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DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.


The high prevalence and impact of rheumatic

heart disease in pregnancy in First Nations
populations in a high-income setting: a
prospective cohort study
EA Sullivan,a,b G Vaughan,b Z Li,b MJ Peek,c JR Carapetis,d,e W Walsh,f,g J Frawley,b
MGW Re mond, b
B Remenyi, L Jackson Pulver,i S Kruske,j,k S Belton,h C McLintockl

Faculty of Health and Medicine, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia b Australian Centre for Public and Population
Health Research, Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia c ANU Medical School, College of Health and
Medicine, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia d Telethon Kids Institute,The University of Western Australia, Perth,
WA, Australia e Perth Children’s Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia f The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia g Prince of
Wales Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia h Menzies School of Health Research,Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT, Australia i The
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia j The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, Australia k Institute for Urban Indigenous
Health Ltd, Brisbane, Qld, Australia l National Women’s Health,Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand
Correspondence: Professor EA Sullivan, Deputy Head of Faculty of Health and Medicine, The University of Newcastle, University Drive,
Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia. Email:

Accepted 2 September 2019. Published Online 9 October 2019.

Objective To describe the epidemiology of rheumatic heart disease care units postpartum. There were 314 births with seven stillbirths
(RHD) in pregnancy in Australia and New Zealand (A&NZ). (22.3/1000 births) and two neonatal deaths (6.5/1000 births).
Sixty-six (21%) live-born babies were preterm and one in three
Design Prospective population-based study.
was admitted to neonatal intensive care or special care units.
Setting Hospital-based maternity units throughout A&NZ.
Conclusion Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy persists in
Population Pregnant women with RHD with a birth outcome of disadvantaged First Nations populations in A&NZ. It is associated
≥20 weeks of gestation between January 2013 and December 2014. with significant cardiac and perinatal morbidity. Preconception
planning and counselling and RHD screening in at-risk pregnant
Methods We identified eligible women using the Australasian
women are essential for good maternal and baby outcomes.
Maternity Outcomes Surveillance System (AMOSS). De-identified
antenatal, perinatal and postnatal data were collected and analysed. Keywords First Nations, maternal health, perinatal outcomes,
rheumatic heart disease, stillbirth.
Main outcome measures Prevalence of RHD in pregnancy.
Perinatal morbidity and mortality. Tweetable abstract Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy persists
in First Nations people in Australia and New Zealand and is
Results There were 311 pregnancies associated with women with
associated with major cardiac and perinatal morbidity.
RHD (4.3/10 000 women giving birth, 95% CI 3.9–4.8). In
Australia, 78% were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (60.4/ Linked article This article is commented on by M Knight. To
10 000, 95% CI 50.7–70.0), while in New Zealand 90% were view this mini commentary visit
Maori or Pasifika (27.2/10 000, 95% CI 22.0–32.3). One woman 0528.15973.
(0.3%) died and one in ten was admitted to coronary or intensive

Please cite this paper as: Sullivan EA, Vaughan G, Li Z, Peek MJ, Carapetis JR, Walsh W, Frawley J, Remond MGW, Remenyi B, Jackson Pulver L, Kruske S,
Belton S, McLintock C. The high prevalence and impact of rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy in First Nations populations in a high-income setting: a
prospective cohort study. BJOG 2019;

after severe or repeated episodes of acute rheumatic fever,

which result from an autoimmune response to Group A
Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is the most common heart Streptococcus infection. Globally, over 33 million people
disease of children and adolescents globally. It develops are estimated to have RHD, causing >10 million disability-

ª 2019 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 1

Sullivan et al.

adjusted life-years lost and 319 000 deaths per year, almost
all in low- and middle-income countries.1 Although a pre-
viously neglected cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and Study design and population
mortality, RHD has emerged as a global health priority, A bi-national, prospective, population cohort study was
particularly in low-income regions where it is the most undertaken using the Australasian Maternity Outcomes
common cardiac disease during pregnancy.2–4 Surveillance System (AMOSS). AMOSS is a pregnancy
Pregnancy is associated with marked changes in the cardio- surveillance and research system involving data collectors at
vascular system including a 40–50% increase in plasma volume nearly 300 maternity units. It captures approximately 98–
and cardiac output, variations in systemic vascular resistance 100% of women giving birth in maternity units in A&NZ.
and mean arterial blood pressure, and an increase in atrial and The AMOSS methods have been described elsewhere.19 Par-
ventricular diameter and volume.5–7 In addition, pregnancy is ticipating AMOSS sites responded to monthly emails
a hypercoagulable state leading to an increased risk of throm- requesting information on potential cases. Data sources
boembolism.5 These normal physiological changes can com- included medical case notes, echocardiogram reports and
promise the haemodynamics of women with cardiac disease, RHD register information. Enhanced case finding was also
leading to an increased risk of obstetric complications includ- employed in New Zealand and the Northern Territory (NT)
ing premature labour, pre-eclampsia and postpartum haemor- of Australia, based on the expected high prevalence of RHD
rhage.5 They also increase the risk of cardiac failure, in these regions. This included interrogation of health infor-
pulmonary oedema, uncontrolled arrhythmias and maternal mation systems at primary healthcare services and specific
death.7 Furthermore, the offspring of pregnant women with clinician queries. Further details of this enhanced case-find-
cardiac disease are at increased risk of complications such as ing strategy have previously been reported.19
congenital heart disease, growth restriction and preterm birth, The case definition comprised any pregnant woman
as well as neonatal mortality.5,7 diagnosed with definite RHD according to World Heart
The burden of maternal cardiovascular disease in high-in- Federation criteria20 before or during pregnancy, and up to
come countries is primarily due to adult congenital heart dis- 42 days postpartum, with a birth outcome of ≥20 weeks of
ease8–10 because RHD has been effectively eliminated as a gestation between January 2013 and December 2014. De-
result of economic development, improved living conditions identified echocardiogram reports were reviewed and esca-
and prevention strategies.11 However, the reduced burden of lated for assessment by clinician study investigator(s) when
RHD in high-income countries is not uniform; some disad- inconclusive. For women with more than one pregnancy
vantaged populations remain at risk, including Aboriginal during the study, each pregnancy that met the inclusion
and Torres Strait Islander populations in Australia and criteria was included as a separate data set.
Maori and Pasifika populations in New Zealand.11,12
A renewed interest in RHD in the 1990s in Australia and Study factors
New Zealand (A&NZ) resulted in the reintroduction of tar- Data related to pregnancy and sociodemographic factors
geted prevention initiatives, primarily focused on vulnerable included the following: maternal age, ethnicity, parity, pre-
children and adolescents. These initiatives are monitored by vious caesarean section, timing of antenatal care, socio-eco-
RHD Control Programmes and Registers in selected jurisdic- nomic status21 and degree of remoteness.22 Medical and
tions. Despite increasing survival of women with RHD into obstetric complications were documented through preg-
reproductive ages, no information on RHD in pregnancy has nancy and postpartum. For Australia, socio-economic sta-
been routinely collected. With the exception of one single- tus was classified according to residential postcode using an
centre study,13 there has been little research on the epidemi- index of relative socio-economic advantage and disadvan-
ology of women with RHD giving birth in A&NZ. Interna- tage (the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas; SEIFA).21 In
tionally, a number of studies investigating cardiac disease, New Zealand, the New Zealand decile measures of depriva-
including RHD, in pregnancy have been reported but apart tion (NZDiDep2013)23 was used and transformed to match
from one multi-national study14 and another community- the Australian SEIFA quintiles.
based study in Uganda,15 these have largely comprised sin- Data related to cardiac factors included the following: tim-
gle-site retrospective methodologies.3,8,16–18 To date, there ing of RHD diagnosis, New York Heart Association (NYHA)
have been no prospective, national, population-based studies Functional Classification of heart failure,24 valve lesion(s),
of pregnant women with RHD. atrial fibrillation, previous thromboembolic complications,
This study aimed to describe the epidemiology and assess cardiac surgical intervention and use of anticoagulation.
the management of, and health outcomes for, RHD in
pregnant women and their babies in A&NZ to inform Outcomes
health priorities in both disadvantaged populations in Maternal outcome measures included antenatal hospital
high-income countries and low-resource settings. admission, antenatal or postpartum admission to intensive

2 ª 2019 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy

care or coronary care units (ICU/CCU), change in NYHA One hundred and fifty (78%) Australian pregnancies
status, thromboembolic events, obstetric haemorrhage, were to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women
labour outcomes and maternal death. Perinatal outcomes (60.4/10 000 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
included stillbirth, neonatal death, preterm birth women giving birth, 95% CI 50.7–70.0). In New Zealand,
(<37 weeks of gestation) and admission to special care 50 pregnancies (42%) were to Maori women (18.2/
nurseries (SCN) or neonatal intensive care units (NICU). 10 000 Maori women giving birth, 95% CI 13.8–23.9) and
57 (48%) to Pasifika women (48.2/10 000 Pasifika women
Statistical analysis giving birth, 95% CI 37.23–62.3). Nine Maori/Pasifika
Descriptive statistics for nominal data are presented as women gave birth in Australia. Geographically, the highest
counts and percentages. Percentages were calculated based prevalence was observed in the NT of Australia at 74.3/
on cases with a recorded value; where data were missing or 10 000 women giving birth (95% CI 55.4–93.2), corre-
unknown, the denominator was altered accordingly as sponding to 222/10 000 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait
shown in the data tables. Continuous measures are pre- Islander women giving birth (95% CI 166–279) after strati-
sented as median and interquartile range (IQR). Prevalence fying by indigenous status.
estimates were calculated with 95% CI. Denominator data
were based on pro-rata A&NZ 2013/14 births.25,26 Results Sociodemographic factors
were stratified into three groups: Aboriginal and Torres Table 1 lists demographics and characteristics of the
Strait Islander Australians, Maori and Pasifika in New Zeal- cohort. Median age was 27 years (IQR 22–32 years) with
and (collectively referred to as First Nations people), and 13% being teenagers. Ninety-nine (32%) women were
Others. Differences between these three groups were primipara. A significantly greater proportion of Aboriginal
assessed. For continuous variables the Kruskal–Wallis test and Torres Strait Islander women (79%, P < 0.001) lived
was used whereas for categorical variables, the chi-square or in remote locations. First Nations women exhibited greater
Fisher’s exact test was used. A P-value <0.05 was used to social disadvantage (SEIFA median 1, IQR 1–2) than Other
infer statistical significance. Data were analysed using SPSS women (SEIFA median 3, IQR 1–4). One hundred and sev-
software, version 24 (IBM Corporation, Somers, NY, USA). enteen (40%) women were obese [body mass index (BMI)
≥ 30 kg/m2] while 14 (5%) were underweight (BMI
Patient involvement < 18.5 kg/m2). Maori/Pasifika women had significantly
Patients were not directly involved in the design of this higher BMIs than other women (P < 0.001).
Antenatal care
Core outcome set
A core outcome set was not used as none is available for Antenatal care and co-existing illnesses
the condition of RHD in pregnancy. Table 2 describes women’s antenatal care and co-existing
illnesses. One hundred and fourteen (38%) women had
Funding their first antenatal booking visit during their first trime-
National Health and Medical Research Council (Grant ster, and a similar proportion (38%) had their first antena-
#1024206), Health Research Council of New Zealand tal booking visit at 20 weeks of gestation or later. Renal
(Grant 12/698). disease was the most common comorbidity (n = 42, 14%)
with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women exhibit-
Role of the funding source ing higher prevalence than other groups (19%, P = 0.015).
The funding bodies had no role in study design, data collec- Fifty-four percent smoked during their pregnancy. There
tion, data analysis, data interpretation or manuscript writing. was a high level of new-onset obstetric complications,
including 42 women (14%) with gestational diabetes.
Forty-two percent (n = 129) of women were transferred
antenatally, with two-thirds of these being to access care
Prevalence and pre-empt complications (n = 86, 67%). Fifty-one
There were 311 pregnancies that met inclusion criteria with (40%) of these women were transferred for management of
three of these comprising twin pregnancies. One hundred their RHD, while 35 (27%) were transferred due to high-
and ninety-two (62%) pregnancies were in Australia and risk status of multiple comorbidities. Aboriginal and Torres
119 (38%) in New Zealand (see Supplementary material, Strait Islander women were significantly more likely to be
Figure S1). The prevalence of women with RHD giving transferred than other groups (67%, P < 0.001) with nine
birth was 4.3/10 000 women giving birth (95% CI 3.9–4.8) women transferred interstate and seven travelling 1800 km
(see Supplementary material, Figure S2). or more to a referral hospital. Ninety-nine (32%) women

ª 2019 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 3

Sullivan et al.

Table 1. Demographics and characteristics of women with RHD in pregnancy

All Aboriginal Australians New Zealand Ma ori Others (A&NZ) P-value

or Torres Strait or Pasifika

Total, n 311 150 116 45

Age, median (IQR) 27.0 (22.0–32.0) 25.5 (22.0–30.0) 26.5 (21.0–31.5) 30.0 (28.0–35.0) <0.001
Primipara, % (n) 31.9 (99/310) 28.9 (43/149) 31.9 (37/116) 42.2 (19/45) 0.242
History of caesarean section in those 27.8 (58/209) 32.1 (34/106) 26.0 (20/77) 15.4 (4/26) 0.213
with prior birth, % (n)
Remote/off-shore location, % (n) 40.8 (126/309) 78.7 (118/150) 3.5 (4/114) 8.9 (4/45) <0.001
Social disadvantage*
Quintile 1 – most disadvantaged, 66.9 (208/311) 72.0 (108/150) 74.1 (86/116) 31.1 (14/45) <0.001
% (n)
Quintiles 2–5, % (n) 33.1 (103/311) 28.0 (42/150) 25.9 (30/116) 68.9 (31/45)
BMI, median (IQR) 27.9 (22.8–34.2) 25.9 (21.8–31.2) 30.8 (25.9–37.2) 24.2 (22.8–30.8) <0.001
Underweight (< 18.5 kg/m2), % (n) 4.7 (14/296) 8.6 (12/140) 0.9 (1/111) 2.2 (1/45) 0.012
Obese (≥ 30 kg/m2), % (n) 39.5 (117/296) 30.0 (42/140) 56.8 (63/111) 26.7 (12/45) <0.001

*SEIFA quintiles (NZ deciles transformed to match SEIFA quintiles).

were admitted to higher care during pregnancy with diagnosed with RHD before pregnancy, 10% (n = 30) were
Maori/Pasifika women being more likely to be admitted diagnosed during pregnancy and 3% (n = 9) postpartum.
than other groups (45%, P < 0.001). The predominant presenting valvular lesion was mitral regur-
gitation (n = 269; 86%) while mitral stenosis was present in
Cardiac history, diagnosis of RHD and complications in 116 (37%) women. Fifty (16%) women had had a prior car-
pregnancy diac intervention (13 with valve replacement, 22 with valve
Table 3 lists the cardiac characteristics, timing of diagnosis repair, 15 with percutaneous balloon mitral valvotomy).
and antenatal management of women with RHD in preg- Forty-five (15%) women did not have an echocardiogram
nancy. Eighty-seven percent (n = 272) of women were during the index pregnancy or postpartum. Of the 264 who

Table 2. Antenatal care and co-existing illnesses for women with RHD in pregnancy

All Aboriginal Australians New Zealand Ma ori Others (A&NZ) P-value

or Torres Strait Islanders or Pasifika

Timing of first antenatal visit, % (n)

1–13 weeks 37.6 (114/303) 43.9 (65/148) 30.4 (34/112) 34.9 (15/43) 0.002
14–19 weeks 24.4 (74/303) 17.6 (26/148) 25.9 (29/112) 44.2 (19/43)
≥ 20 weeks 38.0 (115/303) 38.5 (57/148) 43.8 (49/112) 20.9 (9/43)
Comorbidities, % (n)
Pre-existing diabetes 5.1 (16/311) 8.0 (12/150) 1.7 (2/116) 4.4 (2/45) 0.070
Hypertension 3.8 (9/237) 3.9 (4/103) 3.2 (3/93) 4.9 (2/41) 0.897
Renal conditions* 13.6 (42/309) 19.3 (29/150) 9.6 (11/114) 4.4 (2/45) 0.015
Smoked during pregnancy 53.8 (161/299) 75.4 (107/142) 40.9 (47/115) 16.7 (7/42) <0.001
Complications, % (n)
Gestational diabetes 13.7 (42/307) 17.3 (26/150) 8.8 (10/113) 13.6 (6/44) 0.133
Gestational hypertension 4.8 (15/306) 1.3 (2/149) 8.8 (10/113) 6.8 (3/44) 0.021
Antepartum haemorrhage 5.9 (18/307) 3.4 (5/149) 7.9 (9/114) 9.1 (4/44) 0.184
Antenatal thromboembolic event 1.6 (5/309) 1.3 (2/149) 1.7 (2/115) 2.2 (1/45) 0.884
Pre-eclampsia 2.6 (8/306) 1.3 (2/149) 4.4 (5/113) 2.3 (1/44) 0.284
Transferred antenatally for care, % (n) 41.6 (129/310) 67.3 (101/150) 16.5 (19/115) 20.0 (9/45) <0.001
Admission to HDU/ICU/CCU during 32.0 (99/309) 22.7 (34/150) 45.2 (52/115) 29.5 (13/44) <0.001
pregnancy, % (n)

*Chronic kidney disease, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, recurrent urinary tract infections.

4 ª 2019 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy

Table 3. Characteristics and complications of cardiac care for women with RHD in pregnancy

All Aboriginal Australians or New Zealand Ma ori or Others (A&NZ) P-value

Torres Strait Islanders Pasifika

Timing of RHD diagnosis, % (n)

Pre-pregnancy 87.5 (272/311) 88.0 (132/150) 88.8 (103/116) 82.2 (37/45) 0.019
During pregnancy 9.6 (30/311) 10.7 (16/150) 5.2 (6/116) 17.8 (8/45)
Postpartum 2.9 (9/311) 1.3 (2/150) 6.0 (7/116) 0 (0/45)
Prior cardiac intervention*, % (n) 16.1 (30/311) 11.3 (17/150) 18.1 (21/116) 26.7 (12/45) 0.037
Cardiac medication**, % (n) 17.1 (53/310) 14.7 (22/150) 18.3 (21/115) 22.2 (10/45) 0.456
Anticoagulation before, during or 25.1 (78/311) 17.3 (26/150) 30.2 (35/116) 37.8 (17/45) 0.006
after pregnancy, % (n)
Heart failure at booking, % (n)
None 56.7 (169/298) 29.4 (42/143) 92.9 (104/112) 53.5 (23/43) <0.001
NYHA class I 33.2 (99/298) 53.8 (77/143) 6.3 (7/112) 34.9 (15/43)
NYHA class II 7.7 (23/298) 14.0 (20/143) 0 (0/112) 7.0 (3/43)
NYHA class III/IV 2.3 (7/298) 2.8 (4/143) 0.9 (1/112) 4.7 (2/43)
Echocardiogram during pregnancy, 85.4 (264/309) 89.9 (133/148) 75.9 (88/116) 95.6 (43/45) 0.002
% (n)
Cardiac care visit before 20 weeks 23.3 (70/300) 31.0 (45/145) 12.3 (14/114) 26.8 (11/41) 0.002
of gestation, % (n)
Antenatal, during labour or postpartum, % (n)
Deterioration in NYHA Class
Antenatal 17.3 (51/295) 16.1 (32/143) 16.5 (18/109) 23.3 (10/43) 0.532
During labour 2.0 (6/302) 2.1 (3/144) 1.8 (2/113) 2.2 (1/45) 1.000
Postpartum 7.2 (21/293) 5.7 (8/140) 9.1 (10/110) 7.0 (3/43) 0.580
Atrial fibrillation 1.6 (5/310) 0.7 (1/150) 1.7 (2/115) 5.0 (2/45) 0.185
Endocarditis 0.3 (1/311) 0 (0/150) 0.9 (1/116) 0 (0/45) 0.518
Bleeding*** 18.6 (58/311) 10.7 (16/150) 26.7 (31/116) 24.4 (11/45) 0.002
Thromboembolism 1.9 (6/311) 1.3 (2/150) 2.6 (3/116) 2.2 (1/45) 0.632
Valve procedure 1.3 (4/300) 0.7 (1/142) 0.9 (1/115) 4.7 (2/43) 0.153

*Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty, valve repair, bioprosthetic or mechanical valve replacement.
**Diuretics, rate slowing medications, vasodilators, anti-arrhythmics.
***Antepartum and postpartum bleeding of any volume (including antepartum haemorrhage and postpartum haemorrhage).

did, 182 (69%) had the echocardiogram performed at Mode of birth and maternal outcomes
20 weeks of gestation or later. One hundred and three (33%) Table 4 details the birth event and postpartum complica-
women did not have a cardiac care consultation. Five women tions. Ninety-two women (30%) had a caesarean section.
experienced a thromboembolism (one with an antenatal pul- One-third of these were undertaken due to complications
monary embolism). Of these, two had prior mitral valve relating to RHD and 20 (22%) were under general anaes-
replacements. Five women experienced atrial fibrillation and thetic. Six (2%) women exhibited deterioration of NYHA
two had cerebrovascular accidents (one of whom had a classification during labour and 21 (7%) postpartum
mechanical valve replacement). Nine women were recom- (NYHA III three women and NYHA IV eight women).
mended for valvular surgery or other cardiac-indicated inter- Perinatal antibiotic coverage was given to 147 (47%)
ventions postpartum; three of these had been diagnosed with women; there was one episode of endocarditis. Thirty-two
RHD during pregnancy or postpartum. (10%) women had a postpartum haemorrhage of
≥ 1000 ml (range 1000–4000 ml). Fifty-nine (19%) women
Anticoagulation were admitted to higher care units postpartum including
Thirty-one (10%) women were prescribed anticoagulants 30 (10%) women to ICU/CCU. The majority of these
during pregnancy with 14 (5%) women prescribed antico- admissions were for management of issues related to RHD.
agulants at the booking visit. Low-molecular-weight hep- There was one maternal death, giving a maternal fatality
arin was most commonly prescribed (27/31). Nine women rate of 0.3%. This woman gave birth by caesarean section
were on a pre-pregnancy warfarin regimen. Four of these under general anaesthetic at 30 weeks of gestation and died
continued warfarin into the first trimester. 4 days later from causes not directly related to RHD. Two

ª 2019 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 5

Sullivan et al.

Table 4. Labour and maternal outcomes for women with RHD in pregnancy and perinatal outcomes for their babies

All Aboriginal Australians or New Zealand Others A&NZ P-value

Torres Strait Islanders ori or Pasifika

Maternal outcomes, % (n)

Maternal death 0.3 (1/311) 0.7 (1/150) 0 (0/116) 0 (0/45) 1.000
Induced labour in cases that 39.8 (100/251) 40.2 (47/117) 37.0 (37/100) 47.1 (16/34) 0.582
Birth by caesarean section 29.6 (92/311) 32.0 (48/150) 24.1 (28/116) 35.6 (16/45) 0.241
General anaesthesia used 21.7 (20/92) 10.4 (5/48) 35.7 (10/28) 31.3 (5/16) 0.023
RHD indication 31.5 (29/92) 37.5 (18/48) 17.9 (5/28) 37.5 (6/16) 0.199
Urgent caesarean section* 53.7 (51/89) 53.2 (25/47) 66.7 (18/27) 53.3 (8/15) 0.499
Postpartum haemorrhage 10.4 (32/309) 4.7 (7/150) 15.7 (18/115) 15.9 (7/44) 0.006
≥ 1000 ml
Transferred during labour or 23.8 (69/290) 35.6 (48/135) 14.9 (17/114) 9.8 (4/41) <0.001
Admitted to ICU/HDU/CCU** 19.0 (59/311) 19.3 (29/150) 14.7 (17/116) 28.9 (13/45) 0.019
Fetal/neonatal outcomes
Mortality, % (n)
All deaths 2.9 (9/314) 3.9 (6/152) 2.6 (3/117) 0 (0/45) 0.420
Stillbirth 2.2 (7/314) 2.6 (4/152) 2.6 (3/117) 0 (0/45) 0.763
Neonatal deaths after live birth 0.7 (2/307) 1.4 (2/148) 0 (0/114) 0 (0/45) 0.641
Gestational age (weeks), median 38.0 (37.0–39.0) 38.0 (36.0–39.0) 39.0 (38.0–39.5) 39.0 (38.0–40.0) 0.023
Preterm birth (<37 weeks), % (n) 20.7 (65/314) 27.0 (41/152) 14.0 (17/117) 15.6 (7/45) 0.310
Live births only
Birthweight (g), median (IQR) 3110 (2660–3530) 2955 (2421–3320) 3345 (2923–3845) 3120 (2840–3373) <0.001
Low birthweight (< 2500 g), % 18.6 (57/307) 26.4 (39/148) 10.5 (12/114) 13.3 (6/45) 0.003
Apgar score < 7, % (n) 5.2 (16/306) 6.8 (10/147) 4.4 (5/114) 2.2 (1/45) 0.412
Admission to SCN/NICU***, % (n) 33.6 (103/307) 43.2 (64/148) 24.6 (28/114) 24.4 (11/45) 0.002
Required resuscitation, % (n) 22.4 (68/303) 23.0 (34/148) 21.6 (24/111) 22.7 (10/44) 0.982
Hospital outcome – transferred to 8.2 (25/305) 11.6 (17/146) 6.1 (7/114) 2.2 (1/45) 0.072
health facility, % (n)

*Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) categories 1 or 2.
**Intensive care unit/High dependency unit/Coronary care unit.
***Special care nursery/Neonatal intensive care unit.

women experienced a thromboembolism postnatally. Four (15%) were small-for-gestational-age (birthweight < 10th cen-
women had cardiac surgery or interventions postpartum. tile for the gestational age of the Australian population norm).
One-third of babies were admitted to SCN/NICUs with Abo-
Perinatal outcomes riginal and Torres Strait Islander babies being most likely to
There were 314 babies born, with seven stillbirths (22.3/ receive higher care (43%, P = 0.002).
1000 births) (see Table 4). The rate of stillbirth was higher
in women who were taking anticoagulation during preg- RHD diagnosis
nancy [3/32 (9.4%) versus 4/282 (1.4%), P = 0.025]. There Thirty-nine (13%) women were newly diagnosed with RHD
were two neonatal deaths (6.5/1000 births). Seven of the during pregnancy or postpartum. Late diagnosis was associated
nine women with perinatal deaths had existing maternal with higher rates of deterioration in NYHA classification (31
comorbidities (autoimmune disease, obesity, diabetes, versus 17%, P = 0.024), greater use of general anaesthesia for
hypertension and/or renal disease). caesarean births (57 versus 15%, P = 0.002), and higher rates of
One in five babies was born preterm: nine (3%) extremely maternal admission to ICU/CCU postpartum (21 versus 9%,
preterm (< 28 weeks); ten (3%) very preterm (28–< 32 weeks), P = 0.039). The babies of women with late diagnosis of RHD
46 (15%) moderately preterm (32 to < 37 weeks). Fifty-seven were more likely to have low Apgar scores than those of women
(19%) live-born babies recorded low birthweights and 47 diagnosed pre-pregnancy (Apgar < 7, 13 versus 4%, P = 0.035).

6 ª 2019 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy

54% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women giving

Discussion birth in 2014.25 Furthermore, the rate of women in our
Main findings cohort commencing antenatal care after 20 weeks of gesta-
We report, for the first time, national population-wide data tion was three times the overall Australian rate (38 versus
on the prevalence, management and outcomes of RHD in 12%).25 In terms of cardiac care, one-third of women
pregnancy. These data reveal the high prevalence of RHD received no antenatal cardiac care and almost 15% did not
in pregnancy, and associated morbidity, within First have an echocardiogram during pregnancy. These findings
Nations populations of A&NZ. However, the spectrum of suggest that greater efforts are required to deliver equitable
morbidity and extent of mortality associated with this con- services and to provide First Nations women with adequate
dition was relatively low. Access to tertiary health care, information and assistance to seek out culturally appropri-
including specialist obstetric, cardiovascular and perinatal ate early antenatal care.29 Furthermore, improved clinical
care, and high-care units may partly account for this. services to facilitate early case detection would enable ear-
lier diagnosis and provision of RHD care, and better plan-
Strengths and limitations ning of antenatal cardiac management and birth to
Our study is the first to employ a prospective population- minimise potential complications.30,31
based design with active case finding of pregnancies compli- Despite significant maternal morbidity, there was only
cated by RHD. A robust case definition referenced echocar- one maternal death (0.3%). This finding is higher than
diogram reports and World Heart Federation criteria for the recent estimates of maternal mortality in Australia (0.007%
diagnosis of RHD.20 One limitation of the study is that some overall, 0.02% in First Nations Australians25), but is sub-
data were incomplete because some women accessed health stantially lower than rates reported in studies of RHD in
care at a number of sites and health data were not always pregnancy in low-income settings including Nepal (4%),32
shared between these. A further limitation is the potential India (2%)33 and Senegal (34%).17 This most likely reflects
under-reporting of Aboriginal and Maori/Pasifika status in the availability of high-quality tertiary health care, includ-
Australia. Women included in this study had high levels of ing specialist obstetric, cardiovascular and perinatal care, in
pre-existing illness and were therefore at risk of a spectrum A&NZ.
of pregnancy complications with inferior outcomes. This Our results indicate that RHD in pregnancy is associ-
may have contributed to the poorer outcomes observed in ated with poorer perinatal outcomes as has been previ-
this study for pregnant women with RHD and their babies. ously reported.4,16,34 There was a high risk of prematurity
with 21% of neonates born preterm compared with 9%
Interpretation overall in Australia and 14% for babies born to Aborigi-
nal mothers.25 Similarly, one-in-three neonates was admit-
Prevalence ted to an SCN/NICU compared with one-in-seven of the
Although the overall prevalence of RHD in pregnancy in total newborn population in Australia.25 The rate of still-
A&NZ observed in this study (0.04%) is low in comparison birth of 23/1000 births was over double the rate of still-
to lower-income countries,1,27 rates varied substantially birth reported for Aboriginal mothers giving birth in
according to First Nations status and geography. Aboriginal Australia in 2014 (9/1000 births)25 and for Maori/Pasifika
and Torres Strait Islander women living in NT experienced a women giving birth in New Zealand (6.6–7.9/1000
rate of 2.22%, fifty times higher than the bi-national preva- births)26 but still substantially lower than reported from
lence. This finding is on a par with the estimated prevalence low-income settings (8% mortality in Senegal,17 2% in
of RHD in all First Nations people in the NT (2.5%),28 sug- India33 and 16% in Nepal32).
gesting that there is no reduction in birth rates among RHD-
affected women in this population. Furthermore, while Differences between ethnic groups
A&NZ are high-income countries, the rates of RHD in preg- There were a number of differences in baseline characteris-
nancy observed in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and tics observed between First Nations groups that may
Maori/Pasifika women are comparable to those reported account for some of the differences observed in secondary
from low-income settings including Eritrea (2.3%),27 Uganda outcomes. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women
(1.5%)15 and South Africa (0.1–0.9%).4 had lower BMIs, smoked more and had higher rates of
renal disease, which may have resulted in the lower gesta-
Antenatal care, complications and maternal and perinatal tional ages and birthweights, and higher rates of admission
morbidity to SCN/NICU, observed for their babies. Maori/Pasifika
Antenatal care received by women in this study was subop- women had higher rates of prior cardiac interventions and
timal. Only 38% received antenatal care within their first use of anticoagulants, which may account for their higher
trimester compared with 60% of all Australian women and rates of postpartum haemorrhage.

ª 2019 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 7

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Public health implications need for preconception planning and counselling regarding
The burden of maternal comorbidities observed in our fertility management, RHD screening in at-risk pregnant
study was significant and compounded the inherent risks women, and a trained health workforce to ensure early
associated with RHD in pregnancy. Intensive specialist care diagnosis and management of complications. In addition,
was required to address this and such care is particularly continuing efforts to address the drivers of RHD, including
difficult to provide in remote or resource-limited settings. poverty, poor housing and health inequity, are vital to
The prevalence of RHD in some low-income settings, reduce the burden of RHD. The public health paradox is
including regions of Africa, is estimated to be equivalent to that preventing RHD appears more difficult than managing
that seen in Aboriginal people in the NT,1 suggesting that its costly and potentially tragic sequelae.
between 2 and 3% of pregnancies in such regions are com-
plicated by RHD. Results from the REMEDY study35 indi- Disclosure of interests
cate that the severity of RHD cases in Africa is greater than ES, GV, ZL, JF and MR report that their institution admin-
in A&NZ. This, coupled with the reality that pregnant istered the grants detailed in the Funding section. The
women with RHD in developing nations may not have remaining authors have no disclosures. Completed disclo-
access to the same level of tertiary care available in A&NZ, sure of interest forms are available to view online as sup-
suggests that these women may have poorer outcomes than porting information.
those described here. This implies that RHD poses a signif- Contribution to authorship
icant unrecognised cause of maternal mortality and mor- ES conceived and designed the study, obtained funding for
bidity in such regions. the study, led the execution of the study including data
We found that the rate of stillbirth was significantly analyses and interpretation, and co-drafted the first draft of
higher in women receiving anticoagulation during preg- the manuscript and critically reviewed final drafts. GV
nancy. This finding underlines the importance of precon- assisted in designing the study, assisted in acquisition of
ception care and counselling regarding pregnancy planning, data, analysed the data and co-drafted the first draft of the
valvular interventions, and choice of anticoagulation and article. MP, JC, WW, JF, BR LJP, SK, SB and CM assisted
its potential maternal and/or fetal risk. It also highlights in designing the study and critically revised the first draft
the imperative for specialist care and monitoring during of the article for important intellectual content. ZL assisted
pregnancy, particularly when transitioning between differ- in designing the study, analysed and interpreted the data,
ent anticoagulant therapies. Discussion with women to pro- and critically revised the first draft of the article for impor-
mote informed decision-making helps avoid the risks tant intellectual content. MR analysed and interpreted the
associated with a lack of adherence to anticoagulation. Fur- data and prepared the final drafts of the article. All authors
thermore, women with mechanical valve replacements rep- approve the content of this manuscript and agree to be
resent a high-risk group due to the need for ongoing accountable for all aspects of the work.
anticoagulation, hence valvular repair or bioprostheses may
be a preferred option in women of child-bearing age.36–38 Details of ethics approval
Almost one in seven women included in this study was The lead ethics approval granted for this study in Australia
newly diagnosed with RHD with late diagnosis being asso- was by the NSW Population and Health Services Research
ciated with a number of poorer maternal and neonatal out- Ethics Committee (2009/03/144; HREC/09/CIPHS/21; 23
comes. These findings suggest the need for targeted April 2009) and in New Zealand through the New Zealand
screening of nulliparous women at the first antenatal visit Multi-region Ethics Committee (MEC/09/73/EXP; 6
in regions where RHD is endemic. November 2019).

Funding for this project in Australia, and for overall coor-
Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy is a preventable pub- dination of the study, was provided through National
lic health problem rarely encountered in high-income Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC Project
countries. However, this prospective bi-national study con- Grant #1024206). Funding in New Zealand was provided
firmed high rates of RHD in pregnancy in disadvantaged through the Health Research Council of New Zealand (Pro-
First Nations populations in A&NZ. Despite women expe- ject Grant 12/698). GV gratefully acknowledges funding by
riencing varying degrees of cardiac compromise, significant NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship #11332944, University
rates of co-morbidities, and a high burden of inferior peri- of Technology Sydney Chancellor’s Research Scholarship;
natal outcomes, maternal and baby outcomes were better and END RHD Centre of Research Excellence (NHMRC
than those reported in low-income settings. The high rates 1080401), Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western
of complications observed in this cohort emphasise the Australia.

8 ª 2019 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy

Acknowledgements Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease, 2nd edn.
Darwin, Australia: RHDAustralia, Menzies School of Health Research;
The authors thank the participating maternity units and
AMOSS data collectors in Australia and New Zealand who 12 New Zealand Rheumatic Fever Writing Group. New Zealand
participated in the study, as well as the AMOSS Associate Guidelines for Rheumatic Fever. 1. Diagnosis, Management and
Investigators, Project team and Advisory Group. The Secondary Prevention. The National Heart Foundation of New
authors would like to acknowledge Faith Mahony who was Zealand and The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand: New Zealand
the Project Coordinator for the New Zealand study and
Rheumatic Fever Writing Group; 2006.
Kylie Tune, who was the Project Coordinator for the 13 Sartain JB, Anderson NL, Barry JJ, Boyd PT, Howat PW. Rheumatic
Northern Territory. heart disease in pregnancy: cardiac and obstetric outcomes. Intern
Med J 2012;42:978–84.
14 van Hagen IM, Thorne SA, Taha N, Youssef G, Elnagar A, Gabriel H,
Supporting Information et al. Pregnancy outcomes in women with rheumatic mitral valve
disease: results from the registry of pregnancy and cardiac disease.
Additional supporting information may be found online in Circulation 2018;137:806–16.
the Supporting Information section at the end of the arti- 15 Beaton A, Okello E, Scheel A, DeWyer A, Ssembatya R, Baaka O,
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