeat Test A with the fixed panel lifted upward to
10.514.3. its full limit within the confines of the door frame. The lifting force
need not exceed 150 pounds (667 N) at the bottom of the exterior
1.7 Test E. With the removable panel lifted upward to its full face of the meeting stile. With the load removed, apply the tool
limit within the confines of the door frame, apply a concentrated manipulation tests described in Sections 10.514.2 and 10.514.3.
load of 300 pounds (1334 N) to the vertical pull stile incorporating
a locking device, at a point on the stile within 6 inches (152 mm) of
the locking device, in the direction parallel to the plane of the glass SECTION 10.515 — REPORT
that would tend to open the door, while simultaneously applying The test report shall contain a description of the results of the tests
an additional concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) to the same performed in accordance with the test methods herein. The report
area of the same stile in the direction perpendicular to the plane of shall also include at least the following: description of test equip-
the glass toward the interior side of the door. With the load re- ment; identification of the sliding door assembly test specimen;
moved, apply the tool and hand manipulation tests described in type, size, location and number of locking devices; type, location
Sections 10.514.2 and 10.514.3. and number of installation fasteners; type and thickness of glazing
1.8 Test F. With the removable panel lifted upward to its full material; bill of materials; and weatherstripping.
limit within the confines of the door panel, apply a concentrated
load of 300 pounds (1334 N) to the vertical stile incorporating a SECTION 10.516 — ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA
locking device, at a point on the stile within 6 inches (152 mm) of
the locking device, in the direction parallel to the plane of the glass A sliding door assembly complies with this standard if entry can-
that would tend to open the door, while simultaneously applying not be gained after completion of the specified test.


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at 303-397-2295.
FIGURE 10-5-1


(CUT FROM STD. 2 in. × 4 in.)
1/ (51 × 102 mm)
2 in. (12.7 mm)
I PLYWOOD 3 ft. 0 in. 3 ft. 0 in.
(914 mm) ROUGH (914 mm)
WALL 2 in. (12.7 mm)

71/2 in. (191 mm)




(2 in. × 6 in. × 1/4 in.)
(51 mm × 152 mm × 6.4 mm)



111 in. (2819 mm)

31/2 in.
(89 mm)
971/2 in.
(2477 mm)

11/2 in. (38 mm)

16 in. (406 mm)
16 in. (406 mm)
3 in. (76 mm)
19 in. (483 mm)



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Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
FIGURE 10-5-2




10 in.
(254 mm)

BROOM HANDLE 2 in. (51 mm)

22 LB. (98 N)]

60 in. (1524 mm)


18 in. 4 in.
(457 mm) (102 mm)

NIPPLE 2 in. (51 mm) PIPE

2 in. (51 mm) PIPE “TEE”


651/4 in. (1657 mm)


6 in.
(152 mm)

181/2 in. (470 mm)

24 in. (610 mm)
3/ in. (19.1 mm) THREADED BAR

3 in. (76 mm)

41/2 in.
(114 mm)

Pivot Assembly


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Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
FIGURE 10-5-3






24 in. (610 mm)

1/ in. (3.2 mm)


2 in. (51 mm) 13/4 in. (44 mm)



1. The door panel consists of three pieces of plywood [24 inches (610 mm) square] bonded together [one piece, 3/4 inch (19 mm) thick,
between pieces, each 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) thick].
2. The door panel shall have a steel angle bolted to the hinge edge.
3. The steel angle frame and panel edge shall be 2 × 2 × 1/8 inch (51 × 51 × 3.2 mm) thick.



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Standard of the International Conference of Building Officials
See Section 1018

SECTION 10.601 — SCOPE sash within the window frame. (The sash operator in some win-
dow assemblies may also be a locking device.)
This standard covers test methods for window assemblies that are
regulated by this code. SILL is the bottom horizontal member of the window frame.
STILE is the vertical member of a sash.
SECTION 10.602 — CLASSIFICATION OF WINDOW ASSEMBLY is a unit composed of a group of parts
ASSEMBLIES or components which closes an opening in a waIl to control light,
air and other elements.
For the purposes of these test methods, window assemblies are
classified as defined below: WINDOW FRAME is an assembly made up of the jambs, head
and sill (and mullion when used) which surrounds and supports
1. Type A. One or more sash which open by sliding, either verti- the sash or glazing materials.
cally or horizontally, and may be used in conjunction with one or
more stationary sash, or fixed lights.
2. Type B. One or more sash which are hinged and open toward
the exterior (outswinging) and may be used in conjunction with 10.604.1 Samples for Testing. The same window assembly
one or more stationary sash, or fixed lights. specimen shall be used for all testing. Each test specimen shall
3. Type C. One or more sash which are hinged and open toward contain the largest sash size for which approval is sought. All mat-
the interior (inswinging) and may be used in conjunction with one ing conditions shall be tested.
or more stationary sash, or fixed lights. 10.604.2 Loading. Test load forces shall be applied at a rate not
4. Type D. One or more sash which are pivoted so that part of the to exceed 10 pounds per second (44.5 N/s). Measured perform-

sash opens toward the interior and part opens toward the exterior. ance loads shall be maintained for a period of two minutes.
10.604.3 Load Removal. At the conclusion of each test, all
SECTION 10.603 — DEFINITIONS loads shall be removed before starting the next test.

For the purpose of this standard, certain terms are defined as fol-
COMPOSITE WINDOW is a combination of window assem- 10.605.1 Window Test Assembly. The window test assembly
blies of the same or different types which share a common frame. shall include a window assembly, the anchorage between the win-
dow and the wall and a portion of the surrounding wall extending
FIXED LIGHT is a glazing material within sash parts or
at least 12 inches (305 mm) beyond the window frame. See Fig-
glazed into a frame, using glazing beads.
ures 10-6-1 and 10-6-2.
GLAZING BEAD is that part of the sash or window assembly
which retains the glazing material. 10.605.2 Instrumentation. Load- and time-measuring devices
with an accuracy of ± 2 percent of the full scale shall be incorpo-
GLAZING MATERIAL is that part of the window assembly rated in the test setups. The scale ranges used must ensure that the
which normally allows light, but not air, to be transmitted and aids measured performance levels are within an accuracy of ± 5 per-
in control of other elements. cent.
HEAD is the top horizontal member of the window frame. 10.605.3 Load Attachments. Brackets, fasteners or other de-
JAMB is the vertical member of a window frame. vices used in performing these tests shall be designed and attached
LIGHT is the individual piece of glazing material in a window so as to minimize their influence on the test results.
LOCKING DEVICE is a component of a window assembly SECTION 10.606 — TEST PREPARATION
which is intended to resist opening a movable sash from the ex- Attach the window test assembly fixture (see Figure 10-6-1) to the
terior. wall support fixture (see Figure 10-6-2) and ensure that the win-
MULLION is a vertical or horizontal window frame member dow assembly is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
which meets with and provides support to a pair of adjacent sash at written instructions. All tests shall be performed with the window
their meeting edges. assembly closed and locked. This is to be considered the window
MUNTIN is that part of a sash which divides the glazing mate- assembly test position.
rial into multiple lights. All sash shall have glazing material installed. (Precaution shall
RAIL is the horizontal member of a sash. be taken to provide protection from injury.)
SASH is a stationary or movable assembly made of stiles, rails
and glazing material (and glazing bead and muntins when used). SECTION 10.607 — TEST SEQUENCE
SASH OPERATOR is a component of the window assembly 10.607.1 General. The tests for each window assembly shall be
which is used to move, pivot or adjust the position of a movable in sequence as outlined in this section.
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10.607.2 Hand Manipulation Test. Lift, push, pull or other- 1.5 Test E. With the movable sash lifted vertically for a hori-
wise manipulate by hand the sash relative to the clearances within zontal sliding window and horizontally in the direction of least
the frame while attempting to open the sash. This test shall be con- resistance for a vertical sliding window to its limit within the
ducted continuously for a time limit of five minutes. confines of the window frame, apply a concentrated load of 150
pounds (667 N) at the center line of the rail or stile in such a
10.607.3 Tool Manipulation Test. Examine the window assem- manner as to exert the force on each complete locking device by
bly and determine a method of inserting a tool from the outside so straddling it, at a point on the sash within 3 inches (76 mm) of
as to contact the locking device. Two different tools shall be used: each side of the locking device, in a direction parallel to the
1. A knife or spatula with a thin blade, approximately 0.031 inch plane of the glazing material that would tend to open the win-
± 0.005 inch thick (0.79 mm ± 0.13 mm), not more than 1 inch dow, while simultaneously applying an additional concentrated
(25.4 mm) wide and no longer than 6 inches (152 mm). load of 75 pounds (334 N) to the same area of the same sash
2. A piece of stiff steel wire having a diameter of approximately member in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the glass
0.062 inch ± 0.010 inch (1.57 mm ± 0.25 mm) at least long enough toward the interior side of the window. With the load removed,
to reach from the point of insertion to the locking device. apply the tool manipulation test described in Section 10.607.3.
1.6 Test F. With the movable sash lifted vertically for a hori-
Attempt by manipulation with these tools to gain entry. This test
zontal sliding window and horizontally in the direction of least
shall be conducted continuously for a time limit of five minutes.
resistance for a vertical sliding window to its limit within the
10.607.4 Static Load and Locking Device Test. Window as- confines of the window frame, apply a concentrated load of 150
semblies shall be tested in accordance with the following: pounds (667 N) at the center line of the rail or stile in such a
manner as to exert the force on each complete locking device by
10.607.4.1 Type A window assembly. straddling it, at a point on the sash within 3 inches (76 mm) of
1. Movable sash portion. See Figure 10-6-3. each side of the locking device, in a direction parallel to the
plane of the glazing material that would tend to open the win-
1.1 Test A. With the movable sash in the test position, apply a
dow, while simultaneously applying an additional concentrated
concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) at the center line of the
load of 75 pounds (334 N) to the same area of the same sash
rail or stile in such a manner as to exert the force on each com-
member in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the glass
plete locking device by straddling it, at points on the sash mem-
toward the exterior side of the window. With the load removed,
ber within 3 inches (76 mm) of each side of the locking device,
apply the tool manipulation test described in Section 10.607.3.
in a direction parallel to the plane of the glazing material that
would tend to open the window. With the load removed, apply 1.7 Test G. For windows with the movable sash on the interi-
the tool manipulation test described in Section 10.607.3. or side of the window, repeat Test E while simultaneously ap-
plying a concentrated load of 25 pounds (111 N) inward at the
1.2 Test B. With the movable sash in the test position, apply a end of the movable bottom rail near the stile opposite the lock
concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) measured perform- stiles. (See Figure 10-6-4.) For windows with the movable sash
ance at the center line of the rail or stile in such a manner as to on the exterior side of the window, repeat Test F while simulta-
exert the force on each complete locking device by straddling it, neously applying a concentrated load of 25 pounds (111 N) out-
at points on a sash member within 3 inches (76 mm) of each side ward at the end of the movable bottom rail near the stile
of the locking device, in the direction parallel to the plane of the opposite the lock stile.
glazing material that would tend to open the window, while si-
multaneously applying an additional concentrated load of 75 2. Stationary sash portion. See Figure 10-6-4.
pounds (334 N) to the same area of the same sash member in the 2.1 Test A. With the stationary sash or light in the test posi-
direction perpendicular to the plane of the glazing material to- tion, apply a concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) at the
ward the interior side of the window. With the load removed, ap- center of the fixed rail or stile farthest from the movable sash in
ply the tool manipulation test described in Section 10.607.3. the direction parallel to the plane of the glazing material that
1.3 Test C. With the movable sash in the test position, apply a would tend to separate the stationary sash from the jamb. With
concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) at the center line of the the load removed, apply the tool manipulation test described in
rail or stile in such a manner as to exert the force on each com- Section 10.607.3.
plete locking device by straddling it, at points on the sash mem- 2.2 Test B. With the stationary sash or light in the test posi-
ber within 3 inches (76 mm) of each side of the locking device, tion, apply a concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) at the
in a direction parallel to the plane of the glazing material that center of the fixed rail or stile farthest from the movable sash in
would tend to open the window, while simultaneously applying the direction parallel to the plane of the glazing material that
an additional concentrated load of 75 pounds (334 N) to the would tend to separate the sash from the jamb, while simulta-
same area of the same sash member in a direction perpendicular neously applying an additional concentrated load, perpendicu-
to the plane of the glazing material toward the exterior side of lar to the plane of the glazing material, of 75 pounds (334 N) at
the window. With the load removed, apply the tool manipula- the center of the fixed sash rail or stile in a direction to cause in-
tion test described in Section 10.607.3. terlock or meeting the stile or rail separation. With the load re-
1.4 Test D. With the movable sash lifted vertically for a hori- moved, apply the tool manipulation test described in Section
zontal sliding window and horizontally in the direction of least 10.607.3.
resistance for a vertical sliding window to its limit within the 10.607.4.2 Types B, C window assemblies.
confines of the window frame, apply a concentrated load of 150
pounds (667 N) at the center line of the rail or stile in such a 1. Movable portion. See Figure 10-6-5.
manner as to exert the force on each complete locking device by 1.1 Test A. With the movable sash in the test position, apply a
straddling it, at a point on the sash within 3 inches (76 mm) of concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) on the end of the rail or
each side of the locking device, in the direction parallel to the stile projection which is farthest from the sash operation, in the
plane of the glazing material that would tend to open the win- direction perpendicular to the plane of the glazing material that
dow. With the load removed, apply the tool manipulation test would tend to open the window. With the load removed, apply
described in Section 10.607.3. the tool manipulation test as described in Section 10.607.3.
12 --`,````,```,``,,`,,,,````,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.

1.2 Test B. Repeat Test A, except for the tool manipulation 1.5 Test E. Repeat Test D, except for the tool manipulation
test, and simultaneously apply a load of 150 pounds (667 N) test, while simultaneously applying the load specified in Test B.
from the exterior side at the point used in Test A in a direction With the load removed, apply the tool manipulation test de-
parallel to the plane of the glazing material which would tend to scribed in Section 10.607.3.
disengage the lock. With the loads removed, apply the tool ma- 1.6 Test F. Repeat Test D, except for the tool manipulation
nipulation test described in Section 10.607.3. test, while simultaneously applying the load specified in Test C.
2. Stationary portion. See Figure 10-6-5. With the load removed, apply the tool manipulation test de-
scribed in Section 10.607.3.
2.1 Test A. Apply tests in Section 10.607.4.1 (Type A win-
dow assembly, stationary sash portion, Tests A and B).
10.607.4.3 Type D window assembly.
1. Movable portion. See Figure 10-6-6 of Type D window Disassembly shall occur with the following tools:
assemblies. 1. A knife or spatula with a thin blade [0.031 inch ± 0.005 inch
1.1 Test A. With the sash in the test position, simultaneously (0.79 mm ± 0.13 mm) thick, not more than 1 inch (25.4 mm) wide
apply a concentrated load of 150 pounds (667 N) within 3 in- and no longer than 6 inches (152 mm)]; and
ches (76 mm) of one end of the rail or stile which is perpendicu- 2. A straight and Phillips screwdriver with a maximum 6-inch
lar to the pivot sides in the direction that would tend to open the (152 mm) shaft, remove from the window assembly all screws,
sash. With the load removed, apply the tool manipulation test glazing beads, or other mechanical fasteners which can be re-
described in Section 10.607.3. moved readily from the exterior within a time limit of five min-
utes. Perform the hand and tool manipulation tests described in
1.2 Test B. With the sash in the test position, apply a concen-
Sections 10.607.2 and 10.607.3.
trated load of 150 pounds (667 N) on the rail or stile containing
the pivot pins within 3 inches (76 mm) of the pivot in a direction
parallel to the pivots. With the load removed, apply the tool ma- SECTION 10.609 — ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA

nipulation test described in Section 10.607.3.

A window assembly complies with this standard if entry cannot be
1.3 Test C. Repeat Test B, except for the tool manipulation gained after completion of the specified test.
test, applying the load to the opposite rail or stile. With the loads
removed, apply the tool manipulation test described in Section
10.607.3. SECTION 10.610 — REPORT
1.4 Test D. With the sash in the test position, apply a concen- The test report shall contain a description of the results of the tests
trated load of 150 pounds (667 N) at the center line of the rail or performed in accordance with the test methods herein. The report
stile containing the locking device in such a manner as to exert shall also include at least the following: description of test equip-
the force on each complete locking device within 3 inches (76 ment; identification of the window assembly test specimen; type,
mm) of each side of the lock in the direction that would tend to size, location and number of locking devices; type, location and
disengage the locking device. With the load removed, apply the number of installation fasteners; type and thickness of glazing ma-
tool manipulation test described in Section 10.607.3. terial; bill of materials; and weatherstripping.

Copyright International Conference of Building Officials Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:56:29 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
FIGURE 10-6-1


16 in. (406 mm) MIN.

ROUGH 96 in. (2438 mm)


6 ft. 8 in.
(2032 mm)

16 in. ROUGH 16 in.
(406 mm) OPENING (406 mm)

1. All studs, plates and headers are 2 × 4s (51 × 102 mm).
2. Nail sole plate and lower member of top plate to each stud with two 16d nails.
3. Nail upper of top plate to the lower member with 16d nails. One nail near each stud and two near each end.
4. Nail the double studs together with 16d nails not more than 24 inches (610 mm) on centers.
5. Nail the headers (two 2 × 4s) (51 × 102 mm) to each full-length stud with four 16d end nails.
6. Nail 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) plywood sheathing to plates and studs with 6d nails 6 inches (152 mm) on centers around the perimeters and
12 inches (305 mm) on centers along intermediate supports.
7. Nail 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) gypsum board to all supports with threaded drywall nails 8 inches (203 mm) on centers.
8. To facilitate the use of a permanent setup of the wall support fixture (Figure 10-6-3), additional wall width construction is to be on 16-inch
(406 mm) centers.


Copyright International Conference of Building Officials Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:56:29 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
FIGURE 10-6-2

16 in. ROUGH 16 in.

(406 mm) OPENING (406 mm) WALL


16 in.
(406 mm) MIN.

96 in. ROUGH
(2438 mm) OPENING

1. Vertical members—equivalent to or better in bending than W8 × 10 steel beam (W203 × 14.88 kg/m).
2. Horizontal members—equivalent to or better in bending than 2- × 8-inch (51 × 203 mm) wood plank.
3. Diagonal members—equivalent to or better than 2 × 2 × 1/4-inch (51 × 51 × 6.4 mm) steel angle.
4. Window assembly fixture shall be bolted or clamped to the wall support fixture. (Bolting illustrated.)


Copyright International Conference of Building Officials Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:56:29 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
FIGURE 10-6-3



L1 L1 L1




L1 L1 L1






interior movable exterior movable



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Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
FIGURE 10-6-5

L1 L1








L1 L2 L1




L1 L1






Copyright International Conference of Building Officials Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:56:29 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
FIGURE 10-6-6

F F L2
F L2



F L2

L1 L1





L1 L1





Copyright International Conference of Building Officials Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:56:29 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ICBO Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.

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