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A burn is tissue damage from contact with flames, hot water etc.

There two types of burn.

1. Major Burn
Major burn can be recognized by these characteristics:
Deep and dry leathery skin.
larger than 3 inches in diameter or cover face, hands or major joint.
have patches of black, brown or white.

2. Minor Burn
Minor burn can be recognized by these characteristics:
pain and skin blistering
skin surface redness and less than 3 inches in diameter

First Aid for Major Burn:

First step is to call 911.
Steps to take until emergency arrive:
1. Make sure you and victim are safe and out of harm's way.
2. Check to see if victim is breathing. If needed, start rescue breathing.
3. Remove items such as jewelry or belt from their body.
4. Cover burned area with a clean cloth moistened with cool and clean water.
5.Remove clothing from burned areas.
7. Avoid burned body parts in water.
8. Raise the burned area above their heart.

First Aid for Minor Burn:

1. Cool down the burn with cool water.
2. Remove tight items like rings from burned area.
3. Avoid breaking blisters, this will prevent infection.
4. After burned area has been cooled, apply a lotion to provide relief and to keep
area from drying out.
5. Loosely bandage the burn.

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