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Did you know that the patents were issued for Sars-CoVi-2 (Covid-19) gene

sequences YEARS before the pandemic began. The investigator followed the trail
that leads to pre-Covid patents for components of anti-Covid ‘vaccines’, patents
that were obtained by individuals and companies now demanding universal
The only possible motive for creating a disease and then forcing everyone to accept
vaccines made by the same people who invented the disease is – pardon the pun
– to make a killing. It is not necessary for the disease to be as dangerous as we are
told so long as people believe it is, which is easy when the media is dependent on
advertising revenue from those selling the vaccines.
Prior to forming his own biotech company in 2011, Michael Yeadon was the Vice
President and Chief Scientific Officer for Allergy & Respiratory Research at Pfizer
Pharmaceutical. He is a top scientist in the world of drugs and vaccines in the
treatment of respiratory diseases such as Covid. He declares that the Covid
pandemic is a fraud. He explains why masks are useless, why distancing is absurd,
why PCR tests are meaningless, why quarantining healthy people is stupid, why
variants of virus strains are no threat, and why Covid vaccines should be rejected.
Yeadon says many of his colleagues privately agree with this appraisal but remain
silent to protect their salaries and research grants. It’s all about money. He
concludes that, because of the massive number of deaths that will follow within a
few years of vaccination, there clearly is an agenda to deliberately eliminate
billions of people from the Earth, and to enslave those who remain. You might be
tempted to think this message is the ranting of a mad man, but coming from the
former head scientist at Pfizer, one of the top Covid-vaccine manufacturers, it
cannot be dismissed.
According to the recently FDA vaccines and related biological products advisory
committee meeting, top vaccine research scientists gave their testimony that
COVID-19 vaccines are killing and harming people more than they allegedly save.
Wake up! The bible taught us that the world are a full of lies and wickedness!
Remind that the bible also said curse on man who trust in man! (Psalms 118:8,9;
Jeremiah 17:5; Isaiah 31:1; Psalms 146:3)
Who you shall trust?
God who made us with built-in immune system that protect us from virus OR man
made vaccines filled with toxic ingredients then inject to your body then declared
in lying “Cure!” ? You decide!

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