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Managing Human Resources

Student Name:
Student ID:
Word Count: 3000

Executive Summary
Employee satisfaction solutions get the downside of providing more communication channels
and the potential for contradictory making decisions. More information is required to make sure
that decisions are uniform all across the company if more employees possess participation and
judgment power. This stability is important for brand image and dependability. Management
may find it difficult to monitor operations and decisions employees engage to protect from bad
consequences and minimize the potential for disorder. Encouraging personnel to communicate
ideas that make judgments while pushing employees to push boundaries and take the initiative
intended for top management is a severe risk.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary........................................................................................................................2


Development of strategies and use of techniques in managing human resources......................5

Strategies in enhancing employee enhancement and engagement..........................................5

Zinger thoery of employee involvement and engagement.........................................................6

Communication approaches with problem solving and representative methods.........................7

Benefits of employee voice of both employers and employees..................................................7

Problem solving in communication approach in context of employee voice...........................8

Training and development of the considerations, roles and responsibilities with their best

Training and development.........................................................................................................9

Roles and responsibilities.........................................................................................................10




This assessment is all about managing human resources which means that Human resource
management (HRM) is the method of recruitment of staff, teaching people, employing others,
expressing terms for each other, and creating engagement measures. HRM as a subject has
changed greatly over the past two decades, giving it a much more essential function in today's
modern companies. HRM used this to entail handling payments, giving birthday cards to
workers, planning work vacations, and guaranteeing papers were correctly filled out all other
words, less of an operational function than a strategic location important to the company's
This report will explain the development of strategies and the use of techniques that can be used
to enhance employee involvement and engagement, also some theories and analyses will be in
use in these recommendations which will also include some advantages and disadvantages of the
strategies selected (Waeraas and Dahle, 2020). Furthermore, it will propose the communication
approach that will assist greater employee voice, also it will majorly focus on the benefits for
both employers and employees, and it will explain the theories and best practices in the area of
upward problem solving and representative methods which will be in regards of the employee
Training and development will be in consideration in the business proposal of the chosen
company to enhance both managers and employees by understanding the roles and
responsibilities with the help of relevant theories and best practices (Wilkinson et al., 2018).
Moreover, it will include some critical thinking in the analysis concerning the selected
organization against the areas which are mentioned above.
Take note that several HRM functions are also activities conducted by other heads of
department, and that's why this knowledge is required independent of the job making the
decision. Most experts think that there have been seven main functions that HRM serves in

Development of strategies and use of techniques in managing human
Strategies for enhancing employee enhancement and engagement
1. Sustain the fundamental ethics - The basic values must be at the core of the business
world and therefore should be explicitly understood by all staff from the outset (Tran et
al., 2020). The fundamental principles of the company Amazon should express what is
crucially relevant to the organization and the principles that Amazon will strive to follow
as they grow. People might have a sense of connection to the business to become
completely engaged, and possessing a system of principles to obey will support them in
doing so. Amazon will develop a consistent pleasant work environment and enable
employees to build an effective relationship with the company if users constantly convey
their key principles to the entire group.
2. Encouraging all the people - It's reasonable that certain executives revert to management
control throughout crises and when group members are unskilled or unable to accomplish
strict schedules. Employee engagement is threatened when performance management will
become routine. Harsh complaining and negative comments will deplete people's
motivation and innovation. Batch processing will be impeded by administrators who
behave as barriers to action. And, as a consequence, engagement and attraction will lose
in the long run. The other is to encourage, promote, and enable the staff to contribute
autonomously and also to make reference to them if people needed more assistance.
3. Looking towards top performers - Workers are engaged whenever they think their labor
is important to the business and benefits the important role in the long ambitions.
Demonstrating to personnel that Amazon can acknowledge and recognize their
achievements on a constant schedule is a simple act that goes some way in allowing them
to feel valuable. Encourage top employees with a monetary incentive, a week off, a small
gift to their favorite place venue, or a spa gift voucher – anything makes good sense for
the group and resonates with business guiding principles (Wilkinson et al., 2019).
Secondly, providing one space for individuals to appreciate their rivals; the organization
receives and is recognized by their members of the team will help workers become much
more committed.

Zinger's theory of employee involvement and engagement
The Zinger involved design is put out during the pyramid as hierarchical levels, with both the
bottom four bricks signifying the exploitation of human capabilities, trying to make sense in
employment, engaging worker enthusiasm, and squeezing company health (Sheeba and
Christopher, 2020). The next tier is comprised of three bricks that symbolize becoming aware of
the present moment, establishing a positive work culture, and correctly acknowledging
employees ’ efforts. The third stage is comprised of two pieces that symbolize the route of career
progression and excellence at a task. The accomplishment of accomplishments is the final stage,
which would be the climax of all the levels before it.
Zinger's theory mainly focuses on three efforts which are:
1. Effort in context of organization - The formation of a mindset inside which employee
Involvement is respected, valued, and embraced by all personnel is an illustration of
cultural feedback. The significance of acknowledgment and recognition can be
understated. Services should be provided at the highest levels of the organization, and
also expenditure on company resources and learning, to promote commitment.
2. Input in leadership - Leadership contribution refers to the expansion of leaders who are
actively engaged. As per Zinger's theory, staff does not become motivated if their
leadership is not motivated properly, thus it is an important period. Executives should
involve their staff genuinely, paying much attention and actively working to enhance
their performance and aid them in addressing shortcomings.
3. Involvement of an individual in efforts - Individuals' value is attached to the company's
donations to involvement. Professionals can attempt to remember the good things aspects
of participation, precisely directing their effort while finding room for pleasure at home.
Shareholding with one's task and contribution to the company are significant
considerations in this circumstance. According to Zinger's theory, when such three inputs
are developed, employee participation will enhance.

Communication approaches with problem-solving and
representative methods
Benefits of employee voice of both employers and employees
Employee voice is commonly described as providing the opportunity for employees to express
their feedback, issues, and opinions freely even without the fear of public or workplace
consequences. This implies that employees have always had the potential to affect staff and
executives via their feedback. Relevance means that leaders work based on interactions with
colleagues (Rubel and Rahman, 2018). Activity can symbolize a fresh method for accomplishing
labor, accepting innovation and different working conditions, enhancing cultures, or solving
problems in the organization.
1. Upgrades the trust in the management - Employees and Employers' levels of trust and
respect in administration are evident once they are ready to communicate next to their
superiors about something. It is completely obvious that when they have been
understood, they feel more connected to those that appreciate their opinions. Employees
in this situation think the same thing about their supervisors and executives. Once
employees perceive like their own opinions are indeed being acknowledged, their
confidence levels are rising, which is a great predictor for such a company.
2. The focus of the employees is more on a communication approach - Employees
employers can consider focusing once people think they had institutional reform who has
always been aware and hearing. Entrepreneurs are pushed to achieve better gains and
come up with innovative solutions to problems. Ultimately, they are delighted at work,
which increases employee satisfaction within the organization, which is important,
notably in these challenging times.
3. Innovating new ideas and sharing of knowledge with its creation - All employees and
employers are distinct, according to their collection of skills and interests. When such
two components are mixed, companies like Amazon can produce yet another remedy that
usually addresses a problem most successfully. This even aids senior management to
determine suitable staff for any disciplinary on their reasoning willingness and ability to
concentrate upon that.

4. Development of the employee encouragement - Employee involvement is the procedure
throughout which personnel advertises the organization like Amazon to others, whether
through social networking sites or in reality. It is an essential measure of total solidarity
and respect amongst employers and employees. Whenever individuals inside of the
company hear out of its elevated, they feel valued and appreciated and of themselves as
an integral part of that as well (Motyka, 2018). As a response, if the situation arises, the
employees would not dare to talk out for their firm. It has a positive influence on the
issue of brand loyalty, which assists to acquire the finest people for the job.
Problem-solving in communication approach in the context of employee voice
1. Hold frequent interactions with workers regarding how well they are thinking right now.
Sessions with line supervisors should indeed be planned on a daily or monthly schedule
in every company's diary. This provides everybody with to option to address their
feelings when they become a bigger problem.
2. Probably will also not be ready to reply to every item of criticism. However, if they do
not really will get round to things, be certain that express how. Possessing this level of
courtesy and integrity for the staff can aid indicate that they have listened to and
appreciated their advice, though if Amazon can't solve the whole of their issues right
3. When a company commits to handling an issue, employees must know when they may
receive an answer. Incorporating feedback in a blueprint can help prevent employees
from considering as if they are not dedicated to addressing those issues to another step,
and it will offer customers often more able to share in the next.
4. If a person has worries that just might apply to everyone else in the company, bring the
subject to the notice of the rest of the staff. It becomes much easy to find the appropriate
solution if one can listen to everyone else's perspective and view.

Training and development of the considerations, roles, and
responsibilities with their best practices
Training and development
The main source of human resource management is training and development. Training is a
process in which an individual is trained and gets knowledge about their work (Krithika et al.,
2019). Training refers to the work that is organized in a good manner and is guided by the
supervisor followed by the employee related to their jobs. Amazon said that it will employ
almost 1 lakh workers from all over the world in these upcoming years. Amazon says that it will
provide training and development to the worker that they are hiring.
The work that is already working in their company for them amazon will provide new
technologies and new techniques that will help in their development and for the new workers that
are, Amazon is hiring they will provide the proper training related to their work. Amazon's goal
from starting is to maintain its sustainability with not more profit but to maintain its
competitiveness in the market. Amazon is a company that is easy to understand people and is
very flexible. In Amazon, they have divided people for different works and made them a team to
work together as a team as one.
Human Resource Management supports the staff and appreciates them to work more and harder
to achieve the goal and gives employees a chance to shine themselves in front of everyone. HRM
gives employees enough opportunities to shine themselves and to enhance their overall
personality. HRM gives them training in a proper way and helps them in the very single way this
led to their development also.
As per Company Individual, that gained an inner Amazon file, Amazon had also established a
reskilling system called Pivot which enables undervalued employees to improve, remove the e-
commerce massive knowingly and willingly to severance, or attraction an owner's move to put
people inside the initiative. Every company’s success is depended on the proper management and
the rules they are following.
Their policy should be that not only focus on effective cost and products but also by the time
they should also innovate their strategies and their model. As Amazon is awarded to have the
best human resource management in the company. Amazon's main Hr strategies refer to
individual actions focused on providing an opening for any workers. These comprise work pro-

government and – anti policies. An Amazon Ethical behavior, which might also be shown on the
firm's site, provides these provisions (Jena et al., 2018). These were supported by that the firm's
safety and security regulations, but are of vital importance.
As a consequence, Amazon offers a safe operating environment for the workers without
discrimination. HRM Policies of Amazon also implies that they train their employee in such a
way that they can handle their problems related to the company and can also guide the other
employees of the company to improve their skills and development and work related to the
company. Amazon's personnel management strategies reflect its management style. Companies
apply the SHRM concept, which says that almost all human resource decisions must be in
alignment with the strategic direction of the organization.
The process requires achieving lengthy gains by the use of talented employees. As a
consequence, Amazon's main goal is to build the appropriate leadership by learning and
developing necessary talents or values. Those managers were projected to increase a firm's
market presence.
Roles and responsibilities
Human Resource Management is responsible for all the things that are happened in the
organization (Ghani and Hyder, 2020). That includes the development of the employee, training
of the employee, misunderstanding, and complications between the employees, hiring of the
workers and firing them, in which place the employee will be, what type of employee will be,
HRM dedicates all the work accordingly so these are the basic roles and responsibilities of
Human Resource Management.
HR is in the firm's management and is dedicated to its mission and goals. Internal
communication through achievement, career planning to corporate governance, job involvement,
and regulatory conformity is now all sectors wherein HR generalists shine. As a result, they're
ready to work in Amazon's center and also as trading partners to top management throughout all
elements of the customer life cycle.
Human Resource Management is the main stem of the organization that sees all the aspects of
the company and people and supervises them and trains them to achieve the goals for the
company and to develop the personality of the employees. Without the HR permission, no step is
taken forward and no decision is taken without the permission of the HR. Human Resource
Management appoints all the employees and takes their interview and they dedicate work to the

employees accordingly. Human Resource Management handles all the problems (Dixon-woods
et al., 2019). If there any problem occurs in the management all the things are done by the HRM.
Many practices are performed by Human Resource Management of Amazon as carrier
opportunities for the people, training for the people, and communication practice for the people's
development. Many practices are followed by the Human Resource Management are-
1. They find employees with great skills that are willing to do the work and with great
potential. However, it’s tough for Human Resource Management to find people like this.
2. Human Resource Management creates a friendly environment for the employees and
favorable working conditions so that they can work comfortably and more effectively.
3. They create a pleasant atmosphere in the atmosphere and make employees comfortable
sharing thoughts and problems with them.
4. They constantly keep motivating their employees by giving them compensation and
bonus for their good and extra work and set competition so that people will work more
effectively as they set competition and if employees win that competition, they give the
employee of the month so it makes employee active and energetic.
5. They give all the employees training and coaching about the company related to their
work so that helps employees to gain their knowledge, it also helps them to be more
confident and presentable in front of everyone.
6. They teach them different techniques from time to time so they don’t lack behind and
they will move on according to time and technology.

This report concludes with managing human resources of the chosen company which is Amazon,
human resource management means that Human resource management is an organized but all set
of managerial, as well as the working environment and atmosphere. Good HRMS inspires
workers to participate more productively, raising the overall productivity levels and supporting
the group in reaching the firm's short-range and long mission and targets. Without an effective
Human Resource Department, a business cannot develop a stronger team of specialists. The
Human Resources Management (HRM) team's main duties involve hiring members, teaching
employees, providing sufficient performance evaluations, motivating and encouraging staff,
worker involvement, safe working conditions, and far more.
This report has explained the development of strategies and the use of techniques that can be
used to enhance employee involvement and engagement, some theories and analyses of these
recommendations have also been explained with the proper information which includes some
advantages and disadvantages of the strategies selected accurately. Furthermore, it has also
concluded about the communication approach which has assisted greater employee voice, some
benefits for both employers and employees with the theories and best practices in the area of
upward problem solving and representative methods in consideration of employee voice.
Training and development have been considered in the business proposal of the company chosen
which is Amazon to enhance both managers and employees by understanding their roles and
responsibilities, also it has been quoted relevant theories and best practices which have helped
the human resource management.
Human resource management not only helps in staffing or recruitment of the employees but also
enhances the overall staff or the team efforts and helps to create a valid working environment. It
has been seen that some issues are being faced by the multi-national organizations in the process
of human resource management and the major issue is lack of communication among

Executives that utilize the strongest resource management approach, in their experience, are
much more qualified and therefore can make better use of the available resources to jump-start
their businesses. Unfortunately, this could only be accomplished if the administration does much
more than simply adopt emerging styles; they should predict and respond to current and
innovative prospects in employee engagement even before the rest of the economy (Akkermans
et al., 2019). In this approach, using a preventative rather than just a concept in psychology
shows the significance of the case of strategic management in manufacturing procedures to
enable capability change in the market. It is crucial to analyze vital points and the requirement
for retraining. It also is helpful in terms of reducing the maximum retraining costs involved with
the personnel.
A very well HRM plan is vital for controlling the appropriate personnel, which is required for
successful technology implementation and incorporation. Make use of statistics and investigation
techniques to understand trends and spot abnormal changes.

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