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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Sulfur concrete made with waste marble and slag powders: 100%

recycled and waterless concrete
Muhammad Faisal Rasheed1 · Abdur Rahim1 · Muhammad Irfan‑ul‑Hassan2 · Babar Ali3 · Nazam Ali4,5

Received: 18 November 2021 / Accepted: 21 April 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

In this research, the mechanical properties and durability of sulfur concrete with two different waste aggregates were evalu-
ated. The waste aggregates included ground granulated blast-furnace slag and waste marble powder. The properties of sulfur
concrete were also compared with those of the conventional binder concretes (i.e., Portland cement concrete and sulfate-
resistant cement concrete). The durability parameters included measuring water absorption capacity and resistance to different
harsh chemical environments (5% HCl solution, 5 Molar NaOH solution, and 16% NaCl solution). It was found that sulfur
concrete made with slag as aggregate exhibited the maximum strength, i.e., about 2 times higher than that of Portland cement
concrete and sulfate-resistant cement concrete. Sulfur concrete made with slag and marble waste powder showed superior
mechanical performance compared to that made with river sand. Thus, sulfur binder develops more favorable properties
with eco-friendly fillers than it develops with natural sand. In harsh chloride and acidic environment, sulfur concrete with
slag powder exhibited about 90–95% lesser mass loss than Portland cement concrete.

Keywords  Chemical resistance · Durability · Blast-furnace slag · Mechanical strength · Sulfate-resistant concrete · Waste
marble powder

Abbreviations Introduction
SC Sulfur concrete
RS River sand The natural resources are exhausting due to the expansive
WMP Waste marble powder growth in the construction sector, while waste materials
GGBS Ground-granulated blast furnace slag are accumulating in the natural environment because of the
PCC Portland cement concrete endless processing and finishing of raw products. In this
SRC Sulfate-resistant cement concrete scenario, the role of construction cannot be ignored in con-
suming the wastes of different industries. The utilization of
wastes not only reduces landfilling requirements but also
decreases the abiotic depletion potential and carbon footprint
of concrete manufacture (Kurda et al. 2018).

Responsible Editor: Philippe Garrigues

Research Scholar, Department of Transportation Engineering
* Muhammad Faisal Rasheed and Management, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Abdur Rahim 2
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Muhammad Irfan‑ul‑Hassan 3
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus, Islamabad 57000, Pakistan
Babar Ali 4
Research Scholar, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan
Nazam Ali 5
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Management and Technology, Lahore 54770, Pakistan

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

The advancement of technology in the petroleum indus- changes to an orthorhombic state, which is stable at room
try and the installation of new oil refineries have caused temperature. This polymerization and crystallization helps in
the large-scale production of sulfur by-products. Owing to attaining high strength at normal temperatures. The volume
special physical, chemical, and mechanical characteristics, contraction during solidification is about 7% (Dugarte et al.
sulfur has applications in the fields of agriculture, phar- 2019). As sulfur is a thermoplastic material, it has some of
maceutics, chemical, and construction industry, and in the its limitations to be used as a binder. Despite this, there are
process of rubber vulcanization (Mohammed and Poornima several benefits of SC applications which include (1) a high
2018). The oil refineries are now focusing on the effective gain of strength in a short time, (2) resistivity to aggressive
and faster consumption of this large amount of sulfur. There chemicals, (3) waterproof characteristics, and (4) recycling
is a need to utilize this by-product for the sustainability of potential (Ciak and Harasymiuk 2013). It has been argued
the environment. Thus, this study focuses on the usage of that SC can be used in sewage environments due to its dura-
sulfur as a binder in the construction industry. The utiliza- bility; however, it shows less resistance to microbial corro-
tion of sulfur as a substitute for cement binders can help in sion attacks in sewers (Sabour et al. 2019). SC has higher
minimizing the abiotic depletion caused by the construction compressive strength and higher resistance to water perme-
industry. ability and chemical attack (El Gamal et al. 2017). It is a
Conventional concrete requires water for the hydration of suitable for pavements and precast blocks, where the chances
cement (in order to complete the chemical reactions respon- of fire are rare, and it can help in the faster construction of
sible for strength gain). Thus, upon hydration, cementitious pavements in the event of an emergency (McBee et al. 1983).
compounds develop strength and extra water required for SC achieves 80% of its compressive strength within 24 h
the workability leaves pores inside the matrix of the con- after casting. It is considered as a water repellent concrete
crete. Despite numerous benefits, cement concrete has issues while normal concrete absorbs a high amount of water dur-
such as a high environmental impact and poor resistance to ing the same duration (Mohammed and Poornima 2018).
aggressive environments. Owing to the presence of pores, Due to its waterless manufacturing, it is also considered suit-
concrete is susceptible to moisture intake and deterioration. able for water scarcity areas. Moreover, space researchers
The production of cement requires a high temperature, above have considered it as a lunar concrete (Omar and Issa 1994;
1400 °C, and that is why the cement industry is responsible Grugel and Toutanji 2008) and Mars concrete (Grugel 2008;
for about 5% of the global emissions of C ­ O2 (Moon et al. Wan et al. 2016) because of the availability of sulfur and
2016). The physical and mechanical properties of concrete inaccessibility of water on the Moon and Mars. Due to its
degrade due to extreme climatic conditions. When placed exclusive physical-chemical behavior, SC can be used as a
in harsh environments, for example, 10% HCl for 2 months, construction material in sewer systems and waste treatment
conventional concrete loses about 20% mass (Vlahovic et al. plants (Shin et al. 2014). Different types of fine aggregates
2011). The cement concrete develops cracks due to its high (natural and recycled) can be used in SC as a sulfur binder
porosity through which gases and aggressive solutions dif- is insoluble in water and has very small porosity; moreover,
fuse into the concrete matrix, and the resulting reactions SC does not require aggregates to be in saturated dry condi-
cause corrosion of steel rebars and spalling of concrete (El tions like those required for PCC (Mohammed and Poornima
Gamal et al. 2017). Because of these considerations, there is 2018). It needs small investments, and it can be an adequate
an essential need to find cheaper, durable, and environment- or, in some cases, a better option instead of PCC (Mohamed
friendly alternative binders for the construction industry. and El Gamal 2009). Earlier researchers worked on the
One potential alternative to cement concrete is SC due improvement of SC properties using different admixtures,
to the binding properties of the sulfur polymer. However, in but there is a lack of information about SC manufactured
the construction industry, SC is still rarely used as a material with mineral aggregates (Khademi and Sar 2015).
in comparison to PCC. However, the experience across the Marble is a commonly used material for centuries. One
world has shown that SC has significant strength and dura- ton of processed marble generates about 1 ton of marble
bility during exposure to chemicals in comparison to PCC. slurry (containing WMP as solid content), out of which
There have been significant applications of SC in the USA 35–45% is water content (Singh et al. 2017). WMP can
and Canada; however, the use in Europe is limited (Vla- replace fine aggregate in cement concrete and SC. When
hovic et al. 2011). The utilization of SC on large scales will WMP replaced fine aggregates in concrete, workability
be economical as compared to cement concrete, and it can decreased, but compressive strength increased due to the
alleviate environmental problems and problems related to filler effect of fine MPW particles between coarser parti-
sulfur storage (Sabour et al. 2019). cles of sand and crushed stone (Arel 2016). The replace-
Sulfur melts at 120 °C and transfers into a liquid state. ment of sand with WMP up to 75% results in a 25% and
When cooled at 114 °C, it changes from liquid to a mon- 15% increase in compressive and tensile strength of cement
oclinic crystalline form. On further cooling to 98 °C, it concrete, respectively. On the other hand, when cement is

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

replaced with WMP up to 20%, it decreases the compressive Several researchers have focused on the performance of
strength (Arel 2016). Ghorbani et al. (2018) reported that up SC with natural sand or aggregates. However, there is a gap
to 20% replacement of cement with WMP does not signifi- in understanding the usage of sustainable mineral aggre-
cantly change the compressive strength and water absorption gates such as GGBS and WMP as the replacement of natural
capacity of concrete. Utilization of WMP with waste granite aggregates to provide a more sustainable design of SC using
powder as a 20% replacement of cement enhanced the cor- waste materials. This study aims at evaluating the perfor-
rosion resistance of reinforced concrete (Taji et al. 2019). mance of SC using mineral aggregates (GGBS, WMP) and
Thus, it possesses durability as well as sustainability benefits RS and its comparison with conventional concrete systems
in concrete production. High incorporation levels of WMP PCC and SRC based on the results of compressive strength,
as a cement substitution are detrimental to the strength and flexural strength, and durability tests. This research advances
durability of concrete (Ghorbani et al. 2021b). Due to its the knowledge in the direction of cementless and waterless
lower reactivity, high levels of WMP can be valorized as concrete. Waterless sulfur binder-based concrete is also a
filling material or replacement of fine aggregate in concrete viable option for the construction on Moon and Mars and in
manufacture. areas where freshwater is scarce (Coastal areas and Islands).
GGBS is produced as a by-product in metallurgy, i.e., the The concept of concrete produced from 100% recycled mate-
smelting process of steel. The replacement of fine aggregate rials without using water is put forward in this research.
up to 50% with GGBS improved the mechanical properties
of PCC (Pawar and Magdum 2018). The addition of GGBS
to normal concrete composites lowers the water absorption, Materials and methods
capillary suction, and permeability while simultaneously
increasing the ultimate compressive strength and durability. Materials
This may be due to both the granulometric characteristics
and reactivity of the GGBS that allow achieving a high den- The dried-sulfur powder containing 99% sulfur and 1%
sity and low permeability due to the improved packing of impurities was used as a binder to prepare SC. The melt-
the microparticles of mortar (Condren and Pavía 2007). The ing point and density of sulfur were 120 °C and 2100 kg/
durability and crack resistance of concrete increase with a m3, respectively. Two types of conventional cement i.e.,
rise in the ratio of GGBS in concrete (Shen et al. 2019). ordinary Portland cement and sulfate-resistant cement
GGBS can be incorporated as a partial replacement of fine conforming to ASTM-C-150 (2018), were used for the
aggregate in concrete, and it is known to produce excellent preparation of PCC and SRC mixes, respectively. Portland
mechanical and durability properties (Patra and Mukharjee type-I cement with the brand name “Bestway Cement”
2017). was used as a binder for the PCC. Sulfate-resistant cement

Fig. 1  Different types of binders


Table 1  Composition of ASTM Binder SiO2 (%) Al2O3 (%) Fe2O3 (%) CaO (%) MgO (%) SO3 (%) LOI (%)
type-I and II cements, GGBS,
and WMP Portland 20.5 5.06 3.25 61.5 2.52 1.57 1.85
Sulfate resist- 25.5 3.93 4.97 51.6 2.13 1.94 0.92
ing cement
GGBS 31.57 7.6 1.66 43.65 5.27 2.03 –
WMP – – 1.72 97.65 – – –

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Table 2  Properties of OPC and SRC iron oxide. WMP showed higher intensities for dolomite
Binder Specific Initial set- Final set- Compres- (CaMg(CO3)2) and small intensities of quartz.
gravity ting time ting time sive strength
(min) (min) (MPa) Batching details of concrete mixes
Portland 3.14 37 167 42
cement A total of eleven concrete mixes (two conventional mixes
(type I) and nine SC mixes) were prepared and investigated. The
Sulfate- 3.22 81 243 37.2 first and second mixes (i.e., PCC and SRC) served as control
resisting mixes and were produced using Portland type I cement and
sulfate-resisting type II cement, respectively. The PCC and
(type II)
SRC specimens were manufactured using a binder to aggre-
gate the ratio as 1:2.5 by weight, while the water-cement
ratio was 0.45 for both PCC and SRC. While the remaining
Table 3  Physical properties of WMP, GGBS and RS nine mixes consisted of SC. There were three categories of
Property WMP GGBS RS
SC; each was produced with a different mineral aggregate,
i.e., WMP, GGBS, and RS. The ratio of the sulfur binder
Specific gravity 2.21 2.18 2.44 with each aggregate was varied, i.e., 40, 45, and 50% by
Bulk-density(kg/m3) 1118 1345 1650 weight. The reason for the selection of these percentages
Fineness-modulus 2.03 2.25 2.45 is to find the variation in the properties of SC by changing
the aggregate to binder ratio (WMP, GGBS, and RS). The
composition details and identifications (IDs) of each mixture
(type-II) obtained from “Lucky Cement” was used to are shown below in Table 4.
produce SRC. All three binders have the appearances as
shown in Figure 1. The properties of OPC and SRC are Sample preparations
presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Three different
aggregates/fillers including WMP, GGBS, and RS (locally SC specimens were prepared under the recommendations
known as Chenab sand) in three different ratios were used of ACI 548.2R-93 guidelines (Fontana et al. 1988). The
in this research. The properties of aggregates are given specimens with WMP, GGBS, and RS were prepared with
in Table 3. The size gradations of cement and aggregates 40%, 45%, and 50% sulfur binder by weight of the mix. The
are shown in Figure 2. It can be noticed that particles of casted specimens included cubic specimens (25.4 × 25.4
WMP are finer compared to that of the GGBS. The X-ray × 25.4 mm) and prismatic beam specimens (25.4 mm ×
diffraction (XRD) patterns of GGBS and WMP are illus- 25.4 mm × 127 mm). The casting procedure is summarized
trated in Figure 3. GGBS sample showed higher inten- in Figure 4. First, the calculated amount of aggregates and
sities of minerals containing calcium oxide, silica, and sulfur were heated separately in a convection oven at 140

Fig. 2  Size gradation of Port- 100

land cement (OPC), GGBS,
WMP, and RS

Percentage (%)


40 OPC
20 WMP
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Particle size (10-6 m)

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

C2S = Belite (2CaO.SiO2) 5 min. After proper mixing of binder and aggregate, the
C3S = Alite (3CaO.SiO2) calculated quantity of water was mixed with concrete for 2
FeO = Wustite (FeO)
C4AF = Ferrite (4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3) more min. Subsequently, samples were molded at room tem-
C = Calcite (CaCO3)
perature and kept to set for 1 day. After demolding samples
FeO C2S were placed in the tap water tank for 28 days curing.
C2S, C3S
Testing methods
C3S C3S To analyze the mechanical strength of PCC, SRC, and SC
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 mixes, cubic samples (25.4 × 25.4 × 25.4 mm) were tested
2-theta to examine the compressive strength as per ASTM C109
(2016) and prismatic beams (25.4 × 25.4 × 127 mm) were
tested for flexural strength as per ASTM C348 (2019). The
D = Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2)
testing arrangements for compressive strength and flexural
Q = Quartz (SiO2) strength are shown in Figure 5.
The durability of SC mixes (with RS, WMP, and GGBS),
PCC, and SRC were measured by placing the specimens
in different harsh conditioning environments, i.e., 5%
hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution (Acidic), 5 molar sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) (basic), and 16% sodium chloride (NaCl)
(saline) solution at room temperature. The mass loss data
of the specimens was recorded after 3, 7, 14, and 28 days
to evaluate their durability. The specimens placed in differ-
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
ent conditions are shown in Figure 6. For PCC and SRC,
(b) mechanical properties and durability tests were performed
on samples cured for 28 days in tap water.
Fig. 3  XRD analysis results of a GGBS and b WMP samples

Results and discussions
°C for 2 h. After heating, the aggregates and molten sulfur
are well mixed and then poured into preheated molds to cast Mechanical strength
cubic and beam samples. The compaction of SC was carried
out by a vibratory table. Both cubic and beam molds were Compressive strength
demolded after 1 day and kept at room temperature for 3
days to gain maximum strength. The compression testing results of SC mixes (SC-WMP,
Samples of both PCC and SRC were made by hand mix- SC-GGBS, and SC-RS) were compared with PCC and
ing the calculated amounts of binder and dry aggregates for SRC specimens. The results in Figure  7 show that the

­ 3 of
Table 4  Ingredients in 1 m Type of concrete Mixture ID Binding-mate- Water (kg) Aggregate (kg)
each mixture and mixture IDs rial (kg)

Portland cement concrete PCC 450 200 1150

Sulfate resisting cement concrete SRC 450 200 1150
Sulfur concrete (40%) + RS RS-40 720 – 1080
Sulfur concrete (45%) + RS RS-45 810 – 990
Sulfur concrete (50%) + RS RS-50 900 – 900
Sulfur concrete (40%) + WMP WMP-40 720 – 1080
Sulfur concrete (45%) + WMP WMP-45 810 – 990
Sulfur concrete (50%) + WMP WMP-50 900 – 900
Sulfur concrete (40%) + GGBS GGBS-40 720 – 1080
Sulfur concrete (45%) + GGBS GGBS-45 810 – 990
Sulfur concrete (50%) + GGBS GGBS-50 900 – 900

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Fig. 4  Specimen preparation
summary: a melting of sulfur,
b mixing of fine aggregate and
melted sulfur, c overview of
molds, d demolded sample

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 5  Mechanical strength tests


Compression test Flexural test

compressive strength of SC mixes is more than that of the to conventional mixes is SC has a higher binder content per
SRC and PCC. The significant difference in the strength of unit volume in the absence of water compared to that of
SC and conventional mixes is because of the low poros- PCC and SRC. The compressive strength of SRC is almost
ity of SC. The absence of water helps SC to gain a denser the same as that of the PCC. The work of Vlahovic et al.
microstructure compared to PCC and SRC. Conventional (2011) also validated the superiority of SC over OPC-based
binder concrete requires water for hydration necessary in the mixes. The interconnected voids in the OPC mix act as the
development of strength. In conventional concrete mixes, the weak links for the relief of compressive stress (Mohamed
water consumed in hydration leaves voids behind as shown and El-Gamal 2010), while there is no large connectivity of
in Figure 8. On the other hand, SC is waterless, and the voids in SC mixes.
binder matrix is entirely composed of a thermoplastic mate- SC shows a rise in compressive strength with the increase
rial. Another explanation for higher strength SC compared in sulfur content. This can be attributed to an increase in the

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

a) 5% HCl solution b) 5M NaOH solution c) 16% NaCl solution

Fig. 6  Conditioning environments

Fig. 7  Comparison of compres-
sive strength
Compressive stregth (MPa)














Conventional SC-RS SC-WMP SC_GGBS


Fig. 8  Matrices of SC and
conventional concrete

Sulfur concrete Convenonal concrete

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

volume of dense binder matrix and a decrease in the number their spherical shapes and plain texture do not form a good
of interfacial transition zones (ITZs) between binder and bond with binder as compared to WMP and GGBS. Replace-
aggregates. As SC gains its strength due to the formation ment of natural sand with slag also exhibited positive effects
of continuous polymeric chains, a more continuous matrix on the properties of conventional cement concrete (Guo et al.
structure is formed when a high binder content is used, 2019). Mohammed and Poornima (2018) also reported that
which shows a positive effect on the compressive strength. SC yielded better strength with manufactured sand than with
Similar is the case with cementitious composites. High RS. The manufactured sand has more angularity and bond
strength and excellent durability properties in the case of strength with the binder phase compared to RS.
ultra-high performance mixtures are obtained at low water-
binder ratios and using small aggregates (Afroughsabet et al. Flexural strength
SC mixes with all binder contents and types of mineral The flexural testing results are shown in Figure 10 also indi-
aggregates showed superior compressive strength compared cate a slightly higher tensile strength of SC mixes compared
to conventional concrete systems. Among all aggregates, to conventional mixes. The increase of sulfur binder con-
SC made with GGBS showed better mechanical proper- tent increases the strength. The flexural strength increase
ties, which was followed by SC made with WMP and RS. is significant between 40 and 45% binder content, while
SC with GGBS showed 72%, 99%, and 105% higher com- there is a low degree increase in strength as the binder ratio
pressive strength than that of the PCC at sulfur contents of is increased from 45 to 50%. The amount of excess sulfur
40%, 45%, and 50%, respectively. Moreover, SC with WMP to make the bond with aggregates reduces aggregate to
showed 56–86% higher strength than that of the PCC. aggregate interlocking. This increases the brittle nature of
Among SC mixes, SC-GGBS mixes attained maximum the concrete. The ratio of modulus of rupture and compres-
strength. SC-GGBS mixes attained about 10% more strength sive strength of SC is lesser than that of PCC and SRC.
as compared to SC-WMP and about 40% more strength as However, the peak flexural loads are significantly higher for
compared to SC-RS. The main reason for this high strength SC compared to those for SRC and PCC. Also, SC mixes
is the presence of iron contents in GGBS. The iron content in containing WMP and GGBS show higher flexural strength
aggregate increases the strength of SC (Rahim et al. 2021). compared to SC with RS. This is attributed to the particle
Furthermore, GGBS and WMP have a wide distribution of shape of the mineral waste particles. The compressive and
particle sizes, which ensures improved aggregate packing flexural strength behavior of SC with varying sulfur binder
density. SC-WMP achieved about 25% more strength as and mineral aggregate is similar. As√shown in Figure 11,
compared to SC-RS. While SC made with GGBS and WMP a strong good correlation ( fl = 1.14 fcm ) exists between
showed 34–42% and 22–28% higher compressive strength compressive strength (fcm) and flexural strength (f l).
than SC made with RS.
The GGBS aggregate particles are angular to develop Water absorption
stronger bond formation with the binder matrix as shown in
Figure 9. Also, the WMP particles due to their processing A water absorption test was performed on 25.4 × 25.4 ×
nature have a rough texture and angular shape, this helps 25.4-mm cubic samples by calculating the change between
to develop a good bond with sulfur in comparison to round dry weight (WD) and wet weights (WS) of samples. For PCC
spherical particles of natural RS. The particles of RS due to and SRC, the dry weight of the samples was measured after

Fig. 9  SEM of a WMP and b


(a) (b)

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Fig. 10  Flexural strength of
concrete mixtures

Flexural Strength (MPa)










Conventional SC-RS SC-WMP SC_GGBS

Fig. 11  Relationship between
(compressive strength)1/2 and 10
modulus of rupture of SC

Modulus of Rupture (fl), MPa

y = 1.1436x
R² = 0.7888

5.5 6.5 7.5
(Compressive Strength fcm, MPa)1/2

heating at 80 °C for 2 days in a convection oven. While the capacity of SCs was lesser than those of the PCC and
weight of hardened SC considered its WD. After assessing SRC. The reason for this is that the sulfur binder does not
the WD of SC and conventional mixes, the samples were absorb water because of its imperviousness; see Fig. 6. The
placed in water for 3 days to record the WS. Eq. (1) was used insolubility of sulfur in water (Vlahovic et al. 2011) is high
to measure the water absorption (WA): because polymer content ensures water-tightness of SC,
due to the non-existence of water molecules and minor con-
WA (%) = × 100 (1) nectivity pores. Thus, SC absorbs less than 1% water of its
WD weight with all mineral aggregates. PCC and SRC absorbed
Figure 12 shows that SC mixes absorbed significantly more than 8% water due to their significantly higher porosity
lower water as compared to PCC and SRC. The absorption than that of the SC (Gulzar et al. 2021).

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Fig. 12  Water absorption (%) of

each mix 10

Water absorption (%)










Conventional SC-RS SC-WMP SC_GGBS

SC mixes with RS (SC-RS) absorbed more water as com- mass loss in the HCl solution. The SC mixes with all types
pared to SC-GGBS and SC-WMP mixes. It might be because of mineral aggregates showed better resistance to acid-abra-
of the poor gradation of particles in RS. While mineral fill- sion as compared to conventional mixes. PCC showed 50%
ers have a good distribution of smaller and larger particles higher mass loss than SRC. It is because sulfate-resistant
that increase the packing density of microstructure ensuring cement has low calcium oxide (CaO) and alumina (­ Al2O3)
imperviousness (Ghorbani et al. 2021a). The meandering as compared to OPC; thus, smaller amount of calcium oxide
effect of mixed particle sizes on the connectivity is higher enhances the acid durability of SRC concrete. The chemical
in the case of GGBS and WMP fillers, while lesser in the reactions happening in PCC are given below (Eqs. (2) and
case of natural RS (Kou et al. 2011; Kurda et al. 2019). The (3)). The main reason for the mass loss of cement concrete
meandering effect on the pore connectivity reduces the water is the decalcification of free portlandite (Ca(OH)2) inside
permeability. the matrix of PCC and SRC. This leads to the formation of
expansive salts and water causing the major degradation of
Acidic environment a conventional concrete system in an acidic medium:

The resistance of SC and conventional concrete mixes to

Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2 O (2)
acid was measured by noting the change in the initial mass
of samples subjected to acid attack. The loss in mass of each Al2 O3 + 6HCl → 2AlCl3 + 3H2 O (3)
sample was recorded at 3, 7, 14, and 28 days. The results in
Fig. 13 show that PCC and SRC mix experienced a drastic

Fig. 13  Mass loss in 5% HCl

solution 16 Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 Day 28
% Mass Loss









Conventional SC-RS SC-WMP SC_GGBS


Environmental Science and Pollution Research

However, the resistance of SRC compared to SC mixes the production of calcium salt produces expansion inside
is inferior. SC with RS showed 4.96 to 6.47, SC-WMP the matrix of concrete, which reduces the strength and
showed 8.59 to 10.54, and SC-GGBS 10.23 to 11.92 times integrity of acid-exposed concrete (Qureshi et al. 2020).
higher acid attack resistance, respectively, compared to A study by Gulzar et al. (2021) has also shown that SC
that of the PCC at the age of 28 days. Acids do not react has significantly higher acid-attack resistance than PCC
with sulfur, but they can cause damage to the integrity of and SRC.
concrete by reacting with the oxides in the mineral aggre- The physical appearance of SC and conventional con-
gates. Thus, the small change in the mass of SC samples crete (PCC and SRC) specimens after conditioning in
might be because of the possible reactions between miner- an acidic environment are shown in Figure 14. GGBS-
als and HCl. On the other hand, PCC and SRC are highly SC mixes showed low-strength degradation compared to
vulnerable to acid attacks because of decalcification (the SC-WMP and SC-RS mixes. By the observation of spec-
process of removing calcium). Ca(OH)2 is produced as a imens, it is noted that GGBS-SC was more impervious
result of hydration of anhydrous cementitious compounds than WMP-SC. This was also indicated by the results of
in PCC, and it is present inside the binder matrix and the water absorption test, i.e., GGBS-SC showed lesser
highly reactive with acids that ultimately lead to the pro- permeability than WMP-SC and RS-SC mixes. Therefore,
duction of calcium salt ­(CaCl2) and water. The increase in due to imperviousness, there is a slow penetration of HCl

Fig. 14  OPC, SRC, and SC mix

after acid conditioning



Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Fig. 15  Mass loss of each sam-

ple in base solution

Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 Day 28




% Mass Loss












solution into the concrete, reducing the degradation rate vulnerable to base attack except for SC-GGBS. The only
of SC with GGBS. reaction of sulfur with a basic solution to produce sulfide salt
is possible at high temperatures (600 °C) (Yang et al. 2014).
Basic environment (alkali‑medium) But in this research, SC mixes lost almost entire integ-
rity until 7 days in the base medium at room temperature
The alkali resistance of all mixes was measured in base solu- (Fig. 16). This is hypothesized to have occurred due to the
tion mediums. The damage done by the base was assessed loss of the bond between the aggregates and sulfur. Moreo-
by measuring the difference between the initial mass of the ver, sulfur facilitates the movement or diffusion of base solu-
sample and the damaged weight of the sample. The results tion inside the SC matrix due to differences in the external
of all samples are presented in Fig. 15. PCC and SRC were and intrinsic pH levels of the SC. The reaction between the
very resistant to the base solution. Since the PCC and SRC oxides of aggregates and highly alkaline external solution
concrete has high alkalinity due to the availability of free ­(Na2+ and ­OH–) may have resulted in the rapid deteriora-
Ca(OH)2, the base solution was not dangerous to the durabil- tion of SC mixes owing to the formation of new expansive
ity of PCC and SRC. While SC mixes proved to be extremely salts ­(SiO2 +2NaOH + ­H2O → ­Na2SiO3·2H2O) (Drechsler

Fig. 16  OPC, SRC, and SC-

GGBS survived while SC-RS
and SC-WMP mix deteriorated
in base solution after 28 days

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

and Graham 2005). Alkali solution attacks the silica-oxide SRC samples. SC mixes made with RS and waste mineral
(which is high in the case of WMP, and RS compared to that aggregates almost showed a similar durability.
in GGBS) in mineral aggregates to produce a water-absor-
bent film over the aggregates. The produced absorbent film
attracts water and grows with time, due to which the bond Conclusion and recommendation
between binder and aggregates gets weakened. Ultimately,
the bond between the binder and aggregates is drastically This research paper presented an evaluation of SC pre-
weakened. Similar findings in the case of SC were observed pared with different mineral aggregates (one natural RS,
by Rahim et al. (2021); the increased porosity and deteriora- and two waste aggregates, i.e., WMP, and GGBS). The
tion of the specimen have occurred from the strong attack performance of SC was compared with that of the conven-
of the base, reducing the durability of SC. SC-GGBS mix tional binder mixes, i.e., PCC and SRC. The following are
showed high resistivity and proved to be durable in the base important findings of this research:
attack. Unlike RS and WMP, GGBS offers great resistance
to alkali-silica reaction (Thunuguntla and Rao 2018), and it • SC mixes with any type of mineral aggregate showed
possesses alkalinity similar to cement binder. SC mixes with more mechanical strength compared to PCC and SRC.
RS and WMP showed complete collapse. Hence, SC with • The mechanical strength of SC increases with the
GGBS showed better resistance to base attack. increase in binder content. SC made with GGBS showed
better strength as compared to SC made with RS and
Salt environment WMP. With GGBS, SC showed about 72–105% and
65–95% higher compressive strength than PCC and SRC,
The concrete structures and elements are often exposed to respectively.
saline environments. The damage of salt medium on SC, • Flexural and compressive strengths were similarly influ-
PCC, and SRC specimens was measured by the mass loss enced by the variation in SC binder content and mineral
after saline conditioning. The results show that the saline aggregate type. Increasing the binder content made SC
water does not affect the SC specimens; see Figure 17. There brittle.
is no direct reaction possible reaction between sulfur and salt • SC showed extremely low water absorption than that of
ions (Vlahovic et al. 2011). SC shows 5–7 times lower mass the PCC and SRC. The minimum absorption was shown
loss in salt solution than SRC and OPC. The growth of NaCl by SC made with GGBS. SC-GGBS showed about 15–17
crystals around the specimens results in this mass loss (Shin times lower absorption compared to PCC and SRC con-
et al. 2014). A similar finding was observed by Mohammed cretes. The absorption capacity of SC decreased with the
and Poornima (2018). The presence of ­Ca2+ and ­OH− ions in rising binder content for the same type of mineral aggre-
PCC and SRC causes susceptibility to salt attack. These ions gate.
are extremely sensitive to cations and anions (­ Ca2+, ­Na+, • SC showed negligible degradation under HCl attack
­Mg2+, and ­Cl−) of salts. The possible reactions may result in compared to PCC and SRC. SC made with RS showed
the development of crystals of new salts, i.e., C ­ aCl2. It can lower durability in the acidic medium than SC made with
start the inner weakening mechanism of salts with PCC and

Fig. 17  Mass loss of each sam-

ple in 16% saline solution 10 Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 Day 28
% Mass Loss









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