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Keynote B etofeiatetaecm el fey] Colleen Sheils (eget » CENGAGE tEwwne |“ Learning Keynote Teacher’ Edin Colleen Shes Pablicher: Andrew Robinson Executive Eltor: Sean Berminghomn Senior Development fitor: Derek Mackrell Development Editor: Christopher Steet Director of Gobel Mareting an Martin Senior Product Marketing Manage: ‘Cain temas IP analyst: Kyle Cooper IP reject Manager: Carissa Powelet Media Researcher: ela Hishmeh Senior Director of Production: Michael Burggren Senior Content Project Manager: Tan Jn Hock Manufacturing Planner: Mary Beth Heanebucy Composite: $F Global Cover/Tent Design: Brenda Canmchael Cover Phot: A bias eye vew of the High Line, New York: © Diane Cook and Len Jenene National Geogrophic Creative Printed in Canada Print Number: 01 Print Year: 2016 (© 200 National Geographic Learing 3 partof Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No pat of his work covered by the copyright herein ‘may be reproduce or dsibuted nary ferm or by ary means except a¢ permitted by US. copyright law without he prior written permission ofthe copytign onrer, “Nationa Goographic"*Nationsl Geographic Soclet"and the Yellow Border Design are registered trademarks ofthe Natonal Geographic Society @ Marea Regitradss Fo product infcrmation an technology tne, conta! vat ‘Cengage Learing Custer & Sales Support, 18003369705, t Fo permision to use rate om hi eto oc. bral veuess reat cengage com/permisions Turer pemslon question can be mae ‘pormiccnvaquestacengoge com |S0N-15: 9784-39710822.7 ‘ational Geographic Learning 20 Channa Contr Steet Boston. MA G2210 usa Cengoge Learnings lending prove of customized leering soatons with fice ection around he globe, cing Singapore the United Kngcom, Australia, Mexico, Braz, 2rd Joan. Locate you lea fice st engage Learning products ar represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Visit National Geographic Leeming omine at Vist our corporate website at wmwesngage-com oveya) Cyn) eed Creer 1 Passions ey eee) aor Peering Ceres 7 Confidence ree cere Steer ete Seed Ce Scope and Sequence LESSON A ec Pee Music end movie My passion for Funetion 1 eh: gomres muse Taking about ies hopaot 556 Pip Joves, | BPS FRoosts i mustian Grammer 3 Simple present 1s Thngswe soe How spend my Function Takea meney cr money Talking about habits guess ‘Stale Hotecr, | SO routines stucent Grammer ‘Simple present wth fexherbs of requercy ob ties Interview witha Function A tuture job TWoresonter Asking about anc chard Lenron, | desctbing ots Journalist Grammer ie vs, wos ee PRESENTATION 1 ntrodussng someone you Know Colocators 19 Aunique ability Function deserice abitiea —Cyetan Describing aoites omactoger | andtaents Grammar How | used Function Vioarabio p< drones tomake Descnting things and tecrnaiogy an amazing how they wor (si) video Grammar ‘ Quantities 5 aay So ere ey Osi cwmiongse Wane ig doa! Funeton Crain wh Grammar ma clau Vasu Safa, skier PRESENTATION2 Presenting a favorite pe LESSON c LESSON D LESSON E Goo Road eo Bluegrass fora BLUEGRASS FROM Introduerg yoursor | Getting to know | Wte an emai to introduce new generation NEW JERSEY you yoursalt Seepy Man Banjo Boys Buy nothing new WEARING NOTHING ——Usrwolfectivebody Are youa.graen Wiring a sceial meaia post New languege shoppe? ss ington A dancer's THE JOY OF SURFING — Thanking the auclonce | Wret's myjob? | Viiting about a creer job dream INICE-COLD WATER his Burkard Progaming: A THEORCHESTRAIN. | Introducing a tepic Recommending Wing asout someone with ream career?) MY MOUTH joo ‘an urusual bitty Tom Thum Flying ke abird FLY WITH THE JETMAN —Usrg gosturcs Anow app Writing a review of a piece of ‘Wes Ray effectively tecrnciogy Living without HOW IUSESONAR TO. Involing your audience | Dosandcente | Wing about a poreon who. fear NAVIGATE THE WORLD wercame achalenge Barve Kish Scope and Sequence LESSON A LESSON B unr eed ites eae Acjecives for Like mother, Function Amovie of cesering like daughter Doserbrg people your ‘sppecrance and | annie Kin, Grammar Personality schoo! censutant | Mediving adverbs “ej Netwalpeces | Anamazing Function What de you place IMeleng cormpersons | know? Foss Doninue Grammar ‘and Marty Comparatve and Schur, supeaive acjectves cartegrenhers Colccations =» My great Function Found. forcescréing | achievement Taking about me the-workd personal scot rae pest achenture cectieveents | marathon runner Grammar ‘Simdle past PRESENTATION 9 Descibing an amazing place you visited Colecations | The Function The right forceserbing | neighborhood Oterng suggestions neignborhood fneigibernoocs | where | grew UP Grammar Craig Abrightson, shouidishouian’t Nouns ana My perfect Funetion Istrear adpctvesraates | photo Asking for and gving tophctoarepty | sfonnah Raves, | Pinions phoioqracrer Grammar Seree vetbs 11 Gees cateeater My healthy Function Heaty taking about | (and unhealthy) Talking aboutreal choices goodandbad —_—habite conaitions. habia Daves Grammar Matiasevich Feel conditions 12 ES PRESENTATION 4 Deconbing an isve 0 thalenge n your commnuney LESSONC LESSON D LESSON E Bead honed en oe Pressure tobe WHY THINKING YOU'RE | Acuing suppoxt by giv Aclass pol “perfect” UGLY ISBAD FOR YOU — siatstcs ‘Meaghan Ramsey ‘Anotherworldy UNSEEN FOOTAGE, Sowing enthusiasm piace: UNTAMED NATURE, Karen Bass Extrome survival LET'S SAVETHELAST | Pausrg offoctivoly PRISTINE CONTINENT Robert Swan Reshaping acity HOWTOREVIVEA —_| Parophrasng kay ports ae Inroduong a visual ‘Asimple solution THE SIMPLE POWER | Getting the aucience's ‘OF HANOWASHING attortion Myriam Site | tourism poster An actioverent | Plana relgndotnood improvements | ariel ryords Fact or myth? md Wrting about a teres Whiting about a place you's lke to vot Whiting about comeone wo ‘acnevea someting Wire suggestions for Improving your own \Wrting about a protograph Wing heath tos Keynote Pacing Guide Keynote can be adapted to courses of any length. The following examples show course options to cover one lovel of Keynote. Ron erent 15.90 minute clase x 30 weoks ee eet) (Oxtion 1:4 x 60-60 min clacace x 18 wooks (Option 2:2 x 80-60 min classes 1 30 weeks ‘One unite covored in two wooks, Le. the core Stunt Book Content is covered in 24 ul teaching weeks [36 NOU Femaaning time alowance (9 hours) canbe used for Presentations, exams/ieviw, andior scion! vacations. Class 1: Opener Lesson A: Vocabulay, Listening, Speaking LLeczon 8: Language Focus, Spoaking Class 2: Lesson D: TED Talks Lecoon E: Comrmuricata ‘This option assumes the eating lessons (Lesson C) ere set for sludonts to complete on thar own at Rome. The wring task of ‘Lesson E can also be sat as homework homework vill ‘One units caverod in ater cre work foption 1), oF two wooks, (eption 2), Le ota class time appresimetaly 4 hours. The Sludent Book content is covered in ether 12 or 24 ful teacting wooks (48 hour) Romahing tre allowance (12 hours) can be ued for: Presentations, examsvieview, andor scfoo! vacations. Class: Ovener Lesson A: Vocabulary Listening, Speaking Glass 2: \Lea00n B: Language Focus, Speaking Clase 3: {Lesson D. TED Talks Class a: Lesaon E: Communicato ring tase ‘Tha four casos can be taught over cne or two weeks. ‘Ths option assumes the reading lessons (Lesson C) are et for students to complete on tha own at nome. Responses tothe reading can be elisa atthe stat of Cass 8. ‘The Lesson E Writing task fs seed in class, and competed for eet etter 2.90 minute classas x 30 weeks (One units covered in four lasses taught over two Weeks. ‘The Studont Book contort ie covered in 2¢ ful teaching wooks (72 our Remaning tre alowance (18 hours) can be used fr ‘Presentations, exams/review, use of addtional materials’ ances, dor school vacations. 44 50-60 min classes x 30 weeks (One units covered in two wosks. 2 total class time approximately 8 hours. The Student Book contents covered 1 24 ka tanctyng weeks (95 hous), Remaning tre allowance (24 hours) can be used or Presentatons, exams/eview, use of action materias/ ancilaes, and/or schoo! vacations. Fst wook: Lessons A-C Class (Opener Lesson A: Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking Lasson B: Language Focus Class 2: Lesson B: Speaking Losson C: Reading ‘Second wook: Lessone D-E Class 3: Loacon D: TED Tako Clase 4: ‘Lesson E: Communicate Waiting task -Frol week: Lessone AC Glass 4: Opener Lesson A: Vocabulary, Listening (Glass 2: Lesson A: Speaking, Lesson 8: Language Focus Glass 3: Lesson 8: Speaking, Lesson ©: Reading Class 4: Lesson C: Reading (continued, including Vocabulary) Second wook: Lessons OE Clase 6: Loason D: TED Talks: Proviowing, Viewing, Glass 6: Losson D: TED Talks: Vocabulary n Contoxt, Presentation Sells, Lasson E: Communicate (xepeaation) (Class 7: Lesson F: Communicate Glass 8: Losson E: Wrting task NATIONAL, GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING _ CENGAGE “a= Learning Course Overview What is TED? TED isa ron-proft, global organization with a simple goat: 10 spread creat ideas. Every year, hundreds of presenters share doas at TED events around the world Naions of poopie watch TED Taks onine, rspiing mary fo change thei atludes ad thor hee, Why use TED Talks in English Language Teaching? TED speakers use authentic language, model best practions in presentation dalvery, and bring real and fascinating ideas to the ‘Classroom. These ideas insproloamers to form opinions that thoy Want to share. National Geogrechic Learing materia can Help thom do that in English, How does Keynote use TED Talks to teach English? Leatmers develoo English language skis, presentation literacy. and explore groat ideas through authantic TED Taks. Each unit helps ksaners bull an understanding around a TED speaker's rman idea. How is using Keynote different than using a TED Talk found online? [Nation Geographic Learning ls the only pubisher abe to curate TED Takes for Engish language learners. The TED Talks selected for NGL matarais ae fascnatng, language-evel appropriate, and supported by 2 one-of-a-kind curicuin. In Keynote, TED Talks ae broken into manageable segrnenis thal are used as springboard for language learning. Eat uit develops eprops ana ‘eernng gals supported by acarluy Sopmented TED Tak The unit ener uss Competing excerpt o reduce to mania, ‘ngage leemar, anc encourage decuscr. TEDTALKS KEYNOTE ANNOTATED UNIT stoning sectors foataro sudo and "eal people for dots carnal ‘0 Nevin Geogractic exorers Vocabulary soctons toch hey wards ac % : ‘ea prantec! EI Nico neighborhoods Inte Language Focus cosion an engoding nostic proves elite, nt cr ey (garimar ports Stucers then Sten totegammar presented M corto = —— = een | Seen ——— a mceet Seescltal pee language etracton = we mo Language Notes sector at Pe NATIONAL, GEOGRAPHIC. LEARNING Reading passages preparotoamare to a2coes tre toe and vocabulary toy vil neounte ter dveloorg use rooting eke ane ‘rates, Lesson Dses an aunertisTED Talk ‘ener saan bo srt pars to tnableleamere to Deter understane and respond 0 a TED Speakers cas wortn preacirg Actvitisrlatec fo each pat of tw TED Takreniors vocabulary, assess corrohencion and eveloplatering and vig Sls CENGAGE “= Learning: How to revive a neighborhood CCltieat Thinking sctvtoe ovaop slike apahine, bataing, and interpre infornason to hae learner achieve a esos underetanding ‘the ran cea. Vocabulary in Context s2cions ide bares to resi 015 fromthe TED Tak to leertty re meanrg fat spokon expreenere ane Using TED Spoahars as moda, Presentation Skil scion guce| rete bos prectiooe spoaker ue to Saver tht oss TEDTALKS KEYNOTE ANNOTATED UNIT communicative task guvosleeross to colacrat ini ard groups dus and tink eat tape ofthe unt bout the rainigea Ma conled wing task For texboinstuctenopsone, the tak is Are sunset inthe pre workb00k Located after every three uits, Presentation units resien the presentation skis presertod inthe previous unts and ‘quice leerars to ppl those skils as hey Create and dever their nn gresentatons A.modet Presentation vos Sues aro! onscloate engage ad presertaton sis fom preozang unis. Using prompts and thar on short protortins Winen cern ther ‘vm preserratrs, leamorsreegrate the rotation gel reverted the fee on tha oer prosentins xiv CENGAGE Learning: NATIONAL, GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING Keynote Techonology Components sssroom Presentation Tool 10m Presentation Tool fr each level brings cm to Ife trougry My Keynote Online ‘My Keynote Online provisos: “= y, mA Stucert Book pages te vidoe that support tho etn UNIT GOALS ‘WARM UP. AEM sc prof tory Man ao Boy TED Tho unit focuses on lkos and interests and the topic of music and movies. Studonts wal talk, read, and watch people who are doing what they love ‘and practice talking about their own passions and interests. By the end of the unt, stunts wal be able to use the simple present tense fo tak about ther favorito movios, music gonres, and other incerests ‘TED Speaker Sleapy Man Banjo Boys are three young brothers who have gained popular for thor bluegrass music TED Talk Summary Sleepy Man Banjo Boys delight the audionce by exhibiting great skil and a passion fora traditional frm of American Idea Worth Spreading Making music and folowing your passion bring exual joy to musicians and their listeners, WARM UP. Have stusents bok over the picture, ‘epton, and auote. Read the quole aloud. lot or review the moaning of akacover. ‘See Language Note below. Language Note To dscover something means to find it forthe frst trno. tt leo moans that you become aware of it or just vealzed you ikeit. CARE Pay the video. For quostion 1, tll thom to gne reasons: ‘or ther opinions. For suppor, ita on the board ke it think i's ‘exciting / cool / upbeat / eto, [don’t tke ft. 1 think t's too fast /loud fe. For quostion 2, tof studonts to share tho bbanc’s name ard why they Bke ther. Write on the board! My favorite musician is ike the band. Content Noto Bagrass is an American muse garro that is considered a tracitional form of ‘country music. It was popuierized in the 119308 by Bil Monroe and tho Blue Grase Boys, which where the genre takes its © EXTENSION ACTIVITY Ask students to show each other short dips onine Of ther tfavorte bands. Have them ‘werk in pars and share if they ike their partner's favorito mucican or not units 13 Do you like country music? ferns ‘Aims: Loarn nouns for rusic and movie genres; Isten to a musician talking about his love of music; practice taking about ‘music and meni. Target Vocabulary: action, cissica ‘country, horror, jazz, rock, romantic ‘comedy, sconce fcton VOCABULARY ‘A. Point out ine two categories: Types of Music and Types of Movies. Have: studonte work indvidually to filin the rant. BB. Havo etudonts work in pais. Elicit answers. Wile all the music and movie genres on the board. Possbilties elude: ‘Types of musie: 0p, Nno-nop, secironica, heavy metal, blues, rap, fok ‘Types of movies: thier. animation, rama, westem, fantasy © Have stucents work in pars. Model the Cornersation with 2 volunteer. Point out that whan taking about movies, we usualy use the plural ike thnilers) except in he case of aimetion {and science ficton. Expsan that for music gerves, the noun Stays sing dar tke poe / hip-hop / country, © CHALLENGE Tol students to gve a reason to Suppor ther answers, For ‘example, | ihe westerns because | lke cowboys. © EXTENSION ACTIVITY Have students mene around the room ‘askng each ater qostons about move and muse etoroot uth thoy fx someone wih srr interests, \Winon students fr partner with the ‘sano rvorests, tal tern 6 nave a sno Cetes conversation 416 Units VOCABULARY Lice [A Congleton chart blow vng te orden th box ‘etion ——laseel coum torr juz took Fomanie comedy ance even cfeso our jerk | lor wana parte. Addo moe Woe DAE COL. 1 Wierk witha pane What ype etmsicand mowed yuh? Aor i LISTENING ead Previewing a Task oud as students read along, Explain that students ‘should always quicky read over questions before listening to know what information tollisten for, B Give students time to preview the task. [XE Pty the audio/video. Then Play tagan to check answers to ‘and Basa dass SaRSTRS Folk music is term sad to deserbe fadtional or rusic ruse wich varies ‘depending on the country and culture, A. Tell students tnat mey are going to listen to a musician tak about Nis ‘passion for music. Give students tre 10 preview the task [EEA Pay te aucsoivceo, ‘The mancoin s a guita-tke instrument that is corrman in fokk music, EE EE} What’s your favorite? LANGUAGE FOCUS Discussing favories What’s your 1D tena aging een ao? favorite? MUSIC POPULARITY "ese: teseorap eninge tee gue FROM YOUNG TO OLD. Sopeapn'r'2 ope onsets 2 SS moo may mss xu Mex Bee Sen ‘Aims: Understand an infooraphic about ‘musical ntorests; uso simplo prosont tense; ask and answer questions about Ices and intorosts, Infographic Summary: Students can ss et pees Yorn ae County Ft asia Who! Rap ro ‘each music genre for seven cferent age groupe. © DANE Two pcre wetehes sta he nomaten shoe Watch ache ac wa LANGUAGE Focus 1 Tea greeter ee eer BB eid ms Sw Bowe 9p me 2 Tremor fe does) crue. He adnate pop me, A DARE} Pty tre audionvceo as. students read along. Give then tie 10 SLE ee cetety eo eee en ae ook var tha infographic, ee ra er ‘Ask students to race thoir hands if ots your torte nee? iy tte so Panter: {he informaiton in the infographic is. to you inert acts? ay tore ats Mat Cen nat Sr, ‘eccurate for ther individual age groups >the Kea? Yes 1, Nod cone re ‘and porsonal tactos. Some RAB es te does / Nr ces, Re Me 1B Have students preview the task. Vet kid mst > ye? 1 tether Noreten at AEE Pry the auctonideo. Have sta students check answers n pars. rated fmm contyou spy TKD vn ‘Ask student to share what their 7 po. ‘grandparents or older riatives’ favorito |ypes of music are. mn re et rn Son © Have students raad ovor tho ” Language Chart Toll them to pay attention to both anewer options for each question Ayre acres sora (Geir NS NNT Ihave sets rere SSE pees lange ni ation See ee Raw te crono bono What of on ont off ek soutca 00 ou ike anc} Yat con't you tke. _andieverests. Remind stents that wht Note tht students are often confused isused for tings. and wo usd er abouthow to respond othe lator. __peopie. However, what can used with he See Grammar Note. Diect stents noun Band. (What's your fvonte banc) to pave 155 fractional orammar ee 2c Moke sure students understand thet What kind of music con't you Ika? © asking for a negative opinion. The word ‘hato ¢ usod when the negative feclng is strong, Additonal negatwe responses that are not as sttong are I'm not into 1 don't really tke .; don't lov. 16 Unit LISTENING Ny poccion for music ‘SPEAKING Setreyou en ek rey re Fe ot Pw [A Ask students to rad along as they Saas “wean eager? neviconyooee watch, Tell them to ignore the word 2 XR Po ones earn Wechartcheck tne FD omsaitr Com SF ecoutogaur Eh mantis ule Stic gut 18 REE Motch agin. Compete ho antooe. 1 we tte ous, laste 2 vmameroe ofenien ka (© cRMCAL TANG Perea Do you ie tra that Pip Jone’ ‘ar pny? Dieu wih a pater SPEAKING Taking about lavontes ‘choces on the nght for the moment as they wl use that in B. [REE Py tre video Have stents chook answers np. BModel the conversation aloud with ‘a student. Thon havo students work. in pars: Make sue they atemate betwoen A and B roles. Have them practice agein using the Words on the right. © SUPPORT Pty tne vdeo agan, pausing so students can repeat (© Hae students work indict 10 2 DIRE orem prop nen sane uno msc? No Ny. ‘write their answers before diding & Raskin sthe cpm? them into groupe of threo or four. Point ‘out that the singer and song nthe 2s Bh lovin tos mu only a answers should be reiated, as wol as 1 Yar? Lat now an ey wa the actor and movie 1 On trie musa, reve (wonders isola ave oen Beis 1B: Yost der ha Soba muse oh htm yy ch bopper ts 1k: nh? So wnat tre do yu he? oot ype 1: Aayheg ely My ovaro erg Brno Ma ‘Wie them on the board. Suggestions include: |B race he cerveston wh pr Fracten aging a werd on he ht alts ol iro © Wie one oie for ech calapey Wain agroup, Share yourWeas, vers ry song? | don't know her. What's your ison = ‘favorie song? a 4mm ve heard of her. What's your My foerte singers Teer Si favonte song? Fast? Wars yur tomas © CRITICAL THINKING Irrecessary, play tho final 20 coconds of audio ‘aga so students can hear the cp of Philo Jones's band, © SUPPORT Remind students rat they can use the conversation in A, a8 wal as he anguage from te son, to suppat ther discussions © SUPPORT Write some seh phrases on the board to support the discussion: ove rock. My favonte band is Thirty ‘Seconds to Mars. 1.a0n't ike fok, but | ike jaz. My favonte singer is Bille Hokey. ike K-pop. My favonte band is Gis’ Generation Unit 15 FF LSIEY corte ointormaten Chote comet wend. ists and cack your never Tyer Spare: hos negon intr ee et ee Tres dojo mores oe pce ees) tooo dpecne, ogee dhe et SPEAKING | he ng-hop alt {ket two ngs outer ting you dk foreach agony sors wi ry 1 Len you parerstes tings. Guess wich one your arn doe ik yt pop an Wp hep You der Hao Give students tine fo wok individually to think about ther anowors. Thon hhave students work in pars. Remind then touse the language chart to ‘support thor discuscion Have sicers wc) © Comte te ecb eto cosa crovoeinpar ck err agan 6 ca. it ata aves each cision Ue ies anpeatiny OOF oy seis tn to nok one end - ‘complete the activity. ewer answer the question What kind of ‘music don't you ke? with Yes | do. (AEA Pay the aucionideo ana check answers as a cass, ‘Ask students if anyone has heard of tho dhageridoo or sean a performance ‘nd to share ther impressions with the class. For more about the cidgericoo, ‘88¢ Content Note beiow The didgeridoo 6 an ancient inetrument sad by the Aborighal peope of Austral, Over the lst fav decades, the instrument ras geined worldwide pooulanty with fok musicians, such 2s ‘yer Spencer. The wind instrument makes @ doep, roling sound. It s made from wood ar has along, cylndiical shape as seen in the pete. SPEAKING Have students work in pare. Mako sure they are werking with a diferent partner than in the Speaking ectiity for Lesson A. ‘A. Ack students to look over the chart Point out that they should wrte answers for three different types of ‘music ano three aferent ypes of ‘mais, iniuding one type thet they don't io, B Mode the conversation with a student ‘Explain that for each category, Students shouts read the three items, ‘rom the table na rendom order. Their ppariners must quess which one of the ‘twee they don't tke (© EXTENSION ACTIVITY Have students take @ survey of what kind of music thei lassrrates spond money ‘on. Then have students workin pars to make an infograchic (sriar to te one: (on page 16) about the types of music the cass prefers. Have each par share theirinfographie with the cass, unit 1 47 Bluegrass for a new generation SSS ‘Aims: Read and comprehend an article about Steepy Man Barjo Boys" love for bluegrass; understand sequence anc detals. ] twee oe Target Vocabulary: amaz=d, banc, ne ae create, madem, tracitional [A kimthe vende, How he boys bac Reading Summary: Three teenage somone brothers from New Jersey make up tha Dluegrass band Sleepy Man Banjo Boys. Alter wetching a video of Ear Scrugas playing the uanjo, the boys started laying American folk bLegrass music, but with a modem epin. After nity {ganing populanty for tne novsty of baing ‘young band piying a tradtional form of folk music, the brothers are now taking thelr music to tne next level by heping bluegrass evalve nto @ modern form while introducing it to 2 whole naw audionco. om ‘dy i ok eu, But Sey Men ence stanang toa tg 7 most mine to ot ar Serigge a PRE-READING A. Have stucents work indvicualy, Gve them less than 30 seconds to frid tha ‘arewor. Check the anener as a cass. ‘Ask students to raise their ends if they Know what a ban is. Have them share whet they know with the class. Point out the glossary at the bottom of the reading with the definition of gonoraton. Tal studonts to rofr to the ‘glossary as they rad oF to ook atthe ‘words and defintions before they read, AIG Pay the ausio/video as ‘lucent reed along, Explan any key terms that students might not be familar with, See Language Note. 48 Unies 1c Bluegrass for a — ae ec) Ce) ig Shee sengesnd anges Use rt rg 00, ‘A teenager ine 1) is 2 youth age 13 10 19. Note that W/e were ihe (ine 12) means We said. When Tommy says that they ‘are not singing about the old county road and the bam, he means that they sing about modem topics. He is temchasieng that athough bluegrass i= 2 traditional form of muse, they ere not Singhg about tadional thames UNDERSTANDING MAIN IDEAS nent aolewing es the gestage mentor? GF semetnesoyeare om [nr votacar tnous UNDERSTANDING DETAILS. Chole Tortus free 23 Ne Jere anes fracas mus Spy Man Barf Bays make er oon ages UNDERSTANDING SEQUENCE ember th srs (8) the sr hy appere Mery poop atch Po vido. 4 “ BUILDING VOCABULARY 1 ancuampb ct abondi ‘Gouge 23 hroarghe stator ype anny bm vee ome 8 you meeraze youarevey ‘Oure Doe ran sa 5 1 reo tone ong 1 mennecrmngs ne bys srg about Penola What kind tember runic cme ron you court? What the UNDERSTANDING MAIN IDEAS Point out thet there may be more then one man da. Have studonts work incl. Then check answers 2s a class, elciting te lines where students found the informaton, UNDERSTANDING DETAILS Fave them work indvdualy to complete the actualy. ‘Ack students to check their answers in pars. If poriners have diferent answers, tall tnem to go back fo the reading together to find the correct answers. © CHALLENGE Tell siudenis rot to look back atthe reading to find the answers UNDERSTANDING SEQUENCE Explain that « sequence communicates, ‘an order of events, Pomnt out that Uunderstancing sequence helps students Urderetand the fow of a story from ‘beginning to enc. Have stucints work indivadualy fo ‘complete the activity. Check answers as aclss, © SUPPORT Orewa tneine onthe board and expan thal I's often useo to show sequences character! Wes. O EXTENSION ACTIVITY Ack suden's to magne wnat happens nat for the brothers Have students worn oars to neta to tm ne to: no Sleepy Mer Baro Boye punt the ae of 0 Have each par present the cas BUILDING VOCABULARY A. Have students work ndlvdualy to ‘choose the correct word to complete each sentence. Check answers 2s a class. Elst new example sentences Using each word. Write them on the board, (© CHALLENGE Elicit how each ‘sentence could be changed 10 become correct For exampe ‘An @xampe of a musician /portormer/ ‘ok arts is Eal Scruggs. B CRITICAL THINKING Reasithe ‘Questions alo as students read ‘along. If necessary, let students brefy (90 some ontne research to learn more ‘bout tracitonal instruments from ther countres, Have etusents discus in groups of twee. possible, have students show Cictures of the instruments. Write ‘some usetul phrases on the board This is called a (nstrument name) t's from (country name. It sounds ko © EXTENSION ACTIVITY Have groups ‘make a poster about a fokinetrument. Ack students to includ pictres and information, as well as the type of music t's typically used to play. unity 19 EDy EE) Bluegrass from New Jersey Bluegrass from TTS New Jersey srr un BAO BOVE ac fen YS US wat How oy ‘too cargy cal "he Dubos capa ct re word Tas es ‘res were estat sa Marsa area ruse and Z en share word rein wor eeong tht cing Ac Wooo ESS ase tring og joy the mcs an toner performance and short talk: ctserve Paani speakers introducing themselves. ead ne ragragh ove Vath ech Bold erdto te Tenn. You lea ese ‘Target Vocabulary: capital, oy, stat loa Sia brothers Tommy, Jonny, and Robbie vane See er NSC ame Se 2 SSS ‘that they're playing a form of folk music - ~ a eased sa Nocatee poi pre nce ‘Coming from New Jersey. these boys did aie eae eae © ren sey et stereo te are, ochre Read the paragraph aloud as students ‘ead along. Remind them that they saw a dite irerence Why deeathe ance nigh ter Try sae, "Wee roe fn ‘the preview video of the Sleepy Man Barjo ‘Now Jereey—you know, the bluegrass capita of te works"? ‘Boys in the Warm Up. Cneck answors as ‘nies a acess, Note thal students ee asked <7. tak about the quote “the bluegrass capital Of the wore in Critical Thinking, s> don't draw ther attention tot until later, = VIEWING A CARER Py Part 4 of the TED Talk. Have studont reso the ramos ana instruments. Then play the check-your- ‘answers part ofthe video. ‘Modal tne example. Pont out hatin GRITIGAL THINKING ead the introductions, we usuelly gve a name ‘question aloud. Check answers as a frst, then essential information (such cas, ‘aS age), nen someting interesting. ye aoe Students should understand that the lot whch brthermekes he bonds © SUPPORT vino sample pace Led 2° a oko, Expen that Introduction. (Robbie) Pont out that eer Lea New Jersay is not the bluegrass capital \When introducing hs brothers, Robie ‘This is Tommy. He is 10 years old, Atel. wrens why ie fury tht New frotcaye het inatumentcoch clays. He,Plays tho bang, wey senabosin er Se Fos exarrole, "On Gero 10-year-old nguage Note Sons © Have students preview the task. BB Ask students to inrccuce the bothers EAMES Py the TED Tak again. Tren ‘to a partner. Read aloud the model play the check-your-answers part of ieroaucton tho vidoo, 20 Unit 1 See A omT EN B Ask students to check the language he AER Wstcn ne ces tom he TED Tak, Chas the caret mening ett mor. uses. : ERED Pay the video. Bict PRESENTATION SKILLS iniosucig yoursel the language that Robbie uses to er yrs smetivs goad tolntedse yer You can ge introduce himesolt only, Write it on the Youre ard sme stor nomton aba yar rcretn Peto a board. And fm Robbe, and m 14, Ean radice yar rome ot ary ‘and I play the fle) oterrsty roma a ence reer © Dive stusents into small groups . to practice giving both informal and 1 DIERET stn Pett riotace a band. Carpe ha enn See oo Reming them to give essential 18 DARE watcnagan. Aner re esis nane, wnat oer momaton does he nue information fis, then extra information nage arte enantio eye in the same ety as Robbie. Wak worn age ren yon mee youre tren aaiederd ‘hesiceskie aaa necessary. Iftime permits, ve students some ‘uations and have them tel wnethor a formal or inforral introduction is bettor. Soo Content Note bolow. Content Note Robbie introduces al three band. mombors. Explain that in a group presentation, this might also be the case ‘a5 one person does most ofthe talkin. ‘Some examples of formal and informa introductions include: Formal: ob interview, meeting new ‘work coleagues, making a presentation, etc, Informat: meeting a fiend forthe frst time, mecting somoone while shopping, ft © EXTENSION ACTIVITY Have each ‘group member practice introducing their group to the class. VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT marae Acapreinntyocyatwe ——__ CAERTRPay tite Arc is referred to as the (noun) capital ofthe a 2 ‘lass. Continue playing the video to check re mn ms eae PRESENTATION SKILLS ‘A. Road the formation aloud as students read along, [AEBE Pray the video anc check rowers 29 a class, Unit! 24 Class favorites ‘Aims: Toke and give @ survey: practice showing intorest; write an ori COMMUNICATE ‘A. Road thelist in tho chart aloud. Point ‘out that there are at ypes of hterests ‘Give students timo to add one ‘category. Suggestions include books, pop singess, animation, aecironica, ‘comic books, otc. (© CHALLENGE Have students add ‘two oF tree original topes. B Toll otudonts to find a ciforont person for each topic on the chat. Tel them to.ask at least one follow-up question, ‘but encourage them to ask more to leam more about their classrates © SUPPORT vitite he model ‘conversatton on the board for students, 10 practice wat a pata. ‘A: Do you tke muse? B. Yes. ‘A; Who is your favorite female singer? B: love Beyoncs, © Divide ine class nto sat grours. Read the phrases for Showing Interest aloud and rave studonts repeat. Ask 2ach group member to react to whet they heer. Elicit some ‘addtional reactions. Suggostions inckde: No way! That's amar. Hew (2001 Me too! Wow, I had no idea. Have each arcup share ove thing that they agroed was supprsng, WRITING Tel students that they aro gong to writo an emai io a classmate to introcuee thomeclvos, A. Head each of the topics abou, Explan thai they should vie personal information for each topic. 22 Unit Ei Class favorites COMMUNICATE Getting to know you Asset any 1 Lookat he cart alow. Add ane more sstagoy oth at. song nag forogn meveo rd then a lp atone ut ho haat © Workin aroup. Stee terest or sua nett ou etd ‘Showing ntarest eet WRITING An email. Pris wivany 1 Complete he infomation ca ers Nee Wher Won! Gost Tras ret! 2 Winton erate csamat. roduce yrs Ici ifomatn boi our pion lyre Tro Tee, Crt. 8 ar et ee a yar taste th Ut of Meas, My passe eine. Mya Preis Somna War a0 yes ey waco at my Kalbe Read the email aloud es studonts read along, Tel students that they should Use tonics ftom A in their emai, Point ut that thoi email can be organized ‘ferenty trom the one n the teabook. ‘See Language Note for organizaicn, V possible, have students actualy ‘90nd emails to each other, Encourage ‘students to tite replies [Note that the emai is « sot introduction ‘organized by gving bas informaton: name, age, and location. The writer then stars takang about porconal intorosts. “The weiter should discuss what is interesting or unique about him or her Encourage studonts to add information and details about thei interosts. UNIT GOALS i o + tak soot menoy and opendeg “The unit focuses on money and ‘spending and the challenge of becoming ‘more envrcrmentalyfrienay in your shopping choices. Students wil learn about sponding habits and discuss ways to ba more environmentally tency, “They wil use the present simple tense and advorbs of requency to discuss their habits and routines. Students wil ‘evaluate their own habits and encourage ‘each other to make posttve changes 10 become "green" shoppers, ‘war UP a ed eT anne ‘TED Speaker Jessi Arinaton is a designer and tho ‘cofounder of WORKSHOP in New York She is known for blogging about her Unique sense of colorful fashion. TED Talk Summary Jessi Arrington shares how seccndhand shopping lets her pay almost nothing for er wardrobe and stay true to her creative sense of personal ste. Idea Worth Spreading ‘Secondhand shopping reduces fenvrormental mpad., saves money, and sill allows for creaivty and aat- expression. Spending Habits WARM UP Have students look over the picture, ‘caption, and quote on the page [EBT Poy the provew oip of ‘he TED Tak Road the quote aloud. Ecit or eew the ‘meanirg of unknown words. For question 1, note that students won't tnd outht-obsessed in the dictionary. Explain the word by breaking it down, Language Note ‘A public confession is made to ‘announce a wrongdoing toa large auxence. Arington’s public confession ip inotoad ight and humorous: he ‘ells everyone that she is crazy about shopoing ‘To be outtr-cbsessed means that she ks ‘alnays thinking about clothes and tooking ‘or naw elothos. For question 2, ask students to give reasons for their quesses. Moke sure they Undorstand that Amngton does not buy anything new. Possibities incude: chaity ‘shops, hand-me-downs, garage soles, vintage boutiques, etc. Ete ideas trom pas. To chock anewors, lt a class discussion. If time permits, ask students to.comment on whether they are outft- ‘ebsessed or not © EXTENSION ACTIVITY Have students plan thai outits for the nex! three days. Point out that i's ‘okay to rouse tome of clothing, but ‘ey should not repeat outfits. Have students share their plans with a partner unit2 23 What do you like to buy? (Sera ‘Aims: Learn nouns for things we spend ‘money on; keton to people tak about whet they buy; practice takirg about shopeing Target Vocabulary: bus poss, camera, coffee, concen, harcut, shit VOCABULARY A. Reming students that a word web hhelos show the relationship belwex) ‘words and ideas. Explain that itis a sel way 10 organize vocabulary. Make sure stucents understand that the main topic isn the middie and that leach branch is a subtopic related to it Elait a sample sentence for each word, Make oure students understanc that 2 bus pass refers to 2 commuter card thatis used instead ofa single ticket. (© CHALLENGE Bict additional worcs for each category in the word web. B. Read the instruction ine aloud. Elicit or ‘explan tho meaning of sacandhand. ‘Ask students to raise their hands if they've ever bought or received ‘nytning secondrand, Have studonts work n pais. Tel them {o tak about each item inthe mind map ‘and decide whether one can buy it secondhand (Check answers asa class. Note that ‘generally nonpershable items can be ‘bought socondhand. 24 unit? VOCABULARY Spending meney Comoe ward wt teow us the wos a he or. ete sous Fig. redyoucn ay carsas scanchnd, to. ‘LanguageNote = LISTENING Secondhand shaping relers o buying A Read Listening for negation alcud Used items. The adjective secondhand as studonts road along. Exp that describes something used by someqne when comparing interests, speakers se: | got some secondhand shits from often simply use don't to offer a my sister. Synonyms include hand-me- ragation. For example, My sistr tikes own, cast-off used. ‘oe cream, but don't Note that spending habits might bo a Have students preview the task. helptl term to introduce to studen Explain that they wil hear some: the beginning of the lesson, negations, 100, The verb phrase eat out refers to going (AEB Pay ine auctorvc0o Point out that students cant chock out toa restaurant. ‘moto than ono tring, LISTENING How | spend my money LUstenng to negation ‘her ere 8 erro eal wey ean ‘Speier et Ue cera Sat 1 [BEET iets Hotera aracnt Water andenoc he hing hat Sreapendsaital mney ov Der comers heating Deets Omae captors 1 DIEY nach aga, wa oes Soa ayer vers spend a ett nner ‘GH? Why tae driera? scans wth apart copes Selo = ‘Greet tecaie she does case une much~abe fers (0h fo pope ace tace (© cAMCAL TANKING ona How on ttt ro [SPEAKING Talking about shops 1 DEBT wns do ho tno pce decide og shoring?» saconchané cies sort ty Nall ‘A Do you nant gohenping se clas? B On Dojeu sergote Cty 1B Thow'sa gest sncorchans © tothe names ot ee pices wherayousop. Soave ay Wk tha pater, Ashen ote tou wre you shop B AEB) Piay the aucio’video again. eeeeae eae Gab eaee ecaaceatle wecatomnessehacn SD KES oor coca) how Stella is ciflerent ftom her fiends: ‘Some of my inends spend quitea lot ©) EXTENSION ACTIVITY Divide the clase into two tearne: Like Stella And Not Like Stela. Ask students to © CRITICAL THINKING Ask students choose one team. Then ask each ‘student to ive one reason why he or Con thor cell phones—tut / don't to tak about ther similares to and liferences from Stell. Tet them to practice using negation. Write [phrases on the board to support the discuss: she is os lke Stoke Stola and I both lke burg ‘SPEAKING ‘A. Ask students to road atong as thoy wwateh, [AEE Pay ne video Have students check answers a 0 aso. BB. Model the conversation loud with a student. Have students workin cars 10 practice te conversation. Make ‘sure they altemete bebveen A and 8 ‘and practice again usng the words on the ight © Havo students work indlvdualy 10 write the names of pisces they the to'shop. Elcita ket of adverbs of frequency (covered in the Language Focus chart on pags 26). Write thom on the board in order from most to least always, offen, usualy, ‘sometimes, accasenaly, hardly ever, raraly. Mocs tne conversation inthe textbook with a volunteer. Give students three minutes to oiso.e. © SUPPORT Eict or introduce opening ‘questions for the comersaton. We them on the board: Where do you usually shoo? Where ao you like 10 go shopping? What's your favorite place to shop? Do you ever go to... ? unit2 25 Ea EZ} Do you ever shop online? LANGUAGE FOCUS Discussing spending habits Do you ever 1 EEL a eron it ocr nth Ss pot eyo shop online? ‘Aims: Understand an infographic about spending habits; talk about habits anc routines; use Do you ever... 2 Infographic Summary: A suney of ‘American students shows that most of ther money is spent on clothes. LANGUAGE FOCUS B CREB Pay tho auctoniceo as 18 (IBEI Twn pon re ting about spanding habs. Visteh anders for o or faba students read along. Then Gio 1 Tnto/t pening hte ae snare fentewn nti.) er esotouee ce to eck over the, 2 Thages spainghatie eosin tines shownnhactat. —F ) imfographic. ae Ask tham whether the information is (© CXR Watch anc study the langvage in the chart surorsing. Have them share what they SaaS TSEC ‘spend the majonty of their money on. = © CHALLENGE Ack scents to prosct comin: |i —_ the top categories U.S. students spend ‘money on. Tren nave ther open thir : ‘books to check. ‘Doyo ove by a Na PES ICY ay tree er eerteceeme eee Gcindyoupdokap Seno: [oa uennat PHN eo ecco tne ice Suderts check answers pars. eenltanah cbatel torres iv ewrten eOmae toy Blt the language that each speaker Uses to react to nat the other is saying: Realy? Yeeh. Heim, Won! Note that the conversation also provides examples of frequency expressons: every weekend, naraly 208, every week Gran Note that the language in the chart is for discussing habits and routines. The answers forthe frst question in the language chart, Do you ever shop Note that forregatve sentences, the folowing sentence structure is also Possible: subject + nagation + advert of frequency + verb + complement. For ‘example, | don't usualy shop cnine, © Have stucents read over the language chart, Ask them to pay attention to ‘cach anewer opton for the questions. [REM Ray ne auciosideo ard ontno? alconian rw xno corionce Have sudonts work nau Pave Suen recdaoud Ciect hem Sine: Subject + chef Reruoncy heneege pats peat fopege 165 rmorerfernaton, + verb + coreloment eee (© CHALLENGE Eicit or exolzin how to Point cut that the sacond question tak about past abits: used 10 stco cota an example of enecatve reply, © Make sure stents understand that the fret wo quostions require yee rie, sed 0 buy CDs every week fins cas, Io woranco erat Stee RRewane bultheadterocttoqurcy = OCS noe, fla esac wo reali! eae ‘questione are seking about requencv. Encourage students to Qve information about frequency for the fist two 26 unt2 1 Unecrantia te word to make custo Do you ever buy... ? 1 e/you! by do maguenes ?Dayau uty magne? Be ol oe ae ow / and ou/d0 chan ry on cts ees ‘A. Divide etuctonts into pars. Tel them tomeke guesses about ther partner's F [SERA comple nornaton roo the caret wer Lien and ech your avers soca fabvt chee Inara Jay Arenstopeigernewccthes vo wet Ui ‘nutes to think about and write their ER cay about ee : pate ans pres ut 46 UR ON B. Point our thatthe focus of this exercise long company hal eyo is frequency, orbeing able to express how many times your parinor buys toad een toto or terdy ort somatnng, Tel students o be specie srg Thyra oes in ther ansners. For example, remind studonts to use the structure I+ buy + “ object + frequency. ut EOOAL belo thet ye bipartite dates ey ko GSR’ ckraced. Mini ae en reway oot ce anna ey can hb te enue endl gai he sare Ve RTT Bok Goi SPEAKING Take 2 cu0s5 sosyers ry merece: ‘A Werk wth a periner. How often do you think he or she buye these thega? Whit tine ‘How often do you buy shoes? aes eve doy fee ae neve te My gins clam | buy shoes about once a month /twiva a yoar / every week / every eT pre oo couple of menths. 1 reriow you partner andverts he aaere, Hew any gees me carect? Lets so. ou sows orcoe mann answers as wall Forexarple. Yes, !do (CHALLENGE As students how Sree clone aoa CONES aaa Rae SO arr ara Tasudensircerbaiiotme Se cunt 5 ECOALF is reusing old items to create FF Hove studonts road tho information ee tenn and circle ther ansners before paying @) EXTENSION ACTIVITY Gne. nee nme: see Te sees eee TEBE Perteotctcnorcrene Teveepmagars a tee Dees Sate ee and usually ere synonyms, only the you ever... ? questions. Suggestons word ofan is used to form a question inolue the folowne: wit How unit2 27 Buy nothing new Se ‘Aims: Read and comprehen an atice about secordhand shocoina: Understand main iceas and exameloa Target Vocabulary: donate, lervironment, products, swepping, walt esaciiny Summa ie U9) Nov New PRE-READING Proviowing. Answers vey is appears Eases bs ‘ease st paragaen ote passa Op you hnk a calergn it sey occa) \wastet in nor shopping hacits for 30 ‘days. Paople are challenged to only buy pew inns Het necessary en os om ics yeas na for ones marth sthout buy “prices, and your maney oftan goss 10.2 geod cause. everything aise at secondhand stores or G egital 807? Buy Netting New | aa deco rah Fes, why a donate sorsting by trading with others. The event also ‘slanedin Austialia in 2010. cherie: YOUNO longer Use So somecne es2 Can Duy £7 er See PRE-READING Sefiesbrdieeuer Unie CG turer te to oad he poresyach Sees RRS ARE MOLS . —_ aacaes araetiairiee A flea market refers to a large market, blaces Ike thrft ston and Yea markats You can -cenbe é fend 10 the ewbormnere dew aso 10 oom vrgere | saoet srerarenet 9) w A thnit shop sells cheap secondhand ph _ =e" - ” items. It oftan donates its profts to = = reusing tems. “ContentNote UNDERSTANDING MAIN. IDEAS: eemare ra ee eet ee ae ores ws BB Have students work incivicualy. Check arewers a5 a class, elicing reasons why each item could be bought or ot Make sure studants unatrstand that they can only buy essentias or 28 Unit2 UNDERSTANDING MAIN IDEAS 1A andthe pazage. Check | sf Buy Nesting Now Morn [tors pop ie a what hy by ca ts re enone tora pons bse cesar what es he x oc oop to draw a picture to show what kind. ‘of transformaton is possible for the ter. Have students post ther pictures around the class. [toad poop thik mre cry tne rowing gs aay 1 Accorteg tothe passage. ncn hes ors se OK a buy cra Buy Retna aand ovation set abate oteranpse (area er your nd ery UNDERSTANDING EXAMPLES 1 Pinder example th owing in te ari, 1 ree tyes fro can tyr ay Nata Mow Meth 2 places hrs yuean by conden recs 2 awonaro wire you can swap ters 4 tro eure ct upg 1 ih oft faloning ecenbee an oxampb cf upocing? 1 coat york! dot fo asennad shop b fer ban tae rt Re trong ny Greg awn set wing 0 0s BUILDING VOCABULARY |A Gong each serene wih a werd rom fe box conte ernment products 4 Mary pcre cone 2 voc phy hoatreare otc 2 Sem piel ears ere heya 4 ong ting uy ver Py as gen Clana totraien eters As conpat re Yom yout est ert BUILDING VOCABULARY A. Have students work indivdualy to ‘complete the sentences. Check answers a5 a lass. Ect new example ‘sentonces using cach word. To swap something means to give ‘somthing to get someting of star va. B CRITICAL THINKING Roac tho {question aloud as students read along Encourage them to use the vocabulary from the lesson when sharing their ‘opinions. Note that Buy Nothing New Month aims to helo the envronmnont by changing people's spending habits {and influencing the way people think ‘about wasto and upcyating. hegs tay dort chant shoes. (sero ay Notng Ne Mon ces win tae os sncement © cRMICAL TMM cating Bo you tink Buy Nehing Mow Monin a good ayo hase eneonmant? secondhand products, which is why only coffee, shampoo, and a computer game shoud be checked. Bieta ist of other essential items that ‘could be bought. Note the lst shoulc ‘nclude food items, personal care items sed for caning and hygiene, and medicine, A. Bain that n writing, examples ‘support the main idea. Tel students ‘to-go back to the passage to fnd tho ‘examples for each item in the activity. Note that each item spectes the ‘number of things to underine. Have students check answers in pais. ‘Ask them to think of some additonal pplacas for tem 2 that are local and may be useful to cessrates. B. Have stusents workin pairs. Check answers 25 dass. Bick other ‘exarrpies of upcyetng O EXTENSION ACTIVITY Ask students 10 work incivicuzily to make a plan to upcyce one thing they own that © 10 longer being used. Ask students Unit2 29 | 2D | EX) Wearing nothing new Wearing Teenie ower nothing new igeaca baad beam siagene eae ore onerous we sang Aree Peer PREVIEWING (Aims: Watch and understand 8 tak ‘Read the paraaraon above, Mak ea old word 10s meaning. You wit hear ese ‘about seconchand shopoing; observe ‘aos the TED Ta. effective body language. 1 cote womntgetner oats 23 peter: sy Target Vocabulary: crazy, cutis, 2 ermctanine: wna 4 ibe dotesyou owns wae unque, wardrobe ‘asian Exderrel Links: 8 CAERE wax pa of 0 TED Tak. wont ree target conser a oe pects 1 Read he aces om the net pt of rngton's TED Ta Which ut ow do you tik eh ‘xcoptreorta? Dace wt a parr SP eae 17S Pa tat th Saya iy Tr ™ shares how making the decison to bud sounaee ° er wardrobe trom used clothing has asia Ose Bett allowed her to Show others her tte seit. 23 “Fc Gl woman go wth oad ‘Artinaton's lively tal includes a silechow ‘of er outfits tor one wook. As sho shows. feach outfit, she talks about how being Confident and comiortabie in vo ve ae is actualy what makes us look eyisn. PREVIEWING Reed the paragraph aloud as students read along. Reming students that they ‘watched the preview video of Aingion in ‘the Warm Up. Explain that ihe word crazy has a postive ‘meaning in tis peragraoh. = “Tho adjective crazy ie used hore to mean unusual and supiarg ina goed cass wth apariner Ask students 10 © [3K Pay Pan 2 ot the TED Take ‘way. Note that crazy can also be used think about what they consider when: ang have students check ther answers ‘negatively to describe something as too ‘they buy clothes and share this with 0B. sily or ok ime ‘person's wardrobe is mado up ofl CHALLENGE Ack sudertsifthey 9 ORITIGAL THINKING Give students ‘a minute to think and take notes before ‘he clothes and fashion acvessonies he ow anyone lke Avrington with a asiashg, Waihere ote meas ie eres of fasnin Have them t2l their oprions with exampes rom their Sey eee own lives. Ask for voluntoors to chare VIEWING, ideas wih the cess, B Have students work in pats. Tel them A. ead the question aloud that students: ‘to make guesses based on the key. (EXTENSION ACTIVITY Have stucerts, So bepress Ome me Saas mer ante ora te rant ee ee aici DEM idevieie Si eel 7 peer aren ee ee atch ea areca 30 unt2 © [IERIE Meter art ot th TED Tak Chek your guoseen 1 GRTICAL THR Hosur nar, Fotectng Red the sates bon om ring TED Tak Oo you agra? Dons wth aparne 1 Yoscoretimve ced abt money lok pe” 2 tytn ou bk goa oregon” VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT ESERID ser te excreta ne TED Take Choose cones mang PRESENTATION SKILLS. Using effective body language ren you we a estar, ou ba arauae bint. c= bo lanoge sues your mess ad Shows you sf cre sao ‘8 [ERE ne tps aut oecve ty anguage Bon. ach an cep orn ‘estes TED Tak: Crock Vth ips tat Rigor lows 15 meen yout on Try 88 ya as os. IF ot vp tae {sf Gesheo ue your ere coon If mae eye conan reese BE sme 1B ERE Utch again Wha! ee doa Anton dor nat de) nat sro ses © Vir ages tardup are the grou ate about yousof. Tey tous cia oar lanauge. Aone &4 Confidence is key. If you think you look good in something, you almost certainly do. 97 message thvough thar fashion choices. class. Oontrve playing the viclo to check Artingion's messages ae: answers. Color is powers, Fitting nis way overated. PRESENTATION SKILLS Embrace your imer chi. Confidence is ey. ‘A. oad the Presentation Skills Develocing your own unique paragraph aloud. Explain that ‘personal style is @ good way t0 te ‘sneaker’ body lanauageis an the world something about you. Important part of a presentation, ‘An aucionce wil krow if @ speeker is confident and comfortable by VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT Ccbseruing his or her body language, CAERE Pay the video. Atter ach ‘question s dsplayac on screen, pause the video and elicit answers from the Batore students watch the excep, ict impressions of Arrington as a speaker. Does she seem confident? Comfortebie? Excited to be there? (9ERE Pay the video. Read the it Of eflective body language aloud. Ask for volunteers to demonstrate. See Content Note ‘or mor. ‘The body language introduced in Presentation Skills rcludos ko00ing your body open, naving good posture, ‘making warm hand gestures, keeping ‘yo contact with the audience, and ssrilng. Having good body language Is. alot about acting naturally when ‘on stage and kogping calm. Its aco recommended to move a bit during ‘your speech, as well as varying your ‘gestures, Note that Avington walks across ‘the stage and uses hand gestures throughout her tak. I's aso importent to be well propared tor the presentation. ‘Speskers who know the content well, are more likey to be relaxed and have positve body language. B Ask students to pay dose attention tothe movements and gestures that Aranaton makes. CAERE Pay tre video again. Note that Arrington’s confidence is evident in her composure as she ‘peaks, Sre amies often, Koons aye Contact with her audience, maintans ‘00d posture, and appears to be really ‘enjoying the experience. © Divide stusents into srall grouns. {Gheo them time to think about tneir ‘slntraciction and body language Tel each student that they have 30 seconds to one minute for thele introductions, Encourage them to mimic what they saw ington don ‘the viseo, (© SUPPORT Wiite 2 sample salt introduction on the beard, Hi, I'm Jo. | come from Pusan, but ve been Iving in Seou! tor tree ‘years. [am a thirc-year student ‘My interests include rock music and ‘cooking, love eating, 100. une 2 34 Green shopping Alms: Take and gve 2 survey; write a social media post COMMUNICATE ‘A. Elect the mearing of a green shoppex Road the quectonnars aloud. Bo sure Students understand the various green terms. Explain that they are going to ‘evaluate thar shopping habits. Give them tre to complete the survey ‘When sometning is green, usually means its eco-friendly, oF does ‘not have a negative impact on the ‘When something is locally produced, itis {grown or manufactured near whera the item is sol, ‘A reusable cloth bag Is @ shoppng bag You can take to the market to save on Plastic or paper bags. © CHALLENGE Botora et.dents opon ‘het Docks, have them wine a few sentences aoout how ervironmentally ‘frenaly they thnk they ae in thor shopping habits. Aer they've completed the activity, have then ‘comrment on ther orignal evaluations 1B Havo partners take tune ecking and answerng each of the questions. Encovrage stents to share more ‘bout each answer to expsin tir ‘green shopping habits, © Have students took back over the ‘survey. Tell them not to show ther jartnore what they oiled. D Divide the class into small groups. Tel students to relax as thoy speak and 10 be amare oftheir body language Pot out Adding extra information. Model a sample presentation for students For example: Dana isa green shonper ‘92 Unit2 Ei Green shopping COMMUNICATE Are you a green shopper? Asser vil vny ‘re yous aren shopper? Aoad ie questons Dew ar mark you answers. 1 tuyeay prostces pets? 1 | 2 rhe arnt thing to ste? c 1 28 by proce mde tore mail? a o | veya te sacagny ht conse wth your rade? 1B Wor nit a pare Tae ara akg ard raworng the esos. Cole your © Loc onet a re ansors Cec hw gran yu ik eur pane. I moon d [Adding extra formation WRITING Social recta post Ass wy [A Road ite pot 1 ze a eepone tothe pos Aran! hee questo, How ate do go aw? ‘She aivays uses reusable cloth bag Bead the example repy aloud Direct when she shops, ana'sne donates fo. students attenton to the questions chat stores. Encourage than to use real ploces in ther restonses, if possible. not studonts can mako up ther own WRITING ae . ‘A Read the post aloud, Make sure Have them read their posts to the students uncersiand tis from asocit ge, media site, and they ere going to write 2 reply. Pont out that the tone on social meda Stes is casa © SUPPORT The post asks for help finding several tems. Students pick (one iter to wit ther response a ro Penner ae Unrr coaLs. Inthe unt, you wit i my Tho unt facuses on jobs and career choices. Stucents will understans and itrpret an nfographic about cream jobs, and read an arte about professional ballet dancer. They wil ‘also watch a TED Talk about tho value of siruggle hn our work. By the end of the unit, students wil be able to use the prosont smole to doscrbe thar jobs and bull on their seintroduction. WARM UP Career Paths WARM UP Have stucients kok over the picture, caption, and quote on the page. [AER Pray the preview clio of the TED Tak. For question 1. ask students to shout out ‘adjectives to describe ther mpressons of Burkar’'s job. For question 2, ask students to Ist the {bs thay 99 nthe unit together. Wite on the board The job ofa... Jooks interesting to ime. [think a... 's job is interesting because, Jobs mentioned inthe unt include: chef TV presenter, piot, charity worker, writer, ‘musician, sports trainer, race car river, and ballet dancer. © EXTENSION ACTIVITY Ask stusents row they ft when they sav Burka’ fotues nthe prevow cip. Tel thm to also tk about wheter they would stan to doi 0: rot Have trem Share thar meressions in pars botore 2 tong the class. necessary, ec a fist of adjectives ahoad of te to ite on the boars haparter His pictures made me foe! (exoted/scarecijealoushapoy/cola) ‘TED Speaker nis Burkard, photographer TED Talk Summary Chris Burkard take about how even a ‘ream job can become monotonous, and row struggle helzed him leam to love his lob agan. Idea Worth Spreading ‘Anything werth pursuing fkely involves struggle, but in that struggle one can also fina py, units 98 What do you do? Peirce ‘Aime: Loarn nouns for job tls and Incustres: listen t0 a person taking about his jb: practice taking about a po. Target Vocabulary: chef, dancer, Journalist, photographer, pitt, orofessor, Seortst water VOCABULARY Joos 1 [1B corpivn tence vy wor Poth an mck ar emer, VOCABULARY et dancer ournauist| ‘phetograpner (A Have students read the job words: = — ss =. inthe boxbetor competing he 1 AIOOR espace 6 Aoi ‘sentences. 2 A_loumalist _ wriee for s newepaper. © A__clancer _ portorme on a stage. [IEE Pa, tne avdnaso to neck 3A itn per teaneweuew, 7 Ait cu uptren ergeaec ee a Se opens © Asatte sean eaten Bt atenate vocetiary fom the box © en eth fer Ar oe et that might work for eaon sentence. For smi . exempe, wie he answer fr question eee eee Bis protease, 3 sent might aco — | oo me avo. ect ata unvorty ‘Set | smear © CHALLENGE Have otudonts branstom 2 Ist of addtional jobs that item 6 would describe. For exampie, se eee ee tor De 1 Werk site pene Thnk fade ene moejab reas hadng.Aoswer iar seca oi Eau ant ess tac BB. Have students werk alone to complete Coen How ab New ar Mi the chart. Check answers as a cass Wie the caiegories and nerds in a “ word web on the board. int out thet some joba may work in more than one category. Forexamrple, Entertainment: singer, actor, 1 photographer right work in the screerwiir, drecior Travel or Entertainment industries in ‘As much as possioe these dye, job accion to News and Media Travels travel agent, fight attendant, types in English do not incude any sreesiogey. cgender reference. Former tiles such © Have students workin pars. Ect Stores and Restaurants: manager, 2 stewardess, malman, and froman ideas from aach par. Write the jobs store sistant, cleaner, interior 278 now fight attendant, mail cae, inthe chart on the board. Some designer end freighter. The word neiter is accitional obs include tradtionally usos to refer to man, while waitress is used for women, These cays the gender-neutral term servers also commoniy useo. Education and Research: prncpal, school teacher, curriculum writer News and Media: TV presenter ‘camera crow, winter, blogger 34 Units LISTENING intoviow with a TV presenter Lstening settee 1 [AEE nicherd Lavonia jure and TY recover Yeoh and check{7| ho topos hota abe 5 te bat hinge ts 5 te cteresi i eb ne te tne 1 DIE wate gun Grete corer woos. 4 Lorton vty pert BSED tnni crus 2 on a coe ser) ° Ses she cdo ete OSSD) | Laren ayy e266 te) a ‘SPEAKING Takng about jobs ‘Dacis wih apart Oo yeuthnyou woe be a good TY proertar Why a wy at? € sneine you tev snow js Crave or For thaleaon ork of yer on ‘a cat at Cine Br. LISTENING ead the Listening Selectively box aloud ‘a etuents read along, Explan that by picking up on words and phases that you Understand, you can get key information that a epeaker s sharing, Note tna stoning selectively can be especialy useful when a ‘sppaker is taking at native speed. A Tal students to read the answer choices ahead of time to pick up ey words to listen for. Point out that prevewing tha task nalps you identity what fo listen selectively fr. [EEE I Pay the auchonideo B Give students tine to read the sentences, [SEE Py the aucto/video. Then play it again to check answers 10 A and B as a cess. Fichard Lenton ie 9 Brtish TV sports presenter who s now based in Singanore where he works a 6 broadcaster, wnter, and ecitor. He ss bast known for hs coverage of the Premier League, FA Q.p, and (Champions League. © CRITICAL THINKING Have students ‘workin pairs. Ask them to tak about ther own parsonaities and interests when explaining ther reasoning for thor anowers, For example, 'm not sure. LIke takeng to people but sometimes | eel shy infront of cameras. © SUPPORT Wnts tree possible answex choices onthe bce. Tel Students to expand on thor anowers sath tae pares Yes, 1 think so No, | don't think so. Vm not sure. ‘SPEAKING A. Ask students to read long as they watch. [AER Pay tne eudia/vdeo. Have students check anewors in pars. let the moaning of bansia. See Language Note bow. The word barista means bartender in haan, itis mostly used in English to describe someone who works behing ‘a counter meking various not coffee dinks, The phrase ‘the hours" refers to how long @ pereon works each day at a Job. 'B_ Mode! the conversation loud with asstucent, Then have students work in pare to practice the conversaton. Make sure they alternate between A ‘and B roles. Then have them practice ‘again using the words on the right. Point out that te actectives on tha tigi are for the most part synonyms. Note forthe third item, diferent ‘negative points about the job are gven sng isn't or aren't. Remind students that fot chould be used wth srgular ‘nouns and aren't with plural nouns. © Have studonte work in pars lot possible opening and follow-up questions, Write them on the board Do you have a job? Wat do you do? Do you envoy it? Ist fur/boringfnteresting? Units 38 EZ] What job would you like? LANQUAGE FOCUS Disoussing jot protorences What job would you like? Sen ‘Aims: Ask about and describe jobs; use fa vs. woul the; talk about a future fb. Infographic Summary: & s.rvey ot over 8,000 people inthe UK. shows that more than any other job, peocle dream of being 2 plot. Next on tne ists charty worker, then wnter. ther popular dream jobs are in tha folds of ate, medic, and sports, LANGUAGE Focus a Play the audiovviseo as students read along, Then give them addtional ime to look over the infograpne. ‘Ask them whether the formation is surprising o them or not. Eict any Jobs that students expected to be on thalist but nat were not. © CHALLENGE Have sucerts predict the op to dream oos i the UK ater opanng tr Docks to chook thor guesses. Have stucents read the sontonooe frst, [EK Pay tne audonideo. Have students check answers in pais, Elcit more information about the job ‘of journalist. Soo Language Note ‘Generally, 3 journals brings news to the public. Note thet he speaker h the Conversation calls herself ajournaist for «local paper which tkely means che Is awmlier ata small navsparer In TV, a journalist usualy refers to someone \who prepares or presents news for broadcast. In print, it usually refers to an ‘dhtor or writer. The spectics about the Job can vary depending on postion, c 38 Unies Pc to [| 2 £" es 1 EEE Two pomp are taling about tack Wh ar compete the stances, “The worn arts wah) ‘She coger tte te hous © COEED iach ana stay ne ngage ne car. ‘long abcut end decorbing je Have students read over the language ‘chart Ask them to pay attention to ‘both answer options for each question. (CHEEA Play the aucio’video, stopping 19 have students repeat each question and answer: Draw students’ attention to the est ‘two boxes. Note that the aiforence between ihe arc woul! tke is often a pont of confusion for students. See Grammar Noto, fat oor For tho last queston in the fenguaga chart, What job would you tke to have? ‘oxplan that woul lke isa potte wey 1 tak about something that you want. Point out that the response is often mage into a contraction: a he to be an erginaer = Bl 2 Nate yurob ho? 1 [AEE compte infomation. Cle core werd, Ltn and check eur answer rere SPEAKING A fut jab Asse wel or A Think we patible yu te trav sy. Uses Yom th oat on age 26 youroun ae Uta des eam. a © EXTENSION ACTIVITY Ask students if they think the infograpnic might be tfferen’ ifthe survey was taken in thor home countries instead of the U.K. Heve students work individually tomeke an infogranhic of what they think tho top three craam jobs are in thar home countries. Hene students ‘present their infoarachics to a partner ora small group. SPEAKING ‘A. Point cut the grammar would tke ‘Make sure stucents understand that thoy aro wring about jobs they hope tonave in the fulure. See Grammar Note. Ifime permite, walk around to check arcwors as students wie before movrg en to Activty B. 1 Working rip Shar your ons. yi rar 1D Have students work indivdualy 10 complete the actvty before checking answers in pars, © CHALLENGE Biot altorate answers for each question, such as / don" tke the hours. Use ths as an opportunity to also review corrmon mistakes. For example, we never ansiver the question What do you do? with Yes J 6. 'B._Divce students into groups of three cor four. Tell each studont to spend Up to one minute tang about one of ther dream jobs. Wile same useful ‘uestions to start the discussion on tho board nat kind 0f ob wousd you Ike to have one day? What would you tke to be? Mode the conversation with a volunteer. Point out that group ‘members should ask follow-up ‘questions to get more informaton, such as Why? or Wy is that? low students tme to work alone and ‘complete the acthity [SEE Pay the audio/video and ‘check answers as a class. © suprort To apport comorehension, et or reviw the nogative ponts acu barg@ pict units 37 A dancer’s dream Sea ‘Aims: Read and comprehend an article about dancer Misty Copeland's road fo success; understand sequence ano dota Target Voeabulanecacer, pert, PRE-READING Precing aut, routine, spent time, struggle: A Look af the lesson tte, photo, anc caption. What do you think the paeeage ic mainly about? Reading Summary sty Copotrc a Withee ae a, pein! dancer athe Averican Bal Glee soo ces tivo oar tr alot et foc. She bogen te or Rilo eek. abalet dancer, at age 13, and wa a w ‘rd he boty type wenn te fx, = athlete ‘woman turns, ad (Bus Copmend loved canong ane ad nat want ® Coeelans had to werk hero A@ riage eerie congemkoeleanterligts competion. Erentaly she ected mater fers bs tae aa neue wea ac ae PRE-READING mn anon ie [A Have students look atthe lesson tit, Iwan sce a ayo Pace tan osay ertomer. She asa s (Dekaelend Geolon Hare aa work ‘sierra et ore eta a Indidualy to ansiner the queston Ask students to raise he hands i they have hears of Misty Coneland. (© SUPPORT Have students viho ~ know about Misty Copeland snare background information with the class before roacing, UNDERSTANDING B [IEEE by the cudio/video as oe SEQUENCE ‘students read along. Explain any key Aegecien Be eet jo en Explain that the timeine shows: terms that students might not be Uneuccesstul applicant who hes Copeland's iit 02015. He tudents OST anaes eae ‘opaland' ito up to 2015, Have students work indiidualy. Tell them to use the information in the reacing passage to fd tho answers. stl apglicantis sent an ter. taka fc. A succt ‘acceptance Professional ballet dancers are gven a rank at thair companies based on ther skil. Te pancipa’ cancer o° princeal is the highest rank a dancer can obtan at acbalict company, Check answers as & dass. Elci the ine numbers in the passage vinere students ‘ound the intormation, 38 Units UNDERSTANDING SEQUENCE Carpet the tron wth nfomation bout Maly Copan parol [reser UNDERSTANDING DETAILS (rock the lenges below that re meson nthe ac 1 vy ee 0 Cope e010 "2000 ra 1 conse ray trav rene cnet cpa bal cases fry ost 1f conde tary road ote, was iit 9 go otal cn 11 Capea thaw ag re odo er cnet {Hf Copa aped alc savas Yom hoy BUILDING VOCABULARY | nustoh ne worn use om the passage er oxo tipenntye——a ged oeeyomy 2 egal oe 23 voutne 1 Choose te cert open to cerlt the serancos. Se Qevistnenaren reer wa Erasing Wich of Mey Copelae's struggles do yu Prk wos the gost calnge? Deca ait pres UNDERSTANDING DETAILS Give students time to read the sentences, Have thern work inivicualy to comolete the activity. (© CHALLENGE Tal students not to loo babk at the reacing to find the (Check answers as a class. Ecit the ine ‘numbers in the passage whore ctucents found the information. BUILDING VOCABULARY (A. Hove students work indvidually 10 match the words and defintions. Then have them check answors n pais Bict example sentences using aach ‘word, Weta them on the board. Se Language Note below. The word routine dascrbes 2 task we perform regular, such as going to school. The passago describes Copeland's fica routine of ving vwith her teacher on weekdays and with her family on weekends. In dance, the word routine s also used to desctibe ‘sequence of dance stops in a erormance. B. Have students work ndivdually 10 compete the sentences. Check. ‘nowors 09 a cass. Remind students thatthe past tense of qui is gut, not auitted Eleit adcitional example sentences for {each vocabuisry word. If time permits, rte the sentences on the bord to review meaning © CRITICAL THINKING Have students work n pars. Pont out that tay can use tha challenges isted in Understanding Details. Encourage students to euppor ther ‘prions with reasons, For example, thik Starting at 18 was her biggest chalenge because al the other ‘cancers Ned already been stucyng ‘and practicing balet for ten years." It time porte, olcita class discussion ‘to have stucents share their answers. © supponT vite sare use ohrases for discussing opinions on the boate: think... because... agree. don't agree. 1 agree, but | aiso think © EXTENSION ACTIVITY Have Students go online and watch the comercial about Copeland that is ‘montioned in the passage (Saarch ‘Misty Copeland! Will What | Want” (on YouTube). Then ask students to workin pairs to discuss whether or not they woud tke to be a professionel ballet dancer. Tell them to ove reagan for any or wry not nts 39 The joy of surfing in ice-cold water ‘Aims: V/atch and understand @ TED Tak about rekincing oy for a jb: ‘observe speakers thanking an audience. Target Vocabulary: ext, reezing, rough, euiering TED Talk Summary: Chris Burkarc telks about how he forced hime out this comfort zone wnen nis oream joo as a sur chotographer siarted to feo boring and monotonous. He made the decision to instead search out freezing ‘water conditions in remote ereas of the \wortd to photograph surfing mamanta, Burkard shares how pushing Hise to ‘workin these extrome locations, and the struggle involved, helped him loan to love hs job again PREVIEWING Fad the parearenh cloud as students read along, Have students work incividualy to maich the mors and otinttons, Check anowers as a class, elciing sample sentences for eacn ‘yocabulary nord. VIEWING A CAERE Phy Port 1 of the TED Talk. Fave students werk inviduely to ansiner the questions. Then ply the check your-answers pat of the video. Blot the meanng of tre phrase Arctic seife, Soe Language Note below BB Hove studonts proviw the task [SERED Pay Par 2 of tno TED Tak. Gve students te to rote ther nave. Then pay the check-your ansners pat oho vise 40 Units E2] The joy of surfing in ice-cold water. TEDTALKS ‘CHRIS BURKARD 2 splits bu yu nn Hn ertha on 8 warn enti ioe es he Aceh [srough aaa eeaig pati Hiden worh sac tnatenrne werh pursing elo soe 8 eve. ba oie) matacis roi sling, PREVIEWING Saude armor Nao oh bdo ems You ertbne 2 cruel ote ete oust 4 tig ogo: ‘alae wewing 18 (AEM Wtonbat soe TED Tat and anewerthe guts, 1 hoin Brtard nto hte? fone wears @rney steele Den er 1 CUEREDWatonFat2 of te TED Teh. Crier tm vets in Dhar Meo #14 {© CRITICAL THINKING. 96 tv) Poconaang Meee win panne Deus nanan tothe questions 1 ry me Bkeathari ob? 2 Mouayou mato beaut antag? Uy oy © CRITICAL THINKING Foint cut that Question 2 asks students’ apirions so A soffo is picture that cne takes by hoding the camara out infront ang turing the ens to fave toward onesell Burkard’ Arctic sotfe = a photo that he took of himself wth his camera while ‘workcng in the Arctic Ocean in Norway. “The picturo taking method and term have become popuiar with the use of Ccolphone cameras, but a salfe can also bbe taken with a raguler camera. partners right nave atferent ansvere Reming students ofthe language ‘they've practiced in the unit so fer inctuding for negation: 0 ake to bo 71 cul ke to be Ihtime permits, ask for volunteers to ‘share ther enewers to question 2 vith the cess. © EXTENSION ACTIVITY Ask students to work in pais fo sunenavize the massage of Burkara’s TED Talkin lone sentence. Have earn pair share een ee PA IER tes exces om the TED Tak Chose te coast mening oth word ‘ea oe ae “Thanking an autionce at the end of a presentation has two purposes: it signals PRESENTATION SKILLS. thang the ausience the enc of your spaech, and i expresses toma! apeentain may onl wl ark acer. pt, ‘ratiude tothe paoole who gave you Eisen ersten thei attention. Explan to students that berg asked 10 do 2 TED Tak a great 1 EME Veh ne ce rena rar ante sce hon and many o the speakers are rar ace both excited and emctional dung ther cna tas, which i event inthe scenes tht © COR cn wo nce tomine TED Tak Hm Une a2. Check owe pe students wil waich of speakers saying torsion, thank you seep Man NDB v B Tell students that they re gong to watch two other TED speakers trenk se Aiton y # ther audiences. [EIERED Py the video and check ‘anewers as a class. Then play it again To port out the diferent styes of thanking the audences. Note that while tho spoaKore mostly use the same words, their deliveries vary 18 Workin age Tink of tar way otha te sider, dns ly 44 Why would anyone ever want to surf in freezing depending on body language and cod water? 9 ‘ona. © CHALLENGE To revew ihe body fenguage discussion from Unit 2, ask ‘students to comment on the body ‘enguage of each speaker as wel © Dive students into groups of hres ‘or four Ask them to brainstorm some ‘other ways to say thank you to tha ‘audience. Encourage students to trink about their home cultures as wel and ‘what woul be typical. Poesibtis for ‘boxy language clude: a bow, 2 wave, hands in pray postion, a smile, eto. Possibitics for exoreesions Thank you fr fstening: Thank you for ‘your attention; This was an honor. thor sentence wth the class Stuserts PRESENTATION SKILLS. should uncerstand rat once Burkard s Work stared evolving an element ofA. Explain to students tat they ae gong | ‘rugge, he found oy inhia joo, Some 10 watch more closely fo stu the possible summary Sentences include: \way Burkard ends hs presentaton. Without struggle. there is no joys Expiain thet almost all speakers end Dittcur jobs make for tuning Wes. a presentation by thanking their earns sates Sa aic ee | VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT (RERB Py the auciovvideo and ERED Poy te vein. teach red ere DE coals Carveane Broa maetsiaue sted =e unts Job descriptions Siete ‘Aims: Ask for clarticaton, describe a dream job, Description: Stucents aro going to Slay @ qvessing game, whic they wil tako turns guossng vihich jobs otrer Students are dascrbing COMMUNICATE ‘A. ead aloud the ist of jobs wale students read along. Give ther time 10 00k up any jobs they don't know in the dictionary, 1B Explain that stucents should try to ‘aue9s wha the job § aller each sertance, instead of after al five sentences, [ERE Pty ine autorsceo, pausrg ‘etiveen sentences to ave students timo to g.ces. However, don't reveal the answer unt after the est sentence isplaved © Have students work in pars. Assign a ‘Student A and Student B in each pair Tell partes not to look at each other's pages. Explain tat students get a higher score the quick they guess correctly. Point out thet al jobs are from the box in Activty A, 1D Tallstucents they should not use sur instructor, movie actor, or songwrter, bat they can use other options from ‘he box in Activty A or anynhore oice inthe unit E_Divice the class into arcups of three 0° four. Note that stucens shoud read a five sentences, but slowly 90 that ther ‘group members have time to quess in between sentences. 42 Units Ei Job descriptions COMMUNICATE \ha's my job? Aas whey |. Look tte bein Po be Cesk amy yu dnt ho in youn. rptne tt cattarata a tine srovesctor protgeumaat ——protesumaathoe Suriginemucer ——TWenot ety ess 18 IER Lento setacescescting one jane abo ter ech serteros aye gues ich DMR. hg mane yoore atat senate "idvo gare desorer {© Sttont A tun 0 pag 1. Baden Burts page 14, Read he senances rd uae your parrarsee 1 Now erate acters ror tint Wie Sve serterces to deterbo eb FE Workin groups or4 Take Aes edna you an cession. Your rp WRITING Desenbing a cream job Imanne you hav ou ear 20 Ye abou Wyo, ary OW MA Aer ry ‘Tell group members that they Ccennot make more than one {Quets por sontonco, out they can ik for Ganifcation. Point out the samole questions in the Asking for CCantication Dox. © CHALLENGE Have stuserts also ac some regatve ports cbout hor desm jobs. Remind them of Burton's rmoscage that ite stuggle makes & Joo bate. © EXTENSION ACTIVITY Have students intervieer each other about WRITING Exolan that students should use simple present when wring about what they do. Reed the example aloud. Point out tet ‘the winter talks only about good pont, their croam jobs, Review the chart ‘Asking about and describing jobs in Lesson B (o29¢ SE of the Student Book betore dong the intoniw, Presentation 1 MODEL PRESENTATION 1. Complete a vaso ofthe psesantzion sig he WHOS ne ox ‘a wot favonta men People gee woe ame My ama. tL yee Bake ry oho, 2k H's 21 andro euenerty ‘seystonatanstesays 'sraa wart __ tute ‘aye. He ry evs ation a ati or ces He!___ocos__ shopping vey wear ar verte ena nH nea erating moby, te Ks knandbe rts aotct__ poole. Ove day. ned te tow ne oan gle OK so tab Zak Trane you comic tr ietering 1 [SIEM Wer to preereton and cook youronowe © CIIEKI Revew me tstfpesetn sis ton Uats 1-3 BKK: Vch does he emake ta Crk ect od as You wae a Tescnteet 4 a thmctesmecs . 1. What the purpose of tho Presentation 1 presoniaton? to make a freaucion ‘Aas Sudois ve a sor presentation eee ‘toa partner to introduce someone they Ei We Naveen Eos Jeon, ling each othe preerition le troyweteeteain Unt Who is she taking about? (nor brotrer Zac) 4. What three topics cces she talk about? (tis job, passions. and MODEL PRESENTATION dean eby A. Have scents work inavdualy 19 ees completo he tercorpt Eotaare © LAREN Pay te ioe/aute basic points about the presentation: © Hove students preview the task AIG Psy the video again. Check angwors as a class, lott the presentation skis from units 1-8: 1 Intodueng yourse 2. using otfective body ienguags 8, thanking the audience Efct the language thet the scecker se for Intraduong nersatf Hi, My ‘name's Paula) and for trenking the audience. (Thank you so much for storing) Review the prasantation skis rom Units 1-3 in more detall. ist the language options that students feared. Introducing yourself. 1 tke t0 introduce mysett. My name is Note thet some new phrases for ths shi ae troduced on page 44 Using eftectwe body language: Keep ‘your body oven, stand up straight. ‘gosture with hands open, make eye Cconiact with the auctence, sine Thanking the audenoe Thank you: Thank you so much: Thank you very much. D Explain thet inatoad of writing out hor ceniire soeech, Paula uses notes as ‘cues to help her during her tak. Posnt ‘out thatthe key chrases in ner notes remind her of what sit shoud sey. Have stucents work individual 10 complete the activty. Then studorts check answers in pars. Eloit the topics ret Paul forgot to 2): her brother studies at, he dreams of staring in a movio, ‘Ask students thoy think the information that Paula forgot is ‘essential or not Ask their image of Zak changod at al ater earring the Information, © CHALLENGE Have students revite Peula's notes as a mind map. Ask tham to think about wnich note- taking style they prefer for their own proontations. Presentation 43 YOUR TURN A. Give students time to wit ther sosech notes. Pont out that they can wnite inear notes similar to Paul's, or thay can write a mind map, [Ask students to choose someone whom they know wel, lke Paula do. Biot botn the base information and specific topies that Paula included in her speech. Write them on the boerd: Becic information to introduce: name, age, relatonsnp t0 you ‘Topics to tak about: sf00) job, tkes, hobbies, creams ‘Asc students for some adkitional '6¢as for basic information that they ‘couid include in their presentations. ‘Suguestions include hometown, where the person lives now, tary ‘information, ot. Dean students’ attention tothe topic Likes. Elcit some oxamples of each. ‘Suggestions incude music, moves, fod, spars, video games, books, et Remind students to also give information about favorites won they talk about the person's likes: Point cut thet students can talk about dislikes as wall they are interesting, Note that some of the kes can also be hobbies, depending on how regulary the person dose them. Exelais that a hobby usually Mvolves 2 Certain love! ot effort anc commitment, ike claying an inatrument IB. Read the usetul phrases aloud as students repeat © Tell students that they have two Important roleg inthe acti: speaker and istener. Explan that they need to ‘)vo thoi pertnors thai full attention In order to evaluate in © and give effective feedback in D. Remind students thet they learned Lsetul language for both sing Speakers and audience members in Lesson E of each unt. Review the language. For Speakers: ‘Adding extra information: and .., Also, » What's more ..,n accion 44 Presentation 1 1 Look at notes Pas ras bole er rsertater Oak tnget to any ating? Invedus + Zeke 21/ ne fade At + Hs jo bors / pay / hard work enjoy ti ety a Drea ite own play stor End thek evdeace YOUR TURN icons. ian J shopping ery wether asin fogs. momen nat zactuces rare tr eup Jf wane prope [A Youre going plan and i ster prosartaton'e «parr invecuerg someon ou thu Ue Pause ote vn erden erin ay oor Hernan, Make ‘os ons card ora aa pecs of psoar 1B ook at use pases nthe 20% babw. Ti abou whieh oes you ml ean vourpesetten sot pases Inodving youre (ekamaty nayrae’s (Porras ew roa mya mya Tole tet youakto you) eta. esibng es /tarores: 6/1 ves Dre / ees asotbingrevinen —He/Sts__ ry woot ie amor a ne cy, Prana Ende. Tens 0 mich fr so Tani rng [© Moth apart Takes ig you protrtten ting your oie Use sone ot ‘he rocrttn slow uta As ou ater check eh sh Yor para as, ‘ rroiestweet/ tesa! OD sinters cortat startet adore Cd |B veyou paneer soe eedbaacon a ah Ice tc Pings ade er irgneorsrecan mero, For Listeners Showing interest Raaly? Yeah? Wow Cool That's arset! ‘Asking for clarfication: Can you repeat that pease? Sony, what di you say? Can you say that again? cplain that when oftering fecaback alte hearing a presentation, i's good to start by prsiona tho presenter frst Introduce same simpie phrases for students to prise each other: Wel ‘done; Good job; You old great: That twas really good Explan that after guing praise, students shoud offer some postive feedback, just Ike the speakor in tno exemole. (You introduced yoursef, and you smied lot) Then they Should offer any points that need to be improved. (But you dicn't make eve contact enough.) ‘Studonts wil tak, read, and watch of unique abitios, Students de. ier Alas Est eee eas ake WARM UP. ‘TED Speaker Tom Thum is an Australan peatooxer wea travels the world fo teach and perform ‘TED Talk Summary atboxer Tom Thum demonstrates how he uses ont his woice to make music that sounds lca t's baing playad by an entre Idea Worth Spreading ur talents may lead us to surprising and unique careers Talents WARM UP Have students look over the pict Caption, end quote on the page JERI Pay te prevew clp ofthe TED Tak. Elct or eview the meaning domensiraton Language Note A demonstration is a kind o reser tatio thng Note that in the un students wl ounter the words taints, shi tes, which refer to bang For quastion 1, elicit adjectives used desenibe Tom Thum's performance. Some ite onthe board, earns include: crazy, and surprising. Wile o ng/coo (ike it (think t's exc ‘amazing, etc. I don't tke it. J think t's t00 fastvioud/ strange, etc Make sure students understand that Tom is beatboxing, using only his voice to make the sounde For question 2, ge students a few minutes to look through the unit before fefcting tlonts. Sats mentioned in tre unit include sand s ntact gy ‘mathemagc’, and professional gaming, pte, Unit 4 45 What are you good at? ‘Aims: Learn calocations to describe abittias (orb + noun); use can end cant; practice taking about talents and abit. ‘Target Vocabulary: give ache, give 2 presertation, make a decision, make a ttlend, play soccer, play video games, take a photo, fake a test VOCABULARY [A Have students work individually to Complete the actiity, Check answers asa class. Review caliocetons. See 1A Look atne abies Grose out te apr tht dear eons Language Note bow pee rene sem eg ML eae tere) mst | Me ace ces aeere omnes eee Eoiqaineeseaiiies jmoore emo following: |B Choose six abiliies rom A. How good are you at each of them? Add ther tothe scale: paying ris / ashe / chess Seximresiente some nae eeea ‘aking notes / breaks / tests; meking es mone) tes rte! metas, Tetyiad erveygnd Gand” Pntygend— Wayne er cere ra Frac: mene Tim pet goo at lay scoer How bout eu? Invert me Collocations are words that go together « “There ere many comtinatiore, euch as adjective + noun (heavy rain), noun + ‘noun (weather report}, ard cresent partie + noun lpounrg ra). © CHALLENGE Slot eons to students con use not very good and Point out that knowing collocations is prepare students for their discussion eo an important step to sounding rat. in. Suggestions n oder rom right roma parmis, nave students change in Engish. By reaing and istaning to bt on the scale inlude rely 9003, partners and have the conversation ‘careful, students can pick uo many fary good, Of, not great, eur agar. Collocation to help their fusncy. Noto CHALLENGE Have the cass ret wren the noun acoleeaton s © Have scent workin ea. Mode Ounce sanets es singular, an indefrite article is usuelly for the conversetion. Write them on the eeec tar mae a cont) feoaiee aoe ecree a ae Giant nel ee Ve boo board, Some suggestions: Enpain fet sents argh arenge What can you do reay war? What's is sinters were) ot ananor tothe aseton, ncusing your best talon? What ae you not Elon thal hoy chou Gees thee vay 004 prety good. and good Ceo qumlerdclidentardmanihelne n forthe second exam todues the textbook. Wet ae yeclo good a? ft whch 48 Units USTENING & unique abity ‘uve seeaters dot shez evr wordy ay. porar ‘ear te mor "ce aul rt sessed 1 [aL otctanpe a crest ode Wen arses te cers opten Conse wanes can 8 DARI watcranin, roe Terma For fase 4 Gotrpe car ak do mage mess © cruMcaL THINKING Petectng Do you bik contact uggingis mere dict han repr hing! Wry er hy nt? Decoe wthaparoer ost ary [SPEAKING Talking out abies Can yu ary tar Wa. 1can pb osta—but In erent etiam base eee rer (Do vas crn vce was tetne doi tart st tou ne ot a [gesp Shar you rlrmaion Can ore gusee ech tater eae 29521 (ge tral godt ana ‘Som youre wan, ney baat LISTENING ead Recognizing Unstressed Words ‘oud. Explan that natwe speakers are rarely aware tt they are not stressing specific words or sounds, Note that stunts wil learn about reduced sounds ip Unit 6 and linked sounds in Unit 12. A EXER Pay the aucioividso. Have: ‘students cre the correct option as they wath. Gio students tie to preview the task (AE Pay the auctovvideo again. ‘Chock answers as a class. Bict how tormake each false sentence true. € CRITICAL THINKING Port ou that students ae sharing their opinions ‘80 partners may not have the same answers. Explain that students should ‘ave reasons to support their cpirvons. ‘SPEAKING (A. Ask students to reat along as they watch, [SEE] Pty the video. Che ancners a8 2 Cass. Note thatthe ‘speaker is good al both pleying the instrument pictured in the veo (tho iano) 2s well as learning music by ear Bet the meaning of read music. Students {guess ihe meaning based on context the topic ang content of the convorsatn). Be sure stucents understand that someon vwho reads music can recognize musical nates and play shest music. Note that the speaker cannot read music but instead plays it by ear B [IEE ray ro auctorndeo aga, fausng afer each ine, so stents can repost Model the comersation lous wth a studert, Then nave students work Inpars to practice the oowversation. Mao cur thoy atomato between and B oles. Have them practice again {ing the words onthe raha, © Give students time to work indivdualy townie the statements. Then divide the class into groups of four xplan that after each member reads asiatement, other arcup members, should react. Modal the examote Conversation wth a student. Write on the board some possible reactions that (r0up members can use durng the iscussion: | think that’s true/false. well, pretty sure you are / are rot good at Umm, |on't think you know how to (© EXTENSION ACTIVITY Divide rouns into pais. Explain that each parte is going to introduce the other partners siaternents to a new group, Dive the class into new grouns of four. Point ot that students shouts se She / He is... when introducing his or her certner's talents Unita 47

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