Thêi Gian Thi: 180 Phót (KH NG Kó Thêi Gian Giao ®Ò)

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së GD-§T VÜNH PHóC K× THI chän HSG LíP 12-thpt N¡M häc 2006-2007

§Ò thi M«n: TIÕNG ANH

§Ò THI CHÝNH THøC Thêi gian thi: 180 phót ( kh«ng kÓ thêi gian giao ®Ò)

I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
words. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
1. A. influenced B. terrified C. averaged D. accompanied
2. A. host B. most C. cost D. post
3. A. boot B. book C. hook D. foot
4. A. south B. truth C. smooth D. both
5. A. miles B. months C. lakes D. mates

II. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words. Identify
your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
1. A. accurate B. customer C. computer D. exercise
2. A. reduction B. popular C. financial D. romantic
3. A. theory B. generate C. delicious D. confidence
4. A. happen B. village C. realize D. reality
5. A. characteristic B. environmental C. documentary D. sophisticated

III. Choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to complete each
sentence below. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet.
1. When you are in a western country, your host may open a wrapped gift in front of you. Opening a
present in front of the gift-giver is ................ polite.
A. acquired B. considered C. known D. called
2. Even if the host doesn’t like a present, he or she will tell a “white lie” and say …….. they like the
gift to prevent the guest from feeling bad.
A. how often B. what C. for what D. how much
3. ……………. the low rainfall this year, the crops did not produce a high yield.
A. Since B. Despite C. Due to D. Because
4. The color of your shirt does not ……….. that of your trousers.
A. suit B. fit C. harmonize D. match
5. Many people love routine jobs which promise ………
A. security B. sanguineness C. vacancy D. registration
6. An employer may look with…………. on a young college graduate.
A. suspect B. suspicion C. suspicious D. suspiciously
7. Expressing one’s …………….. is one skill that the school can really teach.
A. thinking B. thoughts C. thoughtfulness D. thoughtlessness
8. As a model, you have to ………. the art of walking in high heels.
A. master B. grasp C. study D. gain
9. An accident in the power station may result in large ………. of radiation being released.
A. numbers B. number C. amount D. amounts
10. They are bring in ………….changes to the way the office is run.
A. large B. radical C. deep D. immense
11. Some people feel that television should give less ……… to sport.
A. programmes B. coverage C. concern D. involvement
12. If you can’t find what you want in this chapter, look it up in the …………..
A. reference B. index C. catalogue D. directory
13. People believe there is a ……….. between the two crimes.
A. joint B. chain C. link D. connector
14. I can’t tell Peter and Paul apart; they are ………… twin.
A. similar B. alike C. resemblance D. identical
15. You are not allowed to drive ………… the influence ………… alcohol.
A. under/of B. in/of C. under/by D. by/in
16. She was overwhelmed with honor ………. recognition ……….. her bravery.
A. with/of B. on/in C. by/about D. in/of
17. ………. exception ………….. the little baby, everybody in my family has to jog every morning.
A. With/to B. With/of C. In/of D. By/on
18. The staff can’t take leaves at the same time. They have to take holidays ……….. rotation.
A. on B. under C. by D. in
19. The interviewees are supposed to give their answers to the job offers …………..
A. on the spot B. all in all C. beyond the joke D. with in reach
20. The children often make ………. of Charles, which annoys his parents very much.
A. allowance B. fun C. way D. consideration

IV. Choose the most suitable answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to complete
each of the numbered gaps in the passage below. Write your answers on the answer sheet.
Keeping your distance
Personal space is a term that refers (1) ………. the distance we like to keep between ourselves
and other people. When (2) …………. we do not know well gets too close we usually begin to feel
uncomfortable. If a business colleague comes close than 1.2 meters, the (3) ……… common response
is to move (4) ……… . Some interesting (5) ……….. have been done in libraries. If strangers come too
close, many people get up and leave the building; others use different methods such as turning their
back on the intruder. Living in cities has (6) ......... people develop new skills for dealing with situations
(7) ………. they are very close to strangers. (8) ……….. people on crowded trains try not to look at
strangers; they avoid skin contact, and apologize if hands touch by mistake. People use newspapers (9)
…….. a barrier between themselves and other people, and if they do not have one, they stare into the
distance, (10) …………. sure they are not looking into anyone’s eyes.
1. A. from B. to C. for D. about
2. A. anyone B. nobody C. people D. someone
3. A. most B. best C. more D. first
4. A. on B. in C. up D. away
5. A. research B. studies C. survey D. questionnaires
6. A. done B. caused C. made D. allowed
7. A. that B. where C. which D. how
8. A. Most of B. The most C. Almost D. Most
9. A. like B. as C. alike D. such as
10. A. making B. make C. be D. made

V. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C or
D. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.
Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is
well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the
planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than
10-hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system insofar as the principal planets are
concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the
orbital plane is only just over 3 0 - less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both
intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its
greatest extent it may be 40,000 kilometers long an 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is
greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude.
Over the past century the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200 0. The latitude is
generally very close to -220. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body
floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and
proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well be due to its
exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several
smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.
1. According to the passage, Jupiter has the shortest day among the principal planets because
A. its rotation period is shorter than 10 hours
B. the axial inclination is only just over 30
C. it is on the average the brightest of all the planets
D. There is the interference of the Great Red Spot
2. The author’s tone in this passage is
A. argumentative B. supportive C. enthusiastic D. neutral
3. According to the passage, Mars outshine Jupiter
A. on a regular basis B. from time to time
C. every several months D. less often than any other planet
4. This passage would be of most interest to
A. students of anthropology B. geologists
C. mathematicians D. amateur astronomers
5. It can be inferred from this passage that Jupiter’s Great Red Spot
A. will become brighter with time B. will one day vanish
C. will continue expanding D. is made of floating gases
VI. Fill each numbered blank in the passage with one suitable word. Write the answers on the
answer sheet.

It happened over 300 years (1)…………… in Holland. Anton van Leeuwenhoek had a new microscope
that he (2) ……….. made . One day he looked through it at a drop (3) ………… lake water. What he
saw surprised him.
The water was alive with what Leeuwenhoek called "wee beasties." The microscope made tiny
organisms look 200 times (4) ……….. than life size. Leeuwenhoek was one of the first scientists to see
(5)…………. things that were that small. His work was a giant step (6) ………… science.
Today, microscopes are (7) ………… stronger. An electron microscope can make tiny organisms look
200,000 times life size. A few electron microscopes can see individual atoms. Pictures can be made to
show the objects (8)………organisms much bigger. The pictures add greatly to (9) ………..we know
about tiny objects and organisms. Microscopes have come a long way (10) 300 years!

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in capitals to complete the numbered spaces
in the passage below. Write your answer on the answer sheet.
1. synonym 3. hand 5. mathematics 7. own 9. stand
2. rely 4. front 6. position 8. reside 10. likely

King of the Watchmakers

For a period of its history, the city of Coventry had a considerable reputation as the main center
of clock and watch-making in Britain, and Coventry timepieces made then were (1) ............ with both
quality and (2) .......... . Few people in the city today will have heard of Samuel Watson, but he almost
(3) ............. paved the way for Coventry’s involvement in the clock and watch business. He was at the
(4) ................ of the watch-making revolution in the 1680s, and although it is not known how Watson
became involved in the trade, he was a trailblazer for others.
Watson made his name in 1682 when he sold a clock to King Charles II and was invited to be
the King’s (5) ......................... . The following he began work on an astronomical clock for the King,
complete with planets and signs of the zodiac, which took seven years to build. It not only told the time
of day but also the (6) ......................... changes of the planets. Queen Mary acquired it in 1691 and it is
still in the (7) ........... of the Royal Family.
He built several other clocks, and by 1690 the clamour for Watson’s clocks was such that he left
Conventry and took up (8) ........... in London. He became Master of the London Clockmakers’
Company in 1692, which is testament to his (9) ............. in the growing industry.
In 1712, Samuel Watson’s name disappears from the records of the London Clockmakers’
Company, and the (10) ................ is that he died in that year.

VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words,
including the word given.
1. If only I hadn’t believed his lies! (taken)
I wish …………………….. by his lies!
2. The committee said there was no possibility of discussing the matter any further. (discussion)
The committee said that further …………………………question.
3. Alison bought the big house because she wanted to open a hotel. (view)
Alison bought the big house …………………. ……………………. a hotel.
4. The writer’s terse writing style contrasted sharply with his spoken language. (contrast)
There ………………………….. the writer’s spoken language and his terse written style.
5. It is not very likely that Angela will be given the leading role. (chance)
Angela has ………………… ……………………….the leading role.
6. When I started work I was so inexperienced that I couldn’t send a fax. (clue)
I didn’t …………………………………….. send a fax when I started work.
7. It took several months for George to recover completely from his accident. (make)
Only after several months ………………………… his accident.
8. Many people believe that all cats have tails, but they’re wrong. (popular)
Contrary ………………………………… cats have tails.
9. Alan was not a confident person, and that was why he was so shy. (due)
Alan’s …………………………………. of confidence.
10. ‘I can’t believe it – I’ve just come into $10,000!’ James shouted. (luck)
James couldn’t ………………………… came into $10,000.

The end
Së GD-§T VÜNH PHóC Híng dÉn chÊm
M«n: TIÕNG ANH 12 thpt
Tæng ®iÓm :10 ®iÓm
I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
words. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet. ( 0,5®iÓm; 0,1/ 1 c©u ®óng)
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A
II. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words. Identify
your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
(1 ®iÓm; 0,2/ 1 c©u ®óng)
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C
III. Choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to complete each
sentence below. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet. ( 2 ®iÓm; 0,1/ 1 c©u ®óng)
1. B 6. B 11. B 16. D
2. D 7. B 12. B 17. B
3. C 8. A 13. C 18. D
4. D 9. D 14. D 19. A
5. A 10. B 15. A 20. B
IV. Choose the most suitable answer from the four options marked A, B, C, or D to complete
each of the numbered gaps in the passage below. Write your answers on the answer sheet.
(1 ®iÓm; 0,1/ 1 c©u ®óng)
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. A
V. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C or
D. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.
( 1 ®iÓm; 0,2 / 1 c©u ®óng)
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B
VI. Fill each numbered blank in the passage with one suitable word. Write the answers on the
answer sheet. ( 1,5 ®iÓm; 0,15/ 1 c©u ®óng)
1. ago 2. had 3. of 4. larger 5. living
6. for 7. much 8. or 9. what 10. in
VII. Use the correct form of the word given in capitals to complete the numbered spaces in the
passage below. Write your answer on the answer sheet. ( 1,5 ®iÓm; 0,15/1 c©u ®óng)
1. synonymous 3. single-handedly 5. mathematician 7. ownership 9. standing
2. reliability 4. forefront 6. positional 8. residence 10. likelihood
VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words,
including the word given. ( 1,5 ®iÓm; 0,15/ 1 c©u ®óng)
1. I wish I hadn’t been taken in by his lies!
2. The committee said that further discussion (of the matter) was out of the question.
3. Alison bought the big house with a view to opening a hotel.
4. There was a sharp/ marked/ great contrast between the writer’s spoken language and his terse
written style.
5. Angela has a (very) slim/ almost no/ little chance of being given/ of getting the leading role.
6. I didn’t have a/any clue (about) how to send a fax when I started work.
7. Only after several months did George make a complete recovery from his accident.
8. Contrary to (a/the) popular belief not all cats have tails.
9. Alan’s shyness was due to (a/his) lack of confidence.
10. James couldn’t believe his luck when he came into $10,000.

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