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Dear Katherine,

I received your email last week, but I couldn’t answer your question right away.
You asked me what Lam Thao would look life in 2050. What a difficult
question! To tell you the truth, I have had to think very carefully and have
finally come up with two predictions.
If I take a look at optimistic viewpoint, I think Lam Thao will be an interesting
place to live in . Although it is a rural area and have less conditions to develop
than urban area , the annual economic growth rate increases considerablely .
That’s why I believe that we will have modern infrastruture thanks to the
economic developments. furthermore, wastes from households and offices will
be recycled by advanced technology.And all those things lead to that higher
living standards and quality of life will be improved in Lam Thao in 2050.Thus,
people will have more time to relax and increase longevity.
Howerver, if I take a look at pessimistic viewpoints, Lam Thao won’t be a safe
place to live in. Some goood traditions and cultural practices will disappear,
which will affect our country in general and our hometown in particular.In
addtion, people's life will also continue to be threatened because of pollution
such as air pollution by burning fossil fuels, emission from cars and motorbikes,
noise pollution from constructing buildings and sounding of
transportations.Moreover, ageing population will be one of the most worried
issue here because that will lead to shortage of work force then have a strong
impact on VietNam’s developments.

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