Tổng hợp đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 2 2021 (cập nhật liên tục)

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Tổng hợp đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS

Writing task 2 2021 (cập nhật liên tục)

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

Mục lục

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 21-01-2021 2
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 23-01-2021 2

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 06-02-2021 2
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 20-02-2021 3
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 25-02-2021 3
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 27-02-2021 3

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 04-03-2021 3
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 13-03-2021 3
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 20-03-2021 3
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 27-03-2021 4

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 10-04-2021 4
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 17-04-2021 4
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 24-04-2021 4
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 29-04-2021 4

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 08-05-2021 5
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 15-05-2021 5
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 22-05-2021 5
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 29-05-2021 5

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 12-06-2021 5

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 01-07-2021 5

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 09-01-2021
Task 2: Some people think that hosting an international sports event is good for the
country, while some people think it is bad. Discuss both views and state your

Bài mẫu:

Sports have the power to bring people together, and as a result, it is not surprising to
see international sporting events drawing enormous crowds. It is believed by some
that hosting these events is beneficial for a country, while from others’ points of view,
such events pose a negative influence. This essay will closely examine both
positions before giving my opinion regarding this matter.

There are several reasons why hosting international sporting competitions is positive
for a country. First of all, the organization of such events will greatly invigorate the
country’s sporting movement; therefore, the host country’s athletes will be roused to
compete for the sake of patriotism and national glory. Take China, for example;
the country’s achievement at the Olympic Games in recent decades was second to
the US’s in every event save for 2008, when China hosted the Beijing Olympics and
was the frontrunner in terms of gold medals. Additionally, hosting international sports
events will also help place the host country on the world map of tourism. Through the
imagery displayed in the media, the host can create a lasting impression on
international audiences and become a popular destination even long after the
competition has concluded.

On the other hand, being a host of international sporting events can be unfavorable
due to several factors. Firstly, the host country will incur a gigantic amount of public
debt from loans that have to be taken to construct new sporting facilities and
upgrade existing ones. Understandably, this not only takes a toll on the public
budget but also opens up a host of opportunities for corruption through kickbacks
and dubious dealings. Secondly, the lives of local people may be disrupted because
of the policies implemented while making event preparations. In a country that is
well-known for hiring foreign immigrants to perform construction projects, like Saudi
Arabia, for instance, having a huge influx of laborers from overseas to build large

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

sporting facilities will likely cause social friction with the locals. As a whole, these
expenses are more significant than one might think, and will make hosting an
international sports competition hardly a worthy endeavor.

In conclusion, I tend to agree with the opinion that hosting international sporting
events is detrimental to the country.

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 16-01-2021

Task 2: Some people think students should study the science of food and how to
prepare it. Others think that school time should be used in learning important
subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion?

Bài mẫu:

As meal-preparing methods become increasingly diverse, a debate emerges as to

whether the science behind cuisines should be incorporated into school curriculums.
While some people support this development, others consider it a waste of time that
could be spent on other subjects. In this essay, I will discuss both sides and argue
that as nourishment is an essential aspect of life, young children will benefit
immensely from studying Nutrition.

The fulcrum of the argument that food-related studies should be left out of syllabuses
is the assumption that it is not necessary for young people. Firstly, most pupils do not
prepare their own food: they either eat meals cooked by their families or purchase
them from restaurants and cafeterias. In respect to restaurants, there are also
numerous options for those who prefer to eat healthy, which include and are not
limited to vegan menus offered by popular businesses like Burger King, or acai
bowls and smoothies from dessert eateries. The second reason why learning about
foodstuff appears to be trivial is the fact that chronic diseases resulting from
unhealthy eating habits often manifest at a later stage in life, since harmful
substances need to accumulate before being capable of causing ailments. Because
of this, it is much more frequent to find patients with obesity, high blood pressure and

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

other diet-related conditions in older age groups. Subsequently, with the impression
that children and young adults are unaffected by their diets, educators usually
neglect the science of nourishment when the curriculum is concerned.

Nonetheless, it is crucial to study Nutrition if cooking ingredients are to be used

optimally. It has been shown that nutrients need to be consumed in very specific
ways to function at their best in the human body. For instance, many spiritual gurus
as well as movements encouraging healthier diets, such as the Satvik movement
from India, suggests that we increase the number of fruits we eat and avoid
consuming canned or bottled food since the former is easily digested but the latter is
not. Furthermore, some ingredients have powerful medicinal effects, which makes
both excessive and inadequate absorption harmful for physical health. A good
example would be honey. According to Sadhguru, a proficient teacher of spirituality
and lifestyle, if honey is mixed with warm water, it energizes the body and enhances
the mind’s capability due to its similarity to the human blood. However, if drunk with
cold water, it is nothing more than extra calories on the system. Therefore, being
given the intricacy of the interaction between nourishment and the human body, it is
essential for students to understand the science behind what they eat at a young age
to maintain physical and mental well-being.

In conclusion, although some people might prefer students to focus on “important”

subjects instead of learning about the function and preparation of nutritional
substances, it has been proven that such exploration is mandatory for a healthy,
balanced life. Thus, I strongly recommend that students should be educated about
the what and the how when it comes to food as early on in the curriculum as

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 21-01-2021

Task 2: Some countries allow old people to work to any age that they want. Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Bài mẫu:

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

Since many countries, such as Japan and the United States, are facing an ageing
population, issues surrounding the elderly community are increasingly debated. In
some parts of the world, senior residents may retire whenever they prefer. Although
there are both advantages and disadvantages to this policy, I think the risks entailed
completely outweigh the benefits.

The main benefit of the absence of retirement age is an improvement in the overall
well-being of the elderly. They will be mentally healthier working compared to staying
at home. Being employed prevents the self-esteem of old people from deteriorating
by allowing them to continue contributing to society. Furthermore, interaction with
like-minded colleagues at the workplace keeps the seniors from feeling lonely,
especially when their children do not often spend time with them. Having an
occupation also helps sustain physical health. Physical movements are inherent to
some lines of job, such as coaching or performing; and even if the job requires
workers to sit in one place, transportation to and from work provides some extra
workout for the elderly. By increasing the amount of physical activity carried out by
the seniors on a daily basis, having a job certainly will help keep them fit and free of

Nonetheless, there are substantial risks to both old people and society at large in the
absence of a limit on the working age. It has been shown by scientists across
disciplines that certain functions of the mind and body naturally degenerate as
humans become older. For instance, psychological research proved that the abilities
to encode new memory and to pay attention are lesser in older subjects, and it only
takes observation to realize that somatic reflexes are slower in older people. This
implies that senior civilians are unfit for most occupations: with *low-risk jobs like
teaching and coaching, the consequences may be limited to slipping up during
lectures or making mistakes when scoring; but for *high-risk jobs such as ship
navigating or policing, being unable to remember, focus and react quickly can easily
cost the lives of the elderly themselves as well as their colleagues’ and other
civilians. That is to say, regardless of benefits on the individual level for senior
citizens, the duration of time a worker is allowed to work should be restricted to
prevent regrettable workplace accidents.

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

In conclusion, when the policy of having residents decide the time of their retirement
is concerned, the advantages concentrate at the individual level while the
disadvantages can potentially affect a whole community. Bearing that contrast in
mind, although the seniors in some countries can work to any age that they desire,
this is not a model to learn from. In my opinion, the drawbacks certainly prevail,
hence the aforementioned nations should reconsider their relevant laws as soon as

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 23-01-2021

Task 2: In some countries, more young adults continue to live with their parents even
after they have completed education and found jobs. Do the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages?

Bài mẫu:

Joint families are still existing in some Asian countries, where adults prefer to
continue their stay with their parents after completing their studies and getting a job.
While, there is a plethora of advantages of this trend such as, emotional support,
house chores, and financial stability, which outweigh any demerits. The essay will
further discuss both facets of a proposal with appropriate examples and reach a
logical conclusion.

To begin with, one of the biggest benefits of a joint family is emotional support for a
youngster, as we know when someone is pursuing their career they have been
through a lot of hurdles and in that situation a person needs a family. Secondly, when
an individual is living with their parents, they most likely have no need to do some
house chores, like cooking, washing, because in a family tasks are always divided
within the members. Additionally, parents are financial support for children, even
though they are grown up, so the financial burden gets reduced when someone is
sharing a house with parents. Most importantly they do not need to pay bills
immediately. For example, a study conducted on the age category 20 to 30,reflected
that adults, who are living with their parents are physically and mentally stronger
than those who are staying alone.

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

On the other hand, there are a few disadvantages too when staying with parents,
one of the main problems is privacy, young people do not have any privacy and time
for their own. Living with parents could make someone dependent from all sides and
a person would face a lot of difficulties in their future. For instance, a girl who is
staying with her mother and father for 30 years and suddenly moves to another
country for study will face more obstacles as compared to a girl who is already
staying separate from her parents.

In conclusion, therefore, some demerits of a joint family present in today's society,

this trend is not suitable for modern community, nevertheless, the aforementioned
trend still has valuable paramount benefits for a grown up, and it is helpful for both
children as well as parents.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 06-02-2021

Task 2: Many people believe that it is easier to have a healthy lifestyle in the
countryside. Others believe that there are health benefits of living in cities. Discuss
both views and give your opinions.

Bài mẫu:

It is a debatable issue whether everyone should live in a rural area or they should
stay in the town to easily receive health benefits. In this essay, I will discuss both
views, and I also explain why I feel that everyone should enjoy city life.

On the one hand, the undeniable fact is that remote areas can decrease the rate of
catching psychological problems like stress and depression. To explain this, they are
living in a modern world, where human beings constantly make efforts to get
competitive with each other, so those who live in the countryside tend to have less
tendency to compete for their jobs. Furthermore, the rural setting is considered as a
natural environment that supports them to follow a healthy life with the most basic

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

things by self-sufficiency. Otherwise, they would have to make more money to afford
some foodstuffs and others, which is one of the barriers affecting their desire for a
sound living.

On the contrary, I strongly opine that settling down in the city can make people
satisfied with modern amenities as well as have better social security. For instance,
urban dwellers might easily access services of the gym and medical centres or shop
for high-quality commodities, which help them create ideal conditions to focus more
on their healthy lifestyle. Should they not stay in the metropolis, they could struggle
to be accessible with the leading educational system, therefore, they can lack
opportunities to have versatile knowledge in order to build up a scientific regimen on
their own. Moreover, although residing in the centre seems to face more or less
environmental pollutants such as air and noise, these can be overcome by the
fast-paced development of technology in the future, so living in the urban areas
would give them take more responsibility of protecting the environment when they
have a higher awareness of healthy community. As a result, they make sure they
would love and respect themselves much more.

In conclusion, despite the fact that living in the countryside has some advantages for
those who would like to find a more gentle and peaceful life, I believe that they
should stay in the metropolitan area to enjoy a variety of utilities and the higher
privileges of social welfare.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 20-02-2021

Task 2: Children should do organized activities in their free time while others believe
children should be free to do what they want. Discuss both views and give your

Bài mẫu:

In this day and age, more and more contemporary attention has been placed on the
opinion that children are advised to partake in scheduled activities in their spare
time. However, other people argue that children should be free to do everything that
they love. From my perspective, I subscribe to the latter idea.

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

On the one hand, if organized activities are outdoor pursuits and children do not
show their fascination with them, it will prove challenging to force children to follow
scheduled activities. This is because children only want to engage in pursuits that
they are truly fascinated by. For instance, a child having a great passion for drawings
will seldom lean toward participating in sports activities, so it is virtually impossible to
organize this kind of activity for him or her. In addition, in the case that children are
allowed to join their favourite outdoor pursuits, this means father and mother respect
their offspring’s options, leading to the fact that it will be less likely to have conflicts
between them and their children when it comes to this problem.

On the other hand, there are a lot of other activities which should be scheduled by
parents or teachers. Firstly, those are ones which are helpful to society such as
doing charity or voluntary works. To be more specific, these activities will educate
children on the significance of sharing and sympathizing with other people, so they
will help them understand humane values. Thus, it is necessary to schedule this type
of activity for children. Secondly, learning survival skills can become a pursuit that
ought to be organized by teachers or parents. When partaking in this activity,
children will have great opportunities to comprehend the importance of survival skills
in their real life and through that, they will have more motivation to be proficient in
those skills like swimming.

In conclusion, with all the reasons mentioned above, I strongly believe that children
should have the freedom to engage in any pursuit that they feel interested in but in
some cases, scheduled activities are necessary.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 25-02-2021

Task 2: Some people believe that the best way to encourage children to have a
healthy diet at school and some people believe that parents should teach them to
have a healthy diet. Discuss both views and give your opinion?

Bài mẫu:

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

In this day and age, more and more contemporary attention has been placed on the
opinion that the most effective method to incentivize children that have a healthy diet
at an educational establishment, however, others argue that parents should play a
role in teaching their offspring to eat food, which is beneficial to their health. From my
perspective, I subscribe to the former idea.

On the one hand, schools are an ideal educational environment to provide useful
information about a healthy diet. This is because teachers are trained professionally
and well-experienced in educating children on the significance of consuming healthy
food, therefore, students will be aware of the fact that if they have healthy meals,
their well-being will become more robust. In addition, nowadays, most parents prove
challenging in devoting their time to instruct their child to have a healthy diet due to
the heavy workload in their workplace, so no one is better than schools, particularly
teachers in shouldering this responsibility.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that father and mother play an important part in
educating their offspring on having fundamental knowledge about consuming healthy
dishes. Although the majority of parents rarely spend their time looking for
information about food, which is beneficial to children’s health, they still have basic
understandings about healthy food, which are enough to teach their child to avoid
food that can have negative impacts on their offspring’s health. For instance, parents
may talk about the bad effects of eating fast food and encourage their child to eat
this kind of food as least as possible and with this advice from parents, children will
have less possibility of consuming much fast food in the future.

In conclusion, with all the reasons mentioned above, I strongly believe that the best
way to incentivize students that have a healthy diet at school.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 27-02-2021

Task 2: Some people feel that young people should follow the traditions of their
society. Others, however, believe that young people should be free to behave as
individuals. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 04-03-2021

Task 2: Today many countries import food from different parts of the world. Is this a
positive or negative development?

Bài mẫu:

As transportation has become extremely advanced, edibles can be conveniently

produced in one place and consumed in another thousand miles away.
Nonetheless,I think this trend is largely a negative development due to the harm it
causes to local residents and the environment. This essay will argue with present
arguments and evidence to prove my points.

Food trade bears consequences for local farmers who produce export crops.
Because the majority of cultivation efforts are focused on the production of export
supply, provision for the local communities is oftentimes neglected. Subsequently,
many nations where agriculture occupies a relatively large portion of national income
struggle with the starvation of their own people. As if to exacerbate the issue,
governments in some countries subsidize the growing of foodstuff to be sold to
foreign buyers. This regrettable phenomenon is most prominent in third world nations
such as Ethiopia. Ethiopia ranks among the ten largest coffee exporters worldwide;
nevertheless, the nation is wracked by famine as the livelihood of hundreds of
thousands of its inhabitants are severely threatened.

Food trade also has adverse influences on the environment. Firstly, the
transportation of foodstuffs by aeroplanes or ships emit greenhouse gases,
aggravating the urgent issue of global warming. Secondly, cultivating the same types
of plants leads to soil deprivation as the nutrients necessary for those particular
crops are depleted so quickly they do not have time to replenish. To address this
problem, many farmers start to use synthetic fertilizers which poison the surrounding
ecosystems as well as the harvest to be consumed which only doubles the damage.
Although producers have begun to employ measures such as crop rotation and
organic fertilizer, these solutions are not as popular as they should be. For example,
in Vietnam, there have been instances where organisms in a pond adjacent to crop
fields die in masses, and the major cause has been determined to be excessive use
of fertilizers.

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

In conclusion, the international trade of foodstuff is evidently a counterproductive turn
of events due to the damages it brings upon local communities and natural
environments. Therefore, governments should restrict their national food export in
the near future to protect their citizens and the ecosystems within their borders.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 13-03-2021

Task 2: Some people store personal and private information online, including
banking, contacts and addresses. Is it a positive or negative trend?

Bài mẫu:

In this day and age, more and more contemporary attention has been placed on the
opinion that some people have a tendency to update their personal and private data
on the Internet, including banking, contacts and addresses. From my perspective,
these are both positive and negative trends.

To begin with, storing personal and private information on the Internet will lessen the
risk of losing important information in real life. This can be explained by the reason
that in some unpredictable situations, the possibility of vital information lost is
extremely high, therefore, people need an effective solution to deal with it. For
instance, natural disasters such as floods or tsunami may destroy a lot of houses
and in such life-threatening situations, safety is always prioritized, so people will find
all ways to protect their lives in lieu of striving to look for papers consisting of
important information. As an inevitable consequence, people can lose them and take
a great deal of time and effort to restore information about banking, contacts and

However, updating personal and private data online has its own drawback. To be
more specific, a huge amount of online users’ information may be stolen by hackers
aiming at serving their bad intentions, one of them is selling that information to make
money. In this case, people not only face financial loss but their daily life can also
be affected negatively. For example, if hackers have information about the banking

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

account of a wealthy person, they can hack that account to gain a significant amount
of money, causing a huge financial loss for that person.

In conclusion, with all the reasons mentioned above, I strongly believe that storing
private and personal information online can be a positive as well as a negative trend.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 20-03-2021

Task 2: Many people are working longer hours. Why is this happening? What
problems can this cause to people?

Bài mẫu:

In the modern world, working continuously for long hours has become a topic for
discussion, especially at the time when employees’ benefits have been given a
serious thought. Considering the extension of working hours seriously, I am
supportive of the argument that long working hours have a negative influence on
employees, the organizations they work for, and ultimately upon the general
economy and society as a whole. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will be highlighting
my opinion.
For individuals working for longer hours, there are two issues. It not only damages
relationships with family, disrupts social lives and impedes communication activities
but also causes a feeling of depression, a psychological disturbance that is suffered
by many jobholders. It also exerts pressure on the employment market, and in turn,
reduces the number of job vacancies.
For corporations, working incessantly has destructive effects in the long run. The
primary reason is that staff tend to be less productive and are at greater risks of
sickness. It would lead not only to the low quality of work but also to higher
absenteeism and turnover. Therefore, employers have no choice but to spend much
more on recruiting and training new employees. To a country in general, it has
chronic impacts, preventing the optimization of resource and human capital.

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

Although some people might argue that it is reasonable for an employer to expect
flexibility during a specific busy period, tolerance of this practice would enable
employers to exploit labour and omit the benefits that employees deserve.
In light of the above discussion, working long hours is not acceptable in any manner.
In short, this would lead to frequent sick leaves and low productivity, thereby doing
more harm than good to people and the corporations as well.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 27-03-2021

Task 2: People believe that individuals who make a lot of money are the most
successful. Others say that those who contribute to society like scientists, teacher
are the most successful. Discuss both and give your opinion?

Bài mẫu:

It is argued whether money or social contributions should be considered as the

criteria to assess a person’s success in society. In my opinion, although the former
view can be true in some situations, the latter is more reasonable due to several

On the one hand, there are many reasons why people believe that individuals who
earn high incomes are the most successful. Firstly, it is an irrefutable fact that those
people who have a high salary are usually working in big companies or having good
jobs. This can be exemplified by the case of successful executive leaders of some
large businesses, who not only gain respect from others but also still earn many
thousand dollars on a monthly basis. Secondly, it is believed by a majority of people
that successful people means those who can afford a luxurious life. In other words,
they can enjoy the high living standards with prohibitively expensive products such
as jewelry, clothes and cosmetics.

On the other hand, I am still convinced that people who contribute to the community
are the most successful. To begin with, not all wealthy people gain their money
legally because they may commit crimes to make profits like trading heroin and
money laundering. Therefore, these cases cannot be considered as successful
despite their richness. Besides, people like scientists and teachers, who contribute to
society are believed to be the most successful in terms of their in-depth knowledge

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

and high social status. To be more specific, being a scientist or a teacher is not easy,
so people have to spend a long time and effort acquiring knowledge so that they can
satisfy the requirements of those high-level jobs. Therefore, they will receive respect
from other people and be recognized as the most successful in society.

In conclusion, being rich can be considered to be successful, however, I hold a firm

belief that people who contribute to society are the most successful ones.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 10-04-2021

Task 2: Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention in school. What
are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem?

Bài mẫu:

In this day and age, more and more contemporary attention has been placed on the
opinion that many students prove challenging to maintain their concentration span in
an educational establishment. In this essay, I will clarify the reasons why this
phenomenon is relatively common in many schools in the world and suggest some
solutions to deal with this problem.

There are two possible causes to explain why many students encounter obstacles in
focusing on and paying attention to lessons in school. The first one is that they are
distracted by their own electronic devices such as smartphones or smartwatches. To
be more specific, some of the students do not turn off their devices’ notifications,
leading to the reality that when they are studying mandatory subjects in their classes,
the loud sound of their smartphones’ notifications may propel them into distraction.
The second reason is that some pupils do not have a deep and good sleep,
therefore, the next day, they are highly likely to feel exhausted. As an inevitable
consequence, when they are in a state of exhaustion, their concentration span will
be hardly maintained.

Moving onto the next part, I will propose some ideas to tackle this students’ problem.
To begin with, an effective method, which can result in an immediate positive effect,
is incentivizing students to turn off their electronic devices’ notifications and solely

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

use them during break time. In addition, parents and teachers should advise pupils
to adjust their circadian rhythms. To be more detailed, they ought to tell students that
they have to sleep early and the ideal length of sleep should last from 7 to 8 hours.

In conclusion, those are causes making pupils difficult in having good attention in
school as well as solutions which may solve this students’ challenge.

(Band 7)

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 17-04-2021

Task 2: It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural
environments, such as the South pole. Do the advantages of this development
outweigh the disadvantages?

Bài mẫu:

It is true that humans can now set foot in wild regions far away from civilization.
While I accept that this development can have certain benefits for the human race, I
believe that it is likely to have a harmful impact on nature.
On the one hand, undertaking expeditions to the wilderness can be valuable in terms
of both science and recreation. There are a considerable number of undiscovered
secrets that can be tremendously useful for researchers to conduct their studies. For
instance, environmental scientists can analyse the data about the thickness of ice
layers over millions of years in both hemispheres to predict the possible changes in
global temperatures. Such findings are crucial for the governments to develop
appropriate plans to alleviate global warming. Furthermore, the untouched beauty of
these areas is usually appealing to travellers, providing people with an attractive
option of holiday destination or excursion.
However, I would argue that these positive aspects are outweighed by the
drawbacks. When people are given full and easy access to the distant and
unpopulated areas, there are likely to be more moving there to reside or start their
business. It has been shown that substantial damage has been done to nature such
as massive deforestation or water contamination due to humans’ lack of

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

environmental awareness. If there is inadequate protection of the environment from
this type of action, wild regions in the world will no longer exist, unspeakably
affecting not only the overall ecology but also the lives of other people.
In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of travelling to wild
environments are more significant than the possible benefits for the mentioned

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 24-04-2021

Task 2: Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being performed by robots. Is
this a negative or positive development?

Bài mẫu:

These days a sizable number of chores at home and the workplace are done by
robots. The principal cause for this issue is the busy lifestyle of people. This essay
believes that it is a negative development because the overuse of robots is making
us follow a sedentary lifestyle.

The main reason for this trend is the hectic schedule of people. In the modern era,
most people have too much burden on their shoulders. They have to work
tremendously hard to lead their life towards an impressive growth trajectory. This
busy work schedule leaves less spare time at their disposal. Therefore they take the
services of robots to do menial tasks such as dusting and mopping. With the support
of robots, they can live a comfortable life and focus on their work. A study conducted
by Oxford university has revealed that engaging robots for household chores saves
about 30 hours of quality time per week.

However, making robots do tasks at home and in the workplace is counterproductive

for human beings because we need sufficient physical workout to remain fit and
healthy. There is no denying this conviction that simple tasks such as washing the
car or arranging the files make us burn calories. Apart from this, engagement in
physical tasks stretches our body, which is a must-have to keep us in good shape.

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

So, due to the overuse of robotic machines, human beings are becoming more prone
to diseases. America is the prime example, where the rising usage of Roomba
robots for cleaning homes has led to a tremendous increase in the percentage of the
overweight population.

To conclude, the rising usage of robots at workplaces and homes is due to the
demanding schedules of the people. Overutilization of these machines is an
imprudent approach because they decline our physical activity.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 29-04-2021

Task 2: Some people think that childcare centers provide the best services for
children of preschool age. Other working parents think that family members such as
grandparents will be better carers for their kids. Discuss both views and give your

Bài mẫu:

It is a social norm that both parents pursue their career paths outside of the home,
and their children are taken care of either by teachers at nurseries or by
grandparents. While asking grandparents for help is advantageous in some respects,
there are compelling reasons why nursery schools provide the best preparation for

There are reasons why some parents are in favour of having their children being
looked after by grandparents. The first reason to consider is that unlike childcare
centres, grandparents do not usually demand a payment for their service. To some
financially disadvantaged families, this can be the most economical choice. Another
significant reason is that with grandparents’ support, the children-caretaker ratio can
be just a fraction of that at a nursery. This means there will be more eyes to monitor
every step the child takes, to assure an environment free of any detriment.

On the other hand, sending children to preschools is a more beneficial solution for a
more comprehensive development. With standardised educational methods, these
schools may foster both the physical and intellectual growth of children. Children, for
instance, can be exposed to a diversity of opinions and backgrounds, thus

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

developing their social skills by negotiating with other kids. In addition to this, healthy
and balanced meals for children at these places can be provided according to menus
that are tailored to fit the nutrient needs of different ages. Preschool children, as a
result, may progress faster than those who are home-schooled, both psychologically
and physically.

In conclusion, even though childcare by grandparents may guarantee more attention

for the children and help the parents save money, kindergarten is the right place for a
greater all-rounded progress of a child. It is recommended that all young children are
sent to a proper childcare centre.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 08-05-2021

Task 2: It is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle in

order to prevent illness than to spend it on treatment of people who are already ill. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài mẫu:

The world health care system has been facing enormous pressure due to frequent
outbreaks of diseases. It is argued that the state should increase their spending on
raising the citizens’ awareness of a healthy way of living rather on providing timely
treatments when the diseases have occurred.

Without question, “prevention is better than cure”, therefore the government should
have policies in making its people adopt a healthy lifestyle. Through national and
local awareness enhancement campaigns, people can be better informed of
potential health risks associated with their bad habits. For example, instead of
consuming too much fast food on a daily basis, teenagers or busy workers will
therefore choose more nutritious foods or try to cook by themselves, which can
prevent the high incidence of obesity, diabetes and other fatal diseases.

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

In addition to their long-term positive effects on people’s frame of mind, such
campaigns are cost-effective. What is needed is a budget on conveying messages
on the mass media like television, newspapers or conducting various workshops to
share advice and experience to the public. By contrast, the medical treatment fees
for a single patient with cancer disease like liver or lung cancer can amount to
dozens of millions or billions, meaning a huge financial burden to the state and the

However, the government cannot ignore its obligation in improving their medical
system as well as assisting the already ill patients covering their medical fees.
Hospital fees are so expensive in some countries that only the rich can afford, so the
government’s role in offering aid for treating the sick is a moral duty. As well as this,
constructing more hospitals and buying modern equipment should also be put into
consideration as it is more effective in the short run.

In conclusion, raising the level of public awareness is more important, but the
government cannot neglect its concern on the supply of medical treatment for those
currently being ill.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 15-05-2021

Task 2: Some people believe that a country will benefit greatly if its students study
abroad. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài mẫu:

The general impact of studying overseas on the development of their home country
has become an increasingly controversial topic in recent years. While some highlight
the risk of brain drain, I believe that the students in question are vital for the
prosperity of a nation.

On the one hand, many international students opt to emigrate to the host countries

where they have been studying. Reasons for this might include the availability of

opportunities for academic employment, research and career advancement as well

as to enjoy the higher standard of living in developed foreign countries. This trend

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

among elite intellectuals, including from developing nations such as Vietnam,

represents a significant loss for the economic development of their home countries

as well-trained workers use their skills and knowledge to benefit other nations such

as the US or UK. In addition, this also entails a loss in education as top researchers

and professors may leave without educating the next generation.

On the other hand, in most cases, I am of the opinion that knowledgeable overseas

students can enormously contribute to the economic growth of their homeland. In the

early 1980s, the Vietnamese government launched the “Red Stars” initiative, sending

thousands of young enthusiasts to the Soviet Union and various Western countries

with the aim of acquiring a more sophisticated understanding of cutting-edge

technology as well as the best management practices. Many of these have

become influential leaders including the minister of domestic affairs Pham Ha Long

and the chairman of the tech giant HNG Tong Thanh An, who have actively

contributed to recent economic reforms in Vietnam, lifting the country out of poverty

to become one of the most important emerging economies in Asia.

In conclusion, although there exists the risk of “brain drain,” overseas graduates can

serve as catalysts for the economic advancement of a nation. In my opinion,

governments should therefore offer more scholarships for gifted students to study


Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 22-05-2021

Task 2: Restoration of old buildings in main cities involves enormous government

expenditure. It would be more beneficial to spend this money to build new houses

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

and roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer
and include examples from your own experience.

Bài mẫu:

Following the increase in the argument of spending on old structures, the issue has
been a debatable tactic among the world citizens. Some sets of people argue that
using large amounts of national budgets to repair and to maintain the old-fashioned
buildings are a waste of taxes, however, others believe that the buildings should be
retained rather than setting other infrastructures. I personally agree with the latter
opinions and I will explain the reasons why I support this view.

In the first place, as far as the value of the structures in the city is considered, they
were built considerably years ago, therefore, we can find the historical values of
technologies in the past through the materials and arts. For instance, through the
pyramids, we still research the reason why they were built, and how they moved
those heavy stones. Additionally, from the perspective of the government, those
historical buildings should be restored since that is the asset of the domain, and it
will be used for educational materials for the next generations who want to
understand the history of the country.

Another reason worth mentioning is that those historic structures can attract
travellers. Admittedly, I agree that those buildings were made of wood or stones,
therefore, those are required regular repairs, in other words, it needs a bunch of
taxes. On the flip side, if those are restored in good condition, therefore, it will bring
plenty of economic advantages through tourism. More specifically, take an example,
the collected funds through the lots of travellers can be used to set up public
resources, such as roads or new libraries. In this regard, expenditure on the old
structures seems investments to future values.

In conclusion, people who prioritise practical and immediate values over potential
ones can disagree with the idea to preserve those old buildings. On the contrary, I
strongly believe that those buildings should remain by the tax, considering that they

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

are not only economic but also educational assets. Consequently, the government
should spend the budget to protect those valuable assets.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 29-05-2021

Task 2: The use of mobile phones should be banned in public places like libraries
and shops. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài mẫu:

The mobile phone has become the most popular gadget in today’s world. Some
people argue that usage of cell phones should be prohibited in public places.
Personally, I completely agree with this idea due to many reasons.

In my opinion, there are many health and social problems that can occur as a result
of using mobile phones in public places. Socially, a mobile phone can be described
as an intrusive tool. It can disturb others while they are concentrating and reading in
some places like libraries. Mobile phone etiquette is an important issue when mobile
ringing at movies or in the libraries. Users often speak with loud volume and annoy
the other people nearby. It has become common practice for places like bookshops
and libraries to post a sign prohibiting the usage of mobile phones. Also, many
public trains offer 'quiet zones ' where phone use is banned.

Another lethal concern is the health problems that can be caused by using
cellphones in public places. Firstly, I believe that there is a strong correlation
between the usage of the mobile phone in public places, like public transportation
and increased numbers of traffic accidents. Mobile phones have been a major
distraction on the road even when using the 'hands- free' system (talking without the
involvement of the hands).Some studies have shown that talking on a phone while
driving is equally impairing as drinking and driving. Secondly, there are possible
radiation impacts on the brain from the mobile phones, with increased possibility of
certain types of tumours in long - time, to persistent heavy users.

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

Finally, the signal of mobile phones can cause serious problems in some public
places like hospitals and public transport by interfering with the signal of medical and
communication devices. Even in the public transport if any patient wears an
implanted heart device, the mobile phone can interfere with it and it could be stopped
completely. So mobile phones can have fatal consequences for patients in the
hospital and other public places.

In conclusion, for the reasons mentioned above, I believe that the use of cell phones
in public places should be prohibited completely.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 12-06-2021

Task 2: Some people think the newly built houses should be the same as the old
houses in local areas. Others argue that local authorities should allow people to build
houses in their own styles. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Bài mẫu:

There have been controversies surrounding how people construct their homes.
While some believe the architectural style of new buildings should bear a close
resemblance to the scenery of the locality, I believe that they should have the
autonomy to design their own house however they wish.

Advocates of the idea that it is necessary for houses to follow the same design have
ample justifications for their beliefs. One of the primary reasons is that it lends a
distinctive look to the local area, creating a sense of uniqueness to the locality that
can attract tourists and boost the residents’ income. Moreover, the uniformity of the
houses gives an impression of equality. By forcing people to stop building palatial
homes to show off their wealth, their houses will not stand out as much, and no one
should feel inferior to another.

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

On the flip side, the government should not hinder people from constructing their
houses according to their need and desire. Firstly, traditional buildings often lack
comfort and convenience. For instance, equipment like CCTV cameras would be
difficult to integrate into older home designs. Secondly, houses can be a reflection of
its owner’s personality, and their rights would be violated if they were made to live in
a house whose aesthetic style is not of their interest. Finally, the image of the local
area would be much more diverse if each house was built differently.

To recapitulate, while there are a number of benefits brought about by building

houses in the same style, I personally believe that owners should be free to decide
how their houses will be constructed

Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 01-07-2021

Task 2: It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaur,
dodo…) There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài mẫu:
In today's world, it is believed by some part of the population that it can be
considered to be a norm when animals become extinct and so humans should not try
to prevent this development.

First of all, to begin with, the major reason why the idea that the whole process of
animals becoming extinct is natural is false is since it was proved by scientists. This
is due to the fact that not only did the majority of these species die because of
climate cataclysms but also since none of the biologists says that fauna
representatives can disappear with no reason for this. Therefore, the mechanism for
animal species becoming extinct is not natural. For example, research shows that
dinosaurs have died because of the ice age.

Moreover, another possible cause for this idea to be untrue is that a lot of new
technologies are created that can be used as prevention methods. This is because

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

of the fact that not only can they prevent climate changes but also they may be
useful for breeding those species that begin to become extinct. Hence, if humans put
more of their efforts into the development of new technologies they will be able to
intervene and prevent the extinction of some species. For instance, a recent study
has shown that after some efforts were directed to the protection of white whales
their population began to regrow slowly.

In conclusion, I disagree with the idea that the process of extinction in fauna can be
considered to be natural because scientists reject this opinion and claim that the
main reason for such a tendency is climate change. Furthermore, people should
intervene and use modern technologies in order to solve this issue.

*Các bài viết đều được sưu tầm

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