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<Enter your name> (please do not include your phone number or address)

Title: < Enter title, i.e. Manager, Technical Architect, etc. >
Location: < Enter your physical location, (where you live, not the office
you are assigned to) i.e. Bangalore, India >
Languages: < Enter the languages you speak, i.e. Hindi (native), English
(fluent), Spanish (conversational), German
(translation) > (advise if the language is
native, conversational or translation)

Experience Summary

< Enter in your Experience Summary in the third person. Describe yourself with 4-5 sentences (if needed, it can
be multiple paragraphs) provide high-level examples of your work experience, environments, strengths, etc.
Please include the industries along with the functional/technical areas. > (Please write in third person.)


 Functional: < This area is where you list out your Key Functional Skills i.e. Project Management,
Team Building, Project Management, Team Leader, Strategic/Tactical Planning, Business Analysis
and Development, Excellent Communication and Interpretation skills

 Technical: < This area is where you list out your Key Technical Skills i.e. VBA (beginner), IT SLA
Catalogue, Java, Xpedior, Oracle, Jboss, Struts >

< This area is where you list out your Experience – not limited to what you did at Capgemini. Please list out by
the type of industry and your role. Bullets should not be more than three lines; if more detail is required please
do sub-bullets as noted below. > (Please write in third person.)

01 Type of Industry: (No Client Names or Project Names)

Project Duration:
Responsibilities:  High-level bullet points (in past tense) describing your responsibilities,
accomplishments for each position
o Sub-bullet, if needed

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Software /
Special Tools:

(No Client Names or Project Names)

02 Type of Industry
Project Duration:
Responsibilities:  High-level bullet points (in past tense) describing your responsibilities,
accomplishments for each position
o Sub-bullet, if needed
Software /
Special Tools:

Training, Certifications & Affiliations

 < List any training, professional and educational certifications, or affiliations (professional organizations). List
vendors, modules, titles, etc. of training obtained. Be as specific as possible. If there is no data for this
section, please remove this section. >

Published & Presented / Awards

 < List any publications/conferences/associations where you have been published or have spoken and include
dates. If applicable, please note any awards received with MM-YYYY, but do not list or include any “Clients
Names”, please list out your awards in order of most recent to oldest. (Note, if you do not have anything for
this section, please remove the section.) >

Higher Education
 < List the University/School – Degree >

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Delete this section once the following is complete:
 Please run spell check & grammar check for the document.
 If you have no value for a section, please remove that section from the template. Example, if you have
not published or presented anything, then please delete the section.
 Similarly, if you do not have a value for any of the areas under Experience, then delete it. For instance, if
you do not have a specific Operating System or Software/Language that you worked on during a project,
then delete those headers and do not leave it blank.
 Please click on the “Footer” and update the document with your name and employee number.

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