Monthly Test - July - 16thjuly

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7/16/22, 3:39 PM Monthly Test- July_16thJuly

Rosary High Schooll-Badlapur

Board: CBSE Class: NA Subject Name: Social Science Test Name: Monthly Test- July_16thJuly
Maximum Marks: 20 Total Time: 30 Minutes
1. According to the given inscription in this chapter, the word 'bird' stands for 1 Mark

a. L

b. M

c. N

d. A

Right Answer:
d. A

‘Bird’ stands for 'A'.

2. According to the given inscriptions, the word 'lion' stands for... 1 Mark

a. L

b. M

c. K

d. R

Right Answer:
a. L

According to given inscription in this chapter, 'lion' stands for 'L'.

3. The abbreviation 'AD' stands for: 1 Mark

a. After Date

b. Anti Domini

c. Anno Domini

d. After Domini

Right Answer:
c. Anno Domini

Anno Domini stands for two Latin words 'Anno' and 'Domini' which means the 'Year of the Lord' (i.e. Christ).

4. All dates before the birth of Christ are counted backwards and are usually referred as 1 Mark

a. BC

b. AD

c. CE

d. Middle Age

Right Answer:
a. 1/6
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The full form of 'BC' is 'Before Christ'.

5. Christianity is based on the teachings of 1 Mark

a. Zoroaster

b. Jesus Christ

c. Gautam Buddha

d. Prophet Mohammad

Right Answer:
b. Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity. Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world.

6. The Iranians and the Greeks who came 2500 years ago were familiar with Indus and called called it 1 Mark

a. Hindos or Indos

b. Panchal

c. Beas

d. Ravi

Right Answer:
a. Hindos or Indos

The land to the east of the river was called India.

7. The word 'India' comes form the word 'Indus' and the meaning of Indus in Sanskrit is 1 Mark

a. Ganga
b. Yamuna

c. Saraswati

d. Sindhu

Right Answer:
d. Sindhu

Two of the words we often use for our country are India and Bharat.

8. About 8000 years ago, women and men first began to cultivate crops such as wheat and barley in 1 Mark

a. Sulaiman and Kirthar hills

b. Garo hills

c. Chambal

d. Aravallis

Right Answer:
a. Sulaiman and Kirthar hills 2/6
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People also began domesticating animals like sheep, goat and cattle, and lived in villages.

9. The manuscripts are preserved in 1 Mark

a. Libraries.

b. Museums.

c. Temples.

d. Schools.

Right Answer:
c. Temples.

But many manuscripts were eaten away by insects, some were destroyed. They dealt with all kinds of subjects: religious beliefs and practices, the lives of
kings, medicine and science.

10. In the inscription discovered from Rosetta the triangle denotes the alphabet 1 Mark

a. M.

b. O.

c. Y.

d. K.

Right Answer:
d. K.

In the inscription that was discovered in Rosetta, alphabets were represented by different symbols.

11. How does the excavation of bones help archaeologists? 1 Mark

a. Indicates soil type

b. Indicates religious belief

c. Indicates food habits

d. Indicates economic structure

Right Answer:
c. Indicates food habits

The excavation of bones of animals, birds, and fish help archaeologists to know about the food habits of people.

12. The two tributaries of the Indus are 1 Mark

a. Yamuna and Gandak.

b. Kabul and Luni.

c. Gomti and Ghaghara.

d. Ravi and Jhelum.

Right Answer:
d. Ravi and Jhelum. 3/6
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Punjab is derived from the medieval Persian language, in which it means “land of five rivers" namely Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej, and Beas.

13. Most of the manuscripts were written in 1 Mark

a. Prakrit.

b. Hindi.

c. Tamil.

d. Sanskrit.

Right Answer:
d. Sanskrit.

The manuscripts are carefully preserved in the temples. These manuscripts deals with different subjects like religious belief and practices, lives of kings,
medicine and science. There are some epics, poems and plays available in the form of epics. They shower light on the social life of the people.

14. The information gathered by the historians from inscriptions, manuscripts and archaeology is called 1 Mark

a. A finding

b. A source

c. An artefact

d. An evidence

Right Answer:
b. A source

The information gathered by historians from inscriptions, manuscripts and archaeology are called a source. These sources are widely used by historians to
reconstruct history.

15. The cities developed on the gangetic plain 1 Mark

a. about 2000 years ago.

b. about 2500 years ago.

c. about 3000 years ago.

d. about 3500 years ago.

Right Answer:
b. about 2500 years ago.

This was possible because the rivers facilitated quick transportation system and hence quite effectively helped the trade to flourish. This encouraged the
rural people to come to these areas and settle down.

16. The dates prior to the birth of the Christ are usually referred to as 1 Mark

a. BC

b. AD

c. CE

d. BCE

Right Answer:
a. BC 4/6
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The full form of BC is 'Before Christ'. The dates are counted backwards from the date of birth of Jesus Christ.

17. Rosetta is located in which country? 1 Mark

a. Egypt.

b. Greece.

c. Rome.

d. Spain.

Right Answer:
a. Egypt.

Rosetta is a town on the northern coast of Egypt. An inscribed stone was found here, which contained inscriptions in three different languages and scripts.

18. In which language is the Rigveda written? 1 Mark

a. Hindi

b. Prakrit

c. Kharoshti

d. Sanskrit

Right Answer:
d. Sanskrit

The Rigveda is written in Sanskrit. It is the earliest composition in Sanskrit dating 3500 years ago.

19. In which countries are the Sulaiman and Kirthar hills located? 1 Mark

a. India- Pakistan

b. Nepal-India

c. Afghanistan- Pakistan

d. Afghanistan-India

Right Answer:
c. Afghanistan- Pakistan

The Sulaiman and Kirthar hills are presently situated in the countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The area around these hills saw the earliest cultivation of
foodgrains and the rearing of animals some 8000 years ago.

20. Which of these is a tributary of the river Ganga? 1 Mark

a. Hindon

b. Jhelum

c. Narmada

d. Son

Right Answer:
d. Son 5/6
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River Son, which flows through central India is the second-largest southern tributary of river Ganga after the Yamuna. 6/6

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