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Introduction to GUI based Operating System

Personal computer has advanced a lot in a short period of time, and much of the advancement is due to
ongoing progresses in operating systems. Evolution of operating systems had made PCs easier to use
and understand, flexible and reliable. This chapter is the study of primary operating systems currently
used in personal computers and network servers, and their basic features.

This topic presents a broad survey of concepts and terminologies related to operating systems like:
Basics of operating system, user interface, basic settings of operating system, file & directory
management, and types of files.

Basics of Operating System

Operating System

Operating system is a software that controls system’s hardware and interacts with user and application

In short, an operating system is computer’s chief control program.

Functions of Operating System

The operating system performs the following functions −

 It offers a user interface.

 Loads program into computer’s memory.

 Coordinates how program works with hardware and other software.

 Manages how information is stored and retrieved from the disk.

 Saves contents of file on to disk.

 Reads contents of file from disk to memory.

 Sends document to the printer and activates the printer.

 Provides resources that copy or move data from one document to another, or from one
program to another.

 Allocates RAM among the running programs.

 Recognizes keystrokes or mouse clicks and displayes characters or graphics on the screen.

Objectives In this chapter we’ll learn about:

•Features of Operating System

•Functions of Operating System

•Elements of GUI

Without operating system computers cannot run the application and we cannot do work in the
computer. Therefore operating system is very important in computer.





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