Unit 2 Cell Structure

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Call Structure, All ving organisms are made of gells“Lhere an them sharing some common features. Two uifferent cel structures. 1, .Peokaryon 2 Eukoryone Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryote cells Takervates Prokaryoies Do not have an ovganited nucirus, cireular DIVA Floats vn the cyt plas Ar ety. Rosence of Membrane organewes Digan'Feawucieus present, linear Deva, founcl within Presence OF membrane pound Jorganelles ound Presence OF G58 F We vbesze) Preceined FONT WOU mcd Rocence OF placa Prcenie oF plasmids DNAS ateecrana With Ne wattone Seren Tone prvte ine Structure of eu ‘The structures of eukaryotic cells mclude. 2 Nucleus . Pabosomes + cEnvhoplasms Ret cculum +... Ge. baynerscames. + Belge. Apparat, + Gentroles + Mimchondna, xe several different types of cells, some of = inner montane. MUtleotug ¢ h—ourer memorane. iret ck SI Sonn Cie 4 | The nucleus conots the cheomatin S@l.actvs3184... and contains hereditary -MaInal ..., envelope, +The ‘a double membrane that surrounds the nucleus. fis ean control the substances wand leaving the nucleus, toon OU. Mear,. pore allow the passage of large materials into and out of the nucleus, Pawel eopl acm, ‘granular jelly like material that makes up the bulk ‘ofthe nucleus. : chromatin. ' the DNA found within the nucleoplasm. This is the Aitase form chromosomes take up when the cells is not dividing : nucleolus. 1 small sph ‘mamufactures ribosomal RNA and assembles ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum Cisternae Tesomes Civternal space rough eR smooth FR «Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes present on the outer surface of the membranes tts funetions are 10 4) provide a large surlace area for the synthesis of emaymes. aly copetin’ b) provide a pathway for the 14m part. of mater ile RCONEINS... and especially proteins ‘roughout the cell ‘© Smooth endoplasmic reticulum = lacks ribosomes on its surface and is often more tubular... Erepearaies Ais fametions are to ay Sythesige SKDC... and... ATANSPOLT. lipids, b) synthesise store and tamport car bohyahrates Interconnected cisternae. 6 rays! Gi + The Golgi apparatus 1s similar to the SUR in structure but s more ...campa.ct © Ke consists of a stack of membranes that form flattenect Sacks. ADRS... with small rounded hollow stru VEEME oe The proteins and tipids produce m the ER are passed through the Golgi apparatus in stn sequence The Golgi apparates.. ma Fe thea such a2 heh these proteins often by adding non-protein structures to ‘(ras chelnctt as also labels them so they can be sorted and sent to their correct destination. Once sorted and modified, proteins are transported in rep 1e% which are regularly removed trom the edge of the Gols eisternae Funchons—> modifizanon of chaing — packaging of proreins by adding hydrobin enzymes Cothervarse arb ohy clrane thy a ey will digest the colt ‘These vesicles move 10 the Call surface Mem bavewhere they fuse and release their contents to the outside (exocytosis) {mea oa ay. (ann sromeeatiaped % Sa ‘utr mcr Vesrae ee Wri pholipals {apotomes are formed when avec coma... hayteelie AiG ecnve — enaymes {ssosomes folate potentially dangerous enrymes fiom the rest ofthe cel before releasing them outside ofthe eell or into phagocytic vesicles within the cel | ysosomes digest Worn out..celNs. 0 thatthe useful chemicals they are ‘made of eam be reused They can completely ....heea.. down evn oi cells flr they have died LAponiass) A aliwing body autoteysis made baty inner membea matria + A double membrane Sy SOUS the organelle, the .OMELL membrane controling the entry and exit of material The toner mmemb cane ic folded to form extensions knownas SF SNAG, + Cristae are shelf like extensions of the met membrane. These provide a large surface area Jor the attachment of ENZYMES. during respiration s The NAT. makes up the reminder of the mitochondria, It is a semi- snaterial that contamns proteins, tipals and traces af SB NA... that allows the mitochondria te control the production of ts oxn proteins. The enymes involved in respiration are found an the mattis, Mutochondria are responsible for the production of the energy-carrier molecule .. ATP. humbers of mitochondria are found in cells where there isa high level Ribosomes FEES prokaryoe > 705 only” eutkaryore 7082 6S ty S Norge subunit + smal} subunit * Ribosomes occur in enther the cytoplasm or the RER here are nwo types depending om which cell they are found in 705 ,. 808. Type - found in eukaryotic ells, 1s around 2Snm in diameter. FO8.. ‘type ~ found in proka tie cells, slightly smaller Ribosomes provide $i1@ foe poten synthesis . > qbulia potin & Aniplets of wbale Centriotes Found in animal celle Only... not in plant eetls 2 centrioles lie ar 1g + Made of microtubules, Microtubules form cpindle. my re ich other ina circular pattern, doring cell division in animal cells Electron micrographs or. Prokaryotic Cells + Rueteral + As explained previously cells ate a type of prokaryotic cell 4 defining feaiume of prokaryotic cells is that their genetic Imateral is not enclosed within a nucleus, ss found as a single loop of DNA within the cytoplasm + Ackltional smalter. Cingular Ppledek of DNA called .plasemeds.. may also be present The cell membranes of al pokayotc ells are surounded by a Lill aad. (usually mae oma subvance lal puphalbgdyel a) d + Capsute is the aye oon surface for. Pheteedagn. and 1 prevent vr The thin’ protein tubes. which” are a called as pilli that help. to Hollow cylindrical tead Ike simietures that. ALE the cell 10 move are called Compare Pr okaryotes with eukaryotes ahaa] | «Seine orp prewat = wall + Made of rue se. presne, pret | | Presence ofa cell membrane Presence ofa nucleus Genetic materia Ribosomes: Presence of plasmids

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