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Who are the “almosts?

” They are ones that have been brought up in church,

but don’t have a relationship. They are the ones who see the truth of
Christianity, but never accept Christ. They are the ones whose consciences
have been pricked, but who are unwilling to let go of their sin. They are the
ones who feel they must earn their way to Heaven without trusting in the One
who made the way.



Almost Saved? ALMOST - is a sad word in anybody’s dictionary. It is a word that

portrays of missed opportunities and fumbled chances. Three Time Olympic Silver

Medallist Swimmer, Tim KcKee was edged out for first place in the 1972 Summer

Olympics in Munich, Germany in the 400-meter race by two-thousandths of a

second. He almost won a gold medal. But almost doesn’t count.

In our text we find Festus, the newly appointed governor, consults with Agrippa

about an unusual prisoner left over from the days of his predecessor by the name of

Felix. Agrippa has heard about this controversial Christ follower, so he requests an

audience with Paul. The next day, amid great pomp and circumstance, Agrippa and

Bernice parade into the Hall of Audience to listen to Paul speak.

I believe this is one of the saddest incidents in the Bible. Looking upon this

narrative we can see that this is an example of God reaching out to the sin stained
heart of a man to give that man a chance to be saved. And yet that man would not

hear because of the love of the world and the circumstances of his life.

Paul, the great Apostle to the Gentiles, was on trial once again. This old warhorse

for the Kingdom of God had faced many trials and tests to this point in his life, but

this one was going to be his final exam to prove once and for all, his faithfulness to

the Lord Jesus Christ.

• I Always admired Paul and all he went through and remained faithful

• Shipwrecked

• Stoned and left for dead

• Imprisoned multiple times

• Let down a wall in a basket

• Through all this he remained faithful

• We let the Summer Heat

• We let the Rain and Wind

• We let the Cold Air of Winter

• We let the Traffic

• We let the Complaints of Others

• We let misunderstandings

• We let so many factors influence our Faithfulness or lack thereof

God was going to use Paul to bring forth a message as he stood before King

Agrippa and Festus, the governor, to proclaim the gospel and to give testimony of

his conversion on the road to Damascus. Paul was fighting for his very life. He had

been arrested and put under protective custody of the Roman Army because the

Jews had determined to kill him. Paul had appealed to Caesar, since he was a

Roman citizen by birth.

As Paul stood between his Roman guards that day, waiting for his audience with

Agrippa, I cannot help but believe that he stood there in silent prayer. He was

seeking God for wisdom, asking the Lord to give him the right words to say in

presenting his case for innocence. He had been charged with many false charges

because of his preaching of the gospel.

• What a hard thing to bare – to know that you are only preaching and teaching the

truth, in love, to reach out to a hurting world – and then to be condemned for doing


• I remember being featured in the local paper THE BLACK CHRONICLE some

years ago
• Attacked, Character Attacked, Family and Friends Attacked just because we were

determined to do God’s will and not bend to denominationalism and legalism in

the church

• I can only imagine the hurt that Paul must have felt at times

• He was human just like you and me

I can understand how Paul must have felt that day and many days prior to that as a

Preacher of the Gospel. Years of Preaching and Teaching and we still see those

around us that will not listen, no real change in their life. There may be some here

right now who won’t hear what this message has to say to you simply because your

mind and your heart are occupied with the things of this world.

• Perhaps it’s your children

• Perhaps it’s your job

• Perhaps it’s your duties around the home

• Perhaps it’s what you must do after church

• Perhaps it’s any one of a thousand things that occupy your mind

• Whatever your mind is dwelling on, that is the work of the enemy of your soul to

keep you from hearing what God has to say to your heart
• If we aren’t careful to give God our attention, Satan will surely steal the truths

that we hear from God’s Word

• Then all we are able to see and hear is why isn’t the church getting along

• Then all we are able to see and hear is why is the church divided

• Then all we are able to see and hear is why are some members treated different

from others

• The enemy of our mind and soul has placed our attention on everything but the

Message that God is attempting to send to us week after week

In all five trials, Paul circles back each time and places all focus of his argument on

the Resurrection. Paul proclaimed to the Jewish leaders, “I AM ON TRIAL


declares to the Roman officials, “It is about the resurrection of the dead that I am

on trial before you today.” He poses to Agrippa and his court the Rhetorical

Question, “Why is it thought incredible by any of you that God raises the dead?”

At this point, Festus blows a gasket and interrupts Paul in the middle of his witness

• Paul, you’re crazy!

• You’ve read too many books

• You’ve spent too much time staring into space!

• Get a grip on yourself

• Get back in the real world!

Oftentimes when we are giving God the praise and Lifting His holy name it will

anger the Adversary. Festus regards it as sheer nonsense for a king to ascend to the

throne through suffering and death. Paul now appeals directly to Agrippa. “King

Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you believe.” We know the

tragic response of the King – I AM ALMOST PERSUADED TO BE A

CHRISTIAN. King Agrippa said, Paul, that was good, I feel something, but, you

know what, I Am Almost Saved.

• I am almost Committed

• I am Almost Sold Out

• I am Almost Turned Around

• I am Almost Changed

You almost persuade me to be a Christian. Now, Bible scholars are not certain

whether Agrippa actually said this because he was really almost persuaded to be a

Christian, or whether he said this as a form of sarcasm. But we do know that

Agrippa is never heard of again. You can't help but wonder how much different his
life might have become if he had become an altogether Christian instead of an

almost Christian.

Can we take a brief look at some of the people in Biblical history who were

almost persuaded, but lose out on the blessings of God, because they were not

altogether persuaded.

• PERSUADE means "to convince by argument and reason, to draw on

incline the will to determination by presenting motives to the mind"

• Paul was not trying to appeal to the mind, he was trying to appeal to the


• Many men and women were moved by NOAH’s faithful appeal to build an

ark, but many half finished arks were washed away by the rising waters of the

flood, because they almost believed that a great flood was coming

• LOT’s WIFE escaped the fire and brimstone as it destroyed the twin cities of

Sodom and Gorromah, but because she was only almost persuaded to not look

back upon its ruins and destruction, she looked back and was turned into a

pillar of salt

• PHAROAH, was almost persuaded by Moses to free the Children of Israel

from bondage, but he and the Egyptian Army pursued them and were

drowned in the Red Sea

• KING HEROD almost let John the Baptist go free, but he had him beheaded

• JUDAS, who betrayed Christ, almost changed his mind, but instead he

betrayed Him for 30 pieces of silver

• PILATE confessed that Jesus was innocent and he almost set Him free, but

instead he turn Him over to the angry mob to be crucified and washed his


• The FIVE FOOLISH VIRGINS were almost persuaded to keep their lamps

trimmed and burning bright, but they let them go out and could not enter in

• The RICH YOUNG RULER was almost persuaded to Follow Jesus but

instead his riches and wealth prevented him from being Persuaded

• Yes, these are but a few of the Army of the Almost Persuaded

• My brothers and sisters I need to tell you that being Almost Persuaded is the

same thing as being Totally Lost

King Agrippa was seated upon his throne.

• Oh how he loved the praise and adoration of his people

• He loved the long, flowing robes of royalty

• He loved the pomp and wealth of being the king

• He loved the way that everyone would see to his every desire and that he wanted

for nothing

The heart of man is always swayed so easily by Praise and by Prosperity in the

things of this world. That’s why Prosperity Preaching is so dangerous and making

spiritual midgets out of many in the church. A man or woman who has everything

that life can offer and who are living in prosperity and self-sufficiency will find it

very hard to be reached with the message of the gospel. They don’t see a need for

God. Their God is their lifestyle.

What can we offer to a dying world to help them make the decision to follow

Christ? What are you offering? I can’t offer ARCHEOLOGICAL ARTIFACTS as

proof and I’m not going to get into some deep THEOLOGICAL DISCUSSION

because that may gender strife. Convincing you of the reality of Christ is probably

the most difficult. I am convinced that Jesus does exist and I do believe the Bible is

the Word of God and I am more convinced by the work that He has done in my

personal life.

Many today are seeking to be convinced of the importance of Salvation by going to

the Bookstore. We are buying and being handed books and being told this is the

way. We can hardly go to Church without some Pastor/Preacher pushing their

latest book on us. We are looking for all this other stuff outside of the working of
the Holy Spirit to prove that there is only one way, any of these books could be

convincing and obviously many are. So how do I convince you that Christ is the

way? I don’t believe we can convince one another. That is not our purpose of

preaching and teaching. Unless you receive a personal revelation from God to

convict you, it is by the life we live that is our only avenue.

• I lead you to Christ by my CHARACTER

• Because of His sacrifice, we sacrifice

• We lay down our lives for His sake

• We have made Him Lord of our lives

• We have given Him control of our lives

• We do right in the sight of the world

• We are honest

• We tell the truth

• We convince nonbelievers by how we talk and how we act even in the midst of

our frustrations

Paul is being questioned by Agrippa and Paul is testifying of Jesus as being

the Christ. He gave his own testimony as witness to Christ’s saving grace. He
used Old Testament Prophesies about the Christ to show that Jesus was the


• Yet Agrippa says almost you convince me to be a Christian

• Almost do you convince to accept Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior


Agrippa was almost persuaded to become a Christian. ALMOST IS NOT AN


NOUN “CHRISTIAN.” You can’t be an almost Christian. Either you are a

Christian or you aren’t. REVELATION 3:16 “SO THEN BECAUSE THOU


THEE OUT OF MY MOUTH.” We are told through this scripture that we

are either hot or cold, we cannot have it both ways. Some people are almost

Christians. They are almost persuaded, but almost doesn’t count

--My Brothers and Sisters you cannot receive a blessing by Being Almost

Persuaded to have it.

--Your hunger cannot be appeased by Almost Eating

--Nor, can your thirst be quenched by Almost Drinking

--You cannot be blessed by Almost Loving your enemies, you have to Love

them Altogether

--You cannot be blessed by Almost Forgiving someone who did you wrong,

you have to Forgive them Altogether

--You cannot be blessed for Almost Giving your tithes, you have to Tithe


--You cannot make it to Heaven by Almost Being Born Again, you have to be

Altogether Born Again

--You cannot be Almost Sanctified, you must be Altogether Sanctified

--You cannot be Almost Holy, you have to be Altogether Holy

--You cannot be Almost Redeemed, you have to be Altogether Redeemed

--You cannot be Almost Saved, you have to be Altogether Saved

--When the Old Ship of Zion pulls away from the muddy banks of Jordan, you

cannot be Almost on Board the ship

--If you want to make Heaven your home, you have to be Altogether on Board

the Old Ship of Zion

--You cannot be Almost Ready For Heaven you have to be Altogether Ready

For Heaven if you want to get there

--Jesus said that He would come back after a clean Church, not a half clean

Church, but a Church without spot, blemish, or winkles.

--I’m so glad today that I am Altogether Saved

--I’m so glad I yielded to the conviction of the Holy Spirit

--I’m so glad today that I have made Jesus my Lord and Savior

--I’m so glad today that I know that Heaven will be my Home

--Are you Persuaded?

--Are you Convinced?

Almost - the DANGEROUS word

Think of the emotion that is packed into the word almost. It is five seconds to the

buzzer; the home team is down by one point, and the crowds favorite player has

the basketball. Quickly the moves into position. He jumps. He shoots. The ball

arches up to the hoop, bounces twice on the rim.... and falls away. As the buzzer

sounds, the fans let out a collective moan - their team almost won the game.

Almost won -- the two words together are gut wrenching. There is not second

chance; there is no trophy for the most "almost wins’; there are no cheers, no

banners, no victory celebrations. it doesn’t matter how close the team came to

winning; the game is over, and they lost.

Spiritually speaking the words almost saved are just as final but have far more

sobering consequences.

Almost persuaded to be a Christian is like the man who was almost pardoned, but

he was hanged; like the mans who was almost rescued, but was burned in the

house. A man that is almost saved is damned.

A. Note Agrippa’s fear

To become a Christian invited ridicule

B. Note Agrippa ’s folly

He rejected the message of Jesus

C. Note Agrippa’s fate

As far as can be determined, he never heard Paul again. It was probably his last

chance to hear the gospel and be saved.

Almost, but not Quite

June 15, 2014 Morning Service

Message Point: We must make a commitment to God and stay committed to Him.

Focus Passage: Acts 26:24-29

Supplemental Passage: Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God

were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled

to God. (2 Corinthians 5:20)

Introduction: You cannot satisfy your hunger by “almost eating.” You cannot

satisfy your thirst by almost drinking. You cannot succeed in life by almost giving

your best. You cannot succeed in your marriage by being almost faithful. You

cannot succeed in addiction recovery by almost stopping. You cannot catch a bus

by being almost on time. You cannot pay off your mortgage or car loan by almost

having enough money. Almost doesn’t count except in horseshoes and hand


I. Almost Saved

a. "He who is almost persuaded is almost saved, but to be almost saved is to be

entirely lost."
b. Seeing the Truth, but not accepting Jesus

c. Started attending 9 months before being born, but never being Born Again

II. Almost Committed

a. Like a “fair-weather fan”

b. Letting anything and everything come in the way of serving the Lord or going to


c. Wanting all of the benefits, but none of the responsibilities

III. Almost Righteous

a. Rather be delighted by the world than delighted by God and His Word

b. Understanding the consequences of sin, but are slaves to that sin

c. But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be

lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents,

ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-

control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure

rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have

denied its power; Avoid such men as these. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

Invitation: Who are the “almosts?” They are ones that have been brought up

in church, but don’t have a relationship. They are the ones who see the truth
of Christianity, but never accept Christ. They are the ones whose consciences

have been pricked, but who are unwilling to let go of their sin. They are the

ones who feel they must earn their way to Heaven without trusting in the One

who made the way.

“Almost persuaded” now to believe;

“Almost persuaded” Christ to receive;

Seems now some soul to say,

“Go, Spirit, go Thy way,

Some more convenient day

on Thee I’ll call.”

2 “Almost persuaded,” come, come today;

“Almost persuaded,” turn not away;

Jesus invites you here,

Angels are ling’ring near,

Prayers rise from hearts so dear;

O wand’rer, come!

3 Oh, be persuaded! Christ never fails—

Oh, be persuaded! His blood avails—

Can save from every sin,

Cleanse you without, within—

Will you not let Him in?

Open the door!

4 “Almost persuaded,” harvest is past!

“Almost persuaded,” doom comes at last;

“Almost” cannot avail;

“Almost” is but to fail!

Sad, sad that bitter wail—

“Almost—but lost!”

5 Be now persuaded, oh, sinner, hear!

Be now persuaded, Jesus is near;

His voice is pleading still,

Turn now with heart and will,

Peace will your spirit fill—

Oh, turn today!



Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men

everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the

world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance

of this to all by raising Him from the dead."

And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked, while others

said, "We will hear you again on this matter." So Paul departed from among them.

However, some men joined him and believed, among them Dionysius the

Areopagite, a woman named Damaris, and others with them. Acts 17:30-34


When the Gospel of the Lord Jesus is preached in its fullness, those who hear will

respond in one of three ways. The way you respond determines where you will

spend eternity. Paul makes it clear that believing in the resurrection of Christ is

essential to salvation. “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and
believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

(Romans 10:9)

I. “Some mocked”.

In today’s world there are many who mock the claims of Christ. Some professed

Christians deny the bodily resurrection of our Lord, saying that He arose only in

spirit. Others mock our Lord’s declaration that He is the only way to the Father by

teaching that there are many roads to God. To mock God, His Son, or His Word is

to invite eternal damnation. “Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a

man sows, that he shall also reap.” (Galatians 6:7).

II. “Others said, “We will hear you again on this matter.”

These Athenians may have been sincere in their reply to the Gospel message;

maybe they were really interested but not fully convinced. Perhaps it may have

been a polite way to say “I’m not really interested.” A vivid Bible example of this

response is found in Acts 24:24-25. Felix, a Roman magistrate, already had an

accurate knowledge of “the Way” when he summoned Paul to stand before him.

“...Felix sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ. Now as Paul

reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix was

afraid and answered, ’Go away for now, when I have a convenient time I will call

for you.”
Acts 26:27 records Paul testimony before King Agrippa, “King Agrippa, do you

believe the prophets? I know that you do believe.” Then Agrippa said to Paul,

“You almost persuade me to become a Christian.” And so it is with many today.

They have every intention to give their heart to God in saving belief but they are

not ready to make that decision and commitment now.

There is an old invitation hymn that you may not find in today’s hymnals.

One account tells us that Philip P. Bliss was present in a service conducted by

the Rev. Mr. Brundage who closed his message with a statement that Bliss

could not get out of his mind. That sentence: “He who is almost persuaded is

almost saved, and to be almost saved is to be entirely lost” was the inspiration

for the hymn “Almost Persuaded”. The message of the song is one that needs

to be pressed upon the minds and hearts of people today.

“Almost persuaded,” now to believe;

“Almost persuaded,” Christ to receive;

Seems now some soul to say, “Go, Spirit, go Thy way;

Some more convenient day, On Thee, I’ll call.”

“Almost persuaded,” come, come today;

“Almost persuaded,” turn not away;

Jesus invites you here, Angels are ling’ring near,

Prayers rise from hearts so dear, O wand’rer,come.

“Almost persuaded,” harvest is past!

“Almost persuaded,” doom comes at last!

“Almost” cannot avail; “Almost” is but to fail!

Sad, sad, that bitter wail, “Almost,” but lost.

III. “Some men joined him, and believed.”

“However, some men joined him and believed, among them Dionysius the

Areopagite, a woman named Damaris, and others with them.” (Acts 17:34) We do

not know the percentage of believers in relation to unbelievers but what we do

know is that those who believed were saved.

The declaration of Paul and Silas to the jail keeper at Philippi is still valid today,

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31) The same,

simple, trusting faith in the Lord Jesus Christ brings salvation to all who will

believe. If you have not yet believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, why not now?

Revelation 22:17 says, And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who

hears say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts

come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.
Acts 26:1-32

"Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian"

The chapter out of which our text is taken contains an account of Paul’s conversion

to Christianity which he gave before governor Festus and King Agrippa. Paul’s

speech before Agrippa is his sixth and final defense of Christianity recorded in

Acts. As Paul finished his defense, I notice his sudden thrust in verse 27. Then I

see the side-stepping tactics from Agrippa, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a

Christian." But then I observe the single theme of the Apostle in verse 29. Paul’s

one theme was that men might turn to Christ.

It is from these words of Agrippa that the hymn ALMOST PERSUADED was


Almost persuaded, now to believe,

Almost persuaded, Christ to receive.

Seems now some soul to say,

Go, Spirit, go thy way;

Some more convenient day

On Thee I’ll call.

"Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."

From these words of Agrippa I want to use three words for our thoughts this


I. Christian - The DESPISED word

Many names for believers in the Bible.

Acts 9:

disciples- verse 1

this way- verse 2

Saints- 13

call on thy name-verse 14

brethren- verse 30

Notice a name for the believer that was given by the world (Acts 11:26). From all

indications it was a name given to the believers in mockery. The name has stuck

and has become a badge of honor. It is a name by which the Lord’s people are

known to this day. It is a name that identifies the believer with Christ and Christ

with the believer.The suffix ian means "belonging to the party of." It is only found
three times in the NT. Christian is word that identifies a people who attest to a

change (II Corinthians 5:17), accept a call (II Corinthians 5:18-20), and are assured

a cross (Philippians 1:29). Christians are a people who stand out from the crowd

(Acts 11:25,26), speak out for the Lord (Acts 26:28), and sing out in their

afflictions (I Peter 4;14,16).

What manner of people Christians ought to be because of the name we bear. Our

character, conduct, and our conversation ought to advertise to the world that we are


II. Persuade -The DECISIVE word

Persuade means "to convince by argument and reason, to draw on incline the will

to determination by presenting motives to the mind."

Acts 18:4; Acts 19:26; and II Corinthians 5:11.

A. Persuade men by our life (4). Note continuance in verse 22.

B. Persuade men by using the Word (verse 22).

C. Persuade men by lifting up Christ (23).

D. Persuade men by our persistency (29).

Not persuade men until you are fully persuaded (II Timothy 1:12).

Are you fully persuaded that Jesus is the only way!

Are you fully persuaded that Jesus is the sufficient way!

III. Almost - the DANGEROUS word

Think of the emotion that is packed into the word almost. It is five seconds to the

buzzer; the home team is down by one point, and the crowds favorite player has

the basketball. Quickly the moves into position. He jumps. He shoots. The ball

arches up to the hoop, bounces twice on the rim.... and falls away. As the buzzer

sounds, the fans let out a collective moan - their team almost won the game.

Almost won -- the two words together are gut wrenching. There is not second

chance; there is no trophy for the most "almost wins’; there are no cheers, no

banners, no victory celebrations. it doesn’t matter how close the team came to

winning; the game is over, and they lost.

Spiritually speaking the words almost saved are just as final but have far more

sobering consequences.

Almost persuaded to be a Christian is like the man who was almost pardoned, but

he was hanged; like the mans who was almost rescued, but was burned in the

house. A man that is almost saved is damned.

A. Note Agrippa’s fear

To become a Christian invited ridicule

B. Note Agrippa ’s folly

He rejected the message of Jesus

C. Note Agrippa’s fate

As far as can be determined, he never heard Paul again. It was probably his last

chance to hear the gospel and be saved.

What you might be if you are an almost Christian

1. Born in a Christian country

2. Brought up in a Christian family

3. Member of a Christian church

4. Abound in Christian character and morals

What is it to be an almost Christian

1. It is to see your need and yet not confess it

2. It is to wish to be saved and yet remain undecided

3. It is to be at the door, but yet still outside

Almost is dangerous because of the peril of sudden casualty (Proverbs 29:1).

Almost is dangerous because of the peril of lost conviction "My spirit shall not

always strive with man."

Almost is dangerous because of the peril of lost capacities (I Samuel 25:37,38).

Almost is dangerous because of the peril of imminent coming of Christ.


Are you an almost or an altogether Christian. If you are not a Christian, would you

come today?

Almost persuaded, come, come today;

Almost persuaded, turn not away.

Almost cannot avail; Almost is but to fail!

Sad, sad, that bitter wail, Almost, but lost.

“Almost but lost” Acts 26:28-29

Lori was 14 years old when she was baptized at Blue Springs Community Church,

a one-room country church only a few miles from her house. A few months later,

Lori dropped out of the church. The pastor and his wife visited her several times,
but failed to persuade Lori to return to church. Everyone was concerned for her,

but no one suspected the real reason for her absence. Lori was pregnant.

About a month before she was expected to deliver, Lori tidied her room, emptied

her school locker, and wrote a note to her mother: “You kept asking me if I was

OK and I kept telling you I was, but I wasn’t OK.

I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve got too many problems. I am taking the easy way out.” Lori

left that day before her mother arrived home from work. She walked to the railroad

tracks near her house, knelt between the rails, and folder hands over her little round

belly as Amtrak 168 barreled down upon her. The train engineer, a man who had a

fourteen-year-old daughter of his own, later said that when he saw Lori, it was too

late to stop the train. He watched her cross herself before she died.

Suicide is not a joke and according to the latest statistics I could find, 117 people in

America, commit suicide every single day. [American Association of Suicidology]

Yet every day 1000s of Americans commit, what I call, “Eternal suicide.”

In Acts 26, after Paul delivers one of his most powerful messages, king Agrippa

said, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian”. “Paul you got close…just

not close enough…”

Will you “ALMOST” become a Christian? Will almost get you to heaven?
If I threw a hand grenade and ALMOST hit the center of the middle section of our

sanctuary, there would still be a lot of collateral damage simply because, with a

hand grenade, you just need to get close. In the game of horseshoes, the object of

the game is to get your horseshoes closer than your opponent, to the post.

See in hand grenades and horseshoes, almost is close enough BUT when it comes

to your eternity do you want to gamble with being close enough?

Why would somebody do the right things, and live the right life, only to almost

make it into Heaven?

It’s like jumping out of an airplane and saying…”I almost wore a parachute. I

thought about it. I closely examined all the evidence and believe that wearing a

parachute is a good idea. Then I jumped…”

I have a news flash! You WILL NOT almost hit the ground below! I can pretty

much guarantee that if you jump from a perfectly good airplane without a

parachute you WILL hit the ground VERY HARD.

My heart breaks every time I hear someone say “I think I’m going to heaven.”

I want you to know that you know you are!

And God’s desire is for you to know that you are saved.
1 John 5:12-13, He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of

God does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the

name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and

that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.

Either you’ve got it, or you don’t. You are either saved, or you are NOT.

There is no ALMOST.

*I don’t want to know that you are a charter member of the church…

*I don’t want to know that you haven’t missed a Sunday in 40 years…

*I don’t want to know that you’ve been baptized 12 times…

*I don’t want to know that you said a few words one Sunday…

*I don’t want to know that you believe Jesus is God’s Son…

*I don’t want to know that you believe Jesus died on a cross…

*I don’t want to know that you believe Jesus rose from the dead…

*I don’t want to know how many years you’ve been teaching that Sunday

school class.

*I don’t to know what school you graduated from and what church you’re the

pastor of…
*I don’t want to know that you knelt at some altar when you were a kid…







So why are there people who almost make it to heaven?

1. Many people will hear the truth but never actually receive the truth.

King Agrippa heard Paul’s testimony. He heard about Paul’s conversion on

the road to Damascus.

He heard about how Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven.

He heard the truth of the gospel and may have even agreed with that truth but

he never received the Truth.

He may have thought, as many do today, that he had plenty of time.

Today many people think “I will get saved someday. Right now I have too

much living to do.”

Soon they are so busy they don’t have time for God. They almost became a

Christian. They heard the truth, they examined the truth. They agreed with

the truth but they never received the Truth.


2. Many think they are too good not to get in heaven.

Many think that the way to heaven is just to make sure the good outweighs the bad

BUT the problem is that we are using worldly scales to weigh our good deeds.

When we put our good on God’s scales we can never be good enough…

Romans 3: 10 tells us that there in not a single person who is righteous on their


Romans 3: 23 Tells us that “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Matthew 7:22-23, Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not

prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders

in Your name?”

Now that would be awesome information for my portfolio of good deeds.

And Paul himself told King Agrippa that before accepting Christ, he himself was a

man of good deeds.

But listen to how Jesus finishes these verses

And I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice


It’s not about doing for Jesus…it’s ALL about KNOWING HIM…

Paul told King Agrippa that he was a very good man but just being good doesn’t

cut it.

Hell will be full of “Good people.”

Someone said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions…

And if you’re thinking right now that God would not send a good person to hell;

you are right! BUT God will allow you to make that decision for yourself.

Many are trying to build their own road to heaven when Jesus said, “I AM THE



It is not what you do for Him, it is what He’s already done for you.

Being good will almost get you to heaven…because…

3. Almost saved is eternally lost.

Many fear being rejected by close friends and family if they surrender to Jesus. So

they will join some church and when they are with the saints of God they shout and
sings praises to the King. But when they are around their family and friends they

cuss and fight. They live for the prince of darkness.

[John 12:42-43 NIV] “42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders

believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge

their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; LISTEN...43 for they

loved human praise more than praise from God.” Almost saved.

Jesus said in [Luke 9:26 NIV] “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son

of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the

Father and of the holy angels.”

Some may feel it’s as easy as saying they believe in God.

Paul even insinuated that the King knew about God, in verse 27 where he asked

King Agrippa, “Do you believe the prophets? I know that you do believe.”

But it is more than just having head knowledge of who Jesus is…there is 18”

between heaven and hell…

James 2:19, You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons

believe-and tremble.

They know they messed up and there is no hope for them…There is still hope for

Believing in God is good but simply believing that God is real will almost get you

into heaven.

You not only have to believe. You have to receive.

There is something that scares me to death. I wonder how many people will spend

eternity in hell because someone convinced them that they were saved. (the man

who told me he prayed and felt his friend got saved)…

I can say that I want my truck vacuumed and cleaned on the inside but until I get

the vacuum and do something it will be dirty. You can say “I want Jesus to come

into my heart till the cow comes home; but you have to do something. You have to

receive Jesus into your heart and no one can do it for you. My friend, until you take

that step, you are almost saved and you’ll almost get to heaven.

Do you KNOW or do you THINK you will go to heaven? Let me just say that 99%

sure is 100% lost.

Maybe you are here today and you know you are saved and where you are going.

Let me ask you something. Mom, do you love your lost children? Dad do you?

Wife do you love your unsaved husband? Husband do you love your lost wife?

Child do you know if your parents are saved? Grandma will your grandbabies

spend eternity in heaven or hell? Do you know for sure? Do you care?
Elim Bible Church, do you have that desire to reach the lost?

Many of you may have loved ones who have not accepted Christ and you have

ALMOST witnessed to them but then you thought that would make them


If you are saved and if you love them, there should be a burning desire for them to

know about Christ and who else has a better relationship with them than you?

Many think that the preacher ought to tell them, because many look at the preacher

as a hired gun who gets paid to tell them but that not how it works.

It may mean doing something that you have never done before, like asking them if

they KNOW they are saved or are they ALMOST.

Considering ALL Jesus has done for you, isn’t that the LEAST you can do for


If you choose to put off salvation and you die in your sins, you will spend eternity

in hell remembering, for the rest of eternity, that you refused the opportunity you

had today to be born again.

If you are saved and choose to ignore your family/friends, you will go to heaven

BUT if they die in their sins they will spend eternity in hell remembering, for the
rest of eternity, that you refused every opportunity you had to tell them how to be

more than ALMOST saved.

Open: Acts 3:19. Almost Making Heaven Your Home

There was a women who came here and was from an other church, leader in an

other church, teacher in an other church...

Came here and heard the message of holiness, the message of living a transformed


Came up to my wife and I and said "I thought that I was right, I thought that I had

it made, But I realize that I wasn't even converted to Christ."

She had gone from church to church, all along never committed to Christ.

"With tears in her eyes she said this is what she had been looking for all along."
But the cares of this life stole the Word right out of her. Now she de sieves

herself... James1:22 hearer, but not a doer

Acts 26:28-29

Today we read about King Agrippa said, “You almost persuade me to become a


What a shame to almost accept Christ. It is confusing to me Why would somebody

do the right things, and live the right life, only to almost make it into Heaven? It is

like to be at the door, but yet still outside

It is either you are, or you are not. You shouldn’t want to think you are going to

heaven. You should know that you are. And His desire is for you to know that you

are saved.

1 John 5:12-13

*Almost Christians are know about the Gospel,

*Christians are messengers of the Gospel.

*Almost Christians are interested in the Gospel,

*Christians are involved in the Gospel.

*Almost Christians enjoy the Gospel,

*Christians are filled with Joy because of the Gospel.

*Almost Christians don’t fear Hell and don’t fear God,

*Christians pray for almost Christians that they would live in fear of God...

Either you’ve got it, or you don’t. You are either saved, or you are lost.

Some one who is almost saved is just as lost as someone who never shows any

desire to be.

So why are there people who want to almost make it to heaven?

Many people hear the truth. King Agrippa heard Paul’s testimony.

He heard Paul recount his conversion on the road to Damascus.

He heard how the light from Heaven

Paul found out that Jesus was the Son of God.

He found out that Jesus was who He said He was and that He did what He said he

would do

How He wanted Paul to be the one to tell others how to get from the darkness to

the light.

King Agrippa heard the gospel,. He heard the truth. And yet he chooses to wait.

He must have thought he had more time to make that decision.

Young people think they want to have some fun first. Until often it is too late

As far as can be determined, he never heard Paul again. It was probably his last

chance to hear the gospel and be saved.

I would like to make a call for a decision

Jesus said there is a broad road. He also said there is a narrow road.

Jesus said some people build their houses on sand. He also said some build their

houses on a Rock.

Jesus said some people follow darkness and some people follow light.

Jesus said there are those who are the children of the devil

there are those who are children of God

Someday he will separate us, …goats on one side and His sheep on the other.

The wheat from the tears

The righteous from those that practice iniquity

Have you noticed…there is no “inbetween”???

There are those who are SAVED and there are those who are not.

Those who are blind and those who can see.

Those who have light and those who abide in darkness

Why do many almost want heaven?

Many think they are good enough

Many think that the way to heaven is just to make sure the good out weighs the


The problem is that we can never be good enough.

Some think well if I do enough good for others, God will take it into account And

somehow make an exception for me Matthew 7:22-23

Now I don’t know about you but that sounded like a bunch of good deeds.

And Paul himself told King Agrippa that before accepting Christ, he was a very

religious man. Acts 26:4-6

Paul told King Agrippa that he was a very righteous man. According to the Jews


He was a good man. But just being good doesn’t cut it.

There are going to be a lot of good people who go to hell. Many will be there who

had good intentions,

You see you can do absolutely nothing and still be on your way to hell, The truth is

as David put it... Ps.51:5

And if you think that God would not send a good person to hell; you are right!

They send themselves by trying to build their own way to heaven



It is not what you do for Him, it is what He did for you. Doing good will almost get

you to heaven

Then finally, people almost make it to heaven because…

Many think they just have to believe in God

Many will think, well I believe in a supreme being called God and because of that,

I will get to heaven.

Paul even insinuated that the King knew about God.

Vs.27 King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you do believe.

But it is more than just believing. James 2:19, You believe that there is one God.

You do well. Even the demons believe-and tremble.

Believing in God is good but simply believing in God will almost get you into


You not only have to believe. You have to receive.

Not only do I believe that he is God, but I receive Him as The Lord of my life.

Otherwise , He is not really your God.

So how about you today? Do you KNOW or do you THINK you will go to


2 Corinthians 6:2b, Behold, now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of


Like King Agrippa you have heard the truth today. And if you leave here without

knowing for sure then you will almost make it to heaven.

Where are you in your relationship with Jesus Christ?

Or do you even have a relationship at all?

Want to get to Heaven? Unless you are changed and become like little children,

you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. Matt. 18:3 Hebrews 6:11 full

assurance too the end...

Almost doesn’t count

Acts 26:28-29

We all have probably heard the saying, “Almost doesn’t count unless it is with

horse shoes, hand grenades, 750 pound bombs, or Nuclear weapons. Now I can
understand the horseshoes. You almost make a ringer. You throw the horseshoe; it

hits the peg then bounces off. You almost made a ringer. But I never did

understand the hand grenades, or the bombs and who knows about the Nuclear

weapons. I almost blew up something???

But today we read about something just as confusing. King Agrippa said, “You

almost persuade me to become a Christian”.

What a shame to almost accept Christ. It is as confusing to me as the grenades and

the bombs. Why would somebody do the right things, and live the right life, only

to almost make it into Heaven?

It’s like jumping off the bridge on Bridge Day and almost wearing a parachute.

You still get the same results. It is either you are, or you are not. You shouldn’t

want to think you are going to heaven. You should know that you are. And His

desire is for you to know that you are saved.

1 John 5:12-13, He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God

does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of

the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may

continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.

Either you’ve got it, or you don’t. You are either saved, or you are lost. Some

one who is almost saved is just as lost as someone who never shows any desire

to be. So why are there people who almost make it to heaven?

Many people hear the truth

King Agrippa heard Paul’s testimony. He heard Paul recount his conversion

on the road to Damascus. He heard how the light from Heaven came and how

he found out that Jesus was the Son of God. He found out that Jesus was who

He said He was and that He did what He said He did and how He wanted Paul

to be the one to tell others how to get from the darkness to the light.

Trust me, King Agrippa heard the gospel. He heard the truth. And yet he

chooses to wait. The NIV Bible says it like this; “Do you think in such a short

time that you can persuade me to be a Christian?

He must have thought he had more time to make that decision. And that is

still true today. Many people think some day… I will get saved. Teens think

they want to have some fun first. Then young men and women want time to

start their family first. Then they get caught up in all the things that kids get

into and don’t have the time for God. Then they grow up and with grandkids

and work and everything else they forget about God. They almost became a

So many hear the truth then simply don’t respond to it. Then…

Many think they are good enough

Many think that the way to heaven is just to make sure the good out weighs the

bad. The problem is that we can never be good enough. It only takes one sin to

keep us from spending eternity in heaven with God.

Matthew 7:22-23, Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not

prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders

in Your name?” And I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me,

you who practice lawlessness.

Now I don’t know about you but that sounded like a bunch of good deeds. And

Paul himself told King Agrippa that before accepting Christ, he was a very

religious man.

Acts 26:4-6, My manner of life from my youth, which was spent from the

beginning among my own nation at Jerusalem, all the Jews know. They know me

form the first, if they are willing to testify, that according to the strictest sect of our

religion, I have lived a Pharisee.

Paul told King Agrippa that he was a very righteous man. He was a good man. But

just being good doesn’t cut it. There are going to be a lot of good people who go to

hell. And if you think that God would not send a good person to hell; you are right!
They send themselves by trying to build their own way to heaven when Jesus said,



It is not what you do for Him, it is what He did for you. Being good will almost

make you get to heaven because you think that you are good enough to get there by


Then finally, people almost make it to heaven because…

Many think they just have to believe in God

Many will think, well I believe in a supreme being called God and because of that,

I will get to heaven. Paul even insinuated that the King knew about God.

Vs.27 King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you do believe.

But it is more than just believing

James 2:19, You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons

believe-and tremble.

Believing in God is good but simply believing in God will almost get you into

heaven. You not only have to believe. You have to receive. You can say the words,

Jesus come into my heart; but you have to receive the words to make Him do so. I
not only believe in God but I believe that He lives in my heart. Believing is not

receiving. And believing will almost get to heaven.

So how about you today? Do you KNOW or do you THINK you will go to

heaven? Are you like King Agrippa and think, almost you persuade me to be a

Christian? You don’t have to be 99% sure, you can be 100% sure today.

2 Corinthians 6:2b, Behold, now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of


Like King Agrippa you have heard the truth today. And if you leave here without

knowing for sure then you can almost make it to heaven.

Maybe you are here today and you know you are saved and where you are going;

do you have the same heart like Paul had in verse 29.

And Paul said, “I would to God that not only you, but also ALL who hear me…”

Do you have that desire to reach the lost? Many of you may have family or loved

ones who have not accepted Christ and you might have ALLMOST witnessed to

them but then you thought that would make them uncomfortable. If you love them

then you should want them to know about Christ and who else has the better

relationship with them. Many think that the preacher ought to tell them. But many

look at the preacher as a hired gun who is paid to tell them.

But Paul did not have just a desire for his friends and family. He had a desire for

ALL to become a Christian and they should be your desire too. It may mean you

doing something that you have never done before, but after ALL He has done for

you, isn’t that the least you can do for Him.

Let’s pray.


Let’s look at some of the people in Biblical history who was almost persuaded,

but lose out on the blessings of God, because they was not altogether

Many men and women was moved by Noah’s faithful appeal to build an ark,

but many half finished arks were washed away by the rising waters of the

flood, because they almost believed that a great flood was coming.

Lot’s wife escaped the fire and brimstone as it destroyed the twin cities of

Sodom and Gorromah, but because she was only almost persuaded to not look

back upon its ruins and destruction, she looked back and was turned into a

pillar of salt.

Pharaoh, was almost persuaded by Moses to free the Children of Israel from

bondage, but he and the Egyptian Army pursued them and was drowned in

the Red Sea

King Herod almost let John the Baptist go free, but he had him beheaded.

Judas, who betrayed Christ, almost changed his minded, but instead he

betrayed Him for 30 pieces of silver.

Pilate confessed that Jesus was innocent and he almost set Him free, but

instead he turn Him over to the angry mob to be crucified.

The five foolish virgins was almost persuaded to keep their lamps trimmed

and burning bright, but they let them go out.

Yes, these are but a few of the army of the Almost Persuaded. My brothers

and sisters I need to tell you that being Almost Persuaded is the same thing as

being Lost.



Is it because the preachers has failed to do their job? Well, I¡¦m glad that you asked

this question! No, the preachers is not at fault, because God’s WORD never goes

out and come back in void.

Well, where then do the fault lie? I¡¦m glad that to asked this question also! Just

look with me for a moment at King Agrippa. On his right hand side there was an

excellent reason why he was not persuaded to become a Christian. For on his right

side hand there sat Bernice a woman of the world.

The reason why sinner are not persuaded is, because in 99 case out of 100 , they

are caught up in the LUST OF THE EYE, LUST OF THE FLESH, AND THE


Excuse me Sisters, Bernice was beyond a doubt a shameless and sinful woman.

King Agrippa¡¦s association with Bernice was proven beyond all doubt to be the

reason he rejecting Paul’s message to become a Christian.

I need to tell you that Evil Company¡¨ is one of Satan¡¦s greatest snares and nets in

which he holds sinners like birds in a cage until he’s really to destroy them.



A drowning man was almost persuaded to trust his life in a rescue life boat, but

instead he stayed on board the leaky sinking ship and perished.

A sick man was almost persuaded to use the medicine, he had heard about that

could cure his of his sickness, but instead he refused too, and therefore his disease

grew worse and he died.


My Brothers and Sisters you cannot receive a blessing by Being Almost Persuaded

to have it.

Your hunger cannot be appeased by Almost Eating. Nor, can your thirst be

quenched by Almost Drinking.

You cannot be blessed by Almost Loving your enemies, you have to Love them


You cannot be blessed by Almost Forgiving someone who did you wrong, you

have to Forgive them Altogether.

You cannot be blessed for Almost Giving¡¨ your tithes, you have to Tithe


You cannot make it to Heaven by Almost Begin Born Again, you have to be

¡§Altogether Born Again.

You cannot be Almost Sanctified, you must be Altogether Sanctified.

You cannot be Almost Holy, you have to be Altogether Holy.

You cannot be Almost Redeemed, you have to be Altogether Redeemed.

You cannot be Almost Saved, you have to be together saved.

When the Old Ship of Zion pull away from the muddy banks of Jordan, you

cannot be Almost on Board the ship.

If you want to make Heaven your home, you have to be Altogether on Board

the Old Ship of Zion.

You cannot be Almost Ready For Heaven you have to be Altogether Ready

For Heaven if you want to get there.

Jesus said that He would come back after a clean Church, not a half clean Church,

but a Church without spot, blemish, or winkles.

In the third chapter of the Book of Revelations Jesus said to the Church at

Laodicea To be either hot or cold, because he hate luke-warmness and anything

that is Almost Hot or Almost Cold He would spit out of His mouth..

Are you Altogether Persuaded to service God with all you heart and soul today! If

you’re not saved come to Jesus Altogether Today. Seek Him while he can be

found. Amen ~ Amen ~ Amen

Almost! - (The story of a man who almost had it all)

Mark 10:17-22

I read a story about a 62 year old man named William Hyatt. He was found in the

Mojave Desert with his face and his hands buried in the sand seeking water. His

car had broken down, and he had walked 22 miles through the Desert until he died.

He crawled on his hands and feet the last 2 miles and he died in the sand. Just over

the hill a ½ mile was the Saratoga Spring that could have saved him. He was

almost there and yet he missed it. What a tragic situation!

The verses we have read here in Mark chapter 10 describe a situation that is even

worse. We are told of a man who was on the verge of attaining eternal life and a

home in Heaven but he made a choice that cost him eternally. His choice brought

about some eternal consequences.

There are countless individuals throughout history and even today (possibly some

here right now) who will make the same devastating choice. You have the

opportunity for everlasting life and a home in Heaven... but are you willing to

forsake the things of this world and trust Jesus as your Savior? If not, you will find

yourself in the same situation as this young man. I want to look at his story and

perhaps you can learn from his error.

As we examine this man's choice I would like to preach on the thought "Almost!".

The first thing that I would like to consider is that:

I. This Man Lived A Remarkable Life - v17 ¶And when he was gone forth into the

way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master,

what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why

callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. 19 Thou knowest

the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear

false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. 20 And he answered and

said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth.

This young man seemed to have a lot going for him. In fact, he possessed many of

the things that others seek to attain in this life. Through the scriptures we are given

some insight into the life and character of this man who is often referred to as "The

Rich Young Ruler". The first thing that we are told about his remarkable life is


A. He Was Young - Matthew's account of this story tells us that this man was

young. He had his whole life ahead of him.

Solomon encouraged men to turn to the Lord in their youth. - Ecclesiastes 12:1 1

Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in

your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore.”
I know many people who turned to the Lord late in life and would give anything if

they could go back and live all of their days for their Savior. This young ruler had

the opportunity to spend the rest of his days serving the Lord. Not only are we told

that he was young, we also see that:

B. He Was Successful - In Luke 18:18 this man was described as a "ruler". It is

believed that he was a leader in the synagogue. Being described as a ruler tells us

that this man was one of influence and power. Scripture also tells us that:

C. He Was Wealthy - Here in Mark we see that this young man "had great


Some people have the mistaken idea that it is sinful to have lots of money and

many possessions. That is not necessarily the case. The Bible does not say that

"money is the root of all kinds of evil". It says that "the LOVE of money is the root

of all kinds of evil". (1 Timothy 6:10) You having money isn’t evil, but when the

money has you... there is a problem!

This man didn't just have power, possessions and prestige.... it seems that he was a

decent human being. Notice that:

D. He Lived A Moral Life - He boldly proclaimed to Jesus that he kept all of the

commandments. This man looks Jesus in the eye and says "I honor my Father and

Mother", "I do not commit adultery", "I do not kill", "I do not steal", "I do not bear
false witness", "I do not defraud others". Jesus knew all there was to know about

this man and if you will notice, Jesus did not rebuke him when he made these


Here is a man who lived a moral life. He was what we would call a "good guy".

But he is about to find out (and you will too) that our idea of good and God's is not

the same! Not only was this man a good moral individual, he was a religious man.

E. He Was A Religious Person - As mentioned earlier he was likely a ruler of a

synagogue. This would mean that he had the respect of his peers. Though he was

rich, he was not like the publicans. He did not earn his money in an immoral way

or cheat people to get it. By his own testimony he was motivated to observe the

Law and God's commands.

From the outside looking in it seemed that this man had it all, but deep inside he

knew that something was missing. It seems that God revealed to this man that did

not possess what he needed. With all he had, he lacked salvation, eternal life, the

hope of heaven. People thought he had it all, yet he still longed for more.

You may be in a similar situation. You may not be rich with many possessions but

you have what we would call a good life. You have a home, a car, clothes on your

back and food on the table. Not only do you possess the necessities of this life, you

are one who lives a good moral life. You don't lie, cheat, steal or kill. You treat
your neighbor as you want to be treated. Maybe you spend your time doing good

deeds and helping others. By all accounts you are what most would call a "good

person". The problem is the fact that being good according to man's standards is

not good enough.

God declares that none is good. In fact Jesus told this rich young ruler that "there is

none good but one, that is, God." - According to God, at best, our righteousness is

as a filthy rag apart from Christ.

Let's take it a step further, perhaps you describe yourself a "religious" person. You

attend church. You spend time in prayer. Perhaps you have even been baptized and

joined a church. Even with all of this, there is something missing in your life. Deep

inside there is a longing for something more. This is because religion is not

enough, you must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Your works,

religious rituals and good deeds are not enough to guarantee you eternal life. The

Bible says in Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of

yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

This young ruler had to address this problem in his own life. Notice how he

approached Jesus in - v17 (he went to Jesus) "running, and kneeled to him, and

asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?"
When he bowed before Jesus, He did not turn this man away. He began a discourse

with Him and told him exactly how he could receive eternal life. So not only did

This Man Live A Remarkable Life, we also see that:

II. This Man Had A Wonderful Opportunity - v21 Then Jesus beholding him loved

him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou

hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take

up the cross, and follow me.

Picture this if you will... This dignified, respected ruler runs to Jesus. The fact that

he is running shows that he sensed the urgency of the situation. There were many

poor beggars who bowed before Jesus in the Gospels. No one thought anything

about a poor person in tattered, dirty clothes bowing before the Savior. But

imagine the crowd as they saw a man who was clean, perfectly groomed and

clothed in a fine robe, bows in the dirt on this roadside to seek eternal life.

Now we arrive at the most important and beautiful portion of this passage. As this

man humbly bows before Jesus, Mark says "Jesus beholding him, loved him". How

much did Jesus love this man? He loved Him enough to offer him an opportunity

to receive eternal life. Dear friend, That is exactly how much He loves you!

Jesus began to give this man the information that he needed to be saved .Do you

realize that is what He is doing for you right now? It is no accident that you are
here. Like this young ruler, you too have a wonderful opportunity to receive

Salvation! That is the very reason that Jesus left the glories of Heaven and came to

this Earth. He knew that there was no way for you to be "good enough". Without

Him we had no hope of Salvation and eternal life.

The Bible tells us that "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" -

(Romans 3:23) - Scripture also says that "the wages of sin is death; but the gift of

God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

We were guilty and condemned... and there was nothing we could do to change

that fact. But God in His mercy made a way for us to escape the due punishment

and through His Grace He has supplied us with the wonderful opportunity of

eternal life. - Romans 5:8 But God commended his love toward us, in that, while

we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

What a wonderful opportunity we have been given. This young ruler had the

opportunity to attain salvation and eternal life... and so do you. This passage tells

us of a man who lived a remarkable life, he was a man who had a wonderful

opportunity. He almost had it all but in the end he lost, and he lost eternally. This

brings us to last thing I would like to see about this man. Notice:

III. This Man Made A Devastating Choice - v22 And he was sad at that saying, and

went away grieved: for he had great possessions.

After this man inquired as to how to attain eternal life, Jesus told him exactly how

it was possible. He told him to sell his possessions, give the money to the poor,

take up his cross and follow Him. Jesus was not saying that this man could earn

salvation. He was not implying that he could purchase eternal life. Jesus is simply

addressing the heart of this man’s problem. He loved his money more that he

wanted God in his life.

If you aren’t willing to turn your back on everything for Jesus, then you cannot be

saved. Matthew 16:24 ¶Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come

after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

After hearing what Jesus had to say, this rich young ruler had a choice to make. He

could let go of the temporal and gain the eternal. He could turn to the Savior and

reserve treasures in Heaven. Or hold on to the things of this world and reject the

wonderful opportunity to receive eternal life. I must report to you that he made a

devastating choice.

Filled with sorrow this man walked away from Jesus. He ALMOST had a personal

relationship with Jesus. He ALMOST had riches that would last for eternity. He

ALMOST attained peace, joy and fulfillment that this world could not provide. He

was ALMOST saved! He ALMOST received that eternal life that he desired. He
was ALMOST delivered from his sins. He was ALMOST rescued from Hell. He

ALMOST gained a home in Heaven.

Sadly, this man chose to keep his material goods and reject the Savior. Jesus did

not turn this man away, this man turned away from Jesus! He Lived A Remarkable

Life, he Had A Wonderful Opportunity but He Made A Devastating Choice. And

the choice he made will impact him throughout eternity.

Many others have made the same devastating choice. Will you learn from this

man's error, will you deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus? Or will

you allow the things of this life to hinder your from attaining salvation through

Christ? You may live a remarkable life. You have a wonderful opportunity to

receive salvation through Christ. Will you make the choice to surrender to Him, or

will you make a devastating choice that will impact you through eternity.

You may be a good moral person. You may even be religious but if you are not

born again you will stand before Him and just as you turn away from Him now, He

will turn away from you then!

Jesus says in - Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we

not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name

done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew

you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

What a tragic situation, but the good news is... it can be avoided if you will turn to

Jesus while there is time. Let me urge you... do not delay! This could be your last

opportunity to be saved!

D.L. Moody, by his own admission, made a mistake on Oct. 8, 1871.It was a

mistake he determined never to repeat. He had been preaching in the city of

Chicago. That particular night drew his largest audience yet. His message was

'What will you do then with Jesus who is called the Christ?'. By the end of the

service, he was tired. He concluded his message, and once again presented the true

Gospel with a concluding statement; 'NOW I GIVE YOU A WEEK TO THINK


HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO RESPOND.' A soloist began to sing. But before

the final note, the music was drowned out by clanging bells and wailing sirens

screaming through the streets. The Great Chicago fire was blazing. In the ashen

aftermath, hun-dreds were dead and over a hundred thousand were homeless.

Without a doubt, some who heard Moody's message had died in the fire. He

reflected remorsefully that he would have given his right arm before he would ever

give an audience another week to think over the message of the Gospel.

There is no guarantee that you will have another chance to respond to the

wonderful opportunity that Jesus is offering you right now. If you die without

Jesus you will find yourself in Hell. You will suffer unending torments. You will
forever be separated from God. There will be no relief and no escape. One of the

worst things you will have to deal with is the fact that you had a wonderful

opportunity to be rescued form that fate and you rejected Jesus. Almost does not

have to be a reality for you. You can be saved and live this life with full assurance

of your salvation. If you will simply surrender your all to Jesus Christ. Repent of

your sins and trust Him as your Savior.

God's Word tells us how we can receive the greatest victory of all. This is found in

- Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt

believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth

confession is made unto salvation.

If you will do that... you will not have to spend eternity saying ...ALMOST!

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