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A Preview of the Dangerous Future of Abortion Bans —

Texas Senate Bill 8
Whitney Arey, Ph.D., Klaira Lerma, M.P.H., Anitra Beasley, M.D., M.P.H., Lorie Harper, M.D., M.S.C.I.,
Ghazaleh Moayedi, D.O., M.P.H., and Kari White, Ph.D., M.P.H.​​

A Preview of the Dangerous Future of Abortion Bans
hen the U.S. Supreme Court issues its September 1, 2021. Although
decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health aimed at clinicians who provide
abortion care, SB8 has had a
Organization, the abortion care landscape chilling effect on a broad range
will most likely be changed for at least a generation. of health care professionals, ad-
versely affecting patient care and
Even before a draft opinion was tions after the detection of embry- endangering people’s lives.
leaked, many experts anticipated onic cardiac activity, which occurs Some Texas clinicians still
that the Court would overturn around 6 weeks after a person’s provide abortion counseling and
Roe v. Wade, and nearly half the last menstrual period. After that referrals, believing that the law
states are poised to ban or dramat- point, SB8 allows abortions only does not limit their free speech,
ically limit abortion care when in physician-documented medical while also noting that such free-
that occurs.1 These state laws emergencies. Anyone suspected dom depends on a clinician’s
criminalizing abortion may allow of violating the law or aiding and willingness to assume possible
for very narrow exemptions, and abetting a prohibited abortion can legal risk. On the basis of legal
anyone who violates the law could face a civil lawsuit with monetary guidance, other Texas clinicians
be subject to civil penalties, crim- penalties of at least $10,000. believe they are not even allowed
inal fines, or imprisonment.2 We interviewed 25 clinicians to counsel patients regarding the
Health systems and clinicians from across Texas about how SB8 availability of abortion in cases
planning their responses3 can look has affected their practice in gen- of increased maternal risks or
to Texas, where we have already eral obstetrics and gynecology, poor fetal prognosis, although
witnessed the impact of strict maternal and fetal medicine before SB8 they would have done
abortion bans on the provision of (MFM), or genetic counseling. We so. Many clinicians have also been
evidence-based, essential health concurrently interviewed 20 Tex- advised that they cannot provide
care for pregnant people. Since ans who had medically complex information about out-of-state
September 1, 2021, Texas Senate pregnancies and sought care ei- abortion facilities or directly con-
Bill 8 (SB8) has prohibited abor- ther in Texas or out of state after tact out-of-state clinicians to trans-

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PERS PE C T IV E A Preview of the Dangerous Future of Abortion Bans

fer patient information. These MFM specialist reported that their get an abortion,” she told us,
fears have disrupted continuity of hospital no longer offers treat- “but I knew that it was still the
care and left patients to find ser- ment for ectopic pregnancies im- safer option for me than sitting
vices on their own. planted in cesarean scars, despite in Texas and waiting, and I could
Many patients we interviewed strong recommendations from the potentially get sicker.” She re-
described feeling hurt and con- Society for Maternal–Fetal Medi- ported that her obstetrician ad-
fused when they learned their cine that these life-threatening vised her, “If you labor on the
condition was not exempt from pregnancies be definitively man- plane, leave the placenta inside
SB8 and they could not receive aged with surgical or medical of you. You’re going to have to
care in their home state. After treatment.4 Some clinicians believe deal with a 19-week fetus outside
receiving fetal diagnoses of spina that patients with rupture of of your body until you land.”
bifida and trisomy 18, a 39-year- membranes before fetal viability The climate of fear created by
old woman was shocked that her are eligible for a medical exemp- SB8 has resulted in patients re-
physician would not even inform tion under SB8, while others be- ceiving medically inappropriate
her about termination options. She lieve these patients cannot re- care. Some physicians with train-
said, “When you already have re- ceive an abortion so long as there ing in dilation and evacuation
ceived news like that and can is fetal cardiac activity. In multi- (D&E), the standard procedure for
barely function, the thought of ple cases, the treating clinicians abortion after 15 weeks of gesta-
then having to do your own in- — believing, on the basis of their tion, have been unable to offer
vestigating to determine where own or their hospital’s interpre- this method even for abortions
to get this medical care and to tation of the law, that they could allowed by SB8 because nurses
arrange going out of state feels not provide early intervention — and anesthesiologists, concerned
additionally overwhelming.” sent patients home, only to see about being seen as “aiding and
Clinicians we interviewed re- them return with signs of sepsis. abetting,” have declined to partici-
counted a variety of circumstanc- An obstetrician–gynecologist re- pate. Some physicians described
es in which a patient could have called only one patient who was relying on induction methods to
received hospital-based abortion able to obtain an abortion at get patients care more quickly;
care before SB8 but was now de- their hospital under SB8’s mater- others reported that their col-
nied that care. Patients with a nal health exemption, because her leagues have resorted to using
life-limiting fetal diagnosis, such severe cardiac condition had pro- hysterotomy, a surgical incision
as anencephaly or bilateral renal gressed to the point that she was into the uterus, because it might
agenesis, are only being coun- admitted to the intensive care not be construed as an abortion.
seled to continue their pregnancy unit. As an MFM specialist sum- Although induction may be ap-
and offered neonatal comfort care marized, “People have to be on propriate in some circumstances,
options after delivery. All hospi- death’s door to qualify for mater- hysterotomy increases a patient’s
tals where our respondents prac- nal exemptions to SB8.” immediate risks for complica-
ticed have prohibited multifetal Clinicians repeatedly noted that tions as compared with D&E or
reduction, even though in some only Texans with financial re- labor induction and has negative
cases (e.g., complications of mono- sources and social support can ob- implications for all future preg-
chorionic twins) failure to per- tain an abortion outside the state. nancies. One obstetrician–gyne-
form the procedure could result Moreover, patients who travel for cologist described this practice
in the loss of both twins. such care can have further com- as going “back to doing what
Patients with pregnancy com- plications while on the road or in they used to do before there was
plications or preexisting medical the air. A patient with rupture of a D&E provider in town.”
conditions that may be exacerbat- membranes before fetal viability The constraints on physicians’
ed by pregnancy are being forced said she was angry and sad to autonomy to practice evidence-
to delay an abortion until their learn she could not get care in based medicine have created con-
conditions become life-threaten- Texas because of SB8. She weighed cern about the law’s long-term
ing and qualify as medical emer- her risks and decided to travel. consequences for the medical
gencies, or until fetal cardiac ac- “I knew how dangerous it was field.5 SB8 has taken a toll on cli-
tivity is no longer detectable. An for me to get on a plane and go nicians’ mental health; some phy-

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PE R S PE C T IV E A Preview of the Dangerous Future of Abortion Bans

sicians report feeling like “worse deemed “sick enough” to receive 1. Nash E, Cross L. 26 States are certain or
likely to ban abortion without Roe: here’s
doctors,” and some are leaving the care. In states where abortion re- which ones and why. Guttmacher Institute,
state. As a result, clinicians wor- mains legal, clinicians will need October 28, 2021 (https://www​.­g uttmacher​
An audio interview ry that pregnant to care for people who can travel .­org/​­article/​­2021/​­10/​­26​-­states​-­are​-­certain​-­or​
with Dr. Lauren Thaxton Texans are being but have had to assume other -­which​-­ones​-­and​-­why).
is available at
left without op- health risks, such as sepsis, hem- 2. Messerly M, Ollstein AM. Abortion bans
tions for care and without doc- orrhage, or delivery en route. As and penalties would vary widely by state. Po-
litico, May 6, 2022 (https://www​ .­
tors capable of providing it. Texas has shown, allowing poli- ​.­com/​­news/​­2022/​­05/​­06/​­potential​-­abortion
Texas offers a preview of what ticians and fear to determine what ​-­bans​-­and​-­penalties​-­by​-­state​-­00030572).
we can expect if the Supreme care can be provided is dangerous 3. Harris LH. Navigating loss of abortion
services — a large academic medical center
Court overturns Roe and states are for patients and clinicians alike. prepares for the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
allowed to enact abortion bans Disclosure forms provided by the au- N Engl J Med 2022;​386:​2061-4.
and penalize people who violate thors are available at 4. Miller R, Timor-Tritsch IE, Gyamfi-Ban-
nerman C. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medi-
the law. Health systems and cli- From the Texas Policy Evaluation Project, cine (SMFM) consult series #49: cesarean
nicians caring for patients with Population Research Center (W.A., K.L., scar pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020;​
complex pregnancies will have di- A.B., K.W.), the Department of Women’s 222:​B2-B14.
Health, Dell Medical School (L.H.), the Steve 5. American College of Obstetricians and
verse interpretations of the laws’ Hicks School of Social Work (K.W.), and the Gynecologists. Abortion policy: statement
narrow exemptions, which will Department of Sociology (K.W.), University of policy. 2022 (https://www​.­acog​.­org/​­en/​
result in unequal access to care. of Texas at Austin, Austin, the Department of ­clinical​-­information/​­policy​-­and​-­position​
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baylor College -­statements/​­statements​-­of​-­policy/​­2022/​
Patients without the resources to of Medicine, Houston (A.B.), and the Pega- ­abortion​-­policy).
travel will assume the risks of sus Health Justice Center, Dallas (G.M.).
continuing their pregnancy and This article was published on June 22, 2022, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2207423
term delivery, until they are at Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society.
A Preview of the Dangerous Future of Abortion Bans

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