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: ‫الطبيب المعالج‬

‫ عبري جابر سعد حممود‬: ‫االسم‬

2016/03/06 : ‫التاريخ‬ ‫ شهر‬1 : ‫السن‬
Cytogenetic report
Test performed :
Peripheral Blood Karyotype
* No. of Cells Counted : 20 cells
* No. of Cells photographed : 6 cells
* No. of Cells Karyotyped : 2 cells
Karyotype : 47,XX,+21
Interpretation :
All examined cells showed an extra copy of
chromosome 21 which is diagnostic for Down
syndrome (non disjunction type)..

Recommendation :
prenatal diagnosis in future pregnancies.
Early intervention programme..

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