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Roll No. Answer Sheet No.

Sig. of Candidate. Sig. of invigilator.


SECTION A (Marks 50)

NOTE:Section 'A' is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Select the choice which you think is correct with Marker or Pen
ink.Deleting / overwriting is not allowed.Do not use a lead pencil.
Q. 1 Given below is the vector diagram of a force F resolved into perpendicular components, Fx and Fy . Which of the (1)
following gives the value of Fy ?

A. OB B. AB C. Fy = F × cos θ D. BA
Fy = F × Fy = F × Fy = F ×

Q. 2 All of the following factors depend on the internal energy of a body EXCEPT (1)

A. its mass. B. its volume. C. the kinetic energy of its D. the potential energy of its
molecules. molecules.

Q. 3 Which of the following diagrams represents an unstable equilibrium? (1)

A. B. C. D.

Q. 4 Pressure in liquids increases with an increase in _____. (1)

A. volume B. depth C. area D. mass

Q. 5 Given the following diagram, what will be the acceleration of the truck?

A. 1.78 ms−2 B. 1.8 ms−2 C. 2.0 ms−2 D. 1/5 ms−2

Q. 6 How much total energy will it take to convert 4 kg of ice at 0 °C first into water, and then into steam using the given (1)

(specific latent heat of fusion of ice= 336,000 J kg−1 )

(specific latent heat of vaporisation of water = 2,260,000 J kg−1 )

A. The provided information B. 10,385 kJ C. 1, 344 kJ D. 9, 040 kJ

is not enough.

Q. 7 Find the speed of a truck if it covers 375 km in 7.5 h. (1)

A. 83.33 ms-1 B. 18.81 ms-1 C. 50.00 ms-1 D. 13.89 ms-1

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Q. 8 When water _____, it expands. (1)

A. freezes B. boils C. evaporates D. fades

Q. 9 Given below is the vector diagram of a force F resolved into perpendicular components, Fx and Fy . Which of the (1)
following gives the value of Fx ?

A. OB B. OA C. Fx = F × sin θ D. BA
Fx = F × Fx = F × Fx = F ×

Q. 10 The specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336, 000 J kg−1 . What is the meaning of 336, 000 J kg−1 ? (1)
A. 336, 000 J kg of energy is needed to raise the temperature of an object.
B. 336, 000 J kg−1 of energy is needed to raise the temperature of an object by 1 °C.
C. 336, 000 J kg−1 of energy is needed to melt 1 kg of ice into 1 kg of water at its melting point.
D. 336, 000 J kg−1 of energy is needed to heat 1 kg of ice into 1 kg of steam at its boiling point.

Q. 11 If the volume of the given cuboid is 0.03 m3 , then the value of x will be

A. 0.1 m B. 0.2 m C. 0.3 m D. 0.5 m

Q. 12 How will the batsman's striking force change the baseball?


A. It will change its B. It will change its weight. C. It will change its shape. D. It will change its colour.

Q. 13 The formula for friction is:


Fs = μR , where Fs is the force of limiting friction and R is the reaction force. What does μ stand for?

A. gravity B. frictional force C. coefficient of friction D. speed of motion

Q. 14 When the temperature of an object is HIGHER than its surroundings', _____ (1)

A. it only radiates heat. B. it radiates more heat than C. it absorbs more heat than D. it only absorbs heat.
it absorbs. it radiates.

Q. 15 Black surfaces are _____. (1)

A. good conductors B. good radiation emitters C. poor conductors D. poor radiation absorbers

Q. 16 A train travelling at 10 ms−1 starts accelerating at point A. At point B, it reaches a speed of 16 ms−1 . If the uniform (1)
acceleration of the train was 2 ms −2
, how long would it take for the train to cover the distance between points A
and B?

A. 3 m B. 3 s C. 39 m D. 43 m

Q. 17 We are asked to compare two objects, X and Y. We are told that object X requires a smaller force to move than (1)
object Y. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Object X has a greater inertia than object Y. Powered by Knowledge

B. Object Y has a greater mass than object X.
C. Object Y has a greater volume than object X. D. Object Y has a higher density than object X.

Q. 18 Which of the following is a field that relies or depends on physics? (1)

A. Medical Sciences B. Astronomy C. All of these D. Atomic Energy

Q. 19 Which of the following quantities is a vector? (1)

A. length B. displacement C. mass D. work

Q. 20 What are the main reasons behind the amazing technological advancements humans have made in the last (1)

I. advancements in physics II. advancements in biology

III. human health is better IV. advancements in mathematics and computation

A. I, II, III and IV B. I and III C. I, II, and IV D. I and IV

Q. 21 In which case can we speak of the physical quantity of something? (1)

A. when we can put an exact number on the size of an object B. when we can tell something is very beautiful
by measuring it C. when we talk about an object in general
D. when we can perform chemical experiments with an

Q. 22 Where would you place your finger in order to keep this pencil in the air without it falling down?

A. D B. B C. C D. A

Q. 23 The force exerted perpendicularly on unit area of an object is called _____. (1)

A. strain B. constant C. pressure D. work

Q. 24 Geysers work on the principle of _____. (1)

A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. hydraulics

Q. 25 If a body is falling freely, its motion will be (1)

A. linear. B. random. C. periodic. D. vibratory.

Q. 26 If an inflated tyre of a car bursts, then the temperature of air that will escape from the tyre _____. (1)

A. increases B. decreases C. becomes 100 C D. remains constant

Q. 27 Mercury is used as thermometric material because it has (1)

A. uniform thermal B. low freezing point. C. small heat capacity. D. all of these properties.

Q. 28 When a flood occurs, more water flows towards steep slopes because (1)

A. steep slopes have no drainage system. B. areas around the sea or rivers have steep slopes.
C. water pressure is higher from an upward to a downward D. areas with steep slopes usually have no construction.

Q. 29 A cube of side 0.2 m rests on the ground. The cube has a density of 500 kg/m3 . What is the pressure exerted by the (1)
cube on the floor?

A. 1, 000 N/m2 B. 2, 800 N/m2 C. 14, 000 N/m2 D. 28, 000 N/m2
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Q. 30 _____ has a peculiar behavior as it expands when cooled. (1)

A. Metal B. Gas C. Water D. Air

Q. 31 Physics is NOT related to which of the following studies? (1)

A. The study of strings and B. The study of electricity C. The study of bacteria and D. The study of heat and its
vibrations. and magnetism. germs. effects.

Q. 32 According to Archimedes Principle, the “upthrust” of the displaced liquid is equal to its (1)

A. mass. B. depth. C. weight. D. volume.

Q. 33 A car radiator has space for the coolant to _____. (1)

A. contract B. expand C. fade D. evaporate

Q. 34 Which point gives the centre of gravity of the given shape?


A. None of these B. X C. Y D. Z

Q. 35 The condition for a vibrating object to obey Hooke’s law is that the elastic restoring force should be directly (1)
proportional to the

A. velocity. B. frequency. C. acceleration. D. displacement.

Q. 36 Between which two objects will the transfer of heat be the slowest?

Cases Objects with different temperatures Objects with different temperatures

I Object A, 80 degrees Celsius Object B, 20 degrees Celsius
II Object C, 60 degrees Celsius Object D, 40 degrees Celsius
III Object E, 40 degrees Celsius Object F, zero degrees Celsius
IV Object G, 70 degrees Celsius Object H, 20 degrees Celsius


Q. 37 A hammer is exerting the pressure of 30 Pa on a nail with a surface area of 3 m2 . What would be the force? (1)

A. 33 N B. 90 N C. 27 N D. 10 N

Q. 38 The slope of a speed-time graph of a body's motion gives which of the following? (1)

A. distance B. velocity C. speed D. acceleration

Q. 39 The quantity of heat that turns one kilogram of a solid into liquid form is called _____. (1)

A. specific heat B. the latent heat of fusion C. the latent heat of D. heat capacity

Q. 40 The unit of latent heat is _____. (1)

A. J kg−1 K B. J kg C. J D. J kg^{-1}

Q. 41 Which of the lines in the following speed-time graph represents the greatest acceleration?

A. B B. C C. A D. D

Q. 42 A change caused by stress in original shape, volume or length is called as (1)

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A. strain. B. density. C. pressure. D. elasticity.
Q. 43 Which of the following options best describes the motion of the body shown in this distance-time graph?

A. The body is moving at an increasing speed. B. The body is moving at a constant speed.
C. The body is moving at a decreasing speed. D. The body is not moving.

Q. 44 Each leg of a table exerts a pressure of 2 N/cm2 on the floor. Given that the table has four legs and the contact (1)
surface of each leg on the floor is 25 cm2 . What is the weight of the table?

A. 100 N B. 80 N C. 600 N D. 200 N

Q. 45 A man tries to push a palm tree that weighs 400 N by applying a force of 500 N. What is the force exerted by the (1)
tree on the man's hands?

A. 400 N B. 900 N C. 100 N D. 500 N

Q. 46 A bullet is fired upwards into the air. It comes back down and hits the ground after 67 seconds. What was its initial (1)
velocity when it was fired?

A. 300 ms−1 B. 150 ms−1 C. 200 ms−1 D. 335 ms−1

Q. 47 Which of the following options contains only scalar quantities? (1)

A. Distance, mass, speed B. Displacement, mass, C. Acceleration, distance, D. Time, displacement,

velocity speed velocity

Q. 48 Given the following speed-time graph of a body, calculate its acceleration in the final 10 seconds.

A. −10 m/s2 B. 10 m/s2 C. 1 m/s2 D. −1 m/s2

Q. 49 The centripetal force (Fc ) of an object can be calculated by which formula? (1)

A. mv
B. 2
m v
C. mv
D. m v

Fc = Fc = Fc = Fc =
2 2 2
r r r r

Q. 50 _____ are quantities that are fully described by their magnitude and direction. (1)

A. Vectors B. Volumes C. Scalars D. Masses

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