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1. Explain about Page object model and advantages

2. Explain about testNg annotations
3. Difference between after suite and before suite
4. What is data Driven testing
5. Explain about your framework?
6. Have you used POM in your framework?
7. What is Page Factory?
8. Suppose you have 7 pages in your application then to achieve POM what u will do?
9. What is Listeners?
10. How to connect to database?
11. What is Jenkins?
12. What is the use of Pom.xml?
13. What is the use of testng.xml?
14. Annotation used in page object model?
15. What strategies you followed while building a Selenium framework from scratch?
16. What are annotation in testNG ?
17. Explain how BDD works with Cucumber.
18. How do you set the test data in BDD.
19. How do you manage test execution using TestNG.
20. What is actions class and the methods in actions??
21. What is the difference between build and perform?
22. Merge conflict in GIT?
23. what Maven Architecture and explain pom.xml ?
24. - TestNG what are the annotations use ?
25. - BDD framework ?
26. - Explain cucumber framework ?
27. Git Hub Commands ? version controlling
28. Difference between Given and When in cucumber feature file
29. What is the purpose of Background in feature file
30. Can i give login username and password in And will it work?
31. Which reporting standard you use in framework
32. Jenkins CI/CD
33. Explain BDD framework in your project
34. Today we have executed some tests using maven, but tomorrow when you see that someone
deleted all dependencies from .pom file then in that case will you be able to execute tests or not
35. In Page object model once you create class what is the first thing you start with
writing initially...How are you initiating writing something into a page class?

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